"Dead?" I was taken aback, and hurried to Dao Feng's side, feeling sorry for the motionless kitten on the ground.

Dao Feng shook his head, picked up the black cat with his gloved left hand, and gently put it into the backpack behind him: "The whole body is paralyzed, just like the poison on your body, it should not be fatal."

"That's fine." I nodded slightly, thinking that my left arm was almost numb, so I simply put my right hand into my clothes and pulled off the bandages tied by the uncle. After doing so much strenuous exercise just now, I think the poison has long since passed away. out of control.

If that woman really wanted to kill me, she would never let me live until now, nor would she aim at me who is not threatening. If it is smart, it would be wisest to directly choose the poison that seals the blood and kill Dao Feng or the uncle. practice.There are probably only two reasons why she would choose me and Ji Xuan, one is that she has no powerful poison that will kill her at all, and the other is that she wants to take the opportunity to delay time and achieve her goal of escaping.She placed a bet on Ji Xuan and I's position in Dao Feng's and Wu Mou's hearts, betting that the two of us were injured and the other two would give priority to inspecting the injuries, and knew that Dao Feng and the uncle knew the hidden weapons she used and would not be restrained easily .

From this point of view, 80.00% of that thing is in her hands. This woman can make the clearest judgment in such an urgent situation. The city is really deep and terrifying. My little brat can't even match her finger .

"That woman is too powerful. I think it is unlikely that the thing will be in the hands of the other two foreigners. Uncle and Ji Xuan may miss nothing." The matter of the cat is to heart. After all, there are very few people as strong as Dao Feng. He may not feel ashamed, but he definitely wants to compete with that woman in his heart.

Dao Feng agreed with my idea, raised his finger to the right and said, "Go this way."

We walked along the rugged road in the cave, and found that the road here was spiraling up, with a very steep slope, and we didn't know where it would lead. The most likely thing was that we had already reached the top of the wooden bridge.

The surrounding area was dark and humid, and the smell of fishy and greasy was still in the air. Occasionally, a gust of wind blew by, and I shivered, feeling my body's paralysis deepened again.

As early as when the top wall of the tomb passage was closed, a few simple jumps made me feel powerless. I always lost control of my hands and feet, and even almost fell off the iron pillar. Thanks to Daofeng's help, I did not fall into the Dire situation.

Thinking about it now, I probably have to continue to get used to this feeling of powerlessness until we are safely back on the ground.

Dao Feng's physical strength has always been very good. Even though he passed through so many places non-stop, he did not show the slightest fatigue. It seems that he has long been accustomed to this dark underground world, or it can be said that only here can he show his skills without any scruples.

Instead of worrying about being caught in prison for vandalism and drinking tea...

The spiral rising ramp is basically a zigzag shape, and when we climb to the top, it becomes an open platform. Dao Feng and I are already moving very fast, and we should not be far away from that woman.

Dao Feng led the way, and after walking for a few minutes, he stopped and made a silent gesture. We tried not to make any noise, turned off the wolf-eye flashlight, and touched it quietly.

After a while, I saw an orange ball of light swaying in mid-air. I looked carefully and found that it was the black-haired woman.

She stood in front of a stone door, studying the carvings on the door, pushing her hands twice from time to time, looking a little impatient, I guess she couldn't find a way to open the stone door, and she was afraid of Dao Feng chasing behind , so stuck here can not advance or retreat.

The woman's senses are still sensitive, she quickly sensed our presence, she turned her head and smiled charmingly, "Since we're here, why don't we make a sound."

The words are very close and have the meaning of testing. I think Dao Feng will definitely not answer her such a boring question, so I said: "I want to give you a surprise."

"Surprise is enough, but joy is not." The woman snorted, pointed to the stone door behind her and said, "This door is very weird, and you may not be able to open it, why don't we cooperate again?"

Hearing this, Dao Feng turned on the flashlight, and said as he approached Shimen: "The Tang family has always been cruel and heartless."

I followed behind Dao Feng, and I could hear what he meant by saying that this woman was not trustworthy, and a fool would believe her words only if there was no bones left in cooperation with her.

However, he didn't expect Dao Feng to recognize the woman's background with only a hidden weapon. He must have had a lot of dealings with the Tang family.

I ignored Dao Feng's confrontation with the woman surnamed Tang, and went directly to the stone gate. I lit up the flashlight and carefully observed the pattern on the stone gate.

Overall, there is nothing special about this stone gate. Most of the patterns on it are simple figures, flowers, plants, birds and animals, which are very abstract. I can't see any distinctive meaning at all. It is an institution.

In the middle of the stone gate is a huge snake-shaped relief. The relief is carved on the door in a U-shape. It looks very realistic, like a living thing, especially the huge snake head and scales, as well as the slightly bulging, tightly closed Its snake eyes make people wonder if it will open its snake eyes in the next second, reveal its bloody mouth, and swallow everything in front of it.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but as soon as the bloody scene appeared in my mind, I saw that the giant snake in front of me seemed to twist. , happened to capture that moment.

Sir, this thing is not really alive, is it?

Then the three of us foolishly poked here, didn't we fall into its ambush?


It was too late and then soon, I rushed forward to Dao Feng, and the relief giant snake also broke through the door at the same time, the sound of rumbling gravel was in my ears, and the huge body of the giant snake passed by my side , making a frightening friction sound.

Dao Feng quickly realized that something was wrong, and turned around when we both fell to the ground, so that I could avoid another wave of attacks from the tail of the giant snake, so that I would not be thrown out.

The woman surnamed Tang was not so lucky. After Dao Feng and I fell to the ground, she was hit hard by the head of the giant snake, and she flew several meters away without even screaming.

Dao Feng and I quickly got up and looked at the giant black snake with the thickness of a bucket in front of us vigilantly. We found that this guy was not only deformed with a large body, but also had a very fierce aura. The two fangs were as long as a man's forearm, and the snake scales on his body were like iron sheets, leaving white marks on the solid floor tiles.

I remembered that I saw on TV that this kind of overly large snake is called a python. Snakes are generally very poisonous, but pythons are usually non-toxic, but the color of the black python's mouth in front of me is too much. It's weird, I really can't believe it is non-toxic, even if it is non-toxic, those two sharp fangs are enough to pierce us through each other.

But compared to Dao Feng and me, the black python seems to care more about that woman. After it got out of the door, its target has always been the black-haired woman. I was cornered.

The woman started to be hit by the black python, and then dodged and dodged. It seemed that she was not seriously injured, but no matter how she ran or dodged, she used her right hand to protect her pocket tightly, as if she was very nervous about the things inside, for fear that she would accidentally drop it. It's broken.

Through the sturdy fabric of the fanny pack, I found that there seemed to be a round object inside, and the round object was surrounded by a ring of gear-shaped edges, making it impossible to guess its true appearance.

The more the woman protects the pocket, the faster the black python attacks, so I have to suspect that the black python wakes up because it is attracted by the things in the woman's pocket.

Seeing that my physical strength was gradually exhausted, and Dao Feng and I had no intention of stepping forward to help, the woman almost died in Shekou several times, and in the end, in order to save her life, she had to tear off the small satchel on her waist and threw it far away.

Excited by her action, the black python immediately twisted its plump body and rushed towards the pocket.

"Not good!" Seeing this scene, Dao Feng frowned, and rushed over to block the mouth of the snake with his hand, preventing the black python from swallowing the purse.

Seeing Dao Feng so anxious, I immediately thought that this pocket might be what they were looking for, no wonder the woman protected it so carefully.

Dao Feng grabbed the black python's huge mouth with both hands, and when he was in a stalemate, a kitten suddenly emerged from the backpack behind him, jumped into the black python's mouth nimbly, picked up his pocket bag, turned his head and ran, and slid back behind Dao Feng several times.

I was surprised when I saw it, and thought that this strange cat could help a lot even if it was injured, and it was worthy of being the tomb beast of the Dao family.

Seeing that the purse was taken away, the black python wrapped its tail around Dao Feng's waist in a rage, trying to throw him away, but unexpectedly, Dao Feng grabbed its two fangs first, and With the help of the black python's strange power, the two fangs were forcibly pulled out while being thrown away.

I was once again shocked by Dao Feng's immense strength, and couldn't help feeling a little bit sympathetic for the poor black python, who lacked two pretentious fangs, and no matter how fierce his aura was, it suddenly became funny.

However, the black python obviously didn't think it was at a disadvantage. Although it kept rolling on the ground in pain, its eyes showed a vicious light again. past.

Dao Feng will definitely let it go on like this, and I am anxious, so I immediately threw away striding forward, hugged the snake's head with both hands and rolled to the side, shouting: "Dao Feng! Hurry up!" Grab your stuff and run! This guy just wants that fanny pack!"

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