"Tell father, in order to participate in the Mowu Conference, a few of us plan to concentrate on training, and we will not go home during this time." Dubosi said to the servant who came to call him home through the curtain.

It's really not that he is so precious like some noble ladies who don't want to let the lowly servants see his face. It's really that if his honor is seen by his father, I'm afraid the magic venue under construction at Leilia Academy will not be able to get it. father's funds.

Thain is too ruthless, he can teach you how to punch, but as for eight out of ten punches, do you greet your face?Hasn't he heard the saying that beating someone doesn't slap him in the face?Dubosi's current face is completely out of proportion to his weight, and he looks like a pig's head every day.Fortunately, they are about to graduate, and all the subjects are over. He just needs to stay in the single dormitory to practice boxing and study mechanism design hard every day, otherwise he will really be ashamed.

To say that Dubosi is handsome, although he is not as handsome as Gretel, Yadu is handsome, Kleist is handsome, and his green mansion is calm, but he has an easy-going temperament and a very pleasing appearance, although his grades are not as good as this A few perverts, but he is also among the best, and there are still many girls who have a crush on him.But Qingmang beat him to such an extent that even his mother couldn't recognize him, and said with dissatisfaction after each beating: "Your skills are too bad."

Regarding Dubosi's protest of beating people without slapping people in the face, Qingmang just said lightly: "When I was learning Taizu Changquan to strengthen my body, the big brother... the seniors also taught me the same way."

Dubosi really wanted to cry. At first, Qingmang was the only one who taught him how to box, but Gretel, who came to Sain for a sword fight, saw him that day. After that, Yado knew about it, and finally Kleist knew about it. .So the original private tutoring turned into a gang fight. Kleist rolled up his sleeves and said, I will also help my classmates.

He is very kind, he never slaps people in the face, but he only beats people where the flesh hurts, and he likes to throw people around for fun.When Kleist picked up Dubos No.30 seven times and threw it into the distance with two fingers, he realized it. He finally understood why this man who didn’t look stout participated in the epee competition. Is strength still human strength?Absolutely not!

After being "educated" by Qingmang and Kleist, Gretel did not step on it, but condescendingly glanced at Dubosi's pig's head and said: "This looks much more pleasing to the eye, and the task of making up the number I'll leave it to you."

In the end, Yadu was the most kind, helping him bandage the wound and using all his magic to heal his broken bones, but he just didn't heal Dubos's face, why?Dubos was really puzzled.

Seeing that the game is approaching, he looks in the mirror every day and worries, how can he meet people?So he discussed with the other four people based on the image of the academy, mainly to raise opinions on Yadu, you see how much my face is embarrassing to our academy!

Yadu originally wanted to heal him before the competition, but Qingmang reached out and tore off a piece of Du Bosi's clothes, covered his face, looked at it for a while and said, "Mask, mysterious."

"The attractiveness index has increased." Gretel looked at the mask with a half-smile, it was really cool.

Yado looked at Dubos who was about to cry and spread his hands, expressing that there was nothing I could do to help.

Dubosi looked at Qingmang very sadly, pointed to his face and said: "This is ugly!"

"It's just skin, it doesn't matter." Qingmang said expressionlessly.

Dubosi fell angrily, and after throwing a few leaves, he flicked his forehead and said, "I'm going to design some cool clothes and make a masked man look, just wait!"

"Well, be careful not to let the tailor see your face." Yadu patted Dubs on the shoulder very cautiously.


The four of them looked at Du Bosi's desolate back, and Yadu asked Qingmang with some concern: "How is he?"

Qingmang replied lightly: "Insufficient fighting spirit, attacking is not enough, but defense and dodging are enough."

Dubosi really doesn't have any talent in martial arts, he still can't remember all the moves of Taizu Changquan, which is so easy to learn, but his dodging skills are first-class.In this way, even if it really comes to the Magic Martial Arts Conference, even if you can't win, you won't lose too badly.

Yadu said with relief: "It's not in vain for you two to work hard for so long, just to make him feel more dangerous and be a villain."

Kleist, who has always been silent, nodded: "I'm not used to abusing humans, these days have been very hard."

Qingmang nodded: "I..."

Before he finished speaking, he was despised by the righteous person Gretel: "You guys are hypocritical!"

They ushered in the Mowu Conference under the pain of Du Boss. The commoners of the East Kingdom don’t have much fun. Just to be able to watch the event live.In addition to watching on-site, the magic guilds around the world will use magic to broadcast the battle. The fare there is relatively cheap, and civilians who can't afford to go to the scene will go there.

Even those people in the slums who have not eaten their last meal will squat hungry at the back door of the Magic Guild, waiting for those who have eavesdropped to come out to discuss, so that they can hear some wonderful content.

Every year, the Keslaet family, who are responsible for handling the relevant matters of the Mowu Conference, will make a lot of money. Not only do they sell tickets for money, they also set up a gambling game, and use the strength of the Ogrit family to suppress the people, and private gambling is not allowed , making their family's gambling game the only official, earning more in this respect than ticket money.

Gretel squinted his eyes while standing near the casino, then turned around and asked, "Do I want to make a fortune?"

Tomorrow they will participate in the competition, and today they came to the designated place to sign up, accompanied by their instructors.But Gretel didn't take those two teachers seriously. In his opinion, the skills of these two people were not as good as his own.

"Gretel, I remember that you have no money." Yadu frowned. Gretel even lived in his family's villa during the summer vacation and was supported by him. Where did he get the money from?

"I don't have it, but he does." Gretel grabbed the wallet from Dubos's arms very rudely, and poured out all the dozens of amethyst coins inside, showing his true nature as a bandit.

The whole school knew that Dubose's family was rich, and Gretel had long regarded him as a target.

He bet all the money on the championship, turned his head and said to Dubos, who was covering his face and couldn't see his expression: "I will pay you back after the game."

"Interest." In addition to learning from Qingmang and Kleist recently in terms of boxing, Du Bosi has also begun to learn from their silence in conversation, cherishing words like gold.

"One gold coin, one knife." Gretel touched the handle of the knife.

"How can I ask you for the interest? We are all classmates and help each other." Dubos immediately changed his words.

Gretel still had the same smirk: "Since we are all classmates, don't ask for the principal."

Dubos stood in a daze for a while before he gritted his teeth and whispered, "The robber!"

Gretel shrugged. He was originally a robber, or the kind who robbed the rich and gave to the poor.He robs Dubosi's wealth and helps his own poor.

A few people left the casino under Dubosi's lamentation. Not long after they left, two men in black robes walked in.

In general casinos, there are a lot of people covering their faces, and no one wants to come in and place a bet to be seen.Bet on the victory of Leiria Academy, it is not good to be known by the people of the Royal Academy, the students there are also nobles; you can bet on the Royal Academy, the students of this Leiria Academy are not vegetarians, I heard that the first The head of the mercenary regiment graduated from this school. Who doesn't know that these mercenaries are the most difficult to mess with? The nobles still care about their reputation. The mercenaries and adventurers don't know anyone when they cover their faces. They are the real ones. I'm not afraid of anything.

So these two people who were covered tightly did not attract the attention of others at all. They walked to the notice board and looked at it carefully.

"... Sean Fram?" One of them looked at Qingmang's name and muttered to himself, stretching out his finger, wanting to touch that name.

Seeing his appearance, the people behind hurried forward and whispered, "My lord, is there something wrong with this person?"

The man withdrew his hand and remained silent for a while before he said uncertainly, "...a little..."

A little familiar, a little heartache, a little love.

An invisible face appeared in his mind, with great sorrow and despair in his eyes, which made him so reluctant.

He closed his eyes and thought about it for a long time, but he still couldn't recall that face, he only remembered those eyes, which were sometimes pure and sometimes calm, but more of them were despair, dangling in his mind, it was really annoying.

He had never seen this person, nor heard of him, and he could not be found in his memory anyway, but he was so familiar.

The people in the back line couldn't see the notice, so they said impolitely: "If you don't place a bet, get out!"

He turned around, and there was no trace of emotion in his black eyes.The person who scolded him couldn't help shivering when he saw those eyes. It was too cold. Are these still human eyes?

His follower was a little nervous: "Lord Oswald, we..."

She reached out to grab the corner of his clothes, but she retracted it as soon as she stretched out her hand.Lord Oswald doesn't like being touched by others. The last time Leicia climbed into Lord Oswald's bed, the consequences...

Elf shuddered, it was terrible, he didn't want to provoke Lord Oswald.

Oswald looked back at Thain's name again, his thin lips under his robe slightly raised, and said to Elf behind him: "Press this man, as long as it is the event he participates in, he will win."

Elf shivered: "My lord, don't you want to go to the Mowu Conference?"

"so what?"

"But we're here..."

"To shut up."


Trembling, he pressed all the money in his arms under the name of Thain, Elf trembled, their original intention of coming to the Human Race continent... Lord Oswald is really too...

Shaking his head, he didn't dare to speak ill of Mr. Oswald even if he was slandering him.

Oswald didn't know what his subordinates were thinking, and walked out of the casino slowly, closing his eyes silently, Sean Frame?

No, it shouldn't be this name, the name in his heart is not Thain.

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