What happened later in the Qujia Tavern was as expected by Yang Kang, it was really upside down and messy.

Huang Yaoshi learned that Princess Huazheng was Guo Jing's fiancée, he was so furious that he wanted to kill Huazheng and Tuolei immediately; Zhebie and Boerchi naturally wanted to protect their prince and princess with all their might, but they only know how to With superficial skills, he died under Huang Yaoshi's hands before he could even blink in the blink of an eye——Guo Jing's eyes would burst into flames when he watched in the secret room, his breath was chaotic, and his injuries worsened. Huang Rong was anxious and sad, knowing that this would continue This enmity will only get deeper and deeper to the point that it cannot be redeemed, so she wants to show up to stop her father who has gone berserk.

But at this moment, Huang Yaoshi was in a rage, and Guo Jing was also in a rage. If the two met, would things get worse?Huang Rong was a little hesitant, but at that time, the Seven Masters of the Quanzhen appeared. Ma Yu had seen Hua Zheng and Tuo Lei in Mongolia, so naturally Huang Yaoshi couldn't let Huang Yaoshi do the murder; Instigated by the deceitful elder brother Qiu Qianzhang, he thought that Huang Yaoshi had killed their uncle Zhou Botong, and he came here this time for revenge.

With Huang Yaoshi's temperament, how could he allow others to make noise in front of him?Moreover, Huang Yaoshi didn't bother to argue the most, and the two sides started fighting when they disagreed.

At the beginning, Huang Yaoshi didn't think of killing the killer, and he took it lightly, and almost suffered a big loss in the Big Dipper formation. Fortunately, Mei Chaofeng also arrived, and she protected the teacher with her body, allowing Huang Yaoshi to take the opportunity to kill one of the seven sons. But Mei Chaofeng himself died.Pained and angry, Huang Yaoshi used his ultimate move to kill two people in a row, and even wanted to kill all the Quanzhen Seven Sons on the spot.

At this time, Huang Rong and Guo Jing finally showed up, but even if the previous misunderstanding can be explained clearly, the deep hatred between each other cannot be solved, the remaining four of the Quanzhen Seven Sons can't wait to rush forward and bite them to death with their teeth Yaoshi Huang.

When Huang Yaoshi saw Guo Jing, he was even more furious. If Huang Rong hadn't tried hard to stop him, he would have killed Guo Jing and the rest of the Quanzhen sect. Of course it should be eradicated.

But how could Huang Rong allow his father to kill his elder brother Jing?After arguing between the father and daughter, the matter of the silly girl was involved again, and Huang Yaoshi was even more furious, but at this time Zhou Botong came again, and the bull-noseds of the Quanzhen Sect had their backing, so Huang Yaoshi couldn't do anything anymore Killing someone, he had to leave angrily with Mei Chaofeng's body, but he also stopped thinking about bringing Huang Rong back to Peach Blossom Island... Girls are extroverted, even if they are taken back by force, they will only cause trouble for him, so why bother? up.

But in the eyes of Taoist priests of Quanzhen Sect, Huang Yaoshi and Huang Rong are demon father and daughter who hate the house and the black people. Naturally, they have a bad impression of Huang Rong. Hua Zheng and Tuo Lei went back to Mongolia together.

Huang Rong was aggrieved and sad, so she threw out the fact that Yin Zhiping was killed by Yang Kang to divert the attention of Quanzhen Sect and others, and followed Guo Jing to Mongolia.

It is said that three of the Quanzhen Seven Masters died, and even Ma Yu, the head teacher, was seriously injured, but Qiu Chuji was unscathed. He learned from Huang Rong that it was Yang Kang who killed Yin Zhiping, and he got Guo Jing's confirmation. Jumping and yelling, let the other two escort Ma Yu back to the Quanzhen Sect, and he will go to Dajinzhong to kill him.

On the other side, the Mongol army was going all out, like a tiger, and it was about to go straight to Dajin Zhongdu, but it was unexpected that the Dajin Zhao Wang Wanyan Honglie returned to the court in time, and quickly gathered the scattered hearts and reorganized the army. The fierce offensive of the Mongols was simply intercepted, causing the two sides to fight fiercely and fall into a stalemate.

What was even more surprising to everyone was that Wanyan Honglie changed his previous low-key and indisputable style, and used extremely tough methods to win over the important ministers above the Dajin court and the generals in charge of the army, and successfully forced the Dajin Emperor to abdicate by himself So far, Wanyan Honglie has become the de facto person in power of Dajin, taking charge of important military and political affairs.

But even so, Wanyan Honglie is actually just taking over a very troublesome mess. It doesn't matter whether he can be the emperor of Dajin at this time—the enemy has already attacked the capital, and Dajin's fall is imminent. At this precarious and critical moment, turning the tide is the top priority.Those ministers and generals who hadn't escaped yet and were still loyal to Dajin supported Wanyan Honglie and deposed the emperor because they hoped that the famous Wanyan Honglie could lead them and Dajin out of desperation.

Therefore, Consul Wanyan Honglie did his part in the political affairs. He can be regarded as the last hope of Dajin—fortunately, he came back early enough. He not only kept the capital of Dajin, gathered troops, but also boosted morale... Later, I am afraid that he will really lead the remnants of the defeated generals to retreat to Khwarazmo. Every time Wanyan Honglie thinks of such a situation, he can't help but feel a little bit of fear, his back feels faintly cold, and he is extremely thankful that he still has a good son.

When Yang Kang and his party arrived at the palace, Wanyan Honglie was thinking hard in the study about countermeasures against the enemy. He was overjoyed when he heard that his subordinates reported that "the son is back", and he immediately went to greet him. He went to the garden and I met three people face to face.

"Kang'er!" Wanyan Honglie shouted happily.

Yang Kang was also very excited. He took a few steps quickly, hugged Wanyan Honglie, and said, "Father, you...have lost a lot of weight, so take good care of yourself!" Unceasingly tired, with bloodshot eyes, in Yang Kang's eyes, he really felt distressed.

"Father knows, it will be fine when you come back." Wanyan Honglie smiled slightly, patted Yang Kang's shoulder to comfort him, and said: "Kang'er, Mr. Ouyang and Mr. Ouyang, you have worked hard all the way, go back to your room first Go and rest for a while, I will let the servants prepare the banquet."

Ouyang Ke said politely: "My lord, there is no need to be like this. The war is going on right now, so let's just have a light meal together." Hearing this, Ouyang Feng gave his children a look of approval: Not bad, I know I have to please my father-in-law, and I will grow up!

Wanyan Honglie was stunned - Mr. Ouyang never knew how to be polite before, how did he change his temper now?He looked carefully again, but he saw that Ouyang Ke's complexion was rosy and his complexion was good, it was completely different from the dying appearance on the boat.Although Ouyang Ke was still on crutches at this time, his legs were naturally strong and he didn't need others to support him. He was obviously recovering. Wanyan Honglie couldn't help being surprised: It seems that people with high martial arts skills are really different from ordinary people. fine.

Then Wanyan Honglie thought again, Ouyang Feng's uncle and nephew are guests after all, and since Da Jin is employing people at this time, of course Wanyan Honglie can't be stingy.But today is different from the past, the situation in Zhongdu is just like what Ouyang Ke said, the war is stalemate and food needs to be saved, Wanyan Honglie really feels embarrassed if he wants to hold a big feast for his uncle and nephew.But if it is true that they only serve a simple meal, and Wanyan Honglie is afraid that Ouyang Ke is just saying polite words, but not sincerely, then wouldn't he offend them?That's absolutely impossible, so Wanyan Honglie shook his head again and again, and said: "Young Master Ouyang is joking, how can you make a simple meal, you two came from afar to help me Dajin, this king will always do his best as a landlord..."

Ouyang Feng is so shrewd, of course he can see that Wanyan Honglie is in a dilemma, he immediately waved his hands freely and said: "Your Majesty, don't think too much, we are all on our own, so just follow what my nephew said, just have a regular meal together." My own children have abducted other people's precious sons, not just "our own people", but "family" at all--and the situation in Dajin is not good now, they are here to help, not to take advantage of the fire, There is really no need to eat and drink.

Wanyan Honglie was deeply baffled: when we met last time, Ouyang Feng put on airs like a great master, which made Wanyan Honglie not easy to get close to, so he could only offer respectfully, without daring to offend him at all—why this time Ouyang Feng Will become so "approachable"?

Seeing that his father still had doubts, Yang Kang explained with a smile: "Father, my son has already worshiped Mr. Ouyang as his teacher, so just follow what the master and senior brother said, why should my family eat extravagantly?"

Wanyan Honglie was both surprised and happy at the moment, nodded repeatedly, and said with relief and gratitude: "Thanks to Mr. Ouyang for looking up to my son, this is really our father and son's honor!" His son can worship Ouyang Feng as his teacher, that is really finding someone Big backer—Even if you take ten thousand steps back, if Dajin is still unable to keep and there is a disaster of destroying the country, at least Yang Kang can follow Uncle Ouyang and his nephew back to the White Camel Mountain in the Western Regions, so that they will not be displaced and suffer from the war... Wanyan Honglie Even if it is a martyrdom, I feel relieved.

Ouyang Feng laughed heartily, and responded: "My lord is too polite, Kang'er is a good boy, we all like him very much!" It's good to accept the little lord as an apprentice, but it's even better to be his daughter-in-law—— Father-in-law is very satisfied.

The word "honor" used in Wanyan Honglie's words made Ouyang Feng feel radiant and happy. At the same time, he thought: If I want this prince to marry his son to mine, I don't know if he will feel that. pleasure?Well, it seems that the relationship between the two parties needs to be brought closer first.

It just so happened that Wanyan Honglie also wanted to have a good communication with Ouyang Feng, and the two of them "hit it off", so the two fathers just met each other and talked happily together...

Seeing this, Yang Kang held back his laughter until his stomach ached, and hurriedly dragged Ouyang Ke back to his room.

After returning to the room and closing the door, Yang Kang finally burst out laughing and said, "Hey, the two of them have completely different concerns, and they can still chat so excitedly... I really laughed to death."

Ouyang Ke also found it interesting, and teased: "Little prince, tell me... If my uncle proposes marriage to your father, what will your father's reaction be?"

"Propose marriage?!" Yang Kang almost lost his temper with laughter, and couldn't help asking: "How to propose? Is it possible that you are going to marry you into the palace as a little princess?"

Ouyang Ke snorted, and counterattacked: "I want to marry you, the little prince, back to White Camel Mountain to become the young master's wife!"

Yang Kang held back his laughter, and said with a flattering face: "Okay, okay, then Mr., we are traveling all the way, why don't we go take a shower and change clothes?"

Ouyang Ke squinted at a young prince who was smirking, and said proudly: "Go, go, who is afraid of whom?!"

Not to mention what good things these two unscrupulous guys did when they were bathing and changing clothes, on the other hand, the fathers of the two of them felt very satisfied after a chatter.

Father Wanyan came to the conclusion-Kanger is a good master, not only is he a master of martial arts, he is also very satisfied and likes Kanger, and it is said that Mr. Ouyang is also very good and takes care of Kanger. Brothers and sisters get along harmoniously, so I can rest assured...

As for Ouyang's father... He thinks: this father-in-law is very good, the dignified prince has no airs at all, and is as good-tempered as his son, the young prince. It really is father and son, how nice.

That night, the family of four happily ate a home-cooked meal.

The confession of relatives is over, the Mongolian army is still standing at the gate, and it is not time to relax now.

Yang Kang began to help Wanyan Honglie deal with important military and political affairs. During that process, Wanyan Honglie felt even more gratified. Yang Kang was mature in means and experienced in doing things, and he was able to handle major military affairs with ease.Even Yang Kang designed several ingenious ambushes in different ways, causing the Mongolian army outside the city to lose a lot of troops, making the Mongols disgraced, and the morale of the Dajin soldiers also rose steadily because of this.

Wanyan Honglie was amazed, only thought that Yang Kang was very talented, but he didn't know that Yang Kang was able to turn the tide like a god because he had been an old ghost for many years, had a lot of experience, and knew very well the marching habits of the Mongols.As a result, Yang Kang's prestige in Dajin also rose suddenly, and everyone looked at him with admiration—some even thought that Wanyan Honglie and his son might have been guided by heaven to save Dajin.

Seeing that the situation of the battle has turned sharply, and winter is approaching, if the Mongols can't attack the central capital, their horses will have no grass to eat, and the army will soon be short of food... And they also made up their minds to fight Give it a go.

The flames of war have intensified again. In this face-to-face decisive battle, the role of strategy is much smaller. Even if Yang Kang is familiar with Wu Mu's suicide note and has all kinds of strategies in his heart, he can't immediately make the long-weary In a short period of time, the Dajin soldiers improved their combat power and surpassed those Mongolian bandits who were as ferocious as hungry wolves on the grassland.

Yang Kang knew that Dajin could only win but not lose in this decisive battle under the city of Zhongdu. Only by defeating the Mongols could Dajin take a breather and reorganize the rivers and mountains. Otherwise, if even the capital was lost, the country would die Not far away.

So Yang Kang proposed that he would sneak into the enemy's barracks and assassinate the enemy's commander in person, forcing the Mongols to retreat to the grassland in one fell swoop.

It is said that during this period of time, Yang Kang's martial arts has improved very fast. As early as when he was a ghost, he had already studied the Nine Yin Scriptures over and over again. At that time, his martial arts were definitely not inferior to Guo Jing's luck.

Yang Kang thought that there would be no dangerous changes in this trip. After all, there are no martial arts masters in the Mongolian army, as long as he goes quickly and returns quickly without being surrounded by the army.But Wanyan Honglie didn't think so, he held Yang Kang tightly, and refused to let his son take risks, the expression on his face seemed to be facing life and death.

Seeing this, Ouyang Ke hurriedly said: "I'd better go there, the lord and junior are just waiting for the good news at the palace." His leg injury has already healed completely, and his skill has also improved, but Yang Kang has been so busy recently. If your feet don't touch the ground, how can you have the time to get close to him?Therefore, Ouyang Ke had been gnashing his teeth for a long time and wanted to drive the Mongolian back to his hometown, so that he could have a chance to "raise his eyebrows" and have a good time with Yang Kang under him.

Wanyan Honglie was overjoyed when he heard Ouyang Ke's words, and said: "Young Master Ouyang... Your kindness and virtue are unforgettable to me!"

Ouyang Ke was also very happy, and he didn't think there would be any danger in going there. Not only could he drive away the Mongolians who hated getting in the way, but he could also take the opportunity to win Wanyan Honglie's favor.

"All right, all right," Ouyang Feng finally said when he saw this, and said with a smile, "Ke'er, you don't have to go, I'll just go." Let the son sell himself in front of his father-in-law first, Then let him, the father, solve the problem... Ouyang Feng is really a model father.

Wanyan Honglie was so moved that tears welled up in his eyes, as expected, he raised soldiers for a thousand days and used them for a short period of time - Ouyang Feng's uncle and nephew are really loyal!

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