
Chapter 31 Vulture

When Chen Lin returned to his residence, Lu Kaiwen greeted him almost immediately.

"How is it? Any news?" He chased after Chen Lin and asked.

"Why don't you speak? Then, where is Alpha, have you found him?"

"Alpha." Chen Lin said the name in a low voice and smiled. "Is it Alpha or Beta, who knows who he is?"

"What are you talking about? Are you looking for someone crazy?" Lu Kaiwen looked puzzled. "Hey, let's not talk about this for now. Alpha is gone now, and our mission has come to an end. What should we do next? Is there any other notice?"


Chen Lin remembered the indifferent voice on the phone just now that made him return to the surface base.Do you not want him to cause trouble, or do you feel that you are in the way now?

But indeed, with his current strength, what can he do?

do what...

Chen Lin suddenly raised his head and looked at Lu Kaiwen.

"You asked about the news before, did you get it? What's the situation inside now?"

While Chen Lin was going to the bar, he asked Lu Kaiwen to investigate the situation inside the ghost.

For Lu Kaiwen, it is not difficult to obtain some superficial intelligence.Although the ghosts don't communicate with each other very much, Lu Kaiwen still knows a few of the low-level ghosts of various professions by virtue of his "self-acquaintance" talent.Through them, he can get some latest news inside the ghost.

"It's still the same. I don't know what those senior ghosts are busy with all day long. But these days, the work of the logistics team has stopped, and they seem to no longer need new information." Lu Kaiwen said: "What's going on? ?”

No new information is needed, which means that the high-level ghosts are already preparing to attack the target.

But until now, Chen Lin didn't even know what the targets of the ghosts were. The only suspicious person he came into contact with was someone he couldn't afford to provoke, and he was almost killed by the other party.


Clenching his fists tightly, Chen Lin once again hated his own powerlessness.Why can't he be stronger, why can't he do anything?If it was Tang Kexin, what would he do?

Tang Kexin...

Chen Lin was suddenly shocked.

What did the old cat hear and what did he say on the phone call outside the bar just now?

【escaped?Check carefully and don't let him escape. 】

What does it mean?Did someone they imprison escape?

Who is that person, could it be Tang Kexin?

Chen Lin stood up suddenly and walked out the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" Lu Kaiwen chased after him and shouted.

However, before he finished speaking, Chen Lin had disappeared.

Where is he going?

Alpha asked him to go back to the base and didn't want him to come out and get involved.Chen Lin himself should also know that with his current ability, it seems that he can't do anything.But should I just give up like this, and just obediently follow the instructions and hide underground?

The moment I stepped out the door, it was midnight, and except for the occasional light outside the house, it was dark.

How similar is this to when we were still in the underground world, the same darkness, the same silence, and the same person walking forward.

For Chen Lin, is there any difference between coming to the surface and staying underground?

He asked himself this in his heart.

No, nothing has changed.Coming back to this sunny world, he is still the same as before, always passively at the mercy of others, always unable to make his own choices.But I can't do anything, I can only watch things happen one by one, and be a bystander.

Accept, then numb.

What is the difference between him like this and when he was still living in the underground world?This kind of life, even if you live in the sun, is it any different from when you live underground?

They don't have their own choices, they don't have their own goals, they live just to live, just like an ant, they only know how to live a busy and ignorant life.Ants never look up to the sky, because they don't know what the sky is.

Chen Lin didn't want to live this kind of life again, he didn't want to let himself be in the sun, and he could only live like a ghost.

So, need to change, change!

What can he do now?

Chen Lin ran, his figure gradually disappeared into the night, no one knew where he went.

And half an hour ago, after Alpha just hung up the phone, he looked at the man who was tied to the ground behind him.

Smiling, he walked over and picked up a stained hat on the ground.

"How does it feel?"

he asked with a smile.

"Being caught like this, as a hostage to blackmail your companions, isn't it very fulfilling? Hmm?"

Xing Fei, who was bound to the ground, couldn't even straighten up. His hands were tied tightly behind his back, and his body was pushed down to the ground, his face almost touching the ground.Even so, he still raised his chin and looked at the lofty Alpha.

The arrogance in Xing Fei's eyes did not decrease at all.

"It's a great sense of accomplishment." He chuckled, "It's really an honor to have two A-level ghosts attacking me together. Or do you think that only one can't capture me at all, huh?"

"Two A-levels?" Alpha pretended to be confused. "Where are you? Why didn't I see it? If you said it was the one in the corner, I can understand it, but the remaining one... who are you referring to?" ?”

In the shadow beside the two of them stood a figure who had not spoken.

He sat in the corner with his head down, silent, but his left hand kept pressing his right arm, as if he had suffered a lot of injuries.Seeing Alpha and Xing Fei mentioning him at the same time, the mysterious ghost just looked up slightly, especially at Alpha, but said nothing.

"To be honest, I'm really surprised that 'number four' is still alive." Xing Fei looked at the figure in the corner and said, "At that time, he was shot in the arm and fell into the sea. I really thought he couldn't escape. Feed the fish fate."

Alpha smiled and shook his finger.

"Ghosts don't die so easily. But then again, I was surprised. If he hadn't suddenly appeared to help me, I might be the one who is tied to the ground now. Ghosts should always be elusive. I should be grateful for this This good habit of my companions allows me to always have a hole card in the end and fight back."

"But you've run out of cards now."

"But with you as a hostage, I don't need any cards now." Alpha waved his hand. "Until that companion of yours rushes over, you'd better stay here. Don't challenge my bottom line anymore, and don't blame me for not being able to bear it."

Xing Fei kept staring, "It's useless for you to catch me, your mission..."

"It's already been destroyed by you, right? It's a good job to use the traitor hidden among us and capture one of our capable hands, 'Vulture'." Alpha looked out the window, "What a bunch of food The rotting beasts, smelling the stench, come here from afar."

Vulture, an international half-mercenary half-killer organization.It has always been one of the ghosts' few great enemies.The two sides have come and gone, fought against each other no less than a hundred times, and have already become sworn enemies.Especially vultures, sometimes even at the expense of their own interests, they have to prevent any large-scale action of the ghosts.

I really would rather lose money myself than a good example of others.To put it bluntly, it is petty.

"Since we all know that we are 'Vulture', do you think you can get anything by catching me?" Xing Fei sneered; "For useless discarded children, 'Vulture' never wastes half a cent of resources."

"That's not sure." Alpha turned around and smiled. "And who said that I have only one purpose for catching you? It seems that you haven't recognized your own value yet."

After finishing speaking, he stopped paying attention to Xing Fei, but focused on looking out the window, silently preparing for the upcoming feast tonight.

"I really want to know now, what is your origin?" Xing Fei stared at Alpha's back closely, and whispered excitedly.And at the collar of his coat on the chest that was pressed to the ground, a small signal transmitter sewn in the interlayer was flashing light.

At [-]:[-] in the evening, Alpha used the phone from the public phone booth to successfully catch the old cat.

At 34:[-], Alpha finished the conversation with Xing Fei and waited intently.

At 35:[-], the old cat appeared in Alpha's sight on time.The hunter smiled quietly.

At the same time, the signal transmitter in the interlayer of Xing Fei's clothes revealed their tracks to all the "Vulture" operators who received the signal before the ghosts were aware of it.

In this hunt, who is the prey and who is the hunter?

At 38:[-], Chen Lin left Lu Kaiwen and ran into the street alone, missing.

Everyone, every star, is moving in an orderly manner on its own orbit, and this chess game, which is fought by countless people from the two organizations, will also start the final battle of victory and defeat.

However, everyone has forgotten a key figure.

Two hours before all this was about to start, Tang Kexin successfully escaped from the prison of "Vulture".

However, the question is, where is he now?

Under the moonlight, the murderous long knife reflected cold light.

Wait quietly, who will be the next prey.

is it you?

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