Nine Realms · Fantasy World Record

Chapter 103 Side Effects of Charm

On the thirteenth day of the first lunar month, except for the two ordinary people Jun Wei and Cang Yan Luochen, those who are cultivators have returned one after another.Seeing Hong and his mother Hu Ji finally appear in Pingyun Hall, Jun Wei's blue eyes flashed with joy, and he stepped forward to greet the two elders. The first sentence Jun Wei said was not "Welcome!" Come back..." "Uncle Hong, help me figure out if something will happen to me in the near future? Mo Zhanyun couldn't figure it out."

Hong looked at Jun Wei who came to greet him in amazement, and took Jun Wei's little hand and walked into the hall.Seeing Mo Zhanyun sitting in the hall, Hong asked his doubts, "Zhanyun, Xiaowei said that you couldn't figure out what was going to happen to him?"

Mo Zhanyun's expression was no longer as relaxed as usual, obviously the question he asked had troubled him for a long time.Mo Zhanyun got up, looked at Jun Wei who was being held in Hong's hands, and said: "I used all the divination methods I know to divination for Jun Wei, but none of them worked, all the methods showed The results are all the same—unable to calculate. In the end, I even used our eighteen original divination methods, but the result is still the same, which makes me feel very difficult to understand. Our eighteen original divination methods The method has never had unforeseeable results."

Mo Zhanyun is a direct disciple of the head of the Eighteen Sects, and his ability can be imagined to be not that kind of ordinary person, so after hearing what Mo Zhanyun said, Hong's expression became serious, and he looked down at his eyes. Jun Wei, who was looking forward to it, walked towards the bedroom.Fox Ji didn't follow, she took the youngest son's hand, found two seats, and chatted with each other.

An hour later, Hong walked out of the bedroom and came to Jun Wei and Fox Ji, looking at Jun Wei with deep thought, "Sorry, Xiao Wei, I couldn't figure out what was going to happen to you either."

From Hong's expression, Jun Wei saw the seriousness of this matter. Jun Wei raised his finger and pointed to the chair next to him, motioning for Hong to sit down and talk, and then asked, "Uncle Hong, I can't predict a person's hexagram." Elephant, what does this mean? Is this something dangerous?"

Hong shook his head and sat down, "It's not dangerous, but if you are in danger again, we won't know, and we won't be able to find a way to rescue you." This point is for everyone who cares about Xiaowei. For humans, it is a great hidden danger.It is impossible for Xiaowei to be by their side forever. If one day Xiaowei is out alone, how will they find out Xiaowei's situation?

Jun Wei pondered for a moment, looked up at Hong, and asked, "Uncle Hong, under normal circumstances, who can't figure out who's hexagram?" His future is unknown...?

"People outside the realm," then, Hong compared to the sky, and said: "Existences like immortal emperors, that is, the masters of a realm, and people with very powerful power." After finishing speaking, Hong fell silent. In the legend, there is another kind of person whose fate cannot be calculated by divination, that is, the person favored by the God of Destiny, but first of all, whether there is a God of Destiny in this world is still a question, and secondly, his own fortune-telling technique It's not very powerful. If you want to compare it with Da Luo Jinxian, it can only be seen as a small witch, so he is really not sure about the situation of this child Xiao Wei.

Leaving aside what Hong was thinking, Jun Wei was overwhelmed by Hong's first answer—a person outside the realm.After coming to this world, Jun Wei found that there are many similarities with the world in his previous life, and the culture, language, and appearance of the people are all exactly the same as the world in his previous life.When he first learned about the composition of this world, the master told him that this place and his previous life are related to the internal and external world, but later when he came into contact with the residents of this world—Nuan Qian and Cang Yan Luochen, he was told that, This world is an independent world, but no matter what, his soul comes from another dimension, so thinking about it so carefully, he doesn't know if he is considered an outsider.

"Xiao Wei," Hong said suddenly after being silent for a while, "don't worry about this problem anymore, I'm just a loose fairy, and my divination skills are not much better than Zhan Yun's, so this is probably my skill. It’s because you’re not smart. But you, Xiaowei, why do you suddenly want to know what will happen to yourself in the future? Did something happen to you, Xiaowei?”

Jun Wei shook his head, "It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly had this intuition today. It's nothing, Uncle Hong, but I'm bothering you and making you troubled."

Hong smiled indifferently, "I have nothing to do, we are a family, why bother? Xiaowei, don't worry about anything, if you can't solve it, you can tell your family to help, your three This brother is very happy!" Hong Xiaoxiao joked.

Hearing this, Jun Wei stretched her delicate eyebrows, and said without hesitation: "Well, I will, but why haven't I seen a few brothers these days? Do Uncle Hong and mother know where they went?" Just in case, he really needed the help of his three brothers.

Speaking of this, Hu Ji covered her lips and smiled lightly, "Bing'er and Yan'er are in retreat, they probably will come out today or tomorrow, Shui'er has already left the retreat, there is something wrong if you don't come back now, don't worry, Shui'er will be back tonight." It was a beautiful picture of the sons loving each other.

What Hu Ji said was right, Jun Shuiren came back that night, while Jun Bingzhi and Jun Moyan returned to Pingyun Hall on the next day, that is, the fourteenth day of the first lunar month.When the brothers met, there was a lot of excitement, and Jun Wei was carried away from Cang Yan Luochen's side by the three brothers.

Today is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival. Jun Wei, who has already inquired about the activities of the Lantern Festival, came to the largest square in Shengjing City with her three brothers early. Today, this square is not only for the Lantern Festival. The ceremony will also hold a ceremony for the new emperor's appointment, so it will be more lively than in previous years. It is still Maoshi time, and there are already many people in the square.

Jun Wei and his three older brothers, Mo Zhanyun, Cang Yan Luochen and the others divided into small groups and wandered around the square, eating delicious snacks along the way. Jun Wei felt satisfied that it was worth getting up so early. There are so many types of snacks, and the tastes are very unique, and they will not make people feel full. It is the first time that he thinks that snacks can be so delicious. No wonder that idiot female killer in the previous life is so passionate about the city. snack.

The grand square of Shengjing City is located in the center of Shengjing City. This square is very, very large. Jun Wei has seen it visually. Based on his experience of traveling to various cities in his previous life, the square of Shengjing City is undoubtedly the largest he has ever seen.After some walking around, it was almost noon, and I found a place with a good view. It was still a tree. Jun Wei and his three brothers sat on the thick branches, waiting for the good show to be staged.

As soon as noon arrived, the ceremony for the new emperor's appointment began, and the square was quiet.Half an hour later, at noon, a golden divine light suddenly descended from the sky, covering Emperor Yaori's whole body.Seeing this divine light, Jun Wei's light blue eyes flashed a hint of surprise. He thought it was just a legend, but he didn't expect it to actually exist. Could this divine light be descended from a certain god in the fairy world?The baptism of divine light lasted for only a quarter of an hour. When the divine light disappeared, Jun Wei's eyes with excellent eyesight clearly saw the changes of Emperor Yaori, and his whole person had an indescribable dignity and majesty. The momentum is even different from the past.

What an interesting light!Jun Wei smiled inexplicably, there was nothing to see in the ceremony, Jun Wei pulled the sleeve of the second brother Jun Moyan and said to the brothers: "Let's go back, I'm a little tired, after the rest, I'm going to I have something to do." The elder brothers who would never refute what their younger brother said immediately hugged the younger brother and left the still quiet square.

Back at Pingyun Hall, Jun Wei had lunch and rested for a while, half of the noon had passed, counting the time, Jun Wei came to the second elder brother Jun Moyan, pulled Jun Moyan's clothes and acted like a baby Said calmly: "Second brother, I have something to go to the palace, can you go with me?" From the beginning of the meeting, Jun Wei knew that this man who had become the emperor was more difficult to deal with than when he was a prince before. Jun Wei knew that the city and calculations were not as good as the current emperor, so he thought of his second brother. Among them, only the second brother's city mansion is the deepest.

No matter how deep Jun Moyan's city was, he would never use it on his beloved younger brother, and he was very obedient to his younger brother's words, so he agreed to his request without even thinking about it.Bending over to pick up his beloved younger brother, Jun Moyan flew towards the direction indicated by the younger brother.

In the palace, Emperor Yaori, who had finished everything, was quietly waiting for Jun Weidi to arrive, thinking about all his plans and arrangements, thinking about how likely the plan would be to succeed, and thinking about how he would be when the plan was successful. For everything that will be obtained, the palms of the hands are slightly sweating because of this.

"Yo, Emperor, hello."

A brisk greeting woke up Yaori Emperor who was still in deep thought. Yaori Emperor was shocked to see Jun Wei who suddenly appeared in the study and the strange man holding Jun Wei. Yaori Emperor quietly swallowed his saliva , Is this the power of the cultivation world?Flying to the sky and escaping from the ground turned out to be true, if one were to obtain such power, what would it be like...

"Your Majesty, what are you thinking?" An emotionless voice suddenly sounded, Emperor Yaori stopped breathing, and suddenly turned his gaze to the man holding Junwei, with a bad guess in his heart, this person would not Did you see what he was thinking?Who is this person from Junwei?

"Hehe," Emperor Yaori deserves to be Emperor Yaori, he stabilized his mood in just a few breaths, laughed dryly, and Emperor Yaori said: "I can think of something else, but your appearance is too sudden Yes, it just surprised me a little bit. Why, you didn’t bring your handsome servant over this time, why don’t you introduce him to me?”

Jun Wei signaled the second brother to put him down, then took the second brother's hand, walked to the chair and sat down, then said: "This is my second brother, you can call him the second young master. I won't say too much The nonsense is wasting your time, the new emperor must have a lot of things to do. I came here to want your blood, not much, just a small bottle is enough.” Said, Jun Wei took it out of his arms A small white jade medicine bottle that was only two inches high, and the other threw the medicine bottle to Emperor Yaori with force.

Emperor Yaori took the medicine bottle and played with it in his hand for about a minute. With a deep look in his eyes, he took out a dagger from the drawer and moved it to the palm of his left hand.At this time, Jun Moyan, who was silent after only one sentence, said another sentence, "Wait a minute, my little brother is still the imperial doctor of your imperial hospital, right?" The dagger in Emperor Yaori's hand, who opened his mouth but accelerated instantly, struck down.

The dagger was knocked down, Emperor Yaori's expression was a bit ugly, "Yes. Why, do you want to resign from the position of imperial physician?" Seeing that he was about to succeed in the first step, but he was discovered his intention, at that moment Emperor Yaori, who felt scared, was in a bad mood because he had such emotions that he should not have as an emperor, and at the same time he was mentally prepared to tear his face off with the other party.

"Let's not talk about this for now." Jun Moyan replied to Emperor Yaori without emotion, and then said to his younger brother without turning his head: "Little brother, since you are an imperial physician, let's check your emperor's body. I haven't done anything in line with my duties since I became an imperial physician." After speaking, Jun Moyan held his younger brother's white and tender hand, and passed a little of his strength to it.

After receiving the power and hearing the words of the second brother, Jun Wei understood what it meant, nodded immediately, got up and walked towards Emperor Yaori.Jun Moyan also got up and walked over, because he saw what the emperor was thinking, and he was worried that his younger brother would face it alone.

Emperor Yaori's mood became even worse, Youshen's eyes were full of anger, "If you dare to be disrespectful to the couplet, the union will punish you severely." A threat did not make the one big and one small who were gradually approaching stop, but it made Jun Wei The second brother raised his eyebrows mockingly.Emperor Yaori was even more angry, but at the same time he also knew that he would not be the opponent of Jun Wei's second brother, so he turned around and wanted to escape.

In an instant, Jun Moyan threw out a rope and tied Emperor Yaori tightly.Seeing this, Jun Wei pretended to be distressed and said: "Second brother, the blood I need must also include his sincere blessing, but now it seems that even getting blood is not feasible." This is indeed distressing.

Jun Moyan secretly said in his heart, "It's really troublesome." His dissatisfaction with Cang Yan Luochen increased a bit, but his face was still expressionless, "It's okay, just cast him a charm." After doing it, he can't let the younger brother do this, not to mention the fact that the younger brother lost his cultivation base, even if the younger brother still has cultivation base, he would not let the younger brother do it.

Although Emperor Yaori is the emperor of a country, and although he is different from ordinary people, he is still an ordinary person after all. After a short time, Jun Moyan successfully performed the charm technique. Now no matter what Jun Moyan said, Yaori Emperor Will nod in agreement.In this situation, Jun Wei checked Emperor Yaori's body smoothly, and then discovered the scheme in Emperor Yaori's heart.Jun Wei was not angry with Emperor Yaori, but rather admired this man, for the purpose in his heart, he actually made a bet for himself.

Admiration is nothing but admiration, what should be done is still to be done, after expelling the Gu worms in Emperor Yaori's body, and then using spiritual power to purify the blood of Emperor Yaori's body, Jun Wei successfully received the sincere blessing of Emperor Yaori blood.Smiling very happily, Jun Wei walked towards her second brother, reaching out to hug her.

Jun Moyan saw that his younger brother was happy, so he was also very happy. He picked up his younger brother, turned around and left the study, and at the same time dispelled the charm technique on Emperor Yaori.Although the charm technique was released, Emperor Yaori should have been happy, or even more angry with Jun Wei and his second brother's behavior, but Emperor Yaori's expression was just blank for a long time, until the eunuch called out "The empress dowager has arrived" before she came back to her senses and calmed down her mind again.

Jun Moyan, who had already returned to Pingyuntang with his little brother in his arms, would never have imagined that his actions just to help his little brother brought him a beautiful and extraordinary peach blossom. Is it a calamity?Or fate?No one knows.Later generations only knew that their most outstanding Emperor Yaori had never had a wife or concubine because of such a relationship.

Of course, this is another story, let's not talk about it for now.But Jun Wei got the blood he wanted, and gave it to Cang Yan Luochen without any treatment. The blood of the True Dragon Emperor is really very effective. After taking it for only half an hour, the curse on Cang Yan Luochen was cleared. Yan Luochen can build a foundation, and then step into the world of cultivation.For this result, Jun Wei and everyone in Pingyuntang were happy about it, and Cangyan Luochen, who was very happy, even cooked a table of good dishes, not only to express his gratitude to his little master, but also to thank the guests who lived in Pingyuntang .

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