The sound of footsteps lingering near the window, more than one person could be heard, and the movements were deliberately lightened, sneaking around, as if they were checking the movement in the house.

I felt that Dao Feng, who was lying on my body, tightened his body, exuding a fierce aura from his whole body, and he looked ready to go. If someone broke in at this time and wanted to kill us, he would immediately jump up and avoid it. Or just rush over and wring their necks off, without worrying about what harm those people can do to both of us.

But when I thought of Ji Xuan and the uncle alone in other rooms, I suddenly became worried. What if these people are reckless mountain people, seeing that there is a beautiful woman among the four of us, so they want to harass at night, then sister Xuan will be in danger. It's big.

I've heard of many similar things before, and I'm a little afraid that those people outside will use some nasty tricks to do something wrong to Sister Xuan.

Uncle is very shrewd and has a special status. I'm not really worried that he will be in danger.

Hearing the voices outside the window gradually fade away, I quickly took Dao Feng's hand and said in a low voice, "What are these people doing here? Have they gone to Sister Xuan's room? Should we go out and see?"

Dao Feng bowed his head and thought for a while, then turned over and got off the bed lightly, without making any extra noise.

"Go." He glanced at me, his voice low.

I hurriedly got out of bed, I didn't even care about putting on my clothes, so I followed Dao Feng and quietly opened the door and went outside.

In the middle of the night, the village was extremely quiet, and the mountain wind at night made my hands and feet numb. Within 2 minutes after I came out, my ears were already numb, and my hands and feet were a little stiff.

I followed Dao Feng cautiously, for fear that those people would find out if I made a noise.

Dao Feng turned his head and saw that I tightened my clothes, my teeth trembling from the cold, thought for a while and said, "You go back first."

I froze for a moment, knowing that he was afraid that I wouldn't be able to stand the cold, so I quickly waved my hand and said, "It's okay, Beijing is much colder than this, hurry over and see Sister Xuan."

Although I say so, I know in my heart that Beijing is much better than this. Because there is heating, floor heating is popular now, and you can hardly experience the coldness of severe winter if you don’t go out, but the south is different. It's cold inside, and it might be better if there are more people, but if there are few people, you can't feel the carbon dioxide at all.

Dao Feng saw that I was determined, so he stopped delaying and took the lead towards Ji Xuan's room.

Ji Xuan and the uncle's room were some distance away from us, the uncle's room was a little closer. After we passed the uncle's room, we immediately saw a few dark shadows surrounding Ji Xuan's room. There were five of them. It's a tall man, whispering a few words from time to time, which made me more convinced of my guess.

"See what they want to do before going over." I looked at Dao Feng and said softly.

Dao Feng nodded, turned around and continued to observe the movements of those people.

We hid in the back of the side of the house, poked our heads slightly, and found that those people had found something and were trying to pry open sister Xuan's door, and they didn't make any loud noises. If it was someone who was sleeping , is completely inaudible.

I calculated in my heart that as soon as they opened the door, the two of us would rush over immediately, not only to catch their criminal evidence, but also to ensure that Sister Xuan would not be harmed. Admit it, and frame us in turn, I'm afraid the four of us will be in big trouble.

Just when I was thinking about how to get things done, a hand suddenly put a hand on my shoulder from behind, which scared me so much that I almost screamed out and almost ruined the event.

"What are you two doing hiding here?" The uncle turned his body and saw that my face turned pale with fright, and the corner of his mouth curled into a smirk, obviously on purpose.

"Fuck you, keep your voice down, we're catching the thief!" I froze his thief's hand, pretending to forget my embarrassing reaction just now, pointing to the front and said: "Those people want to make trouble, probably because they like Sister Xuan gone."

The uncle poked his head around and glanced, and said: "I said, why did I hear the sound outside just now... It's too cold in the mountains, and Ji Xuan fell asleep wrapped in a quilt so it's not so easy to wake up, you two are staring here, they opened the door Hurry up and hang on, don't let anyone run away, I'll call Boss Li, and play by ear."

As soon as the uncle finished speaking, Dao Feng and I understood what he meant. If we unilaterally subdue him, then the people in their village will collude to push the responsibility on us, and let Boss Li come and see it with his own eyes. , the matter has become a conclusion, how can not escape.

This is not to say that we are suspicious. Sometimes people have to be careful when they are outside, especially in unfamiliar environments. The more you think about it, the more safe you are. If you act recklessly, you can easily die in the hands of others.

I gave the uncle an ok gesture and watched him tiptoe towards the direction where Boss Li lived. I thought that although there were only two of us and five people on the other side, we would not necessarily lose out if we really did it. Needless to say, I have had many fights in school since I was a child. As a man, if you don't talk speculatively, you can only fight.

We looked at the right time and rushed over with a loud shout the moment they broke in. This would make them feel more guilty, and second, we could take the opportunity to wake up Sister Xuan in the room. With the help of Sister Xuan's domineering skills, we will It is best to subdue these five people as soon as possible.

"Fuck you guys want to abduct someone, don't you?" I hooked a man's neck and tried hard with my hands, trying to knock him to the ground, but this guy was tall and strong, and when he realized it, he twisted his body and shook off my grip shackles.

"It's dog dick day, do you believe that I'm going to kill you today!" Seeing us suddenly jumping out to make trouble, the men immediately showed a fierce look, swearing non-stop, and quickly moved their hands.

Since no one could be killed in the village, Dao Feng couldn't use heavy hands, so he had to deal with them as lightly as possible. I threw my hands away without any scruples, and took out my usual fighting posture, what kind of dirty tricks? All together, there are endless kicks, even if the kick is missed, it can still make the opponent calm down for a while.

It's a pity that there are so many of them, I was hit on the waist and head several times, the pain was so painful that I stared at the stars, the more they hit, the harder they hit, and in the end they just rushed forward and beat everyone, no matter where they hit, That's fine.

With such a big commotion, Ji Xuan in the room also woke up. She hurriedly got dressed, ran out and saw that we were two against five, and hurriedly joined the battle. The man started to slap his hands and scolded at the same time: "Grandma's job is boring, don't you dare to bully me!"

The five of them realized that the woman they were aiming at was also so strong that they couldn't beat them for a while, so they prepared to run away.

One of them looked into the distance and saw that someone in the village had heard the noise and turned on the lights. He hurriedly called out to his accomplices and said, "It's a beating, it's a beating, hurry up, if you get caught by Boss Li, you won't be able to fix it!"

Several reckless men looked at each other, and wanted to run when they got up, I hugged one and pressed it to the ground, and cursed: "How dare you run?!"

There was a tingling pain in the fingers of my left hand, and a peerless woman with long hair reaching the ground appeared in front of my eyes. She looked at me expressionlessly, her black hair dancing like a waterfall, like a living thing, quickly wrapped around the Two men trying to escape.

"I'm dying, something is grabbing my feet!" The two men rolled to the ground, screaming and cursing in horror, not knowing why they were suddenly unable to move.

I secretly screamed in my heart that I did a good job, and looked at Xiao Hai proudly, thinking that without her help, these two people would probably have escaped, and when this matter is over, I must reward her well.

"You guys are talking!" A few flashlights came on, and a steady voice came from not far away. I looked up and found that it was Boss Li. He was followed by the uncle and some unfamiliar faces. But judging from that posture, they should all be well-known figures in the village.

Seeing this scene, I hurriedly winked at Sister Xuan, and Sister Xuan understood, and immediately raised her leg to kick the man under her feet, and then screamed and hid in the house.

"Shameless, stinky rascal, what are you trying to do while I'm sleeping, shameless! I'm dead, woo woo woo..."

Dao Feng and I watched Sister Xuan's face change completely, and we were even more taken aback by the content of her screams. That delicate voice made me scratch my heart, wishing I could knock my head and pass out.

I'm lying, I don't even believe that Sister Xuan is not possessed by Qiong Yao!

Boss Li's face changed slightly when he heard the words, and as soon as he waved his hand, the people behind him immediately came over and grabbed the sneaky men. I got up from the ground, patted the dirt on my body, rubbed the place where I was beaten, and walked away grinning. past.

"How is it? Didn't you get hurt?" The uncle winked and asked pretending to be worried.

"How could it be possible that I wasn't hurt? They beat me so hard and almost killed me." I said loudly, and after I finished speaking, I glanced at Boss Li out of the corner of my eye. Seeing his solemn expression, I knew that tonight's matter was basically over.

"You guys go back to Ke to sleep first. Tonight is because I didn't think about it well. The person who came is a guest. I will compensate you." Boss Li looked at us and said with some embarrassment: "These are gangsters from the village. Why don't you just do a day's work and only recognize some women who are mentally disturbed. I didn't expect them to be so ignorant that they would come to mess with the old Ulu. My friend said, I will punish them. Don't worry, I won't give you nothing. It’s a loss.”

"It's all right." Seeing this, the uncle pretended to be helpless, expressing that he didn't want to make things worse: "This kind of thing happens everywhere, and we are not the ones who will hold on to it. You are the master of the village. We can rest assured that you handle it, and we only hope that similar situations will not happen again in the future."

"This kind of thing will never happen again." Boss Li nodded, and waved his hand wearily: "You guys can sleep well, I'll be taken away by them."

Watching the backs of this group of people gradually going away, the uncle gestured for us to enter the room and talk.

After closing the door, we sat around in Ji Xuan's house. The uncle showed a sly smile on his face and said, "I was still thinking about how to get Boss Li to agree to enter the mountain. I didn't expect God to open his eyes and the opportunity came to us by himself. Tonight Although it is troublesome, it is also a turning point.”

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