"Fuck!" Listening to the continuous ringing in my ears, I pretended to be shocked and looked at the uncle: "Uncle, what did you do, you fucked the younger sister of King Yunnan?!"

"Damn!" The uncle gave me a contemptuous look, frowned and said, "This echo is abnormal, it might be a mechanism."

I nodded and observed the movement around me vigilantly, and found that the echo changed from slow to fast and the voice became higher and higher, and finally it was [-]% similar to the uncle's voice. I don't know what it was coming from.

If it imitates the uncle's voice and interferes with us, we are likely to make a wrong judgment and things will go wrong.

I glanced at Uncle and saw that his face changed drastically, as if he was also worried about this.

"At first I thought it was an imitation of a Whispering Wall, but now it seems that's not the case." The uncle said after pondering for a moment: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave quickly, or something will happen later."

After standing in place for a few minutes, the thing that made the sound never showed up, so we had to hurry up and leave here to prevent more trouble.

In places like ancient tombs, it is the best policy to hide if you can. After all, we are not a demolition office, and there is no need to destroy all the ancient tomb organs. The purpose of coming here is to find out what happened back then, and get a few valuable things It's just a ghost.

The flashlight swept back and forth in the dark. We observed carefully as we walked, and found that the construction pattern here is more like a palace, and the decoration is quite a bit like the Tang Dynasty.Compared with the gleaming golden ghost city on the ground, which is full of nouveau riche style, the underground palace below is much more unique and exquisite. Although it is not covered with gold everywhere, it is decorated with dragons and phoenixes, imitating the royal style everywhere. The utensil totem with special shape is even more unique.

The uncle said that Nanzhao accepted the support of the Tang Dynasty in history to unify the Six Zhaozhao, so it is understandable that the king of Yunnan would learn the technology of the Tang Dynasty to build his own tomb.

Passing through the main hall guarded by chaos beasts, we entered a long and silent tomb passage. The tomb passage was very wide. Walking in the middle, we could hear the scattered footsteps of four people. When we scanned the two sides with wolf eyes, we could see the carvings on the wall. There are weird faces, those faces are very abstract, a few strokes vaguely outline the nose and eyes, but there are no ears, and they are stuck on the wall like a mask, which seems to be a relief decoration.

Above the relief, there are two rows of ever-burning lamps with gold-cast lampstands. The lampstands are carved with small and exquisite patterns. It seems that they have not been lit. The oil inside is full and a thick layer of oil has fallen on them Ash.

Near the walls on both sides of the tomb passage, there are some scattered weapons and many large vats arranged neatly. Those large vats are all sealed with red mud. I guess there should be things like wine and food in them, and they are placed as tributes. Here, it is used to show the prestige of the King of Yunnan.

"What's in there, wine?" I pointed to a jar in front of me and asked, "It must be rotten into mud after so many years."

"That's not certain." The uncle replied: "The longer the wine is, the more mellow it is. Maybe you can drink it now after opening it. But Nanzhao is a collection of ethnic minorities and Han people, and voodoo poison is prevalent. , so it may not contain wine, but a poison made from human heads and the like, so we'd better touch it less."

Disgusted by what the uncle said, I clicked my tongue, shook my head to avoid those large ceramic vats, and turned to observe the faces on the wall.

"Hey, why do I think these faces are a bit strange?" Sister Xuan looked all the way over with wolf eyes, then turned to us and said, "Look, the faces and mouths of those people at the entrance are straight, but here they are straight. It's bent."

I froze for a moment, looked at the relief on Sister Xuan's finger, and thought that it was really different.

These reliefs seem to be in a sequence, from the entrance to the depth, gradually changing from a blank face to a smiling face. At the beginning, the straight mouth has turned into an upward curved arc at the corners of the mouth. Only the eyes are always closed. It looks very discordant.

Although I felt strange in my heart, I said on my mouth: "It's just a decoration, there is no need to make a fuss."

"Who made a fuss, I just think their smiles are not normal, which makes people feel creepy." Sister Xuan gave me a coquettish look, turned and continued to walk forward.

Uncle saw that Sister Xuan and I were bickering again, and said helplessly: "It may be some kind of symbolic pattern or mechanism code. Don't worry, go to the back and take a look."

Perhaps it was a psychological effect. My eyes never left the faces on the wall. Since Sister Xuan had already mentioned it, I subconsciously kept catching their changes, and my eyes were almost numb.

This directly caused me to cry out in embarrassment when I saw the sudden bloody face flashing into my field of vision. I was also embarrassed with Sister Xuan. Her voice was at least an octave higher than mine, and she could already be called shrill. Call.

Uncle and Dao Feng also saw that strange face that didn't fit in when we screamed, but Jiang was still old and hot. The two of them were obviously used to seeing this kind of thing, and they had already passed the level of fear. I only saw Dao Feng frowning slightly. I don't know if it was because of the weird face or because the screams of sister Xuan and I were too harsh.

"Don't bark." The uncle waved his hand impatiently, signaling us to calm down, and then he held up the flashlight and moved close to the face to examine it carefully.

The reason why this face is scary is not without reason. Sister Xuan and I are not timid, but this face is completely different from the abstract reliefs before. It is very delicately depicted, and the facial features are lifelike. At first glance, it looks like a living person .Black and red blood spewed out of the big mouth, as if screaming silently, his eyes widened in horror, blood and tears flowed down the eye sockets to his face, as if seeing something extremely terrifying.

Such a face is mixed with those ordinary and colorless reliefs, and it suddenly appears under the flashlight, just like watching a football game with full concentration, a bloody face suddenly pops out of the screen, which is more shocking than frightening. , that shock can definitely kill everything in seconds.

I coughed dryly, wiped off my cold sweat, and thought that I don’t have to be afraid of watching any ghost movies when I go back, and there is nothing more terrifying than going to the scene of a ghost movie and becoming the protagonist in it.

The uncle was afraid of the deep color on the face and the toxins on it, so he didn't touch it recklessly, but just observed it from a distance for a while, and said: "This thing is weird, I don't know what it is useful for putting it here... It looks like it's alive, maybe it's a mechanism like poison arrows, anyway, it's best not to move around."

Sister Xuan nodded with lingering fear, turned to look at the other reliefs, and was relieved to see that everything else was normal.

"Suddenly appearing to scare me, I didn't give any psychological preparation." Ms. Xuan muttered in a low voice, as if she also felt that the scream just now was extremely embarrassing.

We checked around, and continued to move forward when there was no abnormality. Unexpectedly, after walking a few steps, I heard a small sound of rustling, so I subconsciously looked back and found that the blood The eyeballs in the eyes of the face turned to where we were, and they were staring at me motionlessly.

"Fuck!" I looked at those blood-red eyeballs in disbelief, and whispered, "Wait, why is that thing still moving?"

The uncle was also surprised when he heard the words. After looking back, he immediately said: "No, let's go, the mechanism must have been activated."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a harsh sound of "Kara", and the heavy stone bricks under our feet suddenly sank, and several exclamations sounded in my ears. Before I could react, the few of us had no The figure fell down.

Dao Feng reacted very quickly. He happened to be on the edge of the trap, and immediately grabbed the stone brick above his head with one hand, and at the same time reached out to grab my arm. Clinging to Sister Xuan's waist, the four of them hung in the air in a straight line.

Fallen by three adults, no matter how strong Dao Feng is, he can't hold on for long. Sooner or later, his hands and stone bricks will slide away. He gritted his teeth and said, "Go up or down, hurry up."

The uncle looked down and found that the bottom was full of thick iron thorns that could pierce the four of us, so he said, "Go up."

Hearing the uncle's decision, Dao Feng did not move for a long time. I looked up and was shocked. The bloody face that had been pasted on the wall before was poking out from the stone bricks. Those blood-red eyes The eyeballs rolled twice, and then stopped on Dao Feng.Only then did I see that it wasn't just a face, it was a person, and a person with a distorted body.

This person is lying next to Dao Feng at the moment, but Dao Feng has no fear at all. I feel that his body is still very stable. After a few seconds, I heard him panting slightly in a low voice: "The voice from above is wrong. , go down."

I was stunned, knowing that Dao Feng must have heard other voices besides this person, otherwise this guy alone would not make Dao Feng make a decision to go on.

The uncle didn't ask much questions, and immediately took out the rope from Sister Xuan's bag, and then with the help of Sister Xuan, tied the rope into a sleeve, aimed at the stone statue on the high platform not far away, and threw it over.

The uncle moved a lot, and the strong vibration made us almost unable to catch each other. I just felt that my arm was about to break, and the pressure of pulling two adults was too great, and Dao Feng was probably more uncomfortable than me. He can hold on It's been a miracle so far.

Cold sweat kept streaming down my forehead, and I couldn't speak, so I could only wait for the uncle to fix the rope.

Uncle fastened the rope with the fastest speed, then let go of sister Xuan's hand, and swung over in the pose of Tarzan. I thought he would slap on the stone wall due to inertia, but I didn't expect that uncle's skills were also considered sensitive. Adjust your posture when you are approaching the wall, push your feet against the wall to resist the strong impact, and then climb up bit by bit.

After the uncle climbed onto the high platform, he tied the head of the rope in a ball and threw it over. Sister Xuan caught it several times before she caught it.

After Sister Xuan passed, it was my turn. I originally wanted to follow the uncle's method, but I found that my skills were terrible. I was so stunned that the rope in my hand almost loosened.

"What are you doing, you brat, come up quickly!" The uncle couldn't see clearly from above, so he just yelled: "Don't be silly."

"Immediately." I grabbed the rope in my hand, gritted my teeth and climbed up desperately, and then quickly threw the rope to Daofeng, for fear that he would fall if he didn't catch it too late.

Dao Feng raised his hand to grab the rope, and the man lying on the stone brick saw that he was about to run, and wanted to jump on him with his mouth wide open. We were terrified watching from the high platform, but Dao Feng did not hesitate at all.He moved swiftly and sensitively, and as soon as he let go of his hand, he dodged the strange man and swung towards him directly.Not long after, I saw the little black cat jumping onto the high platform first. Seeing this, I immediately went over and stretched out my hands, and pulled Dao Feng up from behind with all my strength.

And the strange man who fell into the pile of iron spikes completely disappeared at this time.

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