The places damaged by the battle in Pengo Lie's headquarters have all been repaired and restored to their original splendor.

The luxurious crystal chandelier hangs high on the ceiling of the hall, and the members of the alliance family attending the meeting are divided into two parts by the T-shaped red carpet, watching the uncrowned king of the other world stepping up the spiral staircase, followed by his four The guardians - Arashi Shogoji Hayato, Amamori Yamamoto Takeshi, Harumori Sasakawa Ryohei, Raimori Rampovino, Kamomori Hibari Kyoya and Kirimori Rokudoku have been absent from the meeting for a long time, and everyone has long been used to it up.

Sawada Tsunayoshi was wearing a black suit tailored to his head, standing on the stairs, with the flames of death on his head, his orange-red eyes were condescendingly scanning the crowd, his eyes were cold and not angry.

It will be an uphill battle, but Tsunayoshi Sawada is reassured by the familiar weight on his shoulders.When Bai Lan pressed on every step before, he had imagined countless times what would happen if Reborn was still alive, and every time he thought about it, he would draw another scar on his heart.

Therefore, when discussing the ten-year replacement plan with Masaichi Irie, the first candidate he proposed was Reborn.He who has Reborn is the one who has the greatest possibility. As long as Reborn is there, he will have infinite courage and confidence.

— as it is now.

As Sawada Tsunayoshi walked slowly down the stairs, Reborn's figure appeared in front of the people, causing an uproar, and the people downstairs suddenly burst into whispers.

News of the Rainbow Children's resurrection wasn't a secret, but Reborn was the first to show up.

Sawada Tsunayoshi stood in the middle of the red carpet, with four guardians lined up behind him, and Reborn was still sitting on his shoulders calmly.

Moving forward a little bit, Reborn originally rejected Tsunayoshi Sawada's proposal, and it doesn't have to be this way to appear in front of everyone.

But for the first time, Tsunayoshi Sawada showed unyielding and stubborn eyes when facing Reborn.

After the two pairs of eyes met for a long time, Reborn compromised.The anticipation hidden deep in those soft brown eyes reminded him of the succession ceremony five years ago. Sawada Tsunayoshi desperately hoped that Reborn would attend with him, and even persuaded Sawada Iemitsu and Jiu Daime, but was still mercilessly rejected by Reborn, the reason is:

"Don't let other families think that King Pengele X is a kid who can't live without a tutor."

Reborn knows his students well, and if Tsunayoshi Sawada thinks he's doing the right thing, it's hard to get him to change his mind.Besides, no one would underestimate him because of this now, so Reborn just turned a blind eye.It took Sawada Tsunayoshi five years to establish his prestige in the inner world, and he is already recognized by everyone as King Vongola X.

"Welcome, everyone, and thank you for coming."

The voice of Peng Gelie's tenth generation resounded in the empty hall, and his tone was as gentle and gentle as ever, forming a very obvious contrast with his extremely calm eyes.

"I know you all have a lot of questions, please rest assured, Pengo Li will do his best to answer you."

Everyone present at the meeting is now most concerned about the same issue.

Those who were in a hurry couldn't even wait for the time to exchange pleasantries, and asked directly: "Excuse me, the tenth generation, is Bai Lan really dead?"

Sawada Tsunayoshi could fully understand their anxiety, and didn't mind the etiquette issue, and said firmly, "Yes, Bai Lan has been killed, and died under the flames of the sky."

"What is the reason for those people who were killed by Bai Lan but came back to life?"

Sawada Tsunayoshi glanced sideways at Reborn, "It should be a gift from the Rainbow Son."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Reborn pulled down the brim of his hat, letting the shadow of the hat cover his face, making it clear that he didn't want to talk to them.

Looking at Reborn like this, thinking about his previous reputation, and looking at the smiling Sawada Tsunayoshi, everyone wisely turned to besiege Vongola X and his guardians.

Reborn sat on Tsunayoshi Sawada's shoulders and did two things.He heard all kinds of questions in his ears, and looked at the elegant and calm Sawada Tsunayoshi with his dark eyes. Reborn suddenly remembered the first time when Sawada Tsunayoshi attended the banquet as the heir of Vongola X for the first time.

At that time, Sawada Tsunayoshi had been taught by him in advance, accompanied by Hayato Gudera, and all the families who were friendly with Vongola were present at the meeting, and Gabrielone was one of them.In this case, this banquet was actually organized by Kudaime in order to let Tsunayoshi Sawada come out to meet people in advance and get used to the scene.Even so, Sawada Tsunayoshi was still imperceptibly nervous when greeting strangers, and seemed to be about to collapse after the banquet. Reborn's evaluation at the time was, "Barely not ashamed."

Subsequently, the succession ceremony of Pengele X was put on the agenda.

Reborn looked at Tsunayoshi Sawada, who was still able to handle with ease and showed his demeanor under the siege of many people, and raised the corners of his mouth proudly.

The meeting ran from morning to afternoon, and from afternoon to evening.

Sawada Tsunayoshi always had a faint smile on his face, without any impatience.It was just at noon that Kudaime and Reborn were the first to leave for dinner.

Reborn didn't know whether to praise him for his thoughtfulness or call him meddlesome.

Kudaime walked away with Reborn with kind eyes. He has retired for a long time, and he didn't have to appear today.I came here today just to show that the relationship between Vongola IX and X has remained the same, and the two sides have not had the slightest grudge because of the power transfer again.

The departure of Kudaime and Reborn did not affect the progress of the meeting. Hayato Gokudera and Takeshi Yamamoto were mature and stable enough to take on important tasks. Sasakawa Ryohei and Rambo seemed careless and the other seemed young and ignorant, but they knew something What should be said should not be said, and there will be no mistakes.

Kudaimu looked at Reborn who was standing beside him, and asked half jokingly and half seriously, "Are you relieved now, Reborn?"

Reborn seemed to be nonchalant and said: "It's just to test the students' learning outcomes."

Kudaimu saw that the hard-spoken Reborn did not puncture, but followed his words and asked, "Then are you satisfied with this result?"

Reborn raised his eyebrows, and said as a matter of course: "What I teach is naturally the best."

Kudaime smiled and said, "Tsunayoshi will be very happy to hear you say that."

Reborn said with some helplessness: "That's why we can't let him know." The only thing that Tsunayoshi Sawada is not qualified to be Pengele X is that he relies too much on him.I hope this kind of dependence can be alleviated with the passage of time, otherwise he will have to use ruthless medicine.

Tsunayoshi Sawada, who was in the conference hall, suddenly felt his nose itchy. He took out a handkerchief from his coat pocket, covered his nose and inhaled.Hayato and Takeshi Yamamoto immediately looked at him nervously, and Tsunayoshi Sawada returned a comforting smile to the two of them.Hayato and Takeshi Yamamoto breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to concentrate on dealing with the people in front of them who were inquiring about the news.

The tenth family has long unified their caliber, some places are vague, and some places need to tell the fact of being replaced.

In fact, it's not difficult, just replace them ten years ago with those ten years later. They all have the same name, and they don't have the consciousness of lying. Even the oldest old foxes can't see the flaws.

After a day's meeting, Tsunayoshi Sawada and the guardians all had dry mouths and smoke from their throats, but Reborn not only didn't praise him, but also gloated at his misfortune!

Sawada Tsunayoshi: Wronged!

Reborn touched Len on the brim of his hat.

Sawada Tsunayoshi immediately became serious and began to report the results of the meeting.

Kudaimu looked at Reborn, and didn't remind him that Tsunayoshi Sawada's level has long since stopped doing this. Is there a problem with the student wanting to show the teacher after learning the skill?

Reborn looked at Kudaime and didn't object, didn't stop him, just listened quietly, not expressing his opinion like before.

Tsunayoshi Sawada looked at Reborn, who was expressionless but admired in his eyes, and felt his whole body was full of energy, and all the exhaustion caused by hypocrisy and resignation was thrown away by him.

In short, the time spent on this day was worth the money, and the gangsters were not only convinced, but also bowed to Peng Lie.

Tsunayoshi Sawada, the [-]th generation of Pengelie, has been a solid moderate since he was in power, until this time he showed his thunderous skills and heart in dealing with Bai Lan-I don’t know if it should be said that he was taught by the world’s number one killer, Or rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry.

No matter which one the answer is, the ending is that Bai Lan is dead, and Vongola X is still alive.

Perhaps in the future, the Black 0 Hands 0 gang who participated in the rally today will turn against Peng Lie because of interests or other reasons, but now they really admire this young leader.The ranking in the world will also refer to power and wealth, but in the final analysis, the big fist has the final say.

This is the law recognized in the world, the strong is respected, and the victor is king.

Pengo Lie was once defeated by Mirufiore, and he lost not only the leader, but also his position as the leader in the inner world, and his deterrent power was not as good as before.But the young leader led his family to fight a beautiful turnaround, using Bailan's blood to declare Pengelie's unshakable position.

Now, the leader of Pengo Lie's tenth generation, leading his family, the king is back.

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