The huge boulder blocking the way is indeed heavy and terrifying, but we have Dao Yan and Dao Feng, plus Gu Hai who I still can't get to the bottom of, this boulder is not so difficult to deal with.

The sound of rock rubbing in my ears was deafening. I gritted my teeth and pushed hard with everyone. After a while, the rock moved about half a meter to the right from its original position.

We stopped for a breath, didn't speak, just looked at the gap that only allowed one person to pass sideways.After being silent for a while, Gu Hai finally said, "That's about it, pack up your things, be mentally prepared, let's go in."

Sister Xuan, as the only female in our group of four, did not participate in pushing the boulder with Tangning who was seriously injured, but stayed by the side and watched Wen Wen. After hearing Gu Hai's words, she pressed Wen Wen to stand Got up, then pushed Wen Wen in front, and the second followed.

We squeezed in through the gap one after another, and immediately shivered from the cold.

The cave behind this rock is not only extremely dark, but also full of the cold breath of death, which makes people feel cold psychologically, as if every step they take is stepping on a dead person, and every breath of air they take in is filled with the smell of decay.

The wolf-eye flashlight seems to have lost its effect here. The light is as small as a firefly. I couldn't help but want to take out the searchlight or flare a few times, but my uncle stopped him with quick eyes and hands.

"Walk further back, don't be so anxious." The uncle held my hand and said calmly.

I nodded, suppressing the inexplicable urge to move in my heart, and glanced around distractedly.

But in fact, you can't see anything at all.

If it is an ordinary person, fear may be the first thing that pops up in this kind of place, and then carefully follow behind the person he thinks is safe, fearing that something scary will come out of the dark.But for me, I have seen all the scary things, and the only thing that can scare me now is whether Dao Feng will suddenly disappear.

People who have dealt with ghosts all the year round already have a deep sense of numbness to the darkness, and even have a vague sense of dependence.

So much so that when everyone was exhausted walking in the dark, I was still wandering.

Very similar to the Nanzhao ghost town, the road here is also incredibly long. In the end, we almost lost our sense of direction. We didn’t know whether we were going forward, whether we had turned a corner or entered a fork in the road.

"It should be here soon." Chu Wentian estimated the time, then turned around and said to us: "Be careful, don't be confused by the things here, if you hear or see anything wrong, tell everyone immediately."

We were pulled back to our thoughts by Chu Wentian's voice, and we all nodded perfunctorily.

I absent-mindedly looked to both sides, and always felt that the more I walked inside, the more familiar I felt, as if there was something hovering around us, but in the blink of an eye, they disappeared again.

I was stunned, wondering if it was the ghosts of the seniors of the three families who still stayed here and did not dissipate?Although it is different from ordinary ghosts, the feeling is indeed very similar, but they are around us, do they want to express something, or are they just watching, whether we will end up in the same end as them?

It is said in the book "The Ancient Art of Sealing Ghosts" that no matter what kind of ghosts, they will have a certain amount of malice after losing their human essence. What if they want to attack us?Thinking of this, I frowned, raised my hand to call out Xiao Hai, and at the same time drew a touch of purple fire on my fingertips. Chu Wentian noticed my movement, first frowned uncomfortably, and then quietly waved his hands at me.

I know that he must have felt the existence of those guys, but he is unwilling to make a move, and he doesn't agree with me to make a move.

Fortunately, I have Xiaohai, so I don't have to worry too much even if something goes wrong.

Moreover, what attracts my attention most now is not these lingering "predecessors", but the powerful thing that exists at the extreme end of this place.

"Chu Yang." The uncle suddenly interrupted my wild thoughts. He gestured at me, indicating that I can take out the searchlights and flares. I was not allowed to use them before, and it was also to save resources in case of a real crisis. Sometimes there is no guy available.

I obediently obeyed the uncle's instructions, and took out the searchlights and flares from my backpack and distributed them to other people. In this way, our vision suddenly expanded a lot, but the emptiness of darkness and the unusual coldness remained tight around us.

The shadow of the incident 70 years ago and the rendering of the weird atmosphere here have made everyone's mental state very poor, and the seemingly endless road continues to torture our nerves.

It wasn't until Dao Yan who was walking in front let out a low cry that we suddenly woke up and turned to look at him.

Gu Hai and Chu Wentian calmed down first, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

The uncle squinted next to me and observed for a while, then nodded to indicate that we can follow and have a look.Even at this time, his priority was our safety.

Dao Feng and I walked back and forth. Under the illumination of several lights, I saw a shriveled broken arm inserted horizontally in the soil, which was obviously left by the previous group 70 years ago.

It's just strange that there are still incomplete clothes hanging on the broken arm, and there are disgusting meat residues on the exposed bones. The closer to the soil, the more places, so I can't help but start to guess, Is the owner of this arm behind the dirt? If I grab this severed arm, will I pull him out of the dirt?

Which one of those people would he be?How could he die in this position, and strangely retain so much flesh, without completely turning into a pile of dry bones?

I frowned and thought about it, and couldn't help taking a few steps back with the searchlight in my hand. Suddenly, I felt someone sigh in my ear. The slight and extremely close breath made my scalp numb, and I used the light in conditioned reflex. Looking back, I was immediately frightened by what appeared behind me and screamed.

Dao Feng ran over immediately when he heard my cry, looked in the direction of my light, and took a deep breath.

"This... what is this situation..." I suppressed the fear in my heart and asked in a low voice.

Dao Feng didn't speak, just shook his head, and then pulled me away from that thing.

On the other hand, Gu Hai and the others fell silent after seeing clearly that the thing was actually a "person" who had been cut off in the middle.

After a while, Sister Xuan said in a low voice: "How much strength does it take to break a big living person in the middle and bury it in the soil?"

After listening to Sister Xuan's words, I couldn't help but look at the guy who scared me again. After careful observation, I found that it was really a complete person, but the body was twisted into a weird angle, and the broken waist was deeply sunken. In the mud on the wall, hands and feet are also entwined around the surroundings, and the exposed head is in a half-rotten state, and the struggle and fear of the person before death can still be seen from the face, which is similar to asking for help and crying in despair The expression deeply shocked us.

This person wants to live until he dies.

"Don't look at it." My mind was getting more and more confused, and I said in a trance hoarse voice: "Instead of regretting it now, it's better to think about how they died like this. These are obviously not what humans can do."

The uncle glanced at me, then nodded and said: "Indeed, there are serious problems with this person and that arm. Don't you remember how you escaped at the beginning? Since they suffered such an end, you How could there be nothing wrong with five?"

"...We didn't go out the same way." Gu Hai stood stubbornly in front of the horrific dismembered corpse, and replied without turning his head: "They may not remember them, but I know them well. There is a secret passage here, we just broke into the secret passage unknowingly, and escaped by luck."

"Is there a secret passage?" The uncle pondered for a moment, then frowned and said, "It's good to have a secret passage, so that we have a greater chance of getting out alive. Let's go forward. Stopping here is not an option. They are already dead. Look at it again." won't come alive either."

The uncle's words woke up Chu Wentian Daoyan and others, we adjusted our mentality and continued to move forward cautiously.

But I didn't expect that the further I walked, the more corpses I saw, and all the strange shapes seemed to be forcibly distorted by some extraordinary force, and some of them couldn't even see the human form at all, and the blood and flesh were disgusting. .

As we walked and watched, we were terrified at every step, and the fear that had been suppressed in our hearts kept coming out, layer by layer, which almost made people collapse.

"Flare!" Dao Yan finally couldn't help but growled: "Bring the flare, I want to see what the hell is going on!"

Under the light and shadow, Dao Yan's eyes were blood red, and his whole body was covered by a kind of pain and anger, like a lion on the verge of madness.

Chu Wentian passed the flare to him numbly, but he kept his head down and didn't know what he was thinking.

We all stood a little farther away, watching Dao Yanwu move automatically but did not stop, I know that at this moment everyone actually wants to get a clear message right away, because the little things that are revealed will make people crazy.

Several flares shot out one after another, and the glaring white light instantly invaded everyone's vision. I felt ominous in my heart. I looked up with the others, and saw that on the dirt walls around us, there were all kinds of flowers hanging. There are all kinds of strange dead people, most of them belong to the same era, and only a small part of them look like I have never seen before.

At this time, they are looking at us quietly with their unique and distorted tattered bodies and their desperate and unfamiliar faces...

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