I froze for a moment, paused with the hand holding the flashlight, and felt a layer of cold sweat on my back. Suddenly seeing a person hiding behind a grave in this dark woods would shock anyone , I didn't cry out on the spot, it was not easy.

Having settled down, I was not in a hurry to tell Uncle Wu about seeing this shoe, but carefully observed the style and size of the sneaker, and after I was sure that it must be Wu Xiaopang, I turned my head and looked around. Uncle Wu said: "Uncle Wu, look at that shoe over there, is it your chubby shoe?"

"Where? Where is my chubby?" Uncle Wu rushed to me as soon as he heard the news that he had a son, and he was about to look for him.

"Fuck, wait!" I grabbed his arm and almost scolded my mother, I was so anxious, if it wasn't Xiaopang, you were in such a hurry to reincarnate.

"Take a look first, make sure before you go, this place is cold and cold, who knows what's hidden, let's be careful." After calming down, I tried my best to keep a smile on my face, and I didn't want to spoil my life in the village The image of good people is ruined, making others think that those who have studied in Beijing have such virtues.

Hearing the words, Uncle Wu turned his head and glanced at me. There was a trace of disdain in his eyes for no reason. He obviously felt that I was thinking too much, and it was about his precious son. If it wasn't for my blocking, he would have rushed forward.

Being held back by me and unable to move, Uncle Wu had no choice but to look at it for a while, then nodded and said, "It's Xiaopang's, it must be Xiaopang's. I took him to the mall to buy those shoes last month. They are all famous brands. A pair Dozens."

"Oh." I breathed a sigh of relief, let go of Uncle Wu's hand, and wondered, "How come Xiaopang's shoes are in such a place? What did he do behind the grave?"

"Ah." Waved his hand a little irritably, Uncle Wu walked to the back of the grave and said, "Children like to run around, who knows what he is doing behind, let's hurry over and find him, this kid hasn't eaten all day , I have to ask my mother to do something good when I get home."

"Okay." Uncle Wu was impatient and I was also impatient. Unfortunately, the customer is God, and God's words are hard to listen to. I sighed and followed behind with a flashlight, thinking that your kid is a little fat , It's not that you are skinny, and you will become fat if you cook it well.

But Cheng Dapang is also good, at least he can distinguish from the outline when he hides behind this kind of grave.

The soles of my feet rustled, and I followed Uncle Wu quickly to the back of the grave.

As we approached the grave, both of us slowed down in unison, as if Xiao He's little white shoe with pointed corners was a living thing, and a little more movement could scare it away.

"Little Pang? Little Pang, Dad is here to pick you up, and you're home, Pang." Uncle Wu called Wu Xiaopang's name in a voice that he thought was kind as he walked, but unfortunately he didn't know that in this kind of place Hearing his evocative cry, a timid child might faint with fright.

But Uncle Wu's call immediately made me sure of one thing, that is, there is no one behind the grave, and that shoe is just a shoe. Which child can be sure that he can hear the cry of his relatives in the cemetery without making a sound.

As expected, when Uncle Wu and I turned to the back of the grave, there was only a lone little white shoe left there, and nothing else could be seen, let alone Wu Xiaopang.

"Here... why are there only shoes? Where did he go?" Picking up the shoe, Uncle Wu's hands trembled with excitement, and he looked at me anxiously and flusteredly, obviously he had lost his mind.

"There are footprints on the ground, let's follow the footprints and see." I squatted on the ground and looked at the soil near the shoes, and found that there were only some inconspicuous footprints, but it could be seen that one foot was bare and the other Wearing shoes, coupled with the vague footprints pointing in a direction, it would not take long to find that brat.

I made a gesture, and I signaled Uncle Wu to follow me, while I carefully observed the footprints on the ground, and shot the surroundings with a flashlight back and forth while walking.

"Little Fatty! Where are you, Little Fatty! Hearing a shout!" Uncle Wu was full of anger and shouted directly. I walked in front of him, and my brain hurt from the shock of the sound.

"Wu Xiaopang...he's come back to his soul..." I rolled my eyes, and said with a voice that only I could hear, gnashing my teeth: "Hide it well, don't let brother catch you, or I'll beat you up Come."

The footprints were heavy and light, and I couldn't see them very clearly. I thought about it and decided to look forward by feeling. I have to say that sometimes people's sixth sense is still very accurate. I have relied on the sixth sense many times. I feel like I caught the thief who was going to take out my pocket.

Walking from the small woods to Huangquepo, the surrounding scenery is getting darker and darker. I have long forgotten about footprints, because I can’t see them at all. Unless I crawl on the ground, I may still see a little bit.

Thinking of what Old Chu said before going out, I sighed secretly in my heart, and I could only say that I was following Old Chu's words again, that guy must have seen something long ago, so he kept holding back his energy to play tricks, and had to wait for Aunt Wu and Uncle Wu to find him in person. Only when you come to the door are you willing to help.

"Uncle Wu, your chubby came here to play. Have you ever been to Huangquepo? I'm not familiar with this place, so it's hard to find someone." I paused and asked Uncle Wu if he could lead the way. People, this place is desolate, quiet, and rarely populated. To be honest, I really don’t know what to do. I’m afraid that we will both be taken to the gutter, not to mention that it’s dark now, and I only have a flashlight that is almost out of power. , it is not so easy to find someone.

"Where have I been in such a place, Xiao Chu, are you sure you will find my little fat man? Why have I called for so long and haven't heard a response." Wrinkled his old face, Uncle Wu was struggling to find his son, In an instant, he turned into a bitter old migrant worker.

Glancing at Uncle Wu, I thought to myself that you are even more anxious than me, what the hell am I planning to come all this way here.

"It's probably too far away. Let's go further. If we can't find it, we have to go back first. Maybe Xiaopang is already home and waiting for you." I waved my hand helplessly, and I continued to search patiently.

Looking at the darkness around me, I couldn't help but feel a little trembling. I silently recited a few times in my heart, God bless, no matter God Buddha or Avalokitesvara, let me find Wu Xiaopang as soon as possible, as long as I find it now, I promise Never hit him.

But I didn't expect that I spent a whole night looking for it. There was no other reason, but Uncle Wu and I got lost in this strange and inexplicable Huangquepo.

It is said that Huangquepo is a small mound. I can be sure now that this is a fucking lie.

Huangquepo is not that big from the side of the small forest, but the further you go in, you can find that the actual area of ​​this "small mound" is very large, and it is very deep. The slope slopes from low to high and then gradually downwards. And there is a tendency to form a trough. The mounds on both sides are still high, but a piece is suddenly sunken in the middle, and you may not be able to see anything if you walk in.

The nearby weeds are sparse, and occasionally one or two old trees with crooked necks can be seen, and the rest can't even see a mouse hair. It seems that there is a magic force that forces those small animals to dare not come here.

Unknowingly wandering around for several hours, my mood inevitably became irritable and my tone became harsh. Uncle Wu also knew that it was difficult for me, so he didn't say a few more words from just now.

I thought he felt sorry for me, couldn't bear to watch me starve and freeze and frightened to find him a son, that's why he suddenly became so quiet and honest, who knew that he was haunted by ghosts for a long time.

"You, why didn't you say it earlier." I took two steps back, fumbled for the lighter on my body with both hands, and warned Uncle Wu at the same time: "Don't move, don't move, and don't look back. If you see you, you will leave today. It's gone."

I widened my eyes and stared at the ghost with all my attention. After seeing that the ghost was actually a female ghost with disheveled hair and blood all over her body, I couldn't help but relax.

To be honest, I have seen a lot of female ghosts like this, and I can deal with a few of them. I am most afraid of immature little ghosts or baby ghosts, because I always feel inexplicable guilt when dealing with them. Old Chu once laughed and said that a man like me who is married dare not beat his wife or scold his children, he deserves to be a house slave and be oppressed every day.

Shaking my head, I tried my best not to think about it, took out the lighter and came to Uncle Wu.

The female ghost supported Uncle Wu's right shoulder with one hand. It seemed that she had been following me for a long time. Seeing me approaching now, she only raised her eyes slightly, showing no expression on her original pale face.

"Uncle Wu, did you look back just now? Why did you let the ghost put your shoulders on your shoulders?" Silently lit the lighter, I raised my left hand, stroked the deep purple flame to the palm and fingers expressionlessly, and then pointed at the female ghost Made a please gesture.

"I, I felt someone behind me just now. I thought it was Xiaopang, so I looked back..." Uncle Wu trembled violently when he heard it was a ghost. He shrank his neck and said timidly: "Xiao Chu, This, there will be no problem... what kind of ghost is it, will it eat people?"

"It's okay, it's just a lonely ghost." Watching the female ghost put the white hand on Uncle Wu's shoulder into my palm, I took a deep breath and sighed again. At that moment, the bone marrow-piercing icy cold immediately filled my whole body. The work of receiving wronged souls is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

"Wang Chuanhe is in front, please reincarnate early, I wish you a smooth journey." Extradition of the female ghost to a place facing away from us, I helped the female ghost ignite the three ghost fires behind, and then gently pushed her, It can be regarded as helping her reincarnate as a human being.

Just when I was relieved and the figure of the female ghost gradually disappeared, I suddenly heard a loud cry not far in front of me. I quickly turned my head to look at the sound, and found that Wu Xiao who had made us anxious for a long time The fat classmate was standing more than ten meters away, staring at us with a vicious and terrified expression.

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