After telling the whole story, the uncle thought for less than a minute before decisively deciding to cooperate with Tangning.

He thinks that our current equipment is inconvenient to go down to the bottom of the cliff frequently, and it would be very troublesome to transport the camels and equipment down with only four people. Why don't we take this opportunity to join Tangning's team and use her hands to complete the work.

Now that Tangning has something to ask from us, she will not make any dangerous moves for the time being. Besides, with Dao Yan and Chu Wentian around, she must be much more honest.And from my description, I don't know what will happen under the cliff. With Tangning's people, there are more shields, which greatly reduces our chances of death. It will not be too late to make a decision after finding the ancient city of Khotan.

We basically had no objection to the uncle's decision, and we simply went into the tent to sleep after chatting for a while.As compensation for the previous few days, Amu started the vigil this time.

Dao Feng didn't say much after I came back. I was worried that he would think about it by himself, and I didn't know how to explain it, so I hugged him from behind and turned the topic to the little black cat: "The little cat didn't talk to me. Come back, it's in Daoyan, and you can see it tomorrow."

Dao Feng was quiet for a while, then suddenly pushed me away, and hummed lightly.

I put my hands down and stood still, watching Dao Feng get into the sleeping bag and ignore me, knowing that he must have seen that I was looking for an excuse to change the subject, but I didn't know whether such a reaction was good or bad.

I'm afraid that if he treats me so coldly in the future, it's better to tell me to die now.

The next day we all chose to sleep in the tent for a while, and didn't get up lazily until noon, because no one wanted to see Tangning so early, and everyone would rather spend more time. Anyway, we can only go down to the bottom of the cliff to explore the road at night .

I took advantage of this time to use the brown sugar tactic again, which made Dao Feng look at me unbearably, and said with a look of wanting to laugh, "What's wrong with you."

Seeing that he looked normal, I breathed a sigh of relief, then tightened my arms around him, kissed him sideways, and said in a low voice, "I'm lonely."

Dao Feng didn't speak, hooked my shoulder and kissed me proactively, then turned and walked out of the tent, leaving me standing alone to savor the kiss.

In the afternoon, we arrived at Tang Ning's camp as scheduled. After negotiating with her, we drove the camels aside, mixed with their camel caravan, and then set up our own tent next to it.

There were a few friendly people in Tangning's team. Seeing that we were newcomers, they smiled and ran over to help.

Dao Feng was called over by Dao Yan at this time, and I saw the two of them standing in the dark talking from a long distance, Dao Yan looked very upset, frowning as if asking why Dao Feng came.

I was a little worried, fearing that Dao Yan would do something to Dao Feng again, I wanted to go over to have a look after setting up the tent, but Chu Wentian's sharp eyes saw through my thoughts.

He quickly grabbed me and said with a smile: "That's their housework, don't go and meddle in it."

I didn't say a word, I still stared at those two people, thinking in my heart that it's not your wife who is in trouble, of course you don't care.

Seeing my expression, Chu Wentian sighed and said, "I have something to ask you, have you already considered working with Tangning?"

I nodded and replied: "Think about it, we must find the ancient city of Khotan no matter what."

Chu Wentian looked dark, and said: "Then you have to be careful, although I don't remember many things, but I also know that it is very dangerous, even I may not be able to protect you..."

"Don't worry about this, since we dare to come, we are already fully prepared." I raised my hand to interrupt him, and said, "Nothing else, just get rid of this curse."

Chu Wentian thought for a while when he heard the words, nodded and said: "Before coming here, I asked you to check a few addresses, have you gone?"

I said: "I only went to two places, found Gu Hai's old friend, and then found the clues you left in that village. We felt that we couldn't waste any more time, so we hurriedly followed."

"Then did you find anything?" Chu Wentian asked again.

"I don't care about anything else, but I found out that the woman named Wen Wen is very suspicious." I hesitated for a moment, looked into his eyes and said, "We suspect that Tangning is Wen Wen. You and Dao Yan should know this well. The traitor is probably her."

Hearing my words, Chu Wentian's expression changed slightly, and he said, "You are right, Tangning has indeed admitted that she is Wen Wen...but she has changed so much, I can hardly recognize her as Wen Wen back then. The person with us, and... I always feel that there is something weird in her words, maybe, as you said, she is the one who betrayed us."

Speaking of betrayal, the two of us fell silent. I know they have been trying to find this person for a long time. If it is really confirmed that Tangning is a traitor, neither Chu Wentian nor Dao Yan will let her go so easily. At that time, it is very likely that many innocent people will be implicated, such as Tang Ning's current "sister" Tang Yu.

Thinking of this, I said, "What do you think of that Tang Yu, she actually has nothing to do with this matter, Tangning asked her to follow, maybe she was trying to use her as a shield... But this chick is not simple, Tangning seems to treat her Still a little apprehensive."

Chu Wentian shook his head and said, "It's more than simple. She is probably Tangning's hired helper. If she doesn't mess things up, we won't make things difficult for her."

So far, we all understand that the next thing will be very troublesome. Generally speaking, the most important thing now is to enter the ancient city of Khotan and find the real end of the earth and the dead space. Only when we get there will we have the opportunity to find out everything the truth.

After talking with Chu Wentian, Dao Feng finally got rid of Dao Yan's questioning. I saw him walking back with a tired face, so I hurried over to comfort him.

Dao Feng said that Dao Yan had a tough tone, insisting that we were redundant, and put all the burden of the Dao family's future on him, trying to force him to return now.

Hearing this, the uncle shook his head and sighed: "Dao Yan is more than stubborn, but not tactful. Fortunately, there is another Chu Wentian who can tolerate him. Let's not think too much about it. Just do it yourself." , who knows if he will ask us for help in the future."

Dao Feng's eyes dimmed, and he nodded in agreement with the uncle's statement.

I saw that Dao Feng must be thinking about the Dao family, and I thought how to say that Dao Yan is also my future in-laws, so I smoothed things over and said: "Actually, Dao Yan is not that bad. If it wasn't for Dao Yuan's accident, he shouldn't be in trouble." in this way."

At this time, sister Xuan was busy with the tent and equipment, and ran to the edge of the cliff to have a look, and then came back excitedly and said to us: "Stop chatting here, let's go over and try those rock climbing equipment. Use it, make some preparations in advance, don't fall when the time comes."

The uncle knew that Sister Xuan was really playful, so he didn't expose her, he just nodded and followed her out.

Dao Feng sat on a folding chair, resting his forehead on one hand, looking very irritable.

I went out to find Xiang Wen, asked him to warm up a glass of water, then turned back and continued to accompany Dao Feng.

In the evening we ate our first big pot meal after entering the desert. Amu and the guide in Tangning's team, Lao Xu, chatted very well. Although Lao Xu is not a local, he has lived here all year round and knows the customs here very well. So Amu is very kind to him.

It was the first time I had a meal with so many people, and Amu seemed very reserved, especially more than half of Tangning's team were foreigners. Hearing them chattering in blunt Mandarin made my scalp tingle.

Xiang Wen was very happy about our arrival. He obviously didn't like those foreigners and felt that we got along better, so that he simply sat next to Dao Feng during the meal and asked him some irrelevant questions from time to time.

This bothered me a lot, I think this kid might think that Dao Feng is the only one among the four of us who is more talkative.

Because Dao Feng basically doesn't talk much.

So when I started to work on climbing down the cliff after dinner, I deliberately tripped over Xiang Wen on the way, and seeing that kid fall to the ground with an ouch, I immediately felt a lot better.

But after that, Xiang Wen started to hold a grudge against me, trying to find fault with me from various aspects.

Since I didn't come over to try the equipment during the day, Dao Feng and I could only learn from it, but Dao Feng is obviously more experienced than me, and he has a natural advantage in this area, so he understood those seat belts and protection in a few strokes. The usage of the rope.

When I was dawdling and frightened, I put on the seat belt, Dao Feng had already gone down easily.

Several people in Downing's team are experts in rock climbing. When we descended, they watched from the top of the cliff and instructed us what to do from time to time.

The valley wasn't very deep, but it wasn't shallow either. When I was ready, I descended slowly under the command of a gringo named Doman.

The whole body relies on only a few ropes on my body. I feel up and down in my heart, and I always feel that I am about to fall. From time to time, there are whistling winds in my ears. They all looked cautious and vigilant.

I looked up at the top of the cliff, thinking that it would be okay to descend now, and it would be even more terrifying to go up later. It is said that rock climbing requires high mental and physical fitness, and it will be troublesome if you make a fool of yourself.

After we got down to the bottom of the valley, Dao Feng and a few people who arrived earlier had already checked around. Seeing that I was sweating profusely, Dao Feng said with a smile, "How do you feel?"

I knew he wanted to tease me, so I said with lingering fear: "My feet are weak, you have to hug me up later."

Two-thirds of us came down this time, and for the other third, Amu and Lao Xu were in charge of staying in the camp to watch things, and the rest were waiting at the top of the cliff. As long as we fired flares, they would pull us up.

I looked around and found that besides our gang of four, Chu Wentian, Dao Yan, Xiang Wen, Tang Ning, and Tang Yu had all come, and there were also a few muscular gringos with weapons.

We divided into two teams and searched towards both ends of the valley.

Chu Wentian Daoyan was in a group with Tangning and Tang Yu, and Xiang Wen consciously slipped to our side. Besides, Tangning let a gringo follow us, and they went to the other side after sorting out the equipment.

The gringo who followed us was called Leo, with short pale blond hair, a typical white man, with a sniper rifle on his back and a pistol on his waist, and he looked quite prepared.

Sister Xuan glanced at the gun on his back, curled her lips and said, "I'm going to buy a new one if I have money."

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