"You'll know if you've walked or not!" After finishing speaking, Jun Wei walked towards the desert. Although it was only in the early stage of distraction, Jun Wei was no better than ordinary monks. The child's temperature is still not a problem for him.The four little warriors next to him didn't wear any heat-resistant cassocks, and the little master didn't care about such a little temperature, so why would they care?

Cang Yan Luochen shook his head slightly when he saw such a self-confident and daring dear, and then followed.Cangyan Luochen's subordinates, who were shocked by Jun Wei and Hui Xiaozhanjiang, all looked at their little mistress and those people in disbelief. What is the origin of this little mistress? What is the origin of the little warriors, why are they stronger than the other even though they are in the early stage of distraction?

The desert is huge and the temperature is very high. It is indeed not a place that ordinary people can bear.The further you go into the desert, the more Jun Wei becomes suspicious of the desert.In the previous life, Jun Wei walked through the largest desert in the world. It was very difficult because he was just an ordinary person when he walked, but in this life, he is already a practitioner. High or low temperatures can no longer be felt.

However, in this desert, as a practitioner, Jun Wei felt the same feeling as when he walked through the largest desert in his previous life.What does this mean?This has already shown that in this desert, it is not just the fire of the sun that ordinary people can't bear, there must be other flames that can't be tolerated by practitioners.

"There is definitely something in here." Jun Wei once again issued a positive conclusion, "Luo, it seems that we need to investigate this desert carefully, and it is best to find a passage leading to it."

Although Cangyan Luochen didn't understand why the dear one came to such a conclusion, as long as it was the decision of the dear one, Cangyan Luochen would not refute it and would definitely support it to the end.Therefore, he just nodded at the moment, and then winked at the several subordinates behind him, and the four of them dispersed in four directions.

"Go and look for it too, and let me know if you find any ruins or something." Jun Wei turned to look at the four little generals and told them that there are many people and strength, and after all they are his own subordinates, Jun Wei believes in them even more.

The four little warriors were ordered to spread out in four different directions from the previous four, and their figures became smaller and smaller until they disappeared.Only then did Jun Wei look at a certain man beside him, and said, "Okay, let's look for it too."

This desert is very unusual. It has a name that makes people feel terrified when they hear it—Death of Death. The name is very simple, and the meaning is very clear. It was spread among people, but what Jun Wei and Cang Yan Luochen did not know was that this name was equally effective for practitioners.

In the desert of death, it is not only the unusually high temperature that can kill people quickly, there are also huge insects that no one knows about in this desert. As for why no one knows, it is because everyone who knows has already died , including practitioners.

Although Cangyan Luochen sent his subordinates here to investigate the legendary ancient tombs, but the subordinates they sent here were only observing from a high altitude on the flying sword, so even though Cangyan Luochen did the investigation, he still didn't know about this desert. The details of the situation, and therefore, several of his subordinates naturally do not know.

The origins of the four little warriors are very unusual, but the four little warriors are not working in the intelligence field in Jun Wei's father's organization, so they don't know the information about this desert.Therefore, such a group of ten people were very ignorant of this desert, so ignorant that they did not notice the gradual approach of danger.

It is said that ignorant people are very lucky and can live for a long time, but in fact this is not absolute. Ignorant people have two extreme fates, one is to live well, and the other is to die Faster than anyone else, so it's better not to be too ignorant about everything, and then you won't even know how to die.

However, no matter how you say it, there are exceptions to everything. Obviously, the group of Jun Wei and Cang Yan Luochen is an exception.Although they are very ignorant of this desert, everyone has been in danger several times after all. People who have walked in front of the Palace of the King of Hades a few times have a more keen sense of danger than ordinary people.

So, apart from Jun Wei and Cang Yan Luochen, the other eight people fell into battle one after another. The object of the battle was naturally the huge insect that can only survive in the desert - the giant black scorpion.

The black giant scorpion is a herd animal with sharp eyes. Although its intelligence is not yet developed, it has a strong animal intuition. Although Jun Wei and Cang Yan Luochen and their group have dispersed, the black giant scorpion knows this. The ten people are in a group, because the black giant scorpion has been following these ten people since they entered the desert.

In a very short time, maybe only two to three minutes, the eight scattered people each confronted more than three giant black scorpions.

The giant black scorpion has a huge body, and its lethality naturally doubles, and the most unnoticed thing is the deadly venom secreted from the tip of the giant scorpion's tail.Therefore, when faced with more than one giant black scorpion that was two people tall and four or five meters wide, each of the eight people fell into a hard fight.

Jun Wei and Cang Yan Luochen were naturally unavoidable, and they were surrounded by five black giant scorpions before they had walked ten steps, and one of them was very unusual in both shape and color, and it was obvious at a glance that it belonged to an ethnic group. The existence of the king, otherwise it is also a general or something.

Against Shang Junwei and Cang Yan Luochen, the strategic method chosen by the black giant scorpion is not the same as the sneak attack they faced with the eight people, because the unique intuition of animals tells them that if they sneak attack these two humans, the consequences will be It was very serious, so a few giant black scorpions just surrounded the person first.

I have to say that the intuition of animals is very accurate. Leaving aside what will happen to Jun Wei, Cang Yan Luochen alone will kill these giant black scorpions immediately. The level of power of a cultivator is not that of an ordinary cultivator. What can be compared is only a thousand years old, but it is enough to stand proudly on the top of the cultivation world.

Facing a few giant black scorpions, one of them was quite powerful, Cang Yan Luochen and Jun Wei acted calmly. Although they were a little surprised, they were generally expected. They felt the prying eyes from the very beginning. The line of sight, a little surprise at this time is just a surprise that the other party is not human.

Surrounded by giant black scorpions, Cang Yan Luochen did not launch an attack, but just stood silently.And Jun Wei is just an old god who is not showing any signs of dew and is safely under Cang Yan Luochen's protection circle. He believes that his man alone is enough to deal with these unusual guests.

His lover is by his side, Cang Yan Luochen doesn't want his dear one to see any cruel scenes, although he knows that his dear one is not a good person, but if there is any scene that violates harmony, it will still affect his mood .Therefore, Cang Yan Luochen just stood there, releasing his aura bit by bit, and when he released his aura to a certain level, the few ordinary black giant scorpions surrounding him couldn't bear it anymore.

Cang Yan Luochen was very afraid that these giant scorpions would riot because of this restlessness, and the scene would become chaotic, and he might hurt his dear ones anytime soon.Having made a decision in his heart, Cang Yan Luochen immediately released all his aura at once. In an instant, the several black giant scorpions around him, including the one that looked like the head, also had a few thick black legs and fell down. Sitting on the desert, each of them looked at Cang Yan Luochen with horror in their eyes. Their undeveloped spiritual wisdom doesn't mean they don't feel the emotion of fear.

"Luo, well done, they can't even escape." Jun Wei walked out from behind Cang Yan Luochen with a smile, squinting a pair of light blue eyes and watching the giant scorpions lying on the ground seem to be hitting something. idea.

The leader here lost, and the black giant scorpions in other places seemed to have sensed it. At this moment, they all stopped fighting and fell to the ground one by one, causing the eight people who were already scattered to be fighting to be separated. Inexplicably, I don't know whether the weapon raised was intended to kill or not.

While hesitating, the eight people received ten-mile sound transmissions from Jun Wei and Cang Yan Luochen respectively, telling them to throw them back, saying that they had already thought of a way.

It took only a quarter of an hour for the eight people to return to Jun Wei and Cang Yan Luochen to see the five black giant scorpions surrounding the two masters at a glance. Of course, the giant scorpions are so huge that it is weirdest not to see them. .

Seeing that the person came back, Jun Wei just finished communicating with the giant black scorpion that seemed to be the leader.Animals only submit to the strong, but even though Jun Wei did not show his own strength, unexpectedly, this giant black scorpion who has clearly opened up his mind is more afraid of Jun than Cang Yan Luochen who defeated it Wei is such a young man, so the communication between Jun Wei and the head of the giant scorpion went smoothly.

In just one minute, four black giant scorpions appeared in front of the ten people. After Jun Wei and Cang Yan Luochen got on the backs of the giant scorpions, they signaled the other eight people to also go up to the other eight black giant scorpions. On the back of the giant scorpion, a few black lines slipped down the heads of each of the eight people. Obviously only two more would be enough, one for four people, but now there is only one for each of them, dragging for a long time. The team feels so weird.

"It's rare to see this kind of different creatures, and it's rare to use them as mounts. Let's experience it one by one. If we go out of the desert, we won't have this opportunity." Jun Wei explained a sentence happily with a smile But it’s okay if you don’t say anything, as soon as you say it, these eight people are even more speechless and dark.

The giant black scorpion was moving very fast, and it only took about 10 minutes before it had already gone a long way.After walking for about 10 minutes, Jun Wei and Cang Yan Luochen, who were walking in the front, saw a quicksand. After Jun Wei and Cang Yan Luochen felt the giant black scorpion under their feet paused, they went straight to the quicksand. walk in.Seeing that he was about to be submerged in the sand, Cang Yan Luochen promptly set up a barrier to block the overwhelming fine sand.

The speed of walking in the sand will be much slower. Jun Wei feels that it seems to be a long time, and it seems that it is a short time before the giant black scorpion under his feet walks out of the quicksand, and his field of vision suddenly widens. The temperature has also cooled down, Jun Wei groaned comfortably and looked around carefully.

In a very empty space, the sun shines in through several thin sands, and the height of the space is about as high as a dozen floors.Jun Wei noticed that the black giant scorpion under him and Luo was still walking, but there was nothing under the giant scorpion's feet, as if it was flying on a few short legs.Jun Wei was surprised, and after careful inspection, she found that there was an almost transparent glass-like film under the giant scorpion's feet.

"Luo, this should be an enchantment, right?" Jun Wei asked Cang Yan Luochen's opinion uncertainly.

"The enchantment is generally invisible. It is a kind of existence that can isolate other forces by gathering spiritual power. It is reasonable to say that it should not be touched by people or other species, but this seems to be really an enchantment. . " Taking a closer look, Cang Yan Luochen wasn't quite sure about the thin film under the giant scorpion's feet.

"Luo, it's very strange here!" Jun Wei's adventurous spirit came, looking at the film under the giant scorpion's feet eager to try.

"Jun'er, don't act rashly." Cang Yan Luochen hugged Jun Wei, really afraid that his dear ones would just jump down for confirmation. Since this place is so unusual, who knows what restrictions there are on the power of a cultivator And so on, if you really jump into the membrane and find that you can't use any strength, wouldn't you just fall down like this?No, no matter what you say, you can't put your loved ones in danger.

Jun Wei's pouty lips showed a regretful expression, "Well, that's fine." While talking, the black giant scorpion under the two people's feet had already descended to the ground along the arc of the film, and then continued to walk forward. Wei turned around and stared at the almost invisible film, wanting to explore the secrets of this film when the opportunity arises.

In the space under the desert, the giant black scorpion resumed its normal speed and walked for about a quarter of an hour, and finally came to a certain place, which was Jun Wei's destination and also the old nest of the giant black scorpion.

When he came to this place, Jun Wei felt the hot temperature again. As the black giant scorpion walked in, Jun Wei felt the temperature rise more. Finally, when the black giant scorpion had returned to his lair, Jun Wei Sweat was already dripping from Wei's head.Jun Wei felt strange, there is nothing special about this place, why is the temperature getting higher and higher?Could it be that there is a volcano underground here?

Just when Jun Wei was thinking, the eight people behind also arrived one after another, and at this time they all approached the lair of the black giant scorpion head, and the eight people looked at the lair of the boss.

This is a large underground cave. There are several piles of things like diamonds or gems on the right side of the cave. On the other side of the cave, there is a plant growing, a very strange plant that has never been seen before. The shape of the plant is like a potted pine tree, but the leaves are purple basket-colored with shining silver light. There is not a single flower on the tree, but there are several peach-sized, purple-colored flowers on the top. The fruit with silver-blue strange lines is really amazing. It really is a vast world, full of wonders.

While everyone was watching, the head of the giant black scorpion walked up to the plant, carefully picked off the largest fruit, and put it in his mouth to swallow under the eyes of everyone who was puzzled and curious. Drop it.Just one minute after the fruit was eaten, a very dazzling light suddenly burst out in front of the eyes of the ten people including Jun Wei and Cang Yan Luochen, and everyone couldn't bear to cover their eyes with their hands.

After the light passed, a five or six-year-old doll appeared at the place where the black giant scorpion turned out to be, but the original huge black giant scorpion disappeared. Everyone, including Jun Wei and Cang Yan Luochen, felt a burst of astonishment. Could this child be the human form of that giant scorpion?

"That's right, the giant scorpion just now is my original body." The baby's crisp voice sounded, answering the doubts of Jun Wei, Cang Yan Luochen and the others, but unexpectedly, the doubts of Jun Wei and the others did not disappear, on the contrary, they became stronger. up.

"Could it be that you are a demon? But why did you become transformed after eating that fruit?" Cang Wen quickly asked everyone's aspirations. He had never heard of the existence of any scorpion demon or scorpion spirit.

"Demon?" Wawa gave Cang Wen a strange look, and asked, "What is that?"

The baby’s rhetorical question made everyone stunned, and Jun Wei explained: “A non-human life that can transform into a human form and possesses powerful power is a demon, like me, I was originally a fox, but now I am cultivated into a human form, so I am a human being. A fox demon, what about you doll? You don't seem to have the power to transform into a human form!"

The baby nodded understandingly, "I don't have that ability yet, and it's only been a few years since I opened up my spiritual intelligence. I was able to transform because I ate the fruit just now. Don't you want to see the deepest part of this desert? I know A place, although I don’t know if it’s the deepest place, but you can go and have a look.” The baby was curious and confused about Jun Wei’s purpose, and there seemed to be nothing special about that place except for the heat.

"Really? Then I will trouble the baby to lead the way." Jun Wei smiled kindly, and then asked, "What did you eat just now, baby? Why did you become transformed after eating that?"

"I'm not called Wawa, I'm called Heiyan," the Wawa who led the way declared dissatisfiedly for himself, "I don't know the name of that fruit, it already existed when I came here a few years ago. I discovered it after I became a humanoid master out of curiosity and ate one."

Jun Wei and Cang Yan Luochen behind Hei Yan glanced at each other, it was amazing, Jun Wei came to his mind, "Hei Yan, can you give me a piece of that fruit? I don't need the biggest one, the smallest one is fine, I can use other things Exchange with you. Heiyan, is it okay? What do you want?" Jun Wei wanted to study the fruit.

"Haven't you already cultivated human form?" Heiyan Doll looked back at Jun Wei strangely, and then turned back to lead the way, "That fruit is just the incarnation of non-human life that can let you open your mind. I've already tried it, so there's nothing to be curious about?" Heiyan Doll couldn't figure it out.

"Hehe," Jun Wei laughed dryly. Although this doll looks cute, its nature is not cute at all. "I'm just curious. I've never seen such a strange fruit."

"Well..." Heiyan Doll hesitated, and finally agreed after walking a long way: "Okay, I will pick one for you when I go back. As for the replacement, it is best to quickly increase my Strength is enough."

Jun Wei agreed at first, and the atmosphere became quiet for a long time afterwards, until Heiyan Doll said again, "I can only take you here, the road below is beyond my ability. Go on." In the dark passage, Heiyan Doll spoke with difficulty.

"Why? We didn't feel anything, you're not lying to us, are you?" Once again, Cang Wen spoke some hurtful words quickly, and got Cang Fu and Cang Xi's eyes.

"It's normal for you to suspect me, but I really can only bring you here." The voice of the baby was panting, and then continued: "It's only because I turned into a human form that I was able to walk like this." If it’s just my original body, I won’t be able to go even half of it, I’ve tried it myself.”

"Then just keep going down this passage?" The darkness can't hinder Jun Wei's visual impairment, Jun Wei can see clearly, the little face of Heiyan doll is already covered with bean big sweat, His face was also a little pale, Jun Wei was puzzled, they obviously didn't feel anything, why did this doll have such a reaction?

"Yes," the baby nodded, "it's just that I have never walked the next road, so I don't know how far it is, so you can do it for yourself. By the way, I also want to remind you that the most dangerous place in this desert It's not our black scorpion, but a plant, which is called the 'Desert King' by those of us who live in the desert."

Jun Wei raised his eyebrows, seeing that the big eyes of the Heiyan doll flashed fear when he said "King of the Desert", "What kind of plant is that?" Jun Wei couldn't help asking.

"I..." Heiyan doll hesitated, as if thinking of something, with a particularly frightened expression, "I haven't... seen it, I only know... it has many, many vines, the color... green and black... and Thick and...big, and...dripping liquid...Ah! I don't know! I don't know..." Covering his head, Heiyan doll ran past Jun Wei and Cang Yan Luochen and his group of ten people with a face full of horror.

Jun Wei's face darkened, and he became worried, did he make a wrong decision?If the eight people behind him are in danger because of his sudden interest, how can his conscience survive?

"Gentleman," Cang Yan Luochen, who is always paying attention to his dear one, grabbed his lover's two white and tender hands, and his low noise was calming and sweet, "everything has its own destiny, don't think too much, they are all very strong .”

The hands were connected, and the sound of heartbeat was transmitted from one side to the other. Jun Wei calmed down and looked back at the eight people behind him. Yes, they are all very strong, and no one knows what the desert king looks like. I haven't seen it, besides, he has the nemesis of plants - the ability of fire, doesn't he?

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