"Why is there such a thing hanging here?" I looked at the human skin warily, and realized what a stupid question I asked as soon as I said it. This is an ancient tomb, and no matter how unimaginable things appear, it is not surprising.

The uncle stared at the human skin, as if it would jump over and bite at any moment: "Don't touch it with your hands, don't forget whose tomb this is, the most likely possibility of this kind of thing is poison and curse, take a closer look Nearby, are there any symbols and patterns like formations, be careful not to get caught."

We nodded, and went to other places to check separately. The human skin just hung in place quietly, without any imaginary changes due to our actions.

Xiaohai was taken back by me when I entered the Golden Pagoda, and now I had to call her out again in order to protect myself. Fortunately, there are no cliff traps here, and there is no need to climb ropes, so Xiaohai has a place to use.

I took Xiaohai to walk through those wood carvings, and irradiated every possible abnormal place with a wolf-eyed flashlight.

Thinking back to that piece of human skin while walking, I have to sigh, the ancient craftsmen are really skillful, not only peeling off the piece of human skin completely, but also cleaning and processing it until it is clean and crystal-clear as thin as a cicada’s wing, and depicting To produce a beautiful painting with bright colors is more frightening than that kind of bloody, unprocessed human skin. Every skin texture on its body reveals a carefully crafted obscurity and a heavy atmosphere of death, which makes people Just thinking about it makes me feel chills all over my body.

Because it is not the skin of other animals, it is human skin, which is peeled off from human beings like us. This may remind us that if we make a slight move, we will end up in the same end.

Just when I was lost in thought, Xiao Hai suddenly reached out to stop me. I was surprised, and looked back at her, but she raised her glamorous finger and pointed behind her. I looked along her hand, only to find that the exquisite human skin I don't know when the painting appeared behind me. Looking at it like this, it has been following me for a while, and the aura that doesn't belong to living people or ghosts, even a ghost like Xiao Hai didn't notice it in time.

I was shocked and panicked for a while, then quieted down, looking at the human skin silently.

There is only one piece of human skin, if it appears to me, it means that Dao Feng and the others are not in danger.

Thinking of this, I breathed a sigh of relief, glanced around for the last time, raised my foot and prepared to go back to meet them, and tell them that I found nothing here.

I bypassed the human skin painting and tried to go back the same way, but found that the wooden carvings on both sides looked very familiar.But it's no wonder, it's a dead thing, and the sculptor is a little lazy, so it's not surprising that the carving is the same.

Xiaohai followed me all the time, she seemed to be particularly concerned about that piece of human skin, she stopped and looked back frequently, and didn't feel at ease until she was sure it was no longer following us.

It was the first time I saw Xiaohai so vigilant, so I couldn't help but take a few extra glances, thinking that the human skin painting suddenly appeared behind me, and I don't know what special meaning it has.

After walking for about ten minutes, I couldn't help but stop, and began to think about what went wrong, why I walked so long for a distance that wasn't too far away, and still didn't make it.

Could it be that they couldn't determine the location of the assembly because the human skin that served as a sign had moved?But if that's the case, how come they didn't find anyone else after walking such a long distance? If this happened, they should also be looking around.

It was dark and cold all around, and there was a deep silence. I couldn't see any living things. For a while, it seemed that only me and Xiaohai were left.I slowed down my breathing and listened carefully to the movements around me, hoping to find a trace of a living person.

"Daofeng?" I called out, and kept shining my flashlight on the surrounding scenery, feeling more and more flustered.

"Uncle, sister Xuan, I heard a roar." I shouted as I walked, trying to suppress the fear in my heart with my voice.

Now, no matter how rough my nerves are, I must admit that there is definitely something wrong with this place. First of all, the human skin painting that appeared inexplicably cannot be seen to be hung in midair by something.I once looked up with wolf eyes, but I saw that the top of this tomb was completely dark, as if shrouded in a thick layer of black fog, and I couldn't see anything above it. The beam of the wolf eye flashlight is so powerful. , It just disappeared when it was illuminated there, so I couldn't help but wonder if there were some special light-absorbing materials there.

The second is the human-shaped wood carvings placed here closely. If I remember correctly, the wood carvings I saw along the way are almost the same as the wood carvings I saw when I went back.According to common sense, this is basically impossible. The wood carvings here have different postures, and the left and right are not equal. What you see from any angle is a picture.Or, I'm so lost that I go in circles when I go around.

Finally, it is the movement of the human skin painting.I'm sure there are no other living people here except the four of us, so how did the human skin painting move its position and appear precisely behind me?

All kinds of weird guesses were circling in my mind, and I clenched the flashlight tightly, feeling more and more ominous in my heart.

I glanced at the deep and quiet tomb, took a deep breath, and walked forward again.

This time I concentrated on observing the surrounding wood carvings, while guarding against the reappearance of the human skin painting.Gradually, I heard the sound of even footsteps coming from the depths of the tomb. I was overjoyed, and immediately walked over quickly, and I saw a figure walking towards me.

"Who? Daofeng, Uncle, or Sister Xuan?" I raised my voice and shouted.

"It's me." The figure got closer and closer, and finally stopped in front of me. There was no emotion in his dark eyes: "Where did you go, we have been looking for you for a long time."

"It's a long story." I waved my hand, and said to Dao Feng, "Go and meet Uncle and the others first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

Dao Feng didn't speak, turned around and walked back.

I followed him, and although seeing acquaintances relieved a lot of pressure, I always felt that something was wrong. Whether it was the meeting just now or Dao Feng's expression, I felt a little weird.

It was an unreasonable, intuitive weirdness.

"Wait, where are we going?" I looked at the aisle where there were no more wooden carvings in front of me, and the weirdness in my heart became more intense, but I didn't want to doubt Dao Feng, or it was impossible for me to doubt him at all, so I could only sideline Follow in his footsteps and ask questions.

"Where do you want to go."


"Where do you want to go."

"I... It has nothing to do with where I want to go. We should go to Uncle and Sister Xuan..." I looked at Dao Feng, and suddenly felt that he was a little unreasonable now.

"What to do with them." Dao Feng stopped, leaned against the wall next to him, crossed his arms, and looked at me expressionlessly.

"..." I was so dizzy by him, I didn't know how to answer for a while, I lowered my face and said, "Dao Feng, now is not the time to joke, you should know..."

"I know." Dao Feng interrupted me, with the same stern expression as usual: "You want to leave here with me, huh?"

"I..." I widened my eyes, and there was a buzz in my head. Dao Feng's ambiguous and deep voice immediately made me panic and overwhelmed. Suddenly, a voice echoed crazily in my heart: That's right, that's what I thought , promise him, go with him...

"I...I think..." I squinted my eyes and covered my forehead, a severe dizziness hit my mind, and I could hardly make a sound due to the pain.

"You want to go with me and get out of here, don't you?" Dao Feng walked up to me, took my hand, and said in a low and soft voice, "Come on, get out of here, we..."

"..." I looked up at him, awed by those deep black eyes, as if being sucked into a whirlpool, my mind went blank for an instant: "Go..."

"What are you going to do?"

Suddenly, a voice that was exactly the same as Dao Feng sounded around me. I froze for a moment, looked at Dao Feng in front of me in disbelief, and asked blankly: "You... just, that was..."

Dao Feng's originally stern face became even deeper. He glared at me slightly angrily, then pulled me up and walked forward.

"Chu Yang, don't go there."

The voice sounded again, my body stiffened for a moment, and I grabbed Dao Feng in front of me: "What's the matter, Dao Feng?"

"Leave him alone." Dao Feng frowned in disgust, he still pulled me his way, and his steps gradually became faster.

I looked at his anxious appearance, and thought vaguely in my heart: This is wrong, this is not like Dao Feng, but he is obviously Dao Feng, what is going on...

"...don't blame me for being rude."

With a slightly angry whisper, I felt my neck was strangled, and the severe pain made me fall back involuntarily, and at the same time I shouted: "Oh, I'm going, don't do this, don't do this, I was wrong!"

With a sudden exclamation, I fell backwards to the ground, then opened my eyes, staring blankly at Dao Feng standing in front of me, frowning slightly.

"...What, what's going on?" I grinned and rubbed my neck, and asked, "Should I go or not?"

"Where are you going?"

"Where are you going...get out of here."

"Leave?" Dao Feng's black eyes darkened, and he pulled me up from the ground with one hand.

"Didn't you say, let's go together..." My head was still foggy, and when I stood up, I saw a piece of human skin hanging not far away, and I shivered.

"I never said that." Dao Feng looked at me strangely, then pointed to the human skin and said, "You were following it just now."

"Fuck, how is it possible, I just clearly..." I looked at the human skin in surprise, and then at Dao Feng who was puzzled, and realized instantly that what I just saw was all hallucinations, including The man who kept pulling me...

But this is really weird, I have summoned Xiao Hai a long time ago, with her around, it is basically impossible for me to have hallucinations.

Thinking about it, I turned my head and asked Dao Feng, "You...have you seen Xiao Hai?"

"That female ghost?" Dao Feng shook his head slightly: "I only see you alone."

"No, then where did she go?" I looked around anxiously, and found that my wolf eyes had disappeared, and the dark fire in Dao Feng's palm was still on, but I was the only one I saw. Could it be that Xiao Hai was also hit? trick?

Dao Feng saw what I was thinking. He handed me an extinguished flashlight and said, "I picked it up behind you. If you think about it again, maybe you didn't call her at all."

"Impossible..." I retorted subconsciously, and my mind was in a mess. After thinking twice, I had to admit with a wry smile: "Could it be that I have entered hallucinations since then..."

Seeing that I was very conflicted, Dao Feng didn't say anything, but just motioned me to go with him.

I nodded, and tentatively summoned Xiao Hai, and after seeing that beautiful wooden face, I followed Dao Feng with peace of mind.

Dao Feng walked very fast, as if he was avoiding something, we got into a narrow secret road, and after walking for a long time, we saw Uncle and Sister Xuan, who seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

Sister Xuan sat in the corner with her back against the wall, raised her head and closed her eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

The uncle stood beside him, rubbing his chin as if thinking deeply.

Seeing me and Dao Feng appear, the uncle glanced at me up and down, and said with a smile: "Hey, compatriots are here, how was it just now, did you see the beauty?"

"What compatriots?" I didn't know why, but when I saw the uncle gesturing at my neck, I suddenly realized: "You have also been tricked?"

"It's not me." The uncle rubbed his blue neck sadly, pointing to sister Xuan who was sitting in the corner: "It's Ji Xuan."

"How could Sister Xuan..." Seeing the uncle's appearance, I knew that there must be marks on my neck being strangled by Dao Feng, because I could feel that Dao Feng had really used a lot of strength to pull it out. I pull from the hallucination.

"She was hallucinating just like you, but she didn't know what she saw. She almost strangled me just now." The uncle sighed with lingering fear.

Hearing the uncle's words, I couldn't help being more puzzled, so I asked: "What is it that makes us hallucinate? Why did sister Xuan pinch you, and what I saw was..."

"It's the human skin in the tomb." The uncle straightened his face, pondered for a moment and replied: "And... there may be more than one such human skin."

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