When I woke up again, I found that I could see things. I couldn't see my fingers in the tunnel before, but now I can see my body.

Falling from such a high place but not dying, it should be the softness that played a decisive role...

I stood up rubbing my aching head, and suddenly felt severe pain sweeping my whole body like a tide, and there was no pain anywhere in my body, it was worse than just being cracked by a car.

"Dao Feng..." I looked around blankly, shouting the name of that person, every time I stood up and took two steps, I had to stagger and fall, but I couldn't stop, I had to find him quickly and see his injuries What happened.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, who looked like Dao Feng.

I was overjoyed and trotted over, but stopped in front of that person with a wry smile.

The man in front of him is not Dao Feng. Although he looks exactly the same as Dao Feng, he is completely different from Dao Feng, because the real Dao Feng will not show such a treacherous smile.

"You..." I opened my mouth in surprise, not knowing what to say.

The man raised his hand to interrupt me and said, "I know what you want to ask. This is the end of the earth, and it is also a place where all wishes can be fulfilled. What you see and hear now belongs to the one you miss the most right now." Man, I'm just temporarily satisfying what your heart desires the most."

Hearing this, I frowned, and scanned the arrogant and stinky man in front of me with the eyes of a fool, and suddenly felt a pain somewhere below.

The man seemed to be able to see what I was thinking. He smiled indifferently, then waved his hand and said, "You might as well take a look here first, and come talk to me after you can see the truth here."

I subconsciously turned my head to look around, and found that a ray of light was gradually emerging from the bottomless darkness around me, and then the endless black and white blended and penetrated each other, finally forming the appearance of Yin Yang Tai Chi.

And that man and I are standing at the center of Tai Chi.

Uncle once said that the way of heaven and earth is to create all things with the two qi of yin and yang.Taiji yin and yang, one black and one white, are distinct, but there is me in you, and you in me, which is the ultimate of all things.

Now that I am standing at the ultimate center of all things, does it mean that I have reached the underworld and can be reincarnated?

But in any case, I don't believe that all wishes can really be fulfilled here, such as...

Thinking about it, I raised my head and asked, "Then what, you just said that all wishes can be fulfilled?"

As soon as I finished speaking, the man thought I was hooked, and immediately nodded and smiled, "Of course."

"Then I really have a wish." I scratched my head and said, "Can I have sex with you?"

"Do..." The man paused, and a distorted expression appeared on the face exactly like Dao Feng's.

After half payment, he calmed down and continued to ask: "Why do you want to have sex with me?"

"Because you look like my lover, I'm not reconciled to not having sex with him once before your death!" I said madly.


"You're not dead." The man rubbed his forehead with a headache, and finally told the truth: "And even if I can fulfill your wish, you will have to pay the price."

Seeing that he finally got to the point, I breathed a sigh of relief and said solemnly: "Let's talk, my only wish now is to get out of here with Dao Feng, as long as it's a price I can afford."

Having said that, I know that the price will definitely not be so simple. There is a sense of mystery and weirdness everywhere in this place, and this man, even though he is chatting with me, In my eyes, it is still no different from a dead person. As a ghost master, I can clearly feel the coldness and ghostly aura of this place and this person permeating the bone marrow.

What kind of bullshit is the ultimate of all things and yin and yang tai chi? It's obviously evil spirits. To put it simply, it might be something a hundred times more vicious than voodoo poison.

"The price is very simple." The man took two steps forward, and every time he moved, the Tai Chi universe around him changed by one point: "You should know that you are not the only one here. In the space, there are other people who are also talking to me. The choice you face is the same, that is, life or death. You can choose to go out alone, or you can choose to let others go out. Only those who go out can live. The rest will stay here with me."

"So I'm going to choose myself to go out, just to let other people die for me?" I said in surprise: "You have such a stupid question, most people have to choose to let other people die, isn't this sincere deception? ?”

Isn't that how psychological tactics work? !

The man nodded: "It's okay if you want to think so. If all of you choose to let others go out, I might show mercy and let you all leave alive, but you know in your heart that it's impossible."

Of course it's impossible, even if everyone else is dedicated to helping others, as long as there is Tang Ning, that fucking bitch, everything will be over.She would never choose to let others out.

Could it be that those people were trapped here to death by such a brain-dead problem?Chu Wentian and the others chose to leave by themselves to become survivors?The other 59 people died here?

But this doesn't make sense at all. If this is the case, why did Dao Yan say that the Chu and Wu families killed the Dao family? It is obvious that he himself is not a traitor, and he firmly believes that the traitor is among the other two families.

Another point is that in this situation where you know that you are likely to be betrayed by others, there are definitely more than one or two betrayers. I don't believe that all of the 64 people are righteous men. The more people there are, the more errors will occur. more and more.When faced with death, most people will definitely choose to live. This is the most fundamental desire of human beings.

The biggest question is why only five people including Chu Wentian survived, and how are the chances of going out and staying behind calculated?

"No matter what, I won't let others take the blame for me." That's too bad, I shook my head and said, "I bet Uncle and Sister Xuan wouldn't choose that way, let alone Dao Feng, I can't let him die here."

After I finished speaking, I knocked my head hard. I just felt that there were too many things to think about in my mind, and I was almost out of control. It would be great if there was an uncle here. At least a clear idea can be sorted out by discussing with him.

The man didn't give me any time to think after I made my choice, so he snorted and said, "Then you can die here."

Then, I realized I couldn't see again.

But after losing my vision, my hearing recovered immediately. I heard a familiar voice calling me, and I couldn't help but happily responded, "Dao Feng?"

"Chu Yang." Dao Feng seemed to be the same as I chose. I heard him calling my name and walking this way, so I hurried over to find him.

The two of us groped for each other in this Tai Chi as if we were blind, shouting as we walked, and purposely amplified our voices as if we were afraid that the other party would not hear. Often also shows a childish side.

But it's too late to realize this now, I thought bitterly, we don't have much time anymore.

Since the man said that, I have clearly noticed the heaviness of my body and the blockage of my breathing, just like an old man who is old and frail, and may die at any time, which feels very bad.

At least, what do I really want to do with Dao Feng...

I stretched out my hand and touched it in a daze and anticipation. When my left hand touched Dao Feng's cool fingertips, an electric current surged in my body immediately.

"Dao Feng..." I shouted happily, took Dao Feng's hand, and pulled him into my arms with all my strength.

Dao Feng was caught off guard by me, and after being taken aback, he whispered, "Let's die here together."

His voice was deep and firm, which made me sad for a while. I knew what he was thinking. Since there is only one place to go out, he must hope that this person is Sister Xuan, Uncle or even Dao Yan, because I can talk to him. It means that I have chosen to stay, and he probably thinks that it is a good choice to die here with me.

This guy is always so gentle with his friends.

Treat lovers, such as me, with indifference and cruelty...

My heart was soft, I put my arms around Dao Feng's waist with one hand, groped for his face with the other, then leaned my head and kissed him.

At the beginning, I kissed the face, and I moved a little, and I touched the soft and cold lips.

Dao Feng opened his mouth slightly, allowing me to stick my tongue in and stir up and wreak havoc, making me even more unscrupulous.

I deepened the kiss bit by bit, listening to Dao Feng's heavy breathing, I stroked him back and forth with both hands, making his firm and perfect body fit me closely, and then slowly sucked down along the sexy collarbone, along the smooth The beautiful bust line extends inward...


Dao Feng's moaning suddenly aroused my rationality, I stopped suddenly, helped him fasten his clothes in the dark in a panic, and said in a hoarse voice: "I can't go on, I really can't bear it if this goes on." Stop it, Dao Feng..."

"Yeah." Dao Feng was panting, and leaned his head on my shoulder. He was almost suffocated by my kiss just now, and he was weak before dying, and now he can hardly stand up.

I took his right hand to my lips and kissed it, and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

Dao Feng shook his head slightly, stood up straight again, and then hesitated for a long time in silence.

There is still an ambiguous atmosphere in the cold air, I am waiting for his next words, I know that at this moment of life and death, he must want to say something to me, that sentence may not hurt anymore, or it may be me The long awaited, I love you...

Sure enough, Dao Feng began to say slowly in a very embarrassed tone: "Chu Yang, I..."

When I was about to hear the following words, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of my head, and there was a buzzing in my ears, and suddenly I couldn't hear anything.

That's what death looks like.

At the moment when consciousness completely sank into darkness, I almost burst into tears.

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