In the ninth match of the Mowu Conference, Adonis won, and Leiria Academy was only two points away from the Royal Academy.

The last individual competition was swordplay, contestants Sean Frame and Bivis Orgrett, the night before the competition was quiet, and it was difficult to sleep.

Now that the competition has come, the other colleges have given up the competition, and they have all abstained and returned home. Basically, only the Royal Academy and Leiria Academy are left in the entire venue, and the Mowu Conference is only two days away.Tomorrow will be the final game of the competition and the one-on-one duel in the finals. The last day is the team competition.Of course, no one thought that the Mowu Conference, which was supposed to end in two days, ended in only one day.

That night they sent Dubos and Blake back to the Villalit's house, and things have come to this point, even if they can't win, they can't let Dubos get into trouble again.Dubosi was carried back by Qingmang, Blake thought he was going crazy, but Qingmang stopped him with a cold and angry look.

Black took Dubosi, who had lost too much blood, from Qingmang's arms, and Qingmang took out some blood-enriching pills to recuperate Dubosi's body.Black's palms were trembling, he was a good person, how did he become like this after he came back!But fortunately, Qingmang's elixir is miraculous, Du Bosi is only weak now, and it will be almost enough after a day or two of cultivation.

"Who did it!" Blake yelled at them.

"Teacher Derian, can you avoid it for a while? The next topic may not be suitable for you to listen to." Yadu looked at Derian calmly.

Derian has always been considerate, he left the student dormitory without asking anything, returned to his teacher's dormitory, and took out a magic scroll.

"How is it?" A hoarse and unpleasant voice came from the light of the scroll, which was obviously deliberately concealed.

"Everything is as you planned. Adonis is finally angry. They should be preparing to deal with Cecil now." Derian's voice was still gentle, but there was a coldness in his words.

"Very good, I have chosen for a long time, and only Adonis can really deal with the forces behind the Keslaet family, and only the financial resources of the Villalit family can replace the Keslaet family. Cecil thought He bribed you to help him set traps, if you have a chance, you can help him again."

"What to do for him?"

"Didn't he like that boy from the Orgrit family? If the heir of the Keslaet family is violent to the heir of the Orgrit family, the consequences must be wonderful."

"No matter what, we can all get benefits. The destruction of the four major families is just around the corner." Derian couldn't help showing a smile. He has been patient since the Mowu Conference started.For this, he spared no effort to help Cecil control the long sword, enduring the spurning towards himself, and shot at his students.However, everything is worth it, and finally, the long-cherished wish is about to come true.

"Then... am I going now? Cecil should not have left the venue yet."

"Well, now is the best chance. But don't forget to give Lynn and Gretel a chance to contact Wendes. The pupil of truth and the beast master must be obtained, for the final destruction."


The light of the scroll went out, and Derian destroyed the scroll casually, walked out of the door, and walked to the rest area of ​​the Royal Academy.

At the same time, Yadu sat on the chair, looked at these companions walking with him and said, "I want to destroy the Keslaet family, for everything that happened in the past."

Gretel looked at him suddenly, and Yadu was also looking at him, his eyes focused and persistent.

"It's not enough to just kill Cecil. Even if we all know that he deserves to die, his identity involves too many things. One-third of the East Kingdom's annual tax revenue is provided by the Keslaet family. The lifeblood of various industries in the entire kingdom is in their hands. If the heir dies suddenly, it will cause turmoil across the country. This is why Cecil has always been confident. To get rid of him, the Keslaet family must be solved first. "Ado's eyes never left Gretel. He told himself that he would do so because the Keslaet family was already corrupt, and they could no longer control the economic lifeline of the entire kingdom.But only he knew in his heart that he would do this because he wanted to kill Cecil. Thinking of what this man had done, he couldn't stand Cecil still living in this world.

"If you want to destroy this family, you must have another family to replace it." Yadu looked at Du Bosi, "Go back and talk to your father and ask him if he wants to replace the Keslaet family and become the new family. of the four nobles."

Dubos said in a low voice, "He must have thought about it, but he didn't have the chance."

"Then, after the Mowu Conference, let's discuss this issue again. Blake, you can take him back, he won't be required to participate in the next competition."

"I'll settle the score with that Cecil." Black rarely calmed down, his whole body was full of killing intent, but he suppressed it, his whole body was like a human bomb, as if it would explode at any moment.

"Don't worry, there will be too many places that need to use you at that time. To destroy a big family, in addition to financial resources, military force is also indispensable." Yadu's expression is firm. It's not that he doesn't know how to use some methods, but he doesn't know how to use them. Willing to use.To ban a family, you have to uproot it. It is hard to know how much blood will be shed if this war without gunpowder is fought.

But he couldn't care less. The reason why Cecil dared to be so arrogant was because of the support of this family behind him. If he didn't destroy his roots, he would never be able to make him understand how humble he was.

After some instructions, Black secretly left the venue with Dubos in his arms. They are all powerful people, and the guards at the conference are just decorations for them.

After Black left, Yadu said to the crowd: "Can I have a quiet moment? There are many things to consider."

Kleist stood up and said, "Dragon races have a long lifespan. I don't mind playing in the Terran continent for a few years."

There was a warm current in Yadu's heart. Kleist was always indifferent to human beings. This matter obviously had nothing to do with him, but he was willing to help him.He knew that it would not take a few days to shake a family, but he was still willing to stay here.

"Thank you..." Yadu's voice was a little hoarse.

"I just said I played for a few years, what are you thankful for?" Kleist walked out of the room with a cold face, but everyone knew that he must have been secretly moved by going out.

Qingmang saw that Kleist had left, only Gretel and Yadu were left in the room, they looked at each other silently, shrugged, and pushed the door out: "Call me if you need something."

Just four words showed his attitude, he would support Yadu no matter what he did.

Only Adu and Gretel were left in the room. Gretel was sitting on the bed, and Ado was sitting on a chair, looking at each other.

"I won't thank you." Gretel spoke after a long time. It was originally a tough sentence, but for some reason it turned into a coquettish tone.

Yadu smiled slightly, stood up and walked to Gretel, hugged him gently and said, "When did you thank me?"

"Uh..." Gretel was speechless, Yadu had done too much for him, but he always accepted it naturally, and never said a word of thanks.Because what he owes Yadu cannot be repaid with a word of thanks.

"Gretel..." Yadu's voice suddenly became gentle, as if calling in a whisper made Gretel feel numb from the ears to the bottom of his heart.

"Huh?" was all he could say in response.

"Gretel, you don't have to thank me, I want you to be happy. You will spend every day with a smile in the future, and that is the greatest gratitude to me."

Gretel froze in Yadu's arms, and after a long time, she slowly raised her hand, hugged Yadu back forcefully, raised her head and kissed his lips.

Yadu froze, let Gretel kiss him in a daze.Gretel's kissing skills are very good. Yadu was seduced by Qingmang in the heartbeat period when he first fell in love. He has never had a girlfriend at all. Tongue kissing is really unfamiliar to him, so he can only let it go. At the mercy of Wright, there was a reaction within a few clicks.

"Adonis..." Gretel's voice became hoarse, but it was strangely sexy.

"Huh?" Yadu's mind was so stiff that he could only make a monosyllabic response.

"Let's do it, I haven't done it for a long time." It's not long, it's because he hasn't done it since he was abandoned by Cecil on Mount Esno six years ago, even if it's a "dream" attack, he would rather suffer by himself , Also unwilling to find someone to solve the problem casually.For this kind of thing, Gretel has nothing but disgust, he only feels dirty.But now, he very much hopes to have one with Yadu, because it is the last.

"No..." Yadu's struggle obviously had no effect. How could Gretel be better than him, as long as he pushed him lightly, he could push people away, but at this moment, Gretel allowed Gretel to take off his clothes, and his hands It seemed to be walking uncontrollably on Gretel's slender body.

Too thin, how come you are still so thin after three years?There will be extra meals later.Yadu was thinking in a daze.

"No? Do you dislike me? That's right, I..." Gretel stopped suddenly, and pushed away Yadu who had already entered the state, with a hurt expression on his face.

Yadu looked at him distressed, and Gretel could always arouse the softest feelings in his heart.He suddenly stepped forward to hug him, and his fiery lips fell on Gretel. Although he was unfamiliar, he had enough enthusiasm.

Yadu seemed to be in the clouds that night, never knowing that there is such extreme happiness in the world.However, he didn't know that after the passion, Gretel sat up quietly, looked at the sleeping Yadu, kissed him on the face, and left the room.

"Lyn, come out, I know you're here." Walking into a dark place, Gretel spoke slowly.

The young man who seemed a bit dull on the field walked out from the corner, his eyes were sharp, and he didn't have the simple and honest appearance of that day.

"What? You came to see me just after getting out of bed, aren't you a little sorry for that noble young master?" Lin En looked at him with a sneer on his face.

"Shut up!" Gretel looked at him coldly, "We are just cooperating, and each takes what we need."

"That's right, let's go." Even though he said this, Lynn still looked at Gretel with disdain.

"Can't we leave after the Mowu Conference?" Gretel frowned.

"What do you say?"

"Forget it, let's go."

Gretel took a last look at the window of the dormitory, the lights were dimmed, and Yado was so exhausted by him that he slept soundly.

Adonis, there are things you don't know, and there are things you don't know.The Keslaet family should be destroyed, but you can't be someone else's pawn.One day I will come back and tell you all the truth behind this.

He resolutely left the venue, and there was already a person waiting outside the venue.Wenders raised his eyes to see Gretel, pulled the corner of his mouth and said nothing, they all had the same purpose, and there was nothing to say.

When Gretel left the venue, Qingmang sat on a roof, silently watching his back.He knew of Gretel's decision, but he didn't stop it. It was his own choice, and it was also the best choice for Gretel.

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