I silently followed behind Dao Feng, touched my almost unconscious left arm with my intact right hand, and secretly wondered if I could last long enough to catch the black-haired woman. , I may not even be able to walk later, if I do some more intense exercise to speed up the penetration of toxins, maybe I will go downstairs in advance to pay my respects to the ancestors of the Chu family.

Shaking my head, I looked at the black pattern on my finger, and thought that if I really can't get out of here, then let Dao Feng send my share of the money to Lao Chu, which can be regarded as my son's filial piety.After all, it was me who was not careful, and the technology was not in place, so I can't blame others if I die.

The strange thing is that before I came out, I was still very afraid of death, and I cherished my own life even more. Now that I have robbed a tomb, although I understand the preciousness of life, I also see it more openly. Life and death are human beings. It's normal, everyone has their own destiny, riches and honours, if I, Chu Yang, really don't have that destiny to go out, no matter how much I worry, it's useless, I just want to do my last little bit before leaving this fucking world.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help sighing, and asked: "Daofeng, do you think I can get out alive? If I can't catch up with that woman, you remember to go back to Beijing and say sorry to the old man for me, and say that Chu Yang will be the same in the next life." Serve them, let them not be sad, I..."

"What are you talking about?" Suddenly a voice interrupted me, Dao Feng turned around, and said with a cold face: "Who told you that you would die."

I froze for a moment, and blurted out: "Isn't it going to die?"

Dao Feng looked at me with a complicated expression when he heard this, and said with a frown, "I've seen that kind of hidden weapon before. The poison on it is slow to attack, and it's not easy to kill if you don't use too much. How do you feel now?"

"I don't feel the left arm." I tried to wave my left hand.

"It should be a paralyzing poison, don't think too much, the human body is not that fragile." After speaking, Dao Feng ignored me and walked forward.

I stood there and looked at his back, knowing that I was thinking wrong. No wonder they all looked calm when they were in the main tomb. If their lives were really in danger, they would never leave me alone, especially the knife. Feng said that no accident would happen to me, and with his character, he absolutely said what he said.

"I can go back to be served by the soles of Lao Chu's shoes again." I breathed a sigh of relief, cheered up, and quickly followed Dao Feng.

The tomb passage is long and silent. People have been walking in it for a long time, and the initial fear has disappeared. What's more, there is Dao Bingku in front of me leading the way. His powerful aura completely dispels the surrounding darkness, which only makes me feel bored.

"Hey, Lao Dao, tell the truth, how old are you now?" I followed closely behind Dao Feng, teasing the black cat on his shoulder, while trying to tease him.

"How old are you?" Dao Feng asked instead without turning his head.

"I'm 22."

"Two years older than you."

"No wonder, the two-year generation gap is as deep as the Great Rift Valley in East Africa. I am a good young man in the new century, and you are an old man in the 60s of the last century..."

"..." Dao Feng didn't make a sound this time, he just stopped and squinted his eyes and looked at me coldly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, I immediately pretended to turn my head to study the structure of the tomb, so as to prevent him from really "clicking" my head when he got angry.

When we walked in the tomb passage, our legs and feet felt weak, and we felt that this place seemed to be a bottomless pit, no matter how we walked, we could not reach the end.Dao Feng noticed something was wrong, and immediately led me back, only to find that the way I came here had disappeared, and the tomb passage in front of me had completely changed into another structure.

The cold tomb passage that was originally repaired with bricks and stones gradually leads to a bridge made of solid wood carvings. Now it is basically certain that no matter how we walk, this tomb passage will bring us here.This reminds me of the legendary Naihe Bridge, but I don't know what will be under this bridge, as long as it is not the wreckage of the hordes of evil spirits.

"Where is this place?" I took a photo with my flashlight and found that there was thick fog around the wooden bridge. If I come out to sneak attack, I may not even be able to hide.

"I don't know." Dao Feng shook his head very bluntly, without pretending to be mysterious: "Probably a place for sacrifices or something."

I let out an "oh" and continued walking slowly.

There is a strange smell in the air, which is fishy and greasy, which makes people sick to the stomach. The surrounding area is empty and silent, and the only sound that can be heard is the dragging sound of me and Daofeng stepping on the wooden bridge, which is obviously the only sound of living things. In such an environment, it turned into the most terrifying movement.

The depressing and dull atmosphere made me feel like a dream, as if in the next second, everything will change into another scene, maybe Dao Feng and I are dead, we are just walking on the way to hell On the way, I happened to pass this Naihe Bridge.

Before I knew it, all kinds of absurd and weird pictures filled my mind. Looking at Dao Feng in front of me, I suddenly wanted to go up and touch him, to verify whether the two of us were still alive.

Dao Feng seemed to have the same idea as me. He deliberately slowed down, walked side by side with me, and then quietly gestured to tell me, keep quiet, something is following us.

I was startled, and almost screamed out from his fright, but I didn't dare to slow down at all, and calmed down to listen to the voice behind me as I walked.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before I heard the footsteps of that third person. In the dense fog, apart from Dao Feng and I, who landed on the wooden bridge, there was another person walking vaguely, whose footsteps were almost the same as The two of us coincided, but the difference between the lifting and the falling was exposed.

There were indeed three people, and Dao Feng felt that this person was not a ghost or a ghost. Could it be that black-haired woman?But she was clearly our target, why did she suddenly run behind us?

If the tomb passage here is mysterious and unpredictable, causing her to get lost and just behind us, then why didn't she take the opportunity to make a move, instead keeping her distance?

I guessed for a long time, but still couldn't figure out who the third person was, so I had to gesture to Dao Feng, asking him if the black-haired woman was scared, and thought this place was too scary, so she wanted to leave here with us two elders.

Dao Feng thought for a while, and returned a simple gesture. He felt that the person behind might not be a person.

I remember a story my grandfather told when I was a child. The story was true. It said that a man came home from work at night and passed a stone bridge that had been abandoned for a long time. Soon, he noticed the footsteps of another person behind him. Although the footsteps were in step with his own, but because there were only two of them, it was easy to hear the difference.

That person thought it was another passer-by passing by here, so he wanted to stop and wait for the other person to come and walk together, but when he stopped, the person behind him also stopped, and he started to walk, and the person behind him continued to walk, and his pace was always the same. He is the same, as weird as a shadow.He finally knew that something was wrong, so he hurried home and told his elders about it when he got home. He learned that he had encountered a ghost guarding the bridge. The elders said that if He looked back then and never came back.

Grandpa told me this story, originally to let me understand the truth that you must never look back when encountering evil spirits on the road, but unexpectedly it increased my fear at the moment.

It would be easy if the one in the back is really a ghost blocking the way. Ghosts are what I fear the most now. After successfully subduing Hai Lost, my confidence has greatly increased. But if, as Dao Feng said, it is neither a ghost nor a person, we may have Big trouble.

This wooden bridge is no bigger than the ground, and it is very inconvenient to move around. In addition, the surrounding fog is thick, and it is impossible to see what is going on under the bridge. If you move a little too much, you may fall, and no one can tell whether you will die or live.

Seeing my frown, Dao Feng shook his head slightly, indicating that I don't have to worry, he has his own way, and then asked me if I noticed that we have walked on this bridge for a long time, and now we have come back to the same place.

I looked up and looked at the familiar opening of the tomb passage in surprise, thinking that we might have hit a ghost wall. It’s okay to get lost in the tomb passage before, but now we can walk around in circles when we walk on the bridge.

Just as I was considering the chances of the ghost hitting the wall, I heard a slight rubbing sound above my head. The sound was so small that I couldn't hear it unless I listened carefully. It was a coincidence that I noticed it.

I turned my head to look at Dao Feng, and stretched out my finger to point at the top of his head. Dao Feng understood and patted the black cat on his shoulder. The black cat opened its mouth and bit Dao Feng's gloved index finger, squinting lazily like a baby. Eyes, then lightly jumped off Dao Feng's shoulders, and several of them jumped into the black mist.

I think Dao Feng probably still has some taboos about the things following behind, so I asked the black cat to hold it back so as not to hinder us from doing things.

After the black cat disappeared, Dao Feng walked to the wall and asked me to help him. We built a ladder, and Dao Feng took the lead to climb up to find the mechanism. With his help, I slowly climbed to the top of the wall and followed behind. .

When I was standing below, due to the thick fog, I couldn’t see the top wall of the tomb passage clearly. Now I climbed up and realized that the top wall was all composed of complicated iron organs. The extension in the direction of the bridge seems to be the source of controlling the direction of the tomb passage below.

From this point of view, not only the tomb passage, but even the wooden bridge are within the control of these agencies. No wonder Dao Feng and I can't get out no matter how we go.

Thinking of this, I raised the wolf-eye flashlight and pointed it at the axis of the top wall, hoping to find a way to turn off the mechanism here, but I saw a person crouching next to the huge axis wheel in the middle. Weird figure.

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