That scene was too shocking.

Behind the silver-haired man is the vast sky, occasionally a few flower petals hover and fall in the air.The man held a long staff in his hand, and a large white robe was draped over his shoulders, like an ancient magician who came out of a storybook. His eyes with the color of redbud flowers revealed a trace of calmness and elongation.

When recalling this scene a few years later, Tong Ye, who had been entrapped many times, still felt that it was because the man's appearance on the first face was so deceptive that he was always blinded in the later stage.

However, at this moment, Asahi Nado was obviously shocked by this situation.Apart from this dreamlike world, more importantly, he found a man even more coquettish than him!

what is this?

Could it be that he was finally driven crazy by that flirtatious ability, thinking day by day and dreaming at night, and in his dream he fabricated a higher-level flirtatious boy!

Looking at the few flower petals scattered on the ground, he almost wept with joy.At any rate, he can conjure many kinds of flowers, and occasionally he can add a la carte to the family table, but this person can only conjure small pink flowers, which are super big ones!

Tong Ye seemed to have found a close friend in an instant, and even developed a strange sense of superiority.He stepped forward excitedly and asked, "Excuse me, are you alive?"

He was afraid that he didn't express clearly, so he quickly added: "Are you a passionate person?"

Merlin was surprised by the boy's words that seemed to describe a piece of pork. He looked at the black-haired boy carefully for a while. After a long time, he smiled and said:

"It seems that the dreams of the two of us were accidentally connected together. But it is really strange that a human being can take the initiative to walk into the dream of the succubus. Although strictly speaking, my side is not a dream, but since you broke into After coming in, it seems that we still have some fate in some aspects."

Tong didn't quite understand what the man said, but he keenly grasped the word 'fate'.He nodded in sympathy, and agreed: "I never thought that I could find someone with stronger attack power than me."

"Attack power?"

Tong also stretched out his hand, and when he opened his palm, a lily flower appeared.

A flash of surprise flashed in Merlin's eyes, and then he smiled heartily, "It seems that some kind of fate made you appear here, sorry, I am Merlin who is the crowned Caster, the Magician of Flowers, you can just call me Brother Merlin .”

Caster...?Another strange word appeared.Sure enough, this is still his dream, right?It seems that I have been stunned by playing games recently.

But the left and right are also a dream, and it's rare that the details of the dream are so realistic, "Tongya, my name is Asahina Doya." He replied.

"Where is this place?"

"Strictly speaking, this is Avalon, an ideal land isolated from the world, and it is also my dream."

The silver-haired man showed a meaningful smile, and there seemed to be very complicated emotions hidden in that smile, which almost made Tong Ye doubt the reality of this dream again for an instant.

"Are you real?" He couldn't help asking.

Merlin replied, "I am real here, but to you, I am also an illusion."

"..." What kind of wise man's question is this.

Tong also pondered for a second and gave up thinking decisively.He walked to the edge of the tower, held the iron railing and looked down. He could see the endless and vast scenery. He couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and suddenly had an impulse called Dazai Osamu.

He asked excitedly, "What would happen if I jumped from here now?"

Merlin thought for a second, and said seriously, "I will die."

"..." Tong also turned his head to look at him, and questioned his soul to this unconventional person: "Isn't this a dreamland? Isn't it an ideal land? Your line here shouldn't be 'you will grow a tree in mid-air Wings, fly freely in the blue sky'??"

Merlin spread his hands and showed a helpless smile on his face: "After all, this is the first time a human has broken into my dream, and I can't tell what the final result will be."

That is to say, the current situation was caused by certain irresistible factors. Although the real way to solve it is temporarily unknown, it gave Tong Ye an extra chance for a one-day trip. The grotesque creates a certain immunity.

Tong Ye gradually had some calculations in his heart. He leaned against the railing and looked at the long-haired man opposite, and the man also looked back at Tong Ye quietly with a smile on his face.

Tong Ye: "..."

Merlin: "..."

Tong Ye: "... Shall we keep looking at each other like this until we wake up?"

Merlin smiled, and calmly suggested: "Then, let's talk about something."

Tong also nodded in agreement: "OK."



So, should he talk about it first? !

Tong also felt the suffocating breath coming towards him. He pondered for a moment and asked the most practical question, "After each of us wakes up, we should be able to return to reality, right?"

"Of course. Although the dreams are connected, they are still just dreams."

"Mr. Merlin just said that he is a succubus, so can he control this dream?"

"It's just a half-dream," Merlin explained, and suddenly his expression became a little embarrassed, "This... Actually, it should be controllable, but for some reason, this dream has suddenly had its own thoughts since just now, it seems a little—"

The man showed an inappropriate but hearty smile: "Well, it's out of my control."

"..." Okay, what can I do if I am not proficient in business.

Tong also simply sat on the ground leaning on the railing, with his hands clasped together, one after another turning into cherry blossom petals.

Merlin stood not far away and watched him quietly, his expression seemed to be in deep thought. After a long time, he suddenly asked a question:

"Tong Yejun, is that magic?"

"No, it's a supernatural power."

"Won't you feel tired if you keep using it?"

In such a short time, the cherry blossom petals around the boy's legs almost covered his calf, turning into a hill.

Tong also paused, and looked at him in surprise, "Fortunately, I don't feel tired."

This is the first time I heard someone ask him, is there any limit to superhuman abilities?

Let's test it a little bit, it's boring anyway.

There was a flash of light in Tong Ye's eyes, and a whim suddenly popped up in his heart.He accelerated the speed of changing petals in his hands, and in an instant, the pile of flowers around his legs began to surge at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Merlin noticed the young man's intentions, and his face was taken aback for a moment. Although he was a little uncertain, he still frowned slightly, and walked towards him with some worry:

"Tong Yejun, would it be better to pause for a while—"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a small emerald green fruit with bright yellow in the hand of the black-haired boy, which was still proliferating in pink and tender petals.Merlin's feet suddenly stopped, and he just witnessed the whole process of growing a cucumber.

There are a few light green stripes on the top of the extremely fast-growing cucumber, silently indicating its healthy growth and fresh quality.

Merlin silently looked at the cucumber that was rolling to his feet, and raised his head. The young man also looked at the cucumber on the ground in a daze, and then at the person.

"I-I used too much force." Tong Ye threw the petals in his hand and scratched his head in confusion.

He reached out and picked up the green traitor lying among the petals, and looked up at Merlin, "I didn't eat dinner, I seem to be a little hungry, do you want one too?"


Merlin seemed to be dazed for a while, and then suddenly burst into a brisk laugh in front of the young man.

"Tong Yejun is such an interesting person." Merlin smiled until tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. He said, looking at the black-haired boy sitting on the ground blankly. Just as he was about to say something more, he found that the boy's eyebrows were full of tears. Wrinkled, holding his chest with forbearance.

Merlin suppressed his smile, and asked with concern: "What's the matter, Tong Yejun, what's wrong?"

Tong Ye was clutching the skirt of his chest tightly in his hands, his face was not very good, "I'm a little... I can't breathe."

There is a feeling of suffocation coming from the chest, which Tong is also inexplicably familiar with.He raised his head with difficulty, and said word by word to the scorched man in front of him:

"I think... I might have to—"

Before he finished speaking, he sat up with a bang, and Tong also woke up instantly.


The author has something to say:



Similu threw 1 mine

Whitebait scrambled eggs", irrigation nutrient solution +5

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