In the dark and cold tomb passage, the heavy footsteps were getting closer and closer, like stepping on the heartstrings, and they were about to reach us.

I put my hand on the saber at my waist, took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "There can't be anything powerful in this kind of place, it's probably just a small character."

Chu Wentian glanced at me and said with a smile, "I haven't encountered anything powerful in my journey." The implication is that the things in this tomb are insignificant in his eyes.

Hearing this sentence, I immediately put my hand down and pretended that I hadn't said anything just now.

At this time, the things in the tomb passage gradually revealed their true colors under the light of wolf eyes. We held our breath and quickly glanced at these two people who were neither human nor ghost. When we saw that they were a man and a woman, I couldn't help but relax. I took a deep breath, and when I saw that they were still carrying a large wooden box on their backs, I picked it up again.

The men and women were haggard, much like the zombies in Resident Evil, but the tattered clothes on their bodies proved that they belonged to ancient China.They stared at the dark eye sockets, and their mouths were all stitched together with rough black thread, looking neither fish nor fowl.And that weird big wooden box, in my opinion, is a hidden weapon for harming people.

It's a pity that just after I finished analyzing the situation in front of me, the voices belonging to the uncle and Ji Xuan came from the wooden box behind the man and the woman. I was stunned for a moment, and finally understood the real purpose of the box.

Recalling the weird echo we heard near the Chaos Beast Statue when we first entered the underground palace, it probably has the same principle as this wooden box. They cannot make human-like voices for nothing, they can only be copied and imitated, that is, It is said that the uncle and Ji Xuan should have met these two guys, or had a conversation near them, so that the two of them could use the boxes on their backs to imitate the same voice to attract the attention of living people.

Moreover, these two guys may not only be able to copy voices, but they should have a certain thinking mode in order to create reasonable words to attract us. This is like the speech synthesis software that is very popular nowadays. Can produce such advanced things.

Just as I was thinking about the principle of the wooden box, the ghost slave beside Chu Wentian had already drawn his big knife and rushed up, so I had no choice but to wave my hand, signaling Xiaohai to hurry over and help.

Two ghost king-level ghost slaves face off against two talking zombies, and you can tell who wins at a glance.

Chu Wentian's ghost slave was so powerful that he cut zombie No. [-] in half with one knife, and even smashed the box on his back. Swinging towards zombie number two, Xiao Hai dexterously dodged to the side when the foreign object flew in, watching the two zombies smash into a ball.

In front of this general and ghost slave, the pair of zombie men and women have no ability to resist at all.

Chu Wentian seemed to have long been accustomed to his style of being a ghost slave, standing behind with one hand in his pocket and just laughing.

I looked at the scene of bones and scum flying not far away, covered my eyes with a cry of fear, and sighed: "——It's so cruel."

Seeing me pretending to be playful and smiling, Dao Feng reminded: "Wu Mou and Ji Xuan should be right in front."

Hearing this, I straightened my expression and said to Chu Wentian, "Uncle, don't fight anymore, let's go, our people are nearby, we have to hurry to join them."

Chu Wentian knew that I was worried about my partner, so he nodded and said: "You two go to the left, and I go to the right. Anyway, they are connected. We will meet at the front."

I thought he was afraid of another accident in the tomb passage, and thought that walking separately could solve it at the same time, so I agreed without thinking too much.

We parted at the fork, and Dao Feng and I walked into the tomb passage on the left. This tomb passage is not spacious, at most two people can walk side by side, and it is very deep, like a bottomless abyss, no matter how we walk, we will never reach the end.

But I know this is because the walls on both sides of the tomb passage are bare and without any decoration, which makes people feel the same everywhere they go. In fact, we didn't walk for long.

I took the opportunity to get close to Dao Feng, pretending to study the walls on both sides while walking, and then said without words: "Look if there are organs on these two sides, why is there nothing on the walls?"

Dao Feng had noticed this a long time ago, and when he heard me ask, he shook his head to express that he didn't know either.

I secretly glanced at his side face, saw his black eyes drooping slightly, his black hair scattered, and still had that stern expression, my heart moved, I boldly grabbed his injured right hand, and said in a low voice: "Dao Feng, what happened before?" I asked you something, and you haven't responded to me yet."

Dao Feng froze when I held his hand, his footsteps began to slow down, and he said without even looking at me: "What are you responding to?"

I heard him say that, although I knew he pretended not to understand on purpose, but I still felt a little uncomfortable, because I acted carelessly on the surface, but in fact I was still very afraid that he would reject me. If I refused for other reasons, I could find a way After messing around, I'm afraid that Dao Feng will directly say that he can't accept men, that he wants to marry a wife and have children to carry on the family line, then I really have no reason to pester him anymore.

What love can conquer everything, as long as there is love, gender, age, etc. are not a problem, I don't even believe that kind of nonsense, let alone use it to persuade Dao Feng.

Thinking about it, I closed my eyes, groped for Dao Feng's palm, and then slowly clasped his fingers, through the thick gauze, I could still feel the temperature of his body.

...It would be great if it could be like this forever.

Sighing, Dao Feng's hand wrapped in gauze made me feel soft, and the feeling of rubbing fingers against each other was too exciting, so I softened my tone and said softly: "I said I like you, I mean it, Dao Feng Feng, I don't want to help you because we are brothers, I kiss you because I like you, love you, you... If you understand me as a villain who takes advantage of others My heart has other plans...then I can't help it. I like you, so I naturally want to do that kind of thing with you, and I naturally want you to respond to me, but even if you don't want to talk to me, I will help you fulfill your wish, So you don't have to worry, if it really doesn't work, just say it and let me die..."

Speaking of this, I have already made a decision and prepared, and I think he can understand what I mean.

It must be the first time for Dao Feng to be confessed so clearly. He stopped and stood motionless. I could feel his hand shrinking, but I didn't let him succeed. I kept holding it hard. Don't let him feel pain, and don't let him walk away easily.

I am about the same height as Dao Feng. Although the light from the wolf-eyed flashlight in the tomb is dim, it is enough for me to see his expression.He frowned slightly, as if he was trying to digest what I just said, and seemed to be thinking or hesitating.

I anxiously waited for his answer, thinking that if he was hesitating, it would prove that I had something to do, and if he was thinking about how to reject me, then I could die.

But I believe that if Dao Feng really wanted to refuse, he wouldn't be so ink-stained. He would have punched me and told me to leave. He would show a confused expression, which shows that he also cares about me very much.

Sure enough, Dao Feng turned his head after a while, and stared at me with deep black eyes, which made me a little embarrassed.

"How is it?" I stuttered, and asked cautiously, "Have you thought about it?"

"I..." Dao Feng opened his mouth, nodded and shook his head, and said with a little blank eyes: "I've made up my mind."

"Think it over..." I repeated these three words in a daze, feeling that I had already been sentenced, and I just waited for the result.

I looked into Dao Feng's clear eyes, and suddenly felt the urge to kiss him again, so I coughed awkwardly, touched my nose and said, "Well, tell me, life or death depends on your words Talk." I nervously squeezed his hand subconsciously, preparing for the worst: "If it really doesn't work...we're still brothers."

Dao Feng looked at me, his thin lips parted slightly, and after a long time, he suddenly whispered: "I... like you."

I froze for a moment, and my heart suddenly became hot.

Dao Feng's voice was deep and magnetic, and it was very pleasant to hear, but now it was a little dry and nervous, and it was even more like the sound of nature when he said it. The embarrassing appearance and the firmness in the voice made my heart beat wildly and I was very excited , I was a little overwhelmed for a while.

I clenched my hands subconsciously, thinking that since Dao Feng said that, it meant that he also had plans in his heart. As a man, I probably could understand his concerns and decisions, so I forced myself to calm down and waited for him to say Say the following words.

After Dao Feng said the most embarrassing sentence, he probably felt that there was nothing more embarrassing to say than that sentence, the blush on Jun's face faded a little, and then he said in a low voice calmly: "But liking is liking , does not mean everything, I still have a lot of things to do...and I may not be able to be with you, I am not even sure I can get out of here alive, Chu Yang..."

"I know." I interrupted him, took a deep breath, took his right hand and put it to my mouth, kissed and kissed again, and smiled happily: "A few words from you are enough, I understand everything, I won't force you, as long as you let me stay by your side, I will help you with these things, and then you will have no excuse to refuse me."

Dao Feng was robbed by me. After a while, he nodded and said, "It's good that you understand."

As two adult men, Dao Feng and I have heavy burdens, not to mention there are such complicated things waiting for us to figure out, not only Dao Feng, even I know that we must put the overall situation first, But with Dao Feng's words, I know what to do. I have the confidence and ability to settle everything. Now it's just a matter of time.

I raised the corners of my mouth, looked at Dao Feng's stern face, recalled the words that made him hard to say just now, and finally realized what it means to be satisfied.

To be honest, this is Dao Feng's straightforward personality, and with such a shameless guy like me, otherwise any woman who is careful and thoughtful about relationships can easily play me to death, such as my last girlfriend...

But I can't compare them together, because she is her, Dao Feng is Dao Feng, and now I only have Dao Feng in my heart.

Thinking of this, I leaned closer to Dao Feng's ear, kissed his soft earlobe lightly, and said softly: "I want to kiss you, but you pushed me away when I kissed halfway last time..."

Dao Feng blushed, turned his head away and said, "We'll talk about it when we get out..."

I think he probably felt that the progress was too fast and he couldn't get used to it, so he was considerate of his jerky and conservative in this regard, and said: "Well, first find Uncle and Sister Xuan, I don't know what happened to them."

As I said this, I was recalling the first time I met Dao Feng in my heart. Although I didn't want to admit it, I did have a different feeling for Dao Feng since then. It shouldn't be love. It’s just that I’m simply attracted to him, I always feel that he’s different from others, I always feel that I want to talk to him more, and I can’t help but want to get closer. This is probably a sign of love, something I can’t control.

Will Dao Feng do the same?He insisted that I go with him, and he defended me very much. Is it just for the purpose of robbing the tomb?Who will believe this?

... Anyway, I don't believe it.

I hooked Dao Feng's hand and walked slowly in the tomb passage in a calm and unhurried manner. Perhaps because there was no one else here and it was very hidden, Dao Feng did not push me away, but walked quietly beside me.

I was so happy and overjoyed that I started to lose my eyesight when I was walking. I stumbled on my foot accidentally and leaned forward just to be grabbed by Dao Feng. I still couldn't help but cursed: "Damn it!"

It's just that I didn't expect that the tomb passage was deep and quiet. The word "I" instantly had a chain effect, causing the entire tomb passage to echo non-stop.

I laughed and scratched my head in embarrassment, and Dao Feng also raised the corners of his mouth, with a helpless and funny expression on his face.

I saw him smiling so beautifully, and suddenly an idea came to my mind.

So I let go of him, put my hands to my mouth in a funnel shape, and mustered up the courage to shout: "Daofeng, I love you——"

This roar was full of confidence, the voice was resonant, and it pierced through the mountains and rivers. It was quite like a general, and the entire tomb passage that shook suddenly echoed those five words.

I put down my hand in satisfaction, turned my head and saw Dao Fengjun's face flushed, his eyes looked at me in a daze, no matter how embarrassed he turned his head away, it really softened my heart.

"Chu Yang." Half-paid, Dao Feng reluctantly said amidst the countless echoes with his name: "I didn't realize that you were such a rascal before."

"I'm overwhelmed, I'm a hooligan when I face you..." I gently raised his chin, took a hard bite on that soft thin lip, then squinted my eyes and said hoarsely: "Just listen to what I have to say. Just blushing, if I want to hug you and get inside you, will your whole body be red..."

After saying this, Dao Feng's ears turned red.

And then……

I was beaten severely.

When I followed Dao Feng with my head in my hands and finally walked out of the long tomb passage, not only Dao Feng, but also I was blushing.

I saw three people standing side by side at the entrance of the tomb. They raised eyebrows, looked at us with malicious intent, and at the same time let out a kind of "hehehe" grin...

The author has something to say: This is just Dao Feng expressing his intentions, it does not mean that the two of them are already that, don't worry.

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