When Chu Wentian called his name, that person’s body froze, and then he slowly walked out from the shadows. His tall figure and imposing manner made me recognize him as the Dao Yuan who kidnapped me before .

Dao Yuan's face is not half similar to Dao Feng's, but it has the same coldness and calmness, as if as long as they are named Dao family, they must have an overwhelming momentum and coldness.

Uncle and I looked at each other, and we have already seen that this man whom Chu Wentian called A Yan was undoubtedly a participant in that incident back then and one of the five survivors. Seized the identity of Brother Daofeng and entered this golden ghost town.

Chu Wentian didn't notice the uncle and I's movements, he only had the man in front of him in his eyes.

Taking a step forward slowly, Chu Wentian paused and said in a low voice, "...Dao Yan, it's really you."

Dao Yan frowned and looked at Chu Wentian, with an unfriendly expression on his face, he said, "Chu Wentian... you old man came here too."

Chu Wentian smiled: "If you say I am immortal, you are the same."

Dao Yan was so squeezed that he couldn't reply, and snorted displeasedly.

I saw that the situation was a bit awkward, so I turned my head to look at Dao Feng, only to find that his head was lowered, his black hair covered his eyes, his thin lips were slightly pursed, and I didn't know what he was thinking, so I had to turn my eyes back to those two people body.

When Chu Wentian saw his old friend, he wanted to walk over to talk, but as soon as he raised his left foot, Dao Yan showed that abnormally sharp dagger, and shouted: "Don't move!"

Chu Wentian asked what was wrong, and then stopped in doubt, and the general ghost slave also moved to Chu Wentian the moment Dao Yan flashed his dagger.

Although Dao Yan couldn't see the ghost slave, he could feel the breath of the evil ghost. He squinted his black eyes and looked at Chu Wentian even more unkindly.

"How much do you remember about that year?" Dao Yan asked.

Hearing this sentence, the uncle and I were both startled. I thought to myself that when I analyzed with the uncle, I wondered why Chu Wentian didn’t know much more than us. Now it seems that they have lost their memory, at least They probably don't remember much about what happened back then.

Sure enough, after a moment of hesitation, Chu Wentian replied: "Sometimes I can recall some fragments, but most of them are blank, but I remember you, Ah Yan..."

"Shut up." Dao Yan looked at Chu Wentian angrily, as if disturbed by the sound of Ah Yan, he changed the direction of the dagger in his hand, pointed at Dao Feng and said, "Ah Feng, come here, don't Together with this group of people, the Dao family's nineteen lives are for them, and one day I will let them pay with their blood."

Daoyan's voice is hoarse and deep, this sentence was said by gritted teeth, every word pierced our hearts like a blade, not only me, but even the uncle was taken aback by what he said, and then he looked strange winks at me.

It's a pity that I don't have the heart to talk to him now. I just stare at Dao Feng in surprise. Although I don't know what Dao Yan said, I know that he must have his reasons for saying that. What did the ancestors of the family and Wu family do to the Dao family? If that happened, Dao Feng would definitely leave us. It is impossible for him to be with the enemy.

Dao Feng froze in place after Dao Yan finished saying that, he shook his bandaged right hand, then hesitantly raised his head to look at me, those eyes were filled with confusion and helplessness With a shock, I almost walked over to hug him.

Fortunately, Chu Wentian stopped Dao Yan in time, he raised his hand to block my subconscious actions, and said to the stubborn and domineering Dao Yan: "A Yan, we are all responsible for what happened back then, you can't push the fault to the Chu and Wu families I can't be sure that the Dao family has no traitors, before finding out the truth and finding out the traitor who killed everyone, don't make things difficult for Daofeng, he is your descendant, not your venting tool."

"Junior?" Dao Yan's expression was gloomy, and he glanced at Chu Wentian with a dark face, and finally set his gaze on Dao Feng, with obvious anger in his tone: "If you are my junior, I won't be with you. This kid has helped the Wu family everywhere, and he is still on good terms with your Chu family, so he doesn't deserve the surname Dao at all. If it wasn't for his elder brother's sake, I..."

Saying that, Dao Yan stopped suddenly, because Dao Feng was looking at him.

Two equally powerful descendants of the Dao family looked at each other in this cold and dark cave.

After a long time, I don't know if the existence of Dao Yuan has become the hub. After watching Dao Yan for a long time, Dao Feng suddenly said: "You know the big brother, is he okay?"

Unexpectedly, Dao Feng would ask such a question, and Dao Yan was a little unnatural. After pondering for a long time, he still insisted on his original statement: "I said, he is dead."

Dao Feng's black eyes flashed, and he said firmly: "You didn't want to say it before, but what you said just now has proved that you didn't kill Big Brother."

I nodded in my heart. A person as arrogant as Dao Yan can say "for the sake of so-and-so", which means that he is very respectful to that person. Such a relationship cannot be broken by a few words. Dao Yuan It is so important in Dao Yan's heart, it is even more impossible to be killed by Dao Yan.

"Hum." Dao Yan's mouth curled up into a mocking smile: "Is there any difference if I killed him? He died because of me. Why, don't you want to avenge your elder brother?"

Having said that, the uncle and I have basically understood that Dao Yan must have seen the identity of the uncle when we were in the health preservation hall, and wanted his life, but was blocked by Dao Feng, so that the uncle and sister Xuan easily escaped.Later, he wanted to persuade Dao Feng to follow him, but was misunderstood by Dao Feng that he killed Dao Yuan. The two disagreed and fought. The descendants of the Dao family, I might as well send you to see the King of Hades", so he cruelly threw Dao Feng into the deep ditch.

When I thought of so many wounds on Dao Feng's body, and his almost useless right hand, I felt a senseless anger in my heart, and finally couldn't help but said: "You injured Dao Feng so badly, and you still licked your face and asked him to Help you, what are you dreaming of? No matter how sorry I am to your Dao family, I dare to pat my chest and promise to treat Dao Feng well. With me here, I will never let Dao Feng go with you."

What I said not only showed my position, but also played a role in stabilizing the morale of the army, and strengthened the foundation of our "Gang of Four". Uncle patted me on the shoulder and gave me a thumbs up. From time to time, he hummed and said: "That's right, Daofeng belongs to us, what's the matter with you suddenly showing up now and wanting to drag him away, kill Cheng Yaojin halfway..."

Dao Yan was irritated by what we said, and he glanced at Dao Feng with a complicated expression, and said coldly: "Kill you all, he will naturally follow me."

Chu Wentian raised his hand and made a pause gesture, reminding him: "Don't forget that I am still here, it is impossible for you to hurt these children, and there is no Chu family's ghost master, how can you open the last one?" organ."

Dao Yan pointed at me without thinking: "So I will cut off his left hand. As for you, as long as you can't move temporarily, we can enter the end of the earth smoothly."

I heard what he said so indifferently, he regarded me as a piece of tofu, and I couldn't help but angrily said: "I cut off my hand at will? If I hadn't been merciful last time, your mother would have..."

Chu Wentian also nodded and said: "If the end of the earth is as simple as you imagined, why would you need a ghost master? Can't you be honest and admit that you need our help..."

"Need a fart!" Dao Yan scolded unhappily: "If you dare to come here now, I will stab you to death immediately."

Seeing that we were already quarreling, Dao Feng, who was standing silently at the side, suddenly interrupted us and said, "Stop arguing, I'll go with you."

That deep and pleasant voice made me feel uncomfortable for the first time. I looked at Dao Feng in confusion, but he didn't look at me directly. He just patted his chest, and the black kitten came out of his arms cleverly. Drilled out, several vertical jumps onto the uncle.

"Dao Feng..." I panicked all of a sudden. To be honest, I dared to scold someone like Dao Yan, but I didn't dare to say anything serious to Dao Feng, because I was afraid that he would hate me and leave me, but Up to now, no matter how careful I am, he is thinking of leaving.

As my uncle and I began to worry, whether these survivors with no historical background or even memory had an influence on our solid foursome, or the worst kind of influence.

"You... really want to go with him?" Sure enough, I am not as important as his elder brother in Dao Feng's heart. I thought sadly that Dao Feng would agree to go with Dao Yan. He must be trying to get information about his elder brother. Now Probably only Dao Yan knows where Dao Yuan is.

Dao Feng took a few steps forward, and nodded with his back to me. It could be seen that he was still hesitant, but he had to do so for Dao Yuan.This is no longer a simple multiple-choice question of love and family affection, not to mention that I am alive and well now.If I am seriously injured and weak and need him to protect me, maybe he will insist on staying...

Ahhh, why didn't I get hurt just now? !I scratched my head frantically.

At this time, the uncle who had been watching for a long time came over quietly, tugged at me with evil eyebrows, then pointed at my left hand, slammed his knife and nodded.

I didn't understand what Uncle meant at first, but when I saw his eyes glanced at Tonobu, I nodded in understanding.

I walked quickly to Dao Feng, grabbed his wrist and said to Dao Yan: "Okay, since Dao Feng wants to go with you, we can't keep him, but I have one condition."

Tonobu looked at me impatiently, and spit out a word: "Say."

"I want to follow Dao Feng." I smiled shyly, and held Dao Feng's wrist even harder: "If you want to take Dao Feng away, you have to take me with you, otherwise what if you want to kill Dao Feng?" I can still help him when the time comes."

While I was talking, I sneaked a glance at Dao Feng beside me, and saw that the corners of his mouth were almost invisibly bent, and his black eyes also recovered a little.

There was a hint of killing intent in Daoyan's eyes, but he finally compromised. He turned around noncommittally, and stepped into the darkness a few steps.

After Daoyan left, Xiang Wen rushed over and slapped me hard, and smiled triumphantly.

I didn't know why I looked at him, but I didn't say anything else. I just turned my head and nodded to the uncle and others together with Dao Feng, and then followed quickly.

Dao Yan walked fast and steady, obviously trying to get rid of the people behind in this maze-like cave.

I was dizzy after a few turns, and I couldn't see where we had gone, but I wasn't worried that the uncle and the others would not be able to keep up, because the clever, weird, and intelligent little black cat was now in the hands of the uncle.

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