My whole body was limp on the ground, facing the unpredictable thing in front of me, but I didn't have the slightest fear in my heart. For some reason, under such close contact, the ghostly aura emanating from this guy It feels so familiar to me.

The already very cold grotto was even more gloomy due to the arrival of this cloud of black mist. I looked at it quietly and found that my breathing became more and more difficult.

That hideous and haggard face seemed to be satisfied with my silence, and slowly grinned the corners of its mouth, making an extremely weird and distorted expression. Then, it quietly stretched out those black and mutilated arms, before I had no time to resist. It suddenly grabbed my neck.

A strong sense of suffocation mixed with astonishing coldness hit me instantly, I couldn't even make a sound, I could only stare at the face that was so close at hand, and suddenly felt heavy and stiff as if my whole body was filled with lead, and I wanted to lift He raised his hands to stop the opponent's atrocities, but no matter what, he couldn't use his strength.

I gritted my teeth, resisting the darkness in front of me with the last bit of willpower, I only hoped that my body would recover quickly, so that I would still have a chance to deal with this guy.

Time passed by, and I slowly closed my eyes. I felt that my hands and feet were about to lose consciousness, but my thinking was extremely clear and smooth.

When the black mist around that guy completely enveloped me, my heart moved, I suddenly opened my eyes, grabbed the opponent's arm with all my strength, and found that my body was not unable to do anything because of the fatal injury. He didn't respond, but because of the too strong ghost aura.

I saw that my two arms were all turned into dry bones under the attack of the black mist. It seemed that as long as it exerted a little more strength, my fragile skeleton would collapse into slag.

Can't die here.

I clenched each other tightly, thinking in my heart that if I die here, I will get nothing. The purpose of my coming to the desert is to survive, to make the deceased ancestors and surviving descendants of the three families feel at ease. I have what I want, I have my own selfishness and goals, how could it be possible for me to lose my hair because of a high-minded evil spirit?

What's more, now with the help of that stone, I don't have to be afraid of the vertical ghost seal anymore. I can use the ghost sealing technique without any scruples. I can hold such power to accompany Dao Feng and protect anyone I want to protect. .

How can I die.

I kept telling myself to concentrate in my mind, and I felt an extreme chill gradually coming from my chest, and my limbs were no longer as weak as before, so I took a deep breath, let go of the evil ghost's arm, and turned to grab it. its neck, and then pressed it back hard.

I know that my face must be very ferocious at this moment, because I am completely fighting this evil spirit with melee now. I press it under my body and pinch its neck as hard as I would an ordinary person. It was out of its wits.

Its hand didn't stop because of my movement, but the extremely ugly face showed a more peculiar expression, which seemed to be surprised and angry.

Seeing this, I cursed inwardly, thinking of you so fucking dare to be angry, I almost died in your hands, I have to strangle you bastard today.

But when I think about it, I can't really fight a ghost with brute force to the end, I don't have that capital, as long as I wait for a while, this god-defying ghost will kill me without a whole body.

So I took advantage of the evil ghost being temporarily bluffed by me, secretly took out the lighter and held it in my hand, then endured the severe cold pain on my neck, and inserted the withered hand holding the lighter into the evil ghost's chest.

The evil spirit was frightened by my actions, and its whole face suddenly became more hateful. It opened its teeth and claws to push me off the body, but I grabbed my neck tightly and couldn't let go. In the end, it could only stare at me with scarlet eyes Roaring, black mist that smelled like corpses spit out from its mouth, and the strong ghostly aura made me almost suffocate to death on the spot.

Not only it, but I am also in a desperate posture at this time.

I deliberately let the blood from my chest drip into its body, then lit the lighter, and said silently: "Sealing ghosts... Extinguish."

At the moment when the blood and the fire combined, a faint purple flame burst out from the evil ghost's chest. Gui Shao continued to howl, and his ugly face became more disgusting and cautious under the reflection of the underworld fire.

And the black mist that originally surrounded it disappeared without a trace with the burning of the purple fire.

I didn't stop until the evil spirit completely turned into a pool of black ash in front of my eyes, thinking that this kind of unbearable ghost must not be able to be reincarnated, and that it deserved to be wiped out now.

There were still a few sporadic flames left in the surrounding fire. After confirming that the evil spirit had been completely eliminated by me, I breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

As soon as my tense nerves relaxed, the severe pain that I had ignored before immediately overwhelmed me like a tide.

Panting heavily, I lowered my head to look at my arms, and saw that both arms were intact and restored to their original state, so I really felt relieved.

Thinking of Wen Wen who ran away and Xiao Hai who was chasing after him in a hurry, I wiped my face and looked around a few times. Seeing that there was no other similar threat, I stood up with one hand on my chest, and walked forward step by step. go.

The deadly wound was inexplicably scarred after the battle just now. I don't know if it's the power of the stone or other factors, but I don't have time to think about it now, I just don't think I will die.

Walking alone in the quiet and cold stone road, the scenes that I didn't think about before kept coming to my mind.

After walking a few steps, I leaned against the stone wall to rest, and felt that although the wound on my chest was not fatal, it was still painful.

This made me start to wonder how far the immortality in Wen Wen's mouth can go, why this strange stone can stop the time of those who touch it, and what is it?

I touched the scar that had just formed on my chest, and I couldn't believe that I was someone who almost died once. When Wen Wen inserted the dagger into my chest, I almost subconsciously felt that I was finished.

I never imagined that I would turn into an immortal body like Dao Yan. This is really a bit of nonsense, even if I stab myself with a knife now, I will definitely not do it.

I am afraid of death. Before I finish the path I should go and accomplish what I must accomplish, I will live even if I am dying.

As long as there is a goal in mind, no one will think about how to die.

Just like what Zhou Libo said, those who stand on the top of the building and yell that I want to jump off the building are actually afraid of death, and those who really want to die will not let others know.

Apart from these unreal life and death issues, the only thing I can think of now is to catch Wen Wen.

That damned woman nearly got me killed, there's no way I'd let her go.

Gritting my teeth, I slowly walked forward in the winding stone path. The wolf's eyes were knocked in the fight just now, and they were no longer very bright.

At this time, there was no Daofeng or Xiaohai around me. To be honest, I was not very confident. If there was any danger, with my current situation, I would probably just lie on the ground like a dead pig, not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

I don't know how long I walked, my legs and feet were so sore, and I was thinking if I got lost, when I heard small fighting sounds coming from the front.

Although the fighting sound was slight, a woman's groaning could still be heard.

I was stunned for a moment, and thought to myself, could it be that Xiao Hai subdued Wen Wen?I asked Xiao Hai to chase Wen Wen before, but it is impossible for Xiao Hai to make such a sound, so it can only be Wen Wen.

Feeling a little joy and pride in my heart, I walked forward in two steps in three steps. The closer I got to the fighting sound, the more I could detect a familiar ghostly aura.

It was indeed Xiao Hai.

I opened the corner of my mouth, held the flashlight tightly and walked over at a faster pace.

However, when I pointed the flashlight at the source of the sound, I was really surprised by the sight in front of me.

Xiao Hai was indeed here, but she was just standing, she didn't step forward to tangle with Wen Wen, and there was someone else who fought with Wen Wen.

"Hmm!" With a low moan, the man was kicked in the abdomen by Wen Wen's leg, and he rolled out sideways.

After Wen Wen kicked the person over, she noticed that I was coming, and immediately took a few steps back, staring at me cautiously.

"Why are you here..." I looked at the person lying on the ground who was about to get up and fight again in surprise, and I didn't know who to help for a moment.

"Don't let her go, she will kill everyone." The man wiped the corner of his mouth, gasped and coughed a few times, then raised his head, revealing a familiar face.

It was Tang Ning.

I frowned, but didn't act rashly when I heard Tangning's words. Facing these two women, I knew I had to be extremely vigilant.

Both Wen Wen and Tang Ning are masters of disguise, they are very good at deceiving people, and they are ruthless. If Tang Ning cooperates with Wen Wen in playing tricks on me, then I will definitely die now.

With the lessons learned from the past, it is hard for Wenwen not to cut off my head this time. She hates me now just like I hate her.

As if she understood what I was thinking, Tangning's face changed a little bit, and finally she let out a low snort of disdain, dragged her bruised body to her feet, and said to Wen Wen, "Even if he doesn't help me now, he won't let you go find him." Those people, die of this heart."

Wen Wen's expression was not good, she knew that Xiao Hai was beside her, her body was tense all the time, and she was always ready to escape in a favorable direction.

"You are all the same people." Wen Wen looked at Tangning, and said in a low voice with no expression on her face, "If I had known that you dared to secretly remind Chu Yang behind my back, I would have killed you before entering the valley."

After finishing speaking, Wen Wen glanced at me, raised the corners of her lips and sneered, "But even if you have done so much for others, no one will think you are a good person, Tang Ning, you are a snake, no matter whether it is poisonous or not There will be someone willing to believe you, understand?"

Wen Wen's words were like a bolt from the blue, and I was stunned. Tangning didn't seem to expect her to say that, and she showed an even more panicked expression, but the expression was fleeting, and soon she gritted her teeth and turned to Wen Wen again. Wen pounced.

At this time, Xiao Hai silently took two steps back, leaned in front of me, raised her beautiful face, as if asking me what to do now.

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