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Chapter 45 The Sun God Apollo

Seeing that Ye Mu didn't answer his question for a while, Dionysus asked again: "Tell me, your name."

Ye Mu looked up at him, and said proudly: "Remember my name, the god from afar. My name is An Luosi, and one day my name will make the whole Olympus tremble .”

Dionysus, the god of wine, was shocked by Ye Mu's brazen words, and it took him a long time to withdraw the shocked expression on his face.Dionysus looked back and forth at Ye Mu and then smiled. He looked at Ye Mu meaningfully and said, "I'm looking forward to it,!"

Dionysus, the god of wine, presented Ye Mu with a jug of wine made by himself, and then continued on his journey of spreading faith in the Greek countries. The sharp dagger strapped between his legs was given to Dionysus.

The god of wine held the sharp silver dagger, his eyes were full of surprise.He couldn't put it down, rubbing the blade of the dagger repeatedly with his fingers, and exclaimed: "This blade is so sharp that it can cut through a shield made of the strongest leather, and it is no worse than the weapon made by the god of fire, Hephaestus. "

Ye Mu smiled without saying a word. In this backward era when bronze weapons were still used, this sharp dagger made of stainless steel is indeed a magic weapon.Saying goodbye to Dionysus, Ye Mu hung the water bag filled with the water from the source of the Moses River on his waist, then picked up the huge rock and walked back along the way he came.

A few months later, Ye Mu listened to the story of Dionysus, the God of Dionysus, who taught women how to make wine in the Greek countries. The gods built temples, and chose the most pure and beautiful girls in the city as sacrifices to serve Dionysus, the god of wine.Ye Mu smiled and listened to the traveler's vivid description of how Dionysus, the god of wine, punished Pentheus, the king of Thebes who disrespected him.

As usual, Ye Mu drove the cattle to graze on the opposite grassland.When he arrived at the prairie where he usually grazes, he found that a herd of cattle was already grazing there.Ye Mu thought for a moment, then drove the cattle forward for a short distance and then stopped.This is an empty grassland, Ye Mu parked the cattle here and let the cattle graze freely.Then he sat on a piece of grass next to him and began to be bored in a daze.

"Hey! Boy! Your cows are taking over my pasture."

A rude and savage voice interrupted Ye Mu's contemplation, and he was in a daze. Ye Mu turned his head and saw a man wearing the sacrificial clothes in the temple standing there.

Ye Mu frowned and said in confusion: "Where did my cattle occupy your grassland? This grassland is not yours."

The man said fiercely: "I was the first to drive the cattle to graze in this grassland, and this grassland is mine."

Ye Mu gave a huff and said angrily, "Hey! Your cows are still grazing well there, and I didn't compete with you for the fattest piece of grass."

The implication is, don't come here just looking for trouble without knowing what is good or bad.

It's a pity that there are always so many people in this world who don't understand human language, and they often like to ask for their own death.

The man held his head proudly and said: "I am the priest of the temple of the great sun god Apollo, and the cattle I graze are all sacrifices to the great sun god Apollo. Boy, get out of here! If you offend the great sun god Apollo Apollo, the sun god, you will feel better when the time comes!"

Ye Mu felt unhappy immediately, he was very disgusted with this man's arrogant appearance, it was nothing more than a dog's power!Not to mention, Ye Mu didn't like the sun god Apollo whom he had never met.

Ye Mu looked at the man sarcastically and said hypocritically while clutching his chest: "I'm so scared! So scared, so scared!"

The man immediately felt complacent. He turned his nostrils to the sky and said, "The kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth knows to be afraid! Hmph!".The man's eyes looked at the herd of cattle grazing on the grass that Ye Mu raised in front of him.

"Boy! If you want to gain the forgiveness of the sun god Apollo, then sacrifice your cows to him." The man said arrogantly.

Ye Mu sneered, he saw what is called a rascal today.Ye Mu stroked the shepherd's whip back and forth repeatedly, he stared coldly at the man, then held the shepherd's whip up high, lowered it down and lashed at the man.

"Ah!" The man suddenly let out a scream, his face turned pale with pain.

" hit me! You are not afraid that the great sun god Apollo will punish you!" The man tremblingly gritted his teeth and spoke harshly.

It’s okay if you don’t say this, but when you say it, Ye Mu’s anger is completely ignited. He laughed in anger: "Go to your sister’s sun god Apollo! Go to your sister’s god!"

Ye Mu slapped the priest of Apollo, the sun god, hard, not only was he puzzled, but panicked.After so many years, Ye Mu has really seen what is called the supremacy of theocracy, the gods interfere and manipulate human life, and human beings are always the most humble in front of the noble gods.

It seems that I have to return to Mount Olympus early, or I will die of aggrieved sooner or later.Ye Mu thought fiercely, when I return to Mount Olympus, no matter whether you are Apollo or Hera, I will kill you all!God to your sister!

Although Ye Mu hates and despises the Greek gods from the bottom of his heart, he has to admit that it is indeed a good thing to have the identity of a god.It's like you hate those high-ranking officials who are rich and unkind, but you also have to admit the benefits of the privileged class.

Ye Mu beat the man away and then continued to sit on the grass grazing the cattle bored. He tore off a piece of pasture and put it in his mouth to bite.Suddenly, a golden light flashed, and a beautiful and noble woman in fine clothes appeared in front of Ye Mu's eyes. This was Lachesis, the goddess of fate.

Lachesis, the goddess of fate, looked at Ye Mu tenderly, and she said in a soft and noble voice: "Ignorant and fearless An Luosi! You know that you have caused a catastrophe."

Ye Mu bowed to the goddess, and said modestly: "My kind goddess! Can you tell me what trouble I caused?"

Lachesis, the goddess of fate, continued: "You injured the priest of Apollo, the sun god, and he is accusing you of your crimes to Apollo, the sun god!"

Ye Mu sneered in his heart but put on a frightened look on his face, he said with a frightened expression: "Goddess of Mercy! Can you tell me what should I do?"

Lachesis, the goddess of fate, smiled and said, "Don't worry, you just need to sacrifice your herd to Apollo to appease his anger."

Ye Mu immediately cursed in his heart, a bunch of shameless people!A pair of shameless master and servant!Want my herd, dream!

Ye Mu endured the anger in his heart, tried his best to calm down and said, "I understand, thank you for your guidance, benevolent goddess!"

The goddess listened to Ye Mu's answer with satisfaction, she looked at Ye Mu with a smile on her face, and another golden light flashed across the goddess' figure and disappeared.

As soon as the goddess disappeared, Ye Mu immediately put down his face and looked extremely displeased. He deeply felt that the Greek gods were too rogue and domineering, and they were simply deceiving too much!Apollo... good!I remember you!Ye Mu sneered, and the name Apollo circled on the tip of his tongue, thus unilaterally forging deep resentment between him and Apollo.

After a long time on Mount Olympus, Apollo has been trying his best to show love to Ye Mu and seek closeness, but the response he always gets is only Ye Mu's cold eyes and mocking face. For this reason, Apollo's heart is broken, and he is deeply haggard and melancholy !It can only be said that all of this is the arrangement of fate!It's the masterpiece of the cheating Goddess of Destiny!Apollo, consider yourself unlucky!

Apollo always thought that the romantic and beautiful encounter in the green forest on Mount Olympus was the first time he and Ye Mu met. Good memories are hidden deep in his heart, but he doesn't know that he and Ye Mu have known each other a long time ago.It was that encounter that formed the relationship between Ye Mu and him, and made Apollo suffer from Ye Mu's mistreatment and neglect.

A man wearing golden dazzling long-distance running clothes appeared in front of Ye Mu's eyes. The man had golden hair shining like the sun, his eyes were as blue and clear as the sky, and his face was as handsome as a god.The man is carrying a bow and arrow behind his back, and his figure is tall and fit.

The moment he saw this man, Ye Mu knew who this man was without anyone's promotion, Apollo, the sun god.Sure enough, he is the sun god!This appearance is really... golden!

Looking at the young child in front of him, Apollo frowned and asked, "Human, have you seen any other cattle herders around here?"

Ye Mu rolled his eyes, and he stretched out his hand to point everywhere and said, "Just now there was a very strong man driving the cattle towards that side."

So Apollo walked in the direction Ye Mu pointed. Ye Mu blinked and watched Apollo leave, with a weird smile on his lips.There lives the ugliest female monster in Greece. That female monster has no other hobbies, her only hobby is loving beautiful men.

After a long time, the slightly embarrassed Apollo appeared in front of Ye Mu again, and he said angrily: "Damn human! How dare you fool me! I will punish you."

At this moment, another burst of golden light flashed, and Lachesis, the goddess of fate, appeared again.She looked at the furious Apollo and said, "Apollo, I must stop you from punishing this daring human being in front of you."

Apollo said angrily: "Lachesis, are you trying to stop me? For a human?"

Lachesis, the goddess of fate, said calmly: "Apollo, this is the guidance of fate. This child, he is destined to return to Mount Olympus."

Apollo was silent for a moment, and he knew in his heart that it was Zeus's romantic debt again.

Seeing this, Ye Mu immediately approached Apollo, and said with tears in his face, "Please forgive my disrespect, great and benevolent Apollo, the sun god, I am willing to dedicate to you the most beautiful and majestic man in the world." , for your forgiveness."

Ye Mu hurriedly took out a wooden statue and held it in his hands. That wooden statue was clearly carved with Apollo.

The anger on Apollo's face dissipated quite a bit. He took the wooden statue in Ye Mu's hand and smiled, and said proudly: "Human, you have the wisest judgment."

Ye Mu couldn't help but sneered when he saw Apollo's anger subsided, he was really a narcissistic and arrogant god.

This is the first meeting between Ye Mu and Apollo, not a very good first meeting.Perhaps, this is the guidance of fate, the beginning of all entanglements, and the source of Apollo's tragedy.

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