Ancient Art of Sealing Ghosts

Chapter 117 "Ancient Art of Sealing Ghosts" Extra Volume

In fact, Dao Feng already knew why Chu Yang didn't want to lift the vertical ghost seal, and also understood what he was afraid of.

Zong Guiyin, a powerful force beyond the normal understanding of ordinary people, is like opium to Chu Yang. Once he becomes addicted to it and is bewitched and imprisoned by that power, he will never want to quit it again.

There is nothing more terrifying than losing power, especially when Chu Yang has let this power penetrate into his life completely.

Dao Feng felt that Chu Yang was already strong enough. Even without the ghost seal and ghost slave, he was still a rare genius among the Chu family's ghost masters.

It’s just that Chu Yang himself doesn’t understand this point. His eyes have been confused by the vertical ghost mark, and he can’t see through the essence of things, nor can he see through. Even a powerful ghost slave uses his own power as the source and Produced by vertical ghost seal as a medium.

Therefore, Dao Feng has always wanted to explain to Chu Yang, and wanted to tell him that the vertical ghost seal is not necessary for him.

Compared with those empty things, it is more important for two people to be together for a long time...

On the first night after seeing each other for three days, the two didn't have sex, Dao Feng was not in the mood, Chu Yang didn't want to force him, so he had to endure it.

The next morning, the two of them had nothing to do and went to the antique street. Dao Feng was not very interested in the things on these street stalls. After all, if you glance around, you can see that there are almost no genuine goods.On the contrary, Chu Yang still felt that it was very fresh. Even though he had been here once, he still couldn't help but want to buy something to take back.

It's like a primary school student who is being taken shopping by an adult. When he sees a sausage kebab costing one or two yuan on the roadside, he wants it. Although it is cheap and worthless, no matter how noisy the adult is, he will not buy it.

When I went to college and had hundreds of dollars in my pocket, I didn't want to buy this kind of sausage kebabs on the side of the road.

Otherwise, why do you say that human beings are inherently cheap?

After visiting the antique street, Dao Feng didn't want to go back so early, so Chu Yang accompanied him to a nearby park for a walk.

The park in winter is very cold, and I haven't seen many people after walking for a long time.

Dao Feng put his hands in his pockets, lost in thought as he walked, his dark eyes looked very attractive with a little confusion.

"What are you thinking about?" Chu Yang grabbed Dao Feng's hand, and quickly pressed a kiss on the corner of his lips while there was no one around.The soft touch made the smile on the corner of Chu Yang's mouth widen, and he wrapped his hands dishonestly around it.

Tilting his head slightly to avoid Chu Yang's second kiss, Dao Feng put one hand on the other's shoulder, pulling the distance between them a little.

"Chu Yang..." Dao Feng frowned slightly, stared at the person in front of him for a while, then sighed suddenly, and said, "When the matter here is finished, let's go to the 'Ghost Valley' to find clues, and get your hands off as soon as possible." The vertical ghost seal on it..."

"Don't go." Interrupting Dao Feng's words, Chu Yang let go of his hand, took a step back, and growled slightly annoyed: "How many times have I said that I don't want to lift the vertical ghost mark, don't force me anymore, okay?" !"

"Then do you really want to go on like this and die before you reach fifty or forty? But I still want to..." Dao Feng narrowed his eyes, hesitated and said in a low voice: "I still want to see you You look seventy and eighty, I don't know if you will be as impulsive as you are now when your hair is all white..."

"...Don't talk about it." Lowering his head, Chu Yang didn't dare to look at Dao Feng's expression again, so he could only hastily put his trembling left hand into his trouser pocket, and then said with a wry smile: "It's all my fault, obviously I can't live How long will it take to provoke you... Dao Feng, I'm afraid that in my life, the one I'm most sorry for is you... A coward like me is not qualified to say I love you."

After finishing speaking, Chu Yang turned around and wanted to leave in an evasive manner, but Dao Feng quickly grabbed his wrist.

"...You know I don't mean that." Seeing that Chu Yang was unwilling to turn around to look at him, Dao Feng felt a little bitter, and he pursed his thin lips lightly, thinking about how to express his feelings.

For half the price, Dao Feng changed from grasping to holding, and with a little force on his arm, he gently pulled the person back in front of him, then stared at Chu Yang's dodging eyes and said, "I just want you to understand that no matter whether you know how to seal ghosts or not, You are all Chu Yang."

"I..." Chu Yang raised his head in surprise when he heard the words, saw Dao Feng's stern but unusually gentle face, opened his mouth but couldn't make a sound.

"What I love is Chu Yang himself...not your ability, let alone your ability to seal ghosts..." Dao Feng's voice was low and hoarse. This was the first time he expressed his feelings like this, although A little embarrassed and embarrassed, but he continued firmly: "I love you, Chu Yang, I don't expect you to do too much for me, I just hope you can always be by my side, I hope that when I grow old When you can't walk, you can still hold your hand like this...I say this, do you understand..."

"I, my..." Facing Dao Feng's seriousness, Chu Yang became inexplicably nervous, his heart was beating violently, and his head was getting hotter and hotter. He couldn't help but think about it and said: "I don't really understand, can you say it again?" ..."

"I hope you live a good life." Looking at Chu Yang's flustered eyes with expectation, Dao Feng raised the corner of his mouth, and his voice became softer: "Other things are not as important as you. I love you and want you to accompany me." Follow me, don't die before me, since you provoked me first, you should be responsible for me."

"You... Dao Feng, you really..." Chu Yang paused, and asked hesitantly, "Whether I know how to seal ghosts or not, do you love me the same? If I become trash, I will hold you back." , won't you despise me?"

"If you will dislike you, I won't talk to you so much." Dao Feng was a little depressed, looked at Chu Yang who was still hesitating, and sighed: "I have already said everything I can say, if you still If you insist on not going to 'Ghost Valley', then I..."

"How are you?"

"I will never see you again." Dao Feng showed a hint of displeasure, and his voice became cold and hard: "If you want to die early, just go ahead, don't pester me again, and I won't tell you again Those words, it’s like we’ve never met before…”

"Don't, don't, don't..." Chu Yang turned pale in shock, hugged Dao Feng in a hurry, and begged for mercy repeatedly: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I... I know I was wrong, I will never 'suicide' again, don't ignore me me……"

After finishing speaking, seeing Dao Feng still looking at him and not speaking, Chu Yang laughed awkwardly, scratched his head and said: "Actually, I already understood... I just want to hear you say, you don't know that you say you love me How charming she looked when she was there."

With a low snort, Dao Feng didn't want to be glib with Chu Yang, so he stretched out his hand to push him away.

Grasping Dao Feng's hand, Chu Yang pulled him into his arms, touched the soft lips with his head sideways, and found that the other party didn't intend to refuse, then he stretched out his tongue to pry open the slightly closed jaw, and poked it in. Stir well.

The soft and delicate touch made Dao Feng lower his eyes, and unconsciously grasped Chu Yang with his hands, quietly feeling the warm love gradually spreading between the two...

I just can't write a kiss scene, just skip it...

When he went back, Chu Yang kept holding on to Dao Feng's hand, giggling silly from time to time, completely ignoring the eyes of the people around him.

Anyway, no one knows him, so what I like... Chu Yang thought complacently.

Dao Feng couldn't stand Chu Yang's nervousness, so he glanced at him and said, "What are you laughing at?"

"Hey." Chu Yang stared at Dao Feng's stern and handsome profile, and said contentedly, "Do you know which sentence you said today made me wake up?"

"Which one?"

"Just that sentence, 'Regardless of whether you know how to seal ghosts or not, you are Chu Yang'." Chu Yang suddenly became quiet, and the hands he held with Dao Feng tightened, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said in a low voice: "Since I learned the technique of sealing ghosts and got Xiaohai, I almost forgot my original appearance. I always feel that now I am awesome and coquettish, and I am not afraid of anyone with ghost slaves by my side, but... After all, I am just a It's just an ordinary person who almost gave up the happiness of the rest of his life for an evil ghost that has nothing to do with him. Thinking about it now, it's pretty stupid..."

"Fortunately, you are still here." Chu Yang froze for a moment, then continued

: "If it weren't for your words, I might have almost forgotten why I pursued you in the first place... I have never regretted falling in love with you, falling in love with you, or even... hugging you. Dao Feng, don't leave me, I will be good Live on, stay with you so that you don't feel lonely, even if we are both old and can only bask in the sun every day and can't walk, I will stay by your side, watch you, and cook delicious food for you , don't let you drink too much..."

"My are enough."

At some point, the two had already stopped, standing on the side of the road and looking at each other quietly.

As the night darkened, there were occasional pedestrians passing by, but the atmosphere between the two of them was not broken, and it was still so quiet.

After a long time, Dao Fengjun blushed slightly, and Chu Yang's overly hot eyes forced him to turn his head and let out a soft "hmm".

Making a gesture of hugging, Chu Yang suddenly put his arms around Dao Feng's waist, and whispered in his ear: "However, I am enough, my little brother is not enough... Ah Feng, it wants to Go in and kiss your inside, right now, okay..."

Seeing Dao Feng's instantly reddened ears and widened eyes in surprise, Chu Yang's mouth gradually showed a ferocious smirk.

No need to say anything more, the two trotted all the way, and kissed after entering the elevator.

Chu Yang was used to play tricks, and by the time he got out of the elevator, Dao Feng's legs were already a little weak.

His normally indifferent handsome face turned red at this moment.

Entering the room, Chu Yang unhurriedly pushed Dao Feng down on the big soft bed, tore off the clothes that got in the way, and looked down at him.

The hands kept moving, Chu Yang leaned down and kissed Dao Feng's strong and beautiful chest muscles, and then went all the way down.

There wasn't too much foreplay, Chu Yang showed his impatient side until then, he only softly comforted and kissed Dao Feng, and then suddenly stepped forward and rushed in.

"Hmm..." Dao Feng snorted, his eyes were moist, and he squinted slightly to look at the place where the two joined together. Then he grabbed Chu Yang's shoulders and forced himself to open his legs to accept the violation of the person on him more deeply.

Chu Yang felt sorry for Dao Feng, and kept kissing the place that made him feel comfortable, but his lower body couldn't help but attack more violently, wanting to hear more of those deep and confusing moans...

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