Nine Realms · Fantasy World Record

Chapter 41 The Magical Chance

Cang Yan Luochen's shock and doubts were not answered, because the little fox's third brother woke up.

"Little brother, why do you want Third Brother to hold a wedding with the Demon King?"

Jun Shuiren, who was slowly returning to consciousness, vaguely heard the conversation between Jun Wei and the Demon King. He didn't mean to blame the younger brother, he knew that the younger brother would not harm him.From the moment the younger brother opened his eyes, the younger brother was very well-behaved. He didn't behave like ordinary children, and he was different from ordinary young foxes.So, he just wanted to know why.

Why?Jun Wei didn't speak, just looked at the third brother leaning on the bed.The third brother is different from the eldest brother and the second brother. In fact, to be precise, the appearance and figure of the third brother are more in line with the identity of the nine-tailed demon fox.

The third brother is slender but also slender, with fair skin and smooth black hair.What people can't ignore most is the charming appearance of the third brother, a small oval face, a ruddy cherry mouth, a pair of charming peach blossom eyes, and slender eyebrows.

"Third brother, you look really good-looking." The only shortcoming is that the third brother's sense of presence is too low, especially when the third brother is in a place with a little more people, it is almost empty.

Jun Shuiren looked at his younger brother with a gentle smile, what is this child talking about?How can there be an ordinary-looking existence in the fox family?All of them are beautiful and charming.

"Third brother, how did you meet that demon king? Why did the eldest brother and second brother get poisoned and injured? And third brother, if I don't arrive in time, something will happen to you."

Looking left and right, Jun Wei was sure that the third brother's complexion had improved a lot, so he kicked off his shoes, climbed onto the bed, and got into the third brother's arms.

In his previous life, Jun Wei didn't like to get close to people because of his status. Later, he developed a habit. Even when he was with that person, he tried to minimize the contact between them.

But this world is different. When I first met my three older brothers, Jun Wei felt the warmth flowing into my heart at the moment when he was hugged by the elder brother. Since then, I fell in love with others' arms.Of course, this other person was referring to the three elder brothers.

Therefore, when Jun Wei and the three brothers are together, most of the time, Jun Wei will curl up in the arms of a certain brother.

Embracing the little brother's small body, Jun Shuiren adjusted his sitting posture so that the little brother in his arms could be more comfortable.Jun Shuiren likes the obvious dependent behavior of the younger brother, and never feels unhappy that the younger brother is still so childish now that he has grown up a lot. In Jun Shuiren's eyes, the younger brother is still a child when he grows up, well-behaved lovable child.

Looking at the intimate picture in front of him, Cang Yan Luochen curled his lips and floated out of the room. What's so interesting about the reunion of his brothers? Anyway, as long as he doesn't get too far away from the little fox, it's fine. He just happens to be able to visit this magic palace. There are not many such opportunities.

"I met the Demon King in the capital. From the moment we met, he has been pestering me endlessly, but I didn't know he was the Demon King at that time. Later, your eldest brother and your second brother and I got a landscape painting by chance. This painting Well, it’s actually a treasure map, which was seen by the second brother.”

The rest of the matter is actually very simple. The eldest brother is lively and active. Now that he has a treasure map, he can't wait to set off as soon as possible.After verification by the second brother, the treasure map is real, but it has been thousands of years, but it is not known whether the treasure still exists.

However, after deliberation, the second brother still agreed to the treasure hunt, and it happened to be the time to go back to visit the younger brother. When the time came, the treasure was found, which could be regarded as a gift for the younger brother.

The location of the treasure is in the Demon Forest, also known as the Death Forest.There are no ordinary animals and monsters in the forest, only monsters in the forest, which are tall, ferocious and terrifying, and are said to be a kind of beast from the devil world.

Several groups of people went to the Demon Forest to look for treasures, among them was the Demon King, there were also practitioners, of course there were other monsters, and even ordinary humans.

There are only three groups of people who can reach the last level and see the treasure, and the three elder brothers are naturally one of them, the other is the devil king, and the third is the cultivators.

The three elder brothers were the last to reach the treasure, so when they arrived, the group of demon kings had already fought with the cultivators, and the mantis, cicada and oriole were behind, and the treasure was naturally obtained by the three elder brothers, but they also Withstood the attacks of the Demon King and several practitioners.

Although the devil entangled the third brother, he never saw the eldest brother and the second brother, and when they were in front of the treasure, the eldest brother and the second brother were separated from the third brother, so the devil hurt the eldest brother and the second brother, and the third brother also Know the identity of the Demon King.

"Little brother, when will the eldest brother and the second brother wake up? And little brother, how did you make the antidote? Who taught you?" Jun Shuiren still didn't believe that the younger brother made the antidote by himself. After all, he is a demon king, so how can the poison used by the demon king be mediocre?

"Don't worry, I'll probably wake up at night. As for the antidote, I really didn't make it myself. A mysterious existence told me the formula, and then I made it. My strength was also given by that existence." Arrived Now, he still doesn't know why that existence would do this, but since someone gave it, he wants it.

"He took you in as his apprentice? Do you know his name? Where does he live? When we go back, I will go to meet you with your eldest brother and second brother. I have to thank you very much."

Touching his little brother's head, Jun Shuiren was very happy that his little brother had such an opportunity.Because the younger brother is just an ordinary blue fox, the mother was worried a lot back then, and the three brothers were equally worried.But now that the little brother has a good opportunity, the worries of the mother and them will not come true.

"He didn't accept me as an apprentice, I just passed on his power, as for his name, I don't know, he didn't tell me, I don't know where he lives, usually he will come to see me if he wants to see me Me." And he was still asleep, so in this life, he prefers to sleep late.

That mysterious existence gave him power, taught him how to use the power, and occasionally gave him a few pointers on cultivation, but other than that, he didn't tell him anything.But with these two points alone, that mysterious existence is indeed his master.

"Oh? Is there such a person? Hehe, since this is the case, I should cherish this opportunity even more. In the cultivation world, only the strong have the right to speak. Third brother, he is not strong enough, otherwise he will be trapped by the devil it's here?"

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Where exactly is that mysterious existence?Why do you take a fancy to the little fox?

And why did the little fox let Jun Shuiren and the Demon King hold a wedding?Hee hee, stay tuned.Of course, don’t forget to leave the tickets!

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