In the third month, when the weather outside began to turn cold, Zhuang Cheng and Ling Qingyun finally left the space together, and then the two left the area quickly—if Zhuang Cheng was not for his current strength, he would probably have been killed. Others found out.

Autumn has already entered, and the rice planted in the safe area in the south of the Yangtze River is about to mature. Many people are reclaiming the land to plant vegetables. It can be seen that everyone is full of hope for the future.

People no longer live in the safe zone. Many people returned to their homes, and many people in the city chose to go to some villages to reclaim land to grow food. After cleaning up the corpses of the zombies in the room, Basically, they would choose to paste a portrait of Ling Qingyun on the gate to ward off evil spirits.

Zhuang Cheng moved to another place, and after discovering this, he was so embarrassed that Ling Qingyun could be a door god...

"Don't look at this, go and see your parents first, we haven't seen anyone for three months..." Ling Qingyun was hugged by Zhuang Cheng, and after the two chose an empty room to settle down, he took a picture Clap Zhuang Cheng's hand.

Zhuang Cheng used to look out thoughtfully in the space every day, so he must be very worried about Zhuang Yaozu and his wife.

"I'll go to see them you want to tell Zhang Yi and them about your news?" Zhuang Cheng asked hesitantly.

"It depends on the situation, but the most important thing now is to figure out the current situation outside." Ling Qingyun believes that those people related to him should be fine, after all, he "died together" with a zombie in full view, even if someone Those who want to move his relatives should also weigh their own abilities. Judging from the fact that his merits have soared to 8000 million these days, people outside should still respect him very much.

"I will find out clearly, and I will come back as soon as possible!" Zhuang Cheng kissed Ling Qingyun's face, obviously Ling Qingyun has recovered most of his merits, but for some reason, his whole body still aches when he moves.

Zhuang Cheng knew that Ling Qingyun would never lie to him with his illness. Ling Qingyun couldn't exercise vigorously now, it must be because his injury was still serious.

"I'm waiting for you," Ling Qingyun said, "Remember to bring me something delicious."

"I will!" Zhuang Cheng swallowed, finally able to eat, but he has been in the space for three months without any fresh food, and now he can't bear it any longer!

The safety area of ​​City S has not changed much compared to before, except that there are a lot fewer people. Zhuang Cheng entered quietly, and soon sensed the presence of Zhuang Yaozu and Lin Xiaohong.

They still lived in that house, it didn't seem to have changed at all, and Ling Qingyun's room still remained, but as soon as he got closer, he heard Lin Xiaohong crying.

The suppressed crying made Zhuang Cheng's heart skip a beat, and he jumped into the room without thinking, "Mom!"

"Chengcheng? I'm not dreaming, am I?" Lin Xiaohong said with red eyes. She saw everything that happened that day. She didn't understand why Zhuang Cheng suddenly wanted to kill Ling Qingyun, and she didn't understand why the last two disappeared together. .

Many people said that Ling Qingyun blew himself up and killed the zombie. Every time she heard such words, she couldn't stop crying.

"Mom, I'm fine, and I've become a human." Zhuang Cheng walked to Lin Xiaohong's side, and the cigarette in Zhuang Yaozu's hand, who was smoking, had unconsciously dropped to the ground.

"Are you really sincere?" Lin Xiaohong had a look of disbelief.

"Mom, who else can I be if I am not Chengcheng? Qingyun and I are fine, you forgot that we have space?" Zhuang Cheng comforted.

Lin Xiaohong suddenly realized: "By the way, you have space... Chengcheng!" Her face was full of smiles, but tears flowed down again.

Zhuang Cheng still remembered that before when his parents wanted to approach him, he had to dodge, but now there was no need to dodge. When holding his warm hand, even Zhuang Yaozu choked up.

"How could you become a human? I thought in this life..." Lin Xiaohong was very surprised, Zhuang Cheng and Ling Qingyun had never told them about this before.

Zhuang Cheng hesitated for a moment. Earlier, Ling Qingyun told him to tell Zhuang Yaozu and his wife that they were acting, so that Zhuang Yaozu and his wife would not have to worry about them. Zhuang Cheng also didn't want his parents to worry, but he changed Ling Qingyun's thinking: "Dad, Mom, we were acting at that time, so that no one would investigate our identities... But later, when Qingyun raised me into an adult, I was injured a little, and I have been recovering from my injuries for the past three months. "

acting?At that time, my son seemed to be a completely different person. It seemed that he was going to kill Ling Qingyun for real... Neither Zhuang Yaozu nor Lin Xiaohong believed it, but as long as he was alive, it would be fine.As for being able to become a human again... Ling Qingyun must have paid a heavy price, right?Otherwise, these two children would not have heard from them for three whole months, otherwise, Ling Qingyun would not have come to curry favor with them at this time.

"As long as you're alive."

"Of course we are all alive, Mom and Dad, you have to relax, we will come to see you often in the future." Zhuang Cheng said guiltily, he and Ling Qingyun are not suitable to appear in front of people for the time being, let alone take them away to attract the attention of many people Zhuang Yaozu and his wife...

"We will be fine. These days, we are also practicing the exercises left by Ling Qingyun." Lin Xiaohong laughed.

"By the way, Mom, can you make me something to eat? I miss your craftsmanship!" Zhuang Cheng acted coquettishly, and at the same time, the lingering hunger came back.

Lin Xiaohong cooked a lot of dishes in the kitchen. There is no shortage of food here. The loofahs that were planted in the yard before were also climbing very high at this time, so she was cooking braised pork while frying loofahs. Go to scrambled eggs, and half a chicken in the refrigerator is also stewed...

When one dish was served, Zhuang Cheng poured it into the rice bowl and ate it with a few mouthfuls of rice. When the next dish came, he simply put some rice in it and ate it with chopsticks, even though the big bowl of braised pork was a bit greasy , he also ate very sweet, the last half of the chicken, he even ate all the chicken soup after eating the chicken.

"Son, you..." Zhuang Yaozu touched his stomach subconsciously. His son's stomach won't burst, right?I used to think that Ling Qingyun had a bad appetite, but looking at it now, his son turned out to be better than Ling Qingyun!

Lin Xiaohong was also worried that Zhuang Cheng's stomach would be ruined by eating, but on the other hand, she felt a little happy. It is a blessing to be able to eat, and eat more to be healthy!

Lin Xiaohong cooked seven or eight dishes, all of which were full of portions, and almost used up the stock in the refrigerator. In the end, Zhuang Cheng actually ate them all!It also wiped out a pot of rice!

Unable to swallow any more, Zhuang Cheng was finally satisfied, and after saying goodbye to his parents, he left the safe area of ​​City S with things that were much clumsier than when he came, and then picked some vegetables, loofahs, pumpkins and the like outside go back.

When Zhuang Cheng left, Lin Xiaohong looked at the empty refrigerator, and suddenly hugged Zhuang Yaozu, crying loudly: "Old man, I know you are uncomfortable, but no matter how uncomfortable you are, you can't overeat and don't eat your own food." Take your body seriously!"

Zhuang Yaozu, who took the blame for his son, burst into tears.

In the days that followed, Ling Qingyun could finally eat something else for a change, and also learned about the current situation in the world.

After the decisive battle three months ago, Du Ye and Qi Che relied on various means to become two of the most important members of the leadership team of country Z. They worked together to eliminate many people, and then took advantage of his momentum in a short period of time. In the past three months, they have mastered the power of country Z. Of course, they have been helping him to promote and protect his relatives!

It is said that Qi Che dragged his father's former friend off the horse and ruined the other party's reputation, and also turned himself into a cripple who would be paralyzed in bed for the rest of his life.

It is said that the leader of a safe zone once plotted against Ling Qingyun, and now the entire safe zone has changed hands. His surname seems to be Wang, no, Wang.

It is said that some of Ling Qingyun's followers, Zhang Yi, Gu Jiabao and others planned to build a school to teach Ling Qingyun's skills and improve and innovate on this basis. Many people don't understand People from other countries who speak Chinese are flocking to it, because they didn't know Chinese before, and the effect of that exercise was not very good.

It is said that country R next door even came to ask for help brazenly. Not to mention the unhappiness between the two countries over the issue of DY Island a few years ago, no one would easily forgive them for attacking Ling Qingyun, so country Z This time they were rejected on the grounds that their country was severely damaged and unable to do anything, and then they sent the remaining navy to clean up the navy they crossed the border, and issued a strong condemnation internationally because of their behavior of entering other countries without saying hello .In the end, the country that suffered from severe radiation, all the food was radiated, and all the corpses left by the zombies were radiated, because there was no support from other countries and there was nowhere to go. In the end, all of them were lost due to radiation. Fertility……

Decades later, Ling Qingyun and Zhuang Cheng passed by that island country, and saw some human beings with eyes the size of eggs and pustules all over their bodies walking on all fours. Perhaps, those were the last survivors?In a few decades, there will be no human beings in that place...

Of course, this happened a long time later, and now, Ling Qingyun is still the unlucky bastard forced to abstain from sexual intercourse who is forced to stay in the space to recuperate.

The disaster for half a year reduced the population of the earth by nine-tenths, so there was no shortage of food, but during that half-year, there were still not many people who could eat vegetables and meat freely, so at this moment, There are many people who pay great attention to appetite.

Mrs. Zhang is also one of the people who chose to go home. Her husband went to farm, and she opened her own small restaurant again. Now the money before the end of the world is worthless. At this moment, everyone’s common currency is food. , and most of the time, she collects a little grain and then helps others to process the food.

The place where her family lives is close to the mountains. Recently, many people will go hunting in the mountains with guns, because many wild boars came down the mountains and gnawed the crops.

"Oh, those wild boars! In the past, the country didn't allow them to be killed. It was rare to see one, but now they can be seen in groups!" A woman who came to pick some peppers from Mrs. Zhang was gossiping with Mrs. Zhang.

"That's right, there are so many fewer people now, and the state says that no houses are allowed to be built, only old houses are allowed to live in, and trees are planted to protect the environment. Maybe in a few decades, there will be wild boars everywhere." Mrs. Zhang laughed.

"Isn't that right! There are a lot of wild rabbits now. Many rabbits that were raised by others before have become wild rabbits. My family only caught one in the field two days ago." The woman's former husband has passed away, and now Marrying another one is impossible, after all, I still have to live.

"Actually, it would be nice to have more trees, but it's inconvenient to have no plastic bags... By the way, the country is planning to issue a new currency, and the face value is now compared to one yuan of grain, which is worth a catty of grain." Mrs. Zhang Suddenly remembered the news I heard on the radio.

"I also know, hey, is that young man here to ask you to cook?" the woman said suddenly.

Mrs. Zhang looked at the place pointed by the other party, and saw a chubby young man walking towards him pulling a wild boar. She was not too surprised. After learning the exercises that the state stipulated that everyone should learn , her own strength is much greater, and such a wild boar can also be carried.

This is a big deal, right?She helped cook a table of delicious food, and it should be okay to serve two catties of wild pork.

"Young man, do you want to help with the cooking?" Aunt Zhang walked over with a smile.

"I want it!" Zhuang Cheng nodded quickly, then took out a knife and began to remove the pig.

The wild pork is older than the domestic pork, but Mrs. Zhang made it delicious. She took out the dishes one by one while processing them. At first, they served fried diced pork, fried pork liver and pig heart, and then stewed Rotten stews and roasts.

Sister-in-law Zhang pays attention to affordable cooking, not to mention that there are plenty of ingredients now. She quickly made the whole pork front leg and some easy-to-handle pig offal into a dish, and stewed dried bamboo shoots with pork ribs.

With so many dishes, the young man would never be able to eat them. Seeing that the other party didn't stop, she thought that the other party had an appointment with someone else. She didn't expect that when she finally went out, what she saw was a clean bowl and a big belly A circle of young people.

No wonder the whole person is chubby, and there is a lot of meat on the face, so it is so edible!Mrs. Zhang sighed, and saw the young man give her the hind legs of the half pig that was unloaded: "Auntie, the dishes you cook are delicious, you keep the hind legs for yourself." Let's eat."

Sister-in-law Zhang watched the young man leave with half a pig and the pork belly that was specially left aside, looked at the remaining pig intestines and the pork that was a quarter of the whole pig, and sighed—it’s really a big deal !

The chubby young man was exactly Zhuang Cheng. After eating and drinking enough, he found a place to enter the space. In the space, Ling Qingyun and Xiao Gong were guarding an earthen pot, in which snake soup was stewed.

"Zhuang Cheng, you are here! The snake soup is about to be stewed, now, you can also stew the wild boar belly! This is also a great tonic." Ling Qingyun said immediately.

It is said that wild boars will eat snakes, and the more snakes eat, the more pork belly will be filled. I don't know if this is true or not, but when they found the wild boar, the wild boar was fighting the stewed snake.

"Okay!" Zhuang Cheng smelled the scent of snake soup, and suddenly wanted to eat it again...

"Zhuang Cheng! You've eaten so much pork! Don't try to grab my snake soup again!" Xiao Gong was shocked when he saw Zhuang Cheng's expression. These days, the most edible among them is definitely Zhuang Cheng. Honestly, didn't you see that Zhuang Cheng's waist has doubled in size in just a few months?Isn't he afraid that Ling Qingyun will despise him?Xiaogong didn't let go of the hot snake soup - he was not afraid of fire.

"You don't want to eat snake soup for me? Then don't you want to eat sliced ​​barbecued meat?" Zhuang Cheng pretended to be surprised, then set up a bamboo charcoal grill and lit the best bamboo charcoal.

The front legs of the wild boar are relatively tender, so Zhuang Cheng cut the pork slices into slices with the same thickness of about one millimeter, put them on the wire mesh above, and then brushed them with barbecue sauce.

The smell of roasted pork came over his face, Xiao Gong let go of the snake soup in his hand, swallowed his saliva: "Let's eat it differently!"

"Okay!" Zhuang Cheng immediately agreed, he felt that he would have to eat for half a year before he could forget the pain of starvation.

When he used to eat some, he didn't want to eat this or that, and he didn't even want to eat more MSG, but now he thinks it's good to eat some. The most ungrievable thing is his mouth and stomach!

Ling Qingyun went to Zhuang Cheng's side to touch the flesh on Zhuang Cheng's body. From 140 catties to now 180 catties, Zhuang Cheng felt really good to touch!The occasional humming sound after being touched is even more attractive, but unfortunately, it can be touched but not eaten!

However, my merit seems to be worth [-] million, right?As soon as he thought of merit, Ling Qingyun suddenly heard a reminder that his merit had reached [-] million!

"My merit has reached [-] million!" Ling Qingyun shouted happily, but found that there was nothing unusual about his body.

Xiao Gong looked around guiltily, and stepped back step by step.

"Xiao Gong! What's going on!" Now my own strength seems to be only at level [-], right?

"Ahem, I was afraid you wouldn't be able to accept it, so I didn't tell you before... You need to have one billion merits to cultivate the golden body..." As soon as Xiao Gong finished speaking, he threw himself at the jar of snake soup. But Cheng stopped it: "Xiao Gong! You don't want to eat anything today!"

"Damn, you can't starve me even if you are not satisfied!" Xiao Gong rushed to the distance, Zhuang Cheng blushed, and immediately chased after him!

Ling Qingyun lay down on the ground mournfully, he was dissatisfied with his desires!

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