The strange black hand is so powerful that the man caught by it cannot escape the fate of sinking into the cave no matter how much he struggles and howls, and the black-haired woman and the man stuck in the cave see that he is hopeless, so they are more cruel Give him a kick to speed up his journey to hell. At this time, he is completely useless to the black-haired woman and the other two accomplices. In the eyes of the three, he is already a dying person.

I saw that yellow-haired foreigner smiled and expressed his gratitude to the black-haired woman after he kicked off his accomplice and climbed up to the entrance of the cave. Worthless.

The black-haired woman ignored the foreigner's flattery, but turned her head and stared at the cave with a concentrated expression. Immediately, a distorted scream that can only be uttered by humans in extreme despair and fear came from under the robbery cave, followed by a strange tearing The sound, the sound was muffled and brittle, as if the human body was being torn apart.

I stared wide-eyed at the entrance of the cave. Although I couldn't see what was going on inside the cave at all, just listening to the sound made my scalp numb, my whole body broke out in cold sweat, and my hands and feet cramped uncontrollably.

I think this is probably the reflexive psychological effect that humans have when they face extremely powerful creatures. The terrifying aura emanating from the things in the cave shocked everyone in the audience for a while.

My heart moved slightly. For some reason, I just wanted to see Dao Feng's reaction at this time. When I turned my head, I found that he was also looking at me, but his eyes were narrowed, and the dark eyes flashed with calculations, so I bet He must be calculating the chances of us winning against the master in the cave after killing those foreigners.

I thought to myself, if I can skillfully use the ghost trick and command the ghosts to help secretly, then our chances of winning may increase by 20.00%. Stable, if I hold a piece of paper to recruit ghosts now, the boss will jump out and blow me casually, and he will be able to kill me.

Just as I lowered my head to think deeply, another change occurred in the robbery cave. I saw a pair of black and red bloody hands suddenly rushing to the entrance of the cave illuminated by the light of two flashlights. Finally!" The two foreigners who were almost scared to pee immediately ran away to the distance.

The woman reached into her pocket with her right hand and groped, her eyes looked around, and she raised her voice and said, "Since you are here, don't keep hiding. A man should be aboveboard. This corpse king is rare to see in a hundred years. If you don't cooperate, don't think about it." Get out!"

As soon as this sentence came out, I guessed that she was very thoughtful. First of all, there were only two of her accomplices left, and the three of them were basically useless against the so-called corpse king. She wanted to use our strength to jointly kill the corpse king. Secondly, she The words were full of provocation, saying that men should be aboveboard, but in fact they just wanted to force us to take action. In the end, she didn't know that we had women here, that is to say, she didn't realize the existence of Ji Xuan.

From this point of view, Sister Ruxuan, who is as smart as she is, will definitely not reveal her whereabouts casually. After all, in the current situation, whoever has the most trump cards has the greatest chance of winning.

After listening to the woman's words, the uncle immediately gestured, telling us not to listen to her bullshit, and continue to stand still. Whether they are corpse kings or not, we must kill them. Killing two birds with one stone is the best strategy.

Dao Feng and I nodded, expressing that we would not act indiscriminately.

Seeing that we were so calm, the woman gritted her teeth and took out a bag of black powder from her bag, quickly sprinkled it around the hole, then turned off the flashlight, leaving only the small light around her waist, and stood quietly waiting in the distance.

As time passed, the corpse king climbed up from the robbery cave with a viscous black liquid all over his body. There was no exposed human skin from head to toe, and it was all thick blood and flesh. It's like a living person falling into sulfuric acid and crawling out again.

The black-haired woman was obviously very afraid of the corpse king. When the corpse king crawled to the side of the powder and stopped, her whole body tensed up, as if she was ready to fight back or escape at any time.

Similarly, the three of us were very nervous hiding nearby, because we all noticed that the blood-red eyeballs of the corpse king kept rolling left and right, as if searching for the breath of all living people in the cave.

The corpse king stood upright, and the blood that flowed out of his body gradually stained the powder on the ground. After the powder disappeared completely, he slowly walked towards the black-haired woman step by step.

Seeing it move so slowly, I couldn't help but wonder why the woman was so scared. With her skills, it should be easy to hide.

As soon as this idea flashed in my mind, I immediately denied my own thoughts, because everything in front of me has surpassed my imagination at this time, the bloody corpse only moved slowly when stepping over the black powder, after that, It ran as fast as a cheetah.

Or maybe, that kind of weird posture and twisted limbs can't be called running at all, but can only be called fast movement. Ordinary zombies can't compare with this dead king at all.

The woman waved her right hand when the corpse king started to sprint, and a few strands of silver light reflected in front of her. I froze for a moment and looked at the uncle, who nodded to me and told me that I was right.

That's steel wire.

And it is soft and tough steel wire as thin as a needle thread.

Experienced people know that any such extremely thin and thin things can produce the same effect as a blade under the condition of high-speed collision, which is why sometimes the fingers will be scratched by the pages of the book.

It was reported on TV before that someone passed a clothes drying place while riding a bicycle. There was no clothes hanging on the iron wire for drying clothes, so the person didn't notice. After riding quickly, his whole head was cut off by the wire. up.

What is unexpected is that this black-haired woman is actually carrying such a dangerous thing with her.

While running, the woman swung the steel wire around the corpse king, and the two foreigners next to her took out their M16s and fired wildly. Unfortunately, the usually sharp bullets were like an egg hitting a stone when facing this corpse king. There was no reaction on the bloody body.

"She can't kill the corpse king." Dao Feng looked at me and the uncle, and pointed to the ground: "There is vanadium acid for anti-theft under here, the woman probably wants to draw the vanadium acid out and pour it on the corpse king, destroying it." Dropping its body, I didn't expect it to be counterproductive, making the corpse king an untouchable thing, if we don't take action, she will be caught and burned to death by the corpse king immediately."

It was the first time for Dao Feng to say so many words in one breath. I didn't react for a while, only the uncle quickly answered: "You mean, you are not sure whether the thing is in their hands now, and you can't watch them get killed , must find a way to deal with them and the corpse king together?"

After listening to the uncle's words, I couldn't help expressing my deep admiration to him again, for being able to understand the meaning of Dao Bing Cave so quickly.

After Dao Feng nodded his head, the uncle only thought for a few seconds, then continued to whisper: "I have a solution, but it takes time to arrange, you go to help that woman, Xiao Chu and I will go to Ji Xuan, wait for me to signal you Just lead the corpse king to the position I have set, as long as the vanadium on the corpse king is dealt with first, the rest will be easy to talk about."

With a plan in place, the three of us immediately split up. Dao Feng cooperated with the tomb beast and went straight to the corpse king. As soon as he appeared, the woman immediately understood the situation and threw a piece of steel wire to Dao Feng. Dao Feng raised his hand to catch it, and the two of them immediately He ran quickly around the open space in the cave, and wrapped the corpse king tightly with a steel wire while hiding.

For some reason, when I saw the corpse king whose skin and flesh had been burned off by vanadium acid, which was beyond recognition, but still frightening, I suddenly felt that strange and uncomfortable feeling in my body again.

I followed the uncle and climbed up to the entrance of the hole, knocking hard on my chest to get rid of it, but there were more important things to do in my hand, and I couldn't fully concentrate.

The cave where the uncle and I climbed up is not the one where Ji Xuan is. The uncle said that Ji Xuan must be carefully observing the movements of the two foreigners to prevent them from sniping and assassinating Dao Feng, so there is no need for us to disturb her, let alone this The work only needs us two old men to do it.

The uncle is thoughtful, and he can only think of many things when he reminds me, so naturally I won't waste my words at this time.

Under the command of the uncle, the two of us used engineering shovels to pile up a small mound more than half a meter high on the edge of the hole. According to the uncle's intention, we will push the mound down after they lead the corpse king down here. , use the soil that has been deposited for many years to pour out the little vanadium acid left on the corpse king's body, and when the soil is all stuck to the corpse king's sticky flesh and blood, Dao Feng can kill them by hand.

The uncle and I did such a small job of digging the soil without any effort. It didn't take long to pile up a small mound of nearly one meter. The uncle looked at it and waved for me to stop. At the entrance of the cave, take out the wolf-eye flashlight to signal Dao Feng.

I waved the engineering shovel and added another layer on the mound, then walked to the side of the uncle and looked at Dao Feng who was fighting against the corpse king below.

To be honest, whenever I see Dao Feng fighting those horrible and strange things, I feel an inexplicable and complicated psychology in my heart. It is an itchy, heart-scratching feeling that always arouses The blood in my body makes me want to rush up and fight with him, and even want to go further...


Shaking my head, I am more and more confused about my state of mind, but I don't think any man will be willing to be inferior to others. Protection is a man's innate talent and advantage, and with my personality, I am absolutely unwilling Just be a nobody at the mercy of others.

Just when I was considering whether to go down to help, Dao Feng and the black-haired woman had already led the corpse king over. Dao Feng was standing at the bottom left of the cave entrance, waiting for the corpse king to arrive, and the woman led the corpse king to the right .

At this very moment, everyone was staring at the movement of the two dead bodies. I shifted my gaze from Dao Feng to the corpse king, only to feel a sudden strong shock in my mind, and my whole body was in severe pain like tears. There was a smell of blood gushing out, and the earth-shaking pressure forced me to kneel on the ground, almost nauseating.

In a trance, besides the uncle who was staring at the situation and distractedly asking me what was wrong, there was an enchanting woman with long hair. What was even more strange was that the woman came out of my body. With her small, white and tender feet naked, she looked at me, and then at the bottom, her beautiful face revealed a bit of ferocity.

I looked at her face in amazement, that familiar beautiful face immediately made me regret it, wishing I could kill myself.

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