The quiet room was filled with a faint fragrance of flowers. The young man's hands that were stagnant in mid-air were gently wrapped by another pair of warm hands, and then slowly pulled to the man's chest, and pressed down slightly. a bit.

The young man narrated his false love to the air with narcissism: "Mr. Zhongyuan, listen, this is the sound of my heart beating for you."

The ocher-haired youth was still trapped in the sea of ​​petals, as if drowned, motionless, without a reaction for a long time.

Tong also paused, couldn't help but look down at him, and then gently pinched the tip of his little finger, silently urging the young man to get up and take the show.

After a long time, the young man finally took action.

I saw that he first withdrew his hand, and then supported his body from the petal pit by pressing the edges of both sides of the humanoid cavity.

Tong also blinked beside him, watching him stretch out his hand and slowly take out a handful of petals from the collar of his loose clothes. The upper half of the young man's face was hidden under the broken hair, and he couldn't see the expression clearly.

However, the radar that received the danger signal arrived late, and Tong, who was sitting not far from him, was keenly aware of something bad.

Zhong Yuanzhong also remained speechless, just sat there quietly and carefully picked out the petals caught in his hair one by one, his movements were calm and calm.

However, it was these few ordinary movements that made Tong Ye's hairs stand up suddenly, and a thin layer of cold sweat instantly covered his back.

He carefully swallowed his saliva, and began to rub his body silently under the bed.

This side just tiptoed to the side of the bed, and Tong Ye just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief and put his right foot on the ground, when the young man who was quietly picking petals suddenly stretched out his arm and grabbed Tong Ye before he could Putting his left foot on the ground, he directly dragged the person back with a force.

The side of his face was a little hot from the soft quilt, and Tong Ye lay on the bed with a pale face.

...It seems to be a bit bad.

The red-haired young man next to him made some movements again, and Tong was also startled. He quickly got up from the bed, sat upright and said to the young man with a serious expression:

"Mr. Zhongyuan, you have worked hard in the shower! Do you want me to make you a set of masaki to relieve you——pain, pain, I was wrong, I was wrong!!"

Zhong Yuanzhong also pinched his face fiercely, facing the boy's begging for mercy, he sneered without any sympathy:

"Let me see, is it this little mouth that looks good enough to be sewn up that said 'I got it' at noon today, or is the culprit actually this little mouth that looks perfect for hammering?" Head?!!"

Tong Ye: "!!!"

It's so cruel...!

Are the cadres of Mafia so cruel!Fortunately, he still thought that this young man who could fry steak was a breed that would emerge from the mud without staining it. It seemed that he paid the wrong price after all! !

Tong Yezhen wanted to jump up from the bed right now, pointing at the tip of his nose and scolding this stinky man, but the mouth that was pinched by him really hurts too much!Tong has never been wronged like this!

He stared at a pair of moist eyes, and complained vaguely to the young man: "Mr. Zhongyuan, you are too cruel! I have spoiled and loved you so much, but you still don't know how to be satisfied? I really didn't expect that you It turned out to be such a pretentious little goblin!"

After he finished speaking, he swung his head vigorously in another direction, as if saying goodbye.

——Tongtong is also very disappointed in Zhongzhong!

——Tongtong never wants to attack the little goblin again!

Nakahara Nakaya, who was called a goblin for the first time in his 22 years of life, was completely dumbfounded. He sat on the bed blankly, and when he realized it, the boy had already rescued his side face, and even ran and bumped towards him. Run to the door of the room.

How could it be possible for Zhong Ye to just let him go like this, the brat needs to be cleaned up, and if he doesn't give him a beating, he will be honest, he thought coldly, and he will use his supernatural power to 'kidnap' him back again immediately.

Unexpectedly, as if he had expected that Zhongyuanzhong would do something, Tong, who had been running towards the door, suddenly turned his head back.

The two stretched out their hands to each other at the same time, Zhong Yuan was also stunned for a second, and it was this second of effort that allowed Tong Ye to seize the opportunity to activate the ability first -

""Children's Flower Waterfall"——! "

Immediately, a waterfall appeared out of thin air above Zhongya Zhongya's head, as if a floodgate had been pulled open, submerging Zhongya below in an instant, and interrupting his intention to activate the ability by the way.

Zhong Ye, who was unable to dodge for a while, was forced to lower his body by the impact of a large number of petal waterfalls, and the anger that was originally only half a bottle overflowed almost instantly.He gritted his teeth and tried to support himself, and roared at someone who was about to break through the door:

"Asahi Natoya, you're gone! I'm telling you officially, you're gone—!!"

The red-haired young man was so angry that he even forgot about his supernatural ability. He crawled out from under the petal waterfall in a rage, and just as he stood up, he heard the sound of the door being pulled open.

Nakaya raised his head, and in the next second he saw two figures of Dazai Osamu and Akutagawa Ryunosuke outside the door.

I saw Osamu Dazai tilting his head slightly, with his arms crossed in front of his chest, standing there quietly like a young literary and artistic youth with a little melancholy, which is very deceptive.

However, Nakaya's good eyesight still saw the trembling shoulders he was desperately enduring.

Chuya almost didn't bite his teeth at that moment, he endured it, barely suppressed his anger, turned his eyes slightly and found Akutagawa looking at him with a complicated expression.

Zhong Ye: "?"

Akutagawa said sincerely: "Mr. Zhongyuan, you have worked hard."

Zhong Ye suddenly fell silent. It seems that this guy has a story to tell, let's not talk about it, see you next time at the bar.

"It's wrong for Akutagawa-kun to say that." Dazai Osamu suddenly interrupted from the side.

He smiled and opened his arms, and with a kind face that accommodates thousands of things in the world, he caught the black-haired boy who was flying towards him, and said softly, very understandingly: "My dear~ The target of the attack is Zhong Ye, who is so troublesome and picky!" You really worked hard for Asahina-kun."

Tong Ye choked up and said, "Mr. Dazai..."

Osamu Dazai stroked the boy's soft hair back and forth twice, and comforted him: "But it doesn't matter, if the human-shaped petal pool is not successful, next time we can try cactus blooming, there will always be one that Chuya likes."

Chuya: So you, the bastard, came up with this bad idea? ! !

Tong also sniffed aggrievedly, and nodded obediently, "Okay."

Chuya: What a fart!Don't agree so easily, okay? ! !

Zhong also was almost driven crazy by the popularity of these two, thinking of how many times that mackerel might have been secretly laughing, Zhong felt his head was going to split.

Although recalling the young man's life-threatening operation just now, he couldn't help but want to strangle him with his own hands, but it was obviously not suitable for him to lose his temper like this, anyway, he had to let the kid come by himself.

So even though he sharpened his back teeth very fiercely, and his face was dark as if he was about to mention murder, Zhong still raised his chin slightly, facing the silly man who was being hugged by a black-hearted fish not far away. The child said coldly:

"Asahina, come here." As if aware of his blunt tone, he paused for a moment, and then added a thoughtful sentence, "I promise not to hit you."

Tong also clutched Osamu Dazai's clothes and almost cried in fright.

This man even said he was going to beat him... Tong Ye was really wronged to death.

He bit his lower lip and sneaked behind Dazai Osamu, and with the help of human flesh, he passionately complained to Chuya:

"You go, I won't attack you anymore! After so many things, I can see that you don't love me, and you don't have me in your heart at all!"

Zhong Ye: "..."

Akutagawa: "..."

Dazai: Pfft——

Tong Ye nervously grabbed Osamu Dazai's clothes, and continued: "To be honest, we are really not suitable. I will find other ways to play the game tomorrow, and you will treat me as cheating, and give up on me to find a second one." Let's spring!"

Zhong Ye: "..."

Akutagawa: I can't bear to look directly at it.

Dazai: Puff ha ha ha ha.

Zhong also pressed his throbbing forehead with some headaches, and said helplessly: "Do you know what I'm talking about? Well, that's it for today. I'll pick you up at the Earl's Mansion tomorrow morning, and then I will follow my instructions." plan to go."

He paused, gave Osamu Dazai a dangerous look, and told the young man, "From now on, don't listen to the bastard mackerel talking nonsense."

Osamu Dazai still had a playful smile on his face. He smiled instead of anger, and said with a faint smile: "It's a bit too difficult for the innocent Chuya. After all, you can't expect a slug to attack yourself."

The black-haired, bandaged youth suggested with frowned eyebrows, "Why don't you let me plan tomorrow's itinerary for the two of you?"

"Wash up and put labor and management to sleep quickly, you are demented in the world!"

"Nakaya is really rude. Asahina-kun is still a pure male high school student, so I don't want to listen to this."

"Death to labor and capital—!"

After some deliberation, Tong Ye finally decided to believe in Chuya of the Central Plains again.

Just before leaving, Tong Ye suddenly stopped in his tracks, turned his head and asked the young man with red hair hesitantly: "I really don't need me to prepare...?"

Zhong also read the naked three characters of 'distrust' from the boy's eyes, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at the most unreliable boy in front of him, he raised his hand, and gently touched the boy's forehead. Bounced hard.

He said helplessly: "Go back to sleep obediently, and wait for me to pass."

Tong Ye supported his forehead, replied with an 'oh' sullenly, then turned and left obediently.

Without having to think about the specific itinerary for the second day, Tong also had a rare and sweet sleep in the Earl's Mansion. However, he thought that Zhong Yuan Zhong would come to him at around ten o'clock in the morning on the second day. Unexpectedly What's more, he was dragged out of bed early in the morning before dawn.

Looking at the unreachable and bleak horizon, Tong Ye, who was sitting on the roof of the cold and windy house, was confused.

Suddenly a thin blanket was placed on his shoulders, and Tong Ye shivered and came back to his senses, watching the young man sit down beside him casually, thousands of words flooded into his mind and mixed together, finally But it only came together in one sentence:

"Is there still a blanket, it's a little cold under the buttocks..."

Zhongye paused for arranging his clothes, closed his eyes helplessly, and threw the thin blanket beside him casually.

"Huh? Isn't this what Mr. Zhongyuan wants to use?" Tong Ye was stunned for a moment, and said a little embarrassedly: "It's actually okay, it doesn't matter if you don't need a blanket..."

"Take it, it's all prepared for you anyway." He said, frowning again as if muttering, "The cold tolerance of high school students is really..."

Tong also heard it, but didn't answer while holding the thin blanket on his body.

The temperature in April is not too high, especially when it is not yet dawn like this, Tong Ye has always had no energy, and he has no energy to refute the young man's words.

But just through this incident alone, one can guess what the young man said about today's plan.

That must be a corny, tacky date.

After all, he has never seen a young man's date start with admiring the sunrise.

It's not about New Year's or something, Mr. Zhongyuan is so old-fashioned that it's easy to guess.

Looking at the gradually whitening sky, Tong Ye slowly blinked twice, thinking in a daze.

The first ray of sunlight gently shone on the earth, and the early morning sun slowly rose from the sky, silently covering the two people on the roof with that light gold.

"Come out! Asahina, you see—"

There was a sudden weight on his shoulders, and Chuya's words were suddenly cut off.

He froze for a moment, then turned his head to look at the person beside him. The young man's eyes were closed tightly, his head rested lightly on his shoulder, and a gust of wind blew by, pulling up two or three strands of black soft hair and passing them soundlessly. Nakaya's chin.

Zhong Ye suddenly fell silent, turned his head and continued to look at Chu Yang in the sky, but the expression on his face seemed to be a little strange.

Tong didn't know how long he had been on the roof, but it was already past nine o'clock in the morning when he woke up completely.

Tong also almost woke up, because he felt an extremely hot gaze in his dream, and after opening his eyes in panic, as expected, he found Nakahara Chuya who had been staring at this side in silence for a long time on the sofa in the room.

Tong also quickly kicked off the quilt and jumped off the ground, and ran to the bathroom in a panic.

He shouted inside: "Why didn't you call me, it's already this hour...!"

Zhong Ye rested his chin and said lazily, "I see you slept so soundly."

The ashamed Tong Ye: "..."

Because a lot of time had been lost, Tong Ye almost rushed to complete the second wash as if rushing for time. After simply tidying up his clothes, he and Zhongyuan Zhongya boarded the carriage to the center of the town.

It was almost the same as he expected, or rather almost the same. Mr. Zhongyuan's plan really seemed to be a routine that was picked up directly from the Internet and did not change at all.

Tong also felt a little helpless, but thinking that it was rare for Mr. Zhong Yuan to take the initiative, he had no choice but to persuade himself with the rhetoric of "although old-fashioned but classic".

——After all, it was Mr. Zhongyuan himself who proposed it, so it must have been him himself.Tong also felt that he was a tolerant raider, so he should satisfy the petty hobby of the raider.

The two settled for lunch at a restaurant in the town, and when they were planning to go to the next destination, when they opened the restaurant door, a little brown-haired girl with a hand-woven basket on her arm standing outside the door suddenly stopped them.

"Sir, buy a flower for your girlfriend." The little girl said, then picked out a brightly blooming rose from the basket, and looked at Tong Ye expectantly.


The author has something to say:


chuya is about to spit flowers :)

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution:

2 bottles of Mickey Dipper;

Jin Shixian, 1 bottle of Allah;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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