
Chapter 6 Early

If you want to ask Chen Lin, what kind of person is the new roommate?No, what kind of ghost is it?

He answered with only one word: strange.

In this underground world, Chen Lin has encountered many strange things, mysterious management, ghosts who are used to the underground world like Lao Liu, and various unspoken rules.But he had never encountered such a strange ghost as Tang Kexin.

First of all, let's start with the first day of cohabitation.

Each room actually has only one room, which is equipped with simple configurations such as beds and tables.If a newcomer moves in, it's nothing more than adding an extra bed.At the beginning, Chen Lin really thought so.

However, he was standing at the door now, watching Tang Kexin move in and out for quite a while - he hadn't finished his salute yet.

By the way, what kind of things Tang Kexin moved in.

A complete set of aluminum alloy pots and pans seems to be well maintained.

A complete set of oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar with various ingredients.

And all kinds of kitchen supplies that Chen Lin couldn't name.

If there are only the above, Chen Lin can still think that the other party is just a cooking enthusiast. After all, the liquid food distributed in the cafeteria here is too difficult to swallow. It is normal for ghosts to want to cook by themselves. .

But——after he saw Tang Kexin move in a pot of unknown plants, a tank of goldfish, and a turtle lying on his shoulder without changing his face.Chen Lin's expression couldn't hold back any longer.

"This, these are your pets?"

Tang Kexin, who was still moving, looked up at him, his dead face expressionless.

"It's not a pet, it's food reserves." As he spoke, he carefully lowered the turtle from his shoulders and put it into a clean glass tank that had just been covered with fine sand.

grain reserves?

Have you ever seen anyone take care of the grain reserves so carefully?

Chen Lin raised his eyebrows, pointed to a pile of things outside the house and asked, "Where are those?"

"Household items." Comrade Xiao Tang put down the tortoise, moved all the things in, and spread them out in front of Chen Lin.

"Blankets, new quilt covers, clothes rail... dish soap."

After showing everything to Chen Lin for a look, Tang Kexin looked up at him. "Any questions?"


Big problem!With such a big life, Chen Lin has never seen a man like the one in front of him. He prepares all the household necessities by himself, and even cares about raising pets.If it was someone else, Chen Lin would definitely think that this person was a fool.However, when something happened to this roommate with facial paralysis in front of him, he was suddenly... speechless.

Maybe people living in this underground world have some eccentricities?Chen Lin reminded himself to be calm, and went back to his side of the bed and sat down.

"Bang dong!"

With the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, Chen Lin looked up and saw that it was Tang Kexin who brought in another box.Listening to the sound of landing, the things inside are quite heavy.What kind of pot and shovel again?

Just as he was thinking, Tang Kexin on the opposite side had already opened the box and pulled out a knife.

Not a kitchen knife, but a long knife that reflected its sharpness in the dark.It is very long, probably longer than an arm of an adult man, and very thin, about as thin as two thumbs.

Such a thin, sharp and slender knife, just looking at it makes people feel a chill in their hearts.Chen Lin couldn't help but imagine, if the knife were to pierce through the body, what kind of tearing would it be like?Could it be that the first half has already penetrated the flesh, and the second half is still exposed.

It must be painful to be pierced by this knife.

Not knowing what Chen Lin was thinking at this time, Tang Kexin just pulled out the long knife, and gently stroked the back of the knife with his thumb, as if caressing his lover's back.Then, he took out a coarse cloth and carefully wrapped the blade.

When doing these things, his movements are gentle, just like those kitchen knives and shovels from before.It seems that what he holds in his hand is not a sharp weapon to kill, but a lover worthy of love.

The cool man in black stroked the long knife lightly. This should have been a murderous action.The premise is that Tang Kexin doesn't do this while sitting in a pile of dish soap and rags.

The one or two points of vigilance in Chen Lin's heart turned into helplessness when he saw the homely background beside Tang Kexin.

After that, Chen Lin would not be surprised no matter if he saw Tang Kexin pull out more weapons to wipe them carefully, or see him maintaining the long knife while letting the turtle crawl around on his head.

Of course, Tang Kexin's secrets have not been diminished by the fact that the two of them live together.

Within a week, Chen Lin only spoke three words to him.

The first time was when I got up in the morning and saw Tang Kexin going out with a long knife on his back, and said good morning.

Once again, one night, when I woke up in the middle of the night, I suddenly saw a figure squatting in front of the goldfish tank to feed.Tang Kexin seemed to have just returned, and there was still a bloody smell on his body.However, he just looked at the fish tank quietly, not knowing whether he was looking at the goldfish scrambling for food in it, or looking at his own reflection on the water surface.

Facing the figure, Chen Lin asked in a half-dream, "Are you still asleep?"

How did Tang Kexin answer?

He said: Can't sleep.

Smell of blood, feeding the fish, just came back, fish tank, silent silhouette, unable to sleep.

These pictures and memories were rolling in Chen Lin's confused consciousness. When he woke up again after such a deep sleep all night, he smelled a special fragrance in the room.

Standing up from the bed, he looked up.

He saw Tang Kexin wearing a bib, busy cooking.In front of the table was a pile of ingredients and dishes, and under him was a turtle that was slowly crawling over, attracted by the aroma.

Tang Kexin was wearing a bib and stood among these things with a serious expression. It was really difficult to connect him with the silent figure who came back in the middle of the night smelling of blood last night.

At this time, Chen Lin said the third sentence to him in a week - how about eating?


You still up?

What about eating?

Three ordinary sentences, but in the communication between the two of them, there was an unusual smell.

For the rest of the week, Chen Lin basically didn't see Tang Kexin much.The work and rest schedules of the two of them are completely different. If Chen Lin is an office worker who works from nine to five, then Tang Kexin is a terrorist engaged in a secret business.

——and a terrorist who likes to do housework.

As always, after waking up, I saw a neatly made empty bed opposite.After casually sighing at his messy bed, Chen Lin went out to pick up work.

On the way to the hall where he received work, Chen Lin encountered several ghosts in the same direction as him.Every time during this week, Chen Lin would meet them every time he picked up work, and they were considered familiar.But the two sides never greeted each other.

The other party didn't mean that, and Chen Lin wouldn't take the initiative to find it boring.

In the dark corridor, a few figures walked slowly, really like ghosts walking in the dark.Those ghosts were expressionless, with only numbness on their faces, and their eyes were like black glass beads without a trace of brilliance.

These ghosts are the real walking dead.

Chen Lin walked beside them, a trace of complicated emotions flashed in his eyes.

"team leader!"

Before entering the mission hall, I heard a cheerful voice.Chen Lin looked up and saw that the little girl Xu Jia was waving at him joyfully, with a hint of a smile on her lips.In this oppressive world like hell, only when I meet a lively companion like Xu Jia again will I feel a sense of warmth in my heart.

Reminding him that he was breathing, not a rotting corpse.

"Yo, it's still you two."

Old Liu came out from nowhere and walked in front of Chen Lin and the others.

"It's been a week, are you getting used to it?"

He looked Chen Lin up and down, with regret in his eyes. "You haven't changed much."

"Then what do you want me to become?" Chen Lin casually pointed at the few ghosts who were confused. "Like them, is it equivalent to a living corpse?"

"Hehehe, I didn't say that." Old Liu smiled slyly, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, kid. Here—" he pointed his thumb down, "living too much like a living If you are human, you will be the ones who will suffer at that time."

Without saying anything more, Lao Liu quickly walked away again.Chen Lin recalled his last sentence just now, and his complexion sank a little.

"Team, Captain, what does he mean by that?" Xu Jia asked with some fear.

"Don't think about it, maybe he deliberately fooled us." Chen Lin always felt that this soul-inducing old Liu was hostile to their newcomers.A hostility that was hidden deeper, but more dangerous.He thought for a while and said to Xu Jia: "Be careful these few days, don't have too much contact with other ghosts."

Xu Jia nodded foolishly, took another job in the cafeteria and left.The salary of the canteen job is not high, but it is stable, which is more suitable for her.As for Chen Lin, he originally wanted to try other jobs today, but what Old Liu said just now made him vigilant.

It's better to be safe and stable for a while before talking.

With this in mind, he took over a job as a cleaner.However, this time the job was marked with the word "gong", which means that the task can be taken over by multiple ghosts at the same time and completed together.

Could it be that there were some large-scale casualties?

While Chen Lin was thinking, he walked towards the task reminder point.However, as he got closer to the destination, his brows frowned even tighter.

A smell of rust was getting stronger and stronger, almost obliterating him.This is the smell of fresh blood, and Chen Lin can almost feel its steaming steam.It was warm, viscous blood that just flowed out from the human body.

--How is this going?

Along the way, Chen Lin saw many ghosts who took over the task of cleaning staff like him walking towards the destination.Before him, many ghosts had already rushed over.

When you arrive at your destination, the door is wide open.

The bloody smell coming from inside almost choked Chen Lin's breath.He had to close his mouth tightly, as if opening his mouth, he was about to breathe in the smell of blood in his mouth.

Taking a step forward, I felt a sticky feeling under my feet.Chen Lin looked down and saw a puddle of wet blood, a darker red color. Looking carefully, it was almost black under the dark red color.He suddenly understood that it was a pool of blood, one layer after another, and a new layer of blood poured out after one layer dried up.How much blood must be shed to smudge into such a color?

What happened in this house?

Holding his breath, Chen Lin walked in through the door.The moment he entered the door, a bright light flashed past his eyes.

It was the reflection of the long knife when it was swung, and it passed by in a flash, but it carried a heart-warming coolness.


There was a sound of splashing, and blood rushed out from the gap, like a red fountain!The cut throat, as well as the visible flesh and bones inside, were soaked in blood like this.

Chen Lin swallowed, turned his eyes away, and looked elsewhere.For example, the murder weapon.

It was a slender long knife that cut the throat.It is long, longer than the arm span of a grown man, and thin, only as wide as two thumbs.Chen Lin knew that the owner of this knife took good care of it on weekdays.

That's why it can be so sharp, with a single tap, it can separate a person's throat.

He flicked the blade lightly, wiping away the blood on it.

The figure standing quietly in a pool of blood was reaching out his hand to wipe away the remaining blood beads on the blade, when he suddenly felt something, he turned his head and saw Chen Lin standing at the door.


Tang Kexin greeted his roommate living together.

At his feet, there were fallen corpses one after another.

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