"But, I'm not a fool!" Mo Yu would never admit that he was stupid. You must know that he has been called a genius or a ghost since he was a child.

The man choked, obviously confused by Mo Yu's words and didn't know what to say.The entire Lingyun faction knew that Mo Yu was a fool, but today he told himself that he was not a fool, was he teasing him?

Landing in front of Mo Yu, the man half-closed his eyes and looked at this idiot who was obviously different but couldn't tell what was different.

"You came down from the sky?" Mo Yu realized at this moment that the man came down from the sky, which means he can help him back to the wooden house.The muddy hands tightly grasped the man, even if there was a look of disgust on the man's face, he couldn't stop his behavior, because if he let this man go, he might not meet the next one who can take him back people.

"Obviously, idiot." The man stared at the hands on his clothes that were so dirty that he could barely see his true face, and he didn't move away just now. Was his brain also infected by this idiot?

"Send me back."

The sparkling eyes just stared at the man, and the body, which was originally not bad in appearance, changed dramatically because of having a different soul.The image that used to be dull has become lively, and the dull eyes also have aura, coupled with the confused temperament, it gives people a cute feeling. The man looks at Moyu who has changed his image obsessively for a moment.

Is this still a fool?Why did she suddenly become cute?The man didn't shake off Mo Yu's hand, but just looked at him so straightly that Mo Yu was confused.

"Is there something wrong with me? Or is there something on my face?"

Mo Yu stretched out his hand and touched his face, it seemed that there was nothing wrong!I don't know that because of his actions, the face that was originally fair was suddenly covered with mud and turned into a big tabby cat.

"Puchi~~" The man couldn't help laughing, the mud painting on Mo Yu's face was obviously more funny than the mud on his clothes.

What's the matter, this man is so strange!Doubtful eyes kept flying towards the man, hoping that he would show mercy and tell himself what he was laughing at after laughing enough. (Author: This kid is in a daze, I really don't know what to say.)

"Idiot." The man twitched the corner of his mouth, why didn't he realize that this idiot was so funny before!Or maybe no one knew his true nature before, so they thought he was just stupid.

"I've already said that I'm not a fool. If you say that again, I'll get angry." Mo Yu looked at the man angrily. Don't think that because he has a good temper, he won't be angry.The clay figurine is still angry, not to mention that he is not made of clay.

"Angry? What can you do to me? I'm a fool." The man didn't believe that Mo Yu could do anything to him, so his mouth was very cheap, which also caused a great obstacle to his future career in chasing a husband.

"Hehehe~~I'm just like this..." First she grinned, and the man was stunned by the cute expression full of spirituality.But before he could react, there were bursts of tingling pain in his palm.

"Wow! What are you doing, let go." It turned out that Mo Yu grabbed his hand while he was stunned and bit it.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Because her mouth was biting the man's hand, she couldn't hear what Mo Yu was saying.However, it can be seen from his expression that it is not so easy to let him go.

"Are you a dog? Still biting..." The man's face twitched a few times, trying to slap the idiot away like before.But looking at his cute face, it's not easy to do it, and Mo Yu's bite is not too strong.Although it was a little stinging, it gave him another kind of softer feeling.It was as if something burst out of his heart, with some numbness and excitement.

Seeing that the man's face was twitching violently, Mo Yu thought he had really bitten him.Hurry up and let go, but when he left, his small and flexible tongue lightly brushed across the man's hand, making the man shiver uncontrollably and feel a burst of pleasure.

"I let go, you can't hit me." Because the expression on the man's face was very weird, Mo Yu said a little scared.

The man glanced at him, took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the drool on his hands.He never thought of beating Moyu at all, maybe he couldn't help beating him when he saw a fool before.But today's Mo Yu made him have no desire to do anything.

"What are you doing here?" The man put his handkerchief back into his arms lightly, and saw the seedlings wrapped in leaves on the ground.Although he is a second-generation Zuga dude, it doesn't mean that he has no knowledge.He still recognized the common elixir seedlings, but he didn't understand why this fool came to dig these not so rare elixir.

This valley belongs to the Lingyun Sect. Although there is not enough aura below, occasionally some elixir grows in the valley.It's just that most of them are collected by the mountain people at the bottom of the mountain to subsidize their families. No one in the general disciples will come to dig this kind of elixir seedlings that are not very valuable.Even if they want to pick it, it is the kind of panacea that can be directly used as medicine.

"I dug these elixir and went back to plant them. Originally, I went into the valley just to find something to eat, but I couldn't find the way back." He said and held up a few seedlings in front of the man as if offering treasures. On the way back, it's not bad to dig up a few elixir plants.

"Looking for something to eat?" The man raised his eyebrows. After all, this fool is also a disciple of the Lingyun sect, so it's impossible that he can't even afford to eat!The man's cultivation base is much higher than Moyu's, so he can see through at a glance that his real cultivation base is only a middle-level human realm.

"That's right, there is no food in the wooden house. Even if there is, I won't do it, and it will be a month before the next time I get something. If I don't look for it, I will starve to death." He said and covered his stomach, only He heard a few grunts coming from his stomach.

Maybe it was because Mo Yu looked so pitiful now, the man looked up at the sky: "Wait for me to come back." After speaking, he flew away without explaining what he was going to do.

Sitting on the ground, carefully wrap the medicine with leaves so that their roots do not come out of the mud.It took a lot of hard work to find a dozen or so plants. If one plant died, it would be enough for him to cry for a long time.

The man told him to wait here, and he waited here.He didn't dare to leave even one step, for fear that the man would not find him when he came back.Maybe the man gave him a bad impression at first, feeling like a bad person.But Mo Yu could also feel that the man had no ill intentions towards him in the end, so he listened to the man's words and waited for him here.

One hour passed, two hours passed, three hours passed.In the end, Mo Yu didn't know how long time passed, he changed from sitting on the ground to lying on the stone by the roadside.My stomach was so hungry that I lost my feeling, and my mouth was so thirsty.The elixir seedlings he had dug before were still full of energy and placed their small leaves in the wind because he did very little early work.

The sky was also getting dark gradually, and Mo Yu had already fallen into a semi-comatose state, lost and hungry, he had already lost energy.If it wasn't for believing that the man would come back to him, maybe he wouldn't be able to support him long ago!

"I told you to wait here, you are really an idiot." Mo Yu seemed to hear the man's voice saying that he was an idiot before he fell into a coma.

"Senior brother Liu, you ran down the mountain in a hurry just now because of this fool?" Seeing the man holding Mo Yu in his arms, the faces of several Lingyun sect disciples who were clearly in a hurry were full of disbelief.

"Stop talking nonsense, and give me the elixir on the ground. If there is one plant missing, I will peel off your skin." The man they called Senior Brother Liu flew away without looking back, leaving only Several disciples of the Lingyun sect looked at the seedlings wrapped in leaves on the ground.I don't think they are feared by everyone in the Lingyun sect, but they are also considered to be well-known.But now Senior Brother Liu is overqualified and used to move a few worthless elixir, what is going on!

Look at me, I think you finally resigned to your fate and carefully hugged the elixir in your arms.It's not terrible if the elixir is broken, but what's terrible is that if Brother Liu gets angry, they won't have any good fruit to eat.As the only son of the Elder Tiandan in Tianjing, Senior Brother Liu has always wanted wind to win wind and rain to win wind in Lingyun Sect. The anger of Elder Hua and Elder Hua was enough to make the entire Lingyun faction tremble a few times.

"Sure enough, he is a fool. Seeing that I didn't come back, he didn't know how to leave, so he just waited there foolishly." Liu Hanyan stared at the little fool in his arms angrily, but if you were more careful, you could see the expression in his eyes. happy. "Am I not the bad guy you say? I have been bullied for so many years, why do you still believe me like this. If you tell you to wait, you just wait, what is it if you are not a fool?"

Sending Mo Yu back to the cabin where he lived, the surrounding environment made the second generation ancestor frown.I didn't think so before, I just thought that fools could only live in the worst places.But now looking at the place where Mo Yu lives in a different mood, Liu Hanyan is very unhappy.

"The aura here can't be compared with that on the mountain at all, and it's lucky that this fool can live there for several years." A disciple of Lingyun Sect walked into the cabin where Moyu lived, and he couldn't remember the decoration inside.Except for a bed and a futon, there was nothing left.As expected of a place built by fools, nothing has been collected for so many years, and no beggars would live in this place.

"Put down the things, you can go." The standard crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, he was very upset when other people walked into Moyu's house.Although I don't understand why, but in Liu Hanyan's heart, Moyu is already his personal property.Anyone who dares to covet his things will naturally feel unhappy. (In fact, in a certain respect, this second generation ancestor is quite simple.)

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