Ancient Art of Sealing Ghosts

Chapter 119 "Ancient Art of Sealing Ghosts" Extra Volume

After walking in the mountains for several hours, Chu Yang's legs were already a little sore. If he was on a flat road, there would be nothing wrong, but there is no road in this wild mountain. Rocks and dry branches block the way everywhere, making it very difficult to walk.

But this is not bad for Chu Yang. If it weren’t for the forced experience in the past few years, he would not be able to survive for an hour. It was alive and well again, and it also wilted when it reached the top of the mountain.And the mountain in front of me is much more difficult to climb than the developed scenic spots, and even the road has to be spotted by myself, otherwise if one slips under the foot, it may not necessarily go anywhere.

On the other hand, Dao Feng, no matter a few years ago or now, has never cared about this kind of mountain crossing. Dao Feng has a lot of strength and his body is tough enough. What's more valuable is that he still has many years of accumulated experience. It's just a blink of an eye.

Looking up at the dense forest, Chu Yang crossed the small mound in front of him with hands and feet, and accidentally cut a cut on the sharp-edged rock with his wrist, so he had to quickly take out the band-aid. Fortunately, there was no bleeding and the cut was not big. As long as it is not infected.

"The old man said to go to the northwest, and we can get there within a day, but we have been walking for so long, why haven't we even seen the shadow of the village?" Chu Yang tugged down his sleeves to cover the road Wound, asked suspiciously: "Could it be the wrong way?"

"It's possible." Dao Feng glanced at Chu Yang's covered wrist, and said, "After all, we wanted to take a shortcut and didn't follow the route that person said. It's normal to go wrong."

"En." Nodding his head, Chu Yang looked at the flat mountain ahead, and said, "No wonder, this road is getting higher and higher, and there are rocks everywhere. I think we should go that way. How far."

Looking in the direction of Chu Yang's finger, Dao Feng estimated the route secretly, nodded and agreed: "Give me the backpack, be careful, it is not easy to heal if you scratch in winter, there may be wild beasts in this forest, at last Better not make too much noise."

"It's okay." Waving his hand and rejecting Dao Feng's proposal, Chu Yang touched the mountaineering bag on his back with his backhand, and said with a smile: "This thing is not in the way, and you need to carry it. If I feel distressed, I will just say it."

"..." A little regretful of his subconscious actions just now, Dao Feng didn't answer any more, turned around and walked forward with a blank expression.

The smile on Chu Yang's face deepened when he saw this, and he couldn't help being sweet in his heart. He almost hummed the sweet old song, and he is now emotionally flexible, knowing how to save face for Dao Feng, and also knowing How to coax my lover, so I didn't ask her face to face, but followed Dao Feng quietly, looking at her sweetheart's stern and straight back, secretly happy.

Walked along the flattened mountain road for about

After two hours, seeing that the sky was completely dark, Chu Yang took out the wolf's eye from his backpack, and the two walked forward for a while, until they saw the temporary house where the hunter lived, and then stopped.

The house was built of stone mixed with mixed soil, surrounded by traps and powders to prevent wild animals from approaching, there was no electricity in the room, only a few burnt candles, the house was small, barely able to keep out the wind and keep warm, The front of the house is surrounded by a low wall, and there is no door, so you can only turn over if you want to enter.

Dao Feng opened a trap, and he and Chu Yang climbed over the low wall and entered the hut.

After entering the door, find the candle to light it first, then close the door and prepare to rest.

Taking out the bread and water bought earlier in the town, Chu Yang handed them to Dao Feng and said, "Fortunately, there is a room here to rest, otherwise, driving the mountain road in the middle of the night would be a death sentence."

After drinking a little water, Dao Feng glanced at the situation in the house, nodded and said: "But since we have found the hunter's house, it means that it is not far from the village. Let's rest early today, and we have to go for a while tomorrow... and you It’s best to wrap the wound on your hand with a bandage.”

"Oh." After being said by Dao Feng, Chu Yang was stunned for a moment with the ham sausage in his mouth, and said inarticulately: "If you don't tell me, I will almost forget it, it doesn't hurt, I don't feel anything..."

As he said that, Chu Yang rolled up his sleeves, and took off the band-aid that had been deformed by the clothes, and saw that the original shallow cut had completely changed, with red blood streaks mixed in the wound, which looked It seems to be a bit infected.

With a tut, Chu Yang raised his eyebrows, and frantically dug out the small emergency first-aid kit from his backpack, found bandages and potions, and didn't forget to finish the ham sausage quickly.

Dao Feng looked at the side for a while, frowned, then sat down to help him apply the potion, and tied the bandage firmly, and the two were relieved.

The low bed made of mud was not enough to sit on, and Chu Yang couldn't stretch his legs when he sat there, but seeing Dao Feng move over from the wooden bench opposite him, he immediately felt a lot happier.

The feeling of someone being around is much better than the feeling of being alone. Chu Yang even felt warm all over his body, as if there was an invisible heat coming from Dao Feng's body.

Seeing Chu Yang's more and more lascivious smile in surprise, Dao Feng ate the bread in his hand expressionlessly, then stood up, went back to the wooden stool and sat down.

Coughing dryly, Chu Yang scratched his head, looked at some items usually used by hunters in the house, went over to pick up the dusty blanket, cleaned it up and said: "It seems that the owner of this place often comes to , everything is good, we can use this at night.”

After finishing speaking, he put the blanket on the bed, went to the earthen stove in front of the bed, picked up the iron rod on it and poked it, and continued: "There is no fire, I will go out to find some dry branches, you can light this .”

Dao Feng said "hmm", took out his lighter, and exchanged places with Chu Yang.

Chu Yang called out Xiao Hai, and walked out without even taking the wolf-eye flashlight, which directly caused a cluster of dark fire in his hand.

Just a few seconds after going out, Dao Feng heard an "Ouch" outside, startled, suddenly remembered the traps outside the house to prevent wild animals, and quickly stood up and ran to the door.

As soon as his fingers touched the rough wooden board, he immediately heard Chu Yang shout: "It's all right, it's just that I accidentally ran into a trap, don't come out."

Although Chu Yang said so, Dao Feng pushed the door open and took two steps outside. Thinking that Chu Yang was protected by Xiao Hai, he must be unscathed, so he sighed and turned back into the house.

After finally drawing the charcoaled wood in the stove, Dao Feng turned on his mobile phone and checked the time. He felt that Chu Yang had been out for a long time. There are dead branches everywhere in this mountain. It should not be so long. return.

The more he thought about it, the more worried he became. Dao Feng knew that with Chu Yang's current ability, it was difficult to find something that could hurt him, but reason and emotion often run counter to each other. He felt that something might have happened to Chu Yang, and he might be in danger.

It's like some young people nowadays who always forget to call home to report their safety when they are messing around outside. Instead, they find it annoying to ask their parents or friends.As everyone knows, you know that you are fine and having fun, but those who care about you don't know, and it is precisely because of caring that they want to ask what you are doing and where you are.

Just as he was thinking about whether to go out to look for it, there was a sudden noise at the door. Dao Feng listened calmly, and after confirming that it was Chu Yang who came back, he returned to his indifferent appearance, moved the wooden stool and sat by the stove, and only used an iron rod to go out. Stir those dying charcoals.

Opening the door and entering the house, what Chu Yang saw was Dao Feng's calm side face, so that he didn't notice the man's worry at all, he hugged the branch carelessly, and said at the same time: "It seems that there are indeed wild beasts in this forest. It shouldn’t be too small, but I don’t know what it is, just now when I was picking up branches there, that guy kept following me and peeping at me, making me think I was being targeted by some ferocious beast.”

"Beast..." Dao Feng squinted his eyes, watched Chu Yang put the branch into the fire, and asked in a low voice: "Are you sure it's a beast? How come you haven't moved after staring at you for a long time? Did you follow here. "

"Probably not." After thinking for a while, Chu Yang shook his head and said, "I originally planned to kill it if it came out to bite me. It happened that I could eat some wild game at night. Anyway, the beasts that would appear in the woods were just a few. Those kinds, but I didn't expect that thing to run away after a while, which really made me wonder, how could it be like this?"

"It's a bit strange." Dao Feng said: "Maybe he thought he couldn't beat you, so he ran away... Maybe it's a wolf who is alone, and dare not stand up without a companion nearby."

"Maybe." Hehe laughed, and Chu Yang glanced at Xiaohai who was standing beside him, and said, "It seems that the evil spirit's ability is too strong, and it can automatically scare the enemy away without me taking action."

Slightly raised the corners of his mouth, Dao Feng did not speak, but nodded in agreement.

Putting aside the temporarily unused branches, Chu Yang stood up, and just wanted Dao Feng to rest, when he heard a buzzing sound in his ears.

At the same time, Dao Feng also stood up. He looked towards the door with an unkind expression, quite sure that he had just heard human footsteps.

"Someone is outside..." Before Dao Feng finished speaking, he was interrupted by Chu Yang, who squatted on the ground covering his head in pain.

He was slightly taken aback, and immediately squatted down to support him, and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you?"

"There...someone..." Chu Yang covered his face with both hands, and countless black patterns sprang out from between his fingers that could not be concealed: "There is...yin and yang...fuck...put me...put me ..."

Seeing Chu Yang's sudden abnormal appearance, Dao Feng became flustered. Although he knew that Chu Yang's appearance would change when he used the forbidden technique, he had never seen him change like this. This situation was very strange.

Seeing that Chu Yang couldn't even speak clearly, Dao Feng pursed his thin lips, thinking whether he should go out and check, but leaving Chu Yang alone here, he couldn't rest assured.

While hesitating, a deep male voice suddenly came from outside the house. Dao Feng immediately widened his eyes when he heard the voice, because he clearly heard what the man said: "Lock the six gods, release all ghosts, three Cleanse the demon array, cleanse evil spirits with karmic fire, and use divine weapons as fast as a law!"

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