Rebirth of HP

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For the first time in more than a month, Draco knew that the godfather would be sad, cry secretly, and be vulnerable... He always knew that Harry loved his godfather very much, yes, from Harry's eyes Here, it is impossible to fake the kind of eyes that look at the godfather and unconsciously soften.It was only after Harry's accident that he realized how deeply the godfather loved Harry. Perhaps there is a kind of love that is usually invisible like air, but it will burst out when the other party has an accident.

Today is Harry's birthday.

Draco knew that Harry had been in a coma for more than a month, and his parents always accompanied his godfather to Potter Manor when they were free for more than a month. They told themselves that Harry was awakening his blood.

To this end, Draco called Pansy and Blaise to study the relevant family documents together, and then, they found that they had a great friend.Thinking of all the things before Harry's blood awakened, he suddenly realized belatedly: Maybe, he has a great friend.

Then, one day, Draco accidentally heard the conversation between his father and little uncle Regulus. He couldn't help feeling that his godfather was really powerful—he even made his friend pregnant—Merlin's Beard, Merlin's stockings, Merlin's petticoat... Oh, Merlin's everything is good, who will tell him that his godfather can talk to such a small child-well, well, love is so strong At that time, everything may be ignored.

Just when Draco was ready to accept a godfather and Harry's love crystallization, he heard another news that almost broke his heart-the child was gone, when Harry had just noticed him.The culprit was a Blake!

Oh poor Harry...

Draco knew that the person who caused Harry to lose his child was Harry's godfather, his own hall uncle, and the stupid Gryffindor who had recently caused himself to have a nervous breakdown at Malfoy Manor!No wonder father and little uncle are so nervous——

After all, there were five wizards standing behind Harry.

Oh yes, except for those in Azkaban, pretty much everyone in the upper Slytherin family knew at the end of last term that Harry swallowed a Holy Spirit, saved Hogwarts, and, Hogwarts When it was first established, there were five wizards.

The godfather is going to Germany today, and this year's meeting of the Potions Association will be held in Germany.In fact, the godfather was supposed to leave for Germany three days in advance, but he was worried about Harry...


Draco felt a headache when he thought of this, and he spent half a month looking up some information about wizards getting pregnant and giving birth.He didn't understand how Sirius Black could make Harry lose the baby, unless he kicked Harry directly in the stomach... It was perfectly safe for wizards to get pregnant.Besides, Harry wouldn't be kicked so easily, would he?

"Xiaolong, the owner of Lestrange will come over later, your mother and I will take him to Potter Manor, you scoop up Harry's birthday present, let's go to Potter Manor together." , Draco got his father's advice.

"Harry awake?" Draco asked.

"That's what your godfather said." Lucius said while spreading jam on the bread.

"Then how can the godfather go to Germany with such peace of mind?" Draco felt helplessly that his godfather was really not a qualified partner.

"Xiaolong, Severus knows how to get along with Harry." Lucius knew that Severus had the Ring of Promise, but for this accident, he really didn't know that the two had reached such a point.Severus can really hide...


Severus shouldn't have been so unreasonable Slytherwood fought Sirius Black, and abandoned the elegance of the wizard - thinking that Xiaolong's godfather would fight that other guy in a Muggle way, just imagining it was enough to make Lu Xiu Si's brain was throbbing with pain—he deserved to lose his eldest son! ——Oh, no, Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, as a Slytherin, as a Malfoy, as a senior and respected head of the Malfoy family, you shouldn't say such things when your friends are in pain, even thinking about it Not at all.

Draco shook his head secretly when he saw his father's ecstasy, since Harry's accident, his father has also been a little abnormal.However, he has already finished his breakfast, so, go and change into the most formal dress robes, and prepare for his first visit to Potter Manor.


After meeting the owner of Lestrange, Regulus also rushed over.So, a group of people touched Salazar's port key and arrived at Potter Manor.

"Little ghost, you just woke up, so don't eat that, come, taste this." After everyone came to Potter Manor, this was what they heard.

"Okay, Hull." A wonderful voice caught everyone by surprise, "Oh, it seems that our guests have arrived."

Then everyone saw a handsome young man appearing in front of everyone with a smile. He snapped his fingers: "Loket, prepare tea and snacks."

"Yes, master." One-seventh of the Dark Lord obediently prepared everything the master wanted.

"Welcome everyone to Potter Manor." The young man's dark eyes were full of friendly kindness, he was wearing a black robe, and his long black hair was like the bright night sky, which was full of powerful magic power. Like starlight shattered in the hair, beautiful and noble.

"Harry?" Draco saw the young man who seemed to be his best friend, so he came out from behind his father and tried to call out.

"Draco, oh, it's great to see you." Harry didn't expect to see his friend so soon, so he walked over happily, "Just now Hull was asking me, today's birthday Don't call you to play with Blaise and Pansy. Oh, you know, I woke up late last night."

"Harry, seeing that you are fine, you still laugh, oh, it's really good. Blaise and I are really worried about you, and Pansy, she heard about you and was very worried." Draco Taking advantage of his status as a friend is very expressive of his concern.

"That's it, then I'll let Loket pick them up. Is that all right?" Harry looked back at the five wizards who had already sat down.

"Of course, Hull and Baker have already cooked a lot of delicious food. If there are more people, they will be happier." Rowena said.

"I don't want to have a Gryffindor-style party." Harry smiled.

Harry conjured up two invitation letters from the Potter family and handed them to one seventh of the Dark Lord: "Loket, help me find my friend."

"Yes, master." Then he disappeared.

"Oh, it's okay for Pansy to say that Blaise is on vacation in France, and your elf won't find anyone." Draco felt a little guilty when he remembered that Blaise had gone to France last week.

"Don't worry, Harry's exclusive servant, the goblin, was made by Nana using one-seventh of Voldemort's soul piece. It's no problem to bring a 13-year-old little wizard across the border to apparate." Goddery As soon as Ke opened his mouth, he burst out with enthusiasm.

This caused Lucius, Narcissa, and Regulus, who had drank unknowingly how much tea made by Loket and the snacks they brought, to gaffe and spit out the tea they just drank from their mouths.But the owner of Lestrange didn't even dare to vent his anger. He was extremely thankful that there was no water in his mouth.

"Okay, little devil, maybe you can show Draco a tour of the manor." Salazar directly dismissed the adopted son, and let him know as a result, and don't let him bother about the process.Although he believed that Harry himself could do well.

"Then, I'll excuse you first. Draco, I'll take you to the garden and let Kelly bring you some snacks and juice." Harry pulled the stunned Draco out of the house.

"Oh, Lucius, Narcissa, thank you for bringing Draco with you, I'm really afraid that the little devil will be unhappy just waking up today." Salazar ignored Malfoy and Black's faux pas.

"Actually, it was Severus who asked me to bring Draco here, he seemed to know that Harry was awake..." Lucius tentatively tried.

"Hmph, of course he should know. The two of them solidified three of the eternal-level promise circles." Godric was extremely dissatisfied with Severus.


"Gore, Severus shouldn't have fought Sirius Black, but he has been dodging Sirius Black's attack, if it hadn't been for Harry's emotions when he sensed the presence of the child to affect Severus Les, he won't be kicked away by Sirius Black." Salazar said a fair word for Asura's descendants.

"So, in the final analysis, it's all the fault of the stupid lion, and it's all the fault of Gryffindor's education methods." Rowena kicked Godric hard.

"So, Gordy has to mop the hall and study of the manor tonight..." Helga said, "No magic is allowed, and no servant goblins are allowed to help..." Seeing that Godric was watching pitifully Berclaire added, "Beck and Sarah are not allowed to help either!"

So the miserable founder of Gryffindor, who was about to spend the night mopping floors, cursed the students of his house viciously in his heart.

A corner of Potter Manor garden

Harry was showing his friend the garden with a perfect smile.But Draco, who was walking with him, looked more and more unhappy, although Harry had a beautiful smile.The godfather knew that Harry was awake, but he went to Germany. Would Harry feel that the godfather didn't care about him?

"Harry..." Draco interrupted Harry.

"What's the matter, Draco?" Harry asked his friend with a smile.

"Stop laughing, I'm not those five lords, you don't have to comfort me like this," Draco said.


"Tell me, why did the godfather choose to go to Germany today? Are you and the godfather okay?" Draco knew that this was a bit of a Gryffindor, but he really didn't want to see Harry like this.

"Draco, we still love each other, and we still miss each other." Harry stroked his long hair. He also knew that Draco was a reliable friend, and he also needed to share his feelings with someone. The giant is an elder, and there are some things he can't say.He knew that Draco would be taken to Potter Manor by Lucius, and it was Sev's arrangement. Sev knew that he was tired and needed friends.So he thought about his words and said: "He chose to go abroad today and not come to see me, not because of any problems with our relationship, nor because he didn't want to see me... In fact, last night, he knew that I was here Wait for him on the stairs."

"Why? Harry, it wasn't the godfather who made you lose your child. The godfather was also very sad, and that was his child too! Harry..." Draco didn't understand why his best friend didn't see the godfather, since the two loved each other so much.

"I know, of course I know. Sev hurts as much as I do. I know, I know, I want to see him too..." Harry had a sad look on his face.

"Harry, I know you have contact information with the godfather, since you want to see him, just ask him to come back, why bother?" Draco put his arm around his friend's shoulder, comforting him.

"I can't, Draco, I can't pass myself..." Harry closed his eyes in pain, "I know, Sev has always wanted a home, and his childhood was not happy. Me too, so I know How much he longs for his family and his child. If, I mean, if I discovered the existence of this child earlier, Sev would definitely protect himself, and the child would be safe; or, if I were older, maybe the child Not so fragile. Draco, I can't get past myself. I need a little time to sort myself out. As a father, I've failed in my duty... This child, I just felt his presence, and he left me..."

"Harry, this child is also the godfather's child. You and him are in such pain, why don't you comfort each other? Two people are better than one." Draco asked.

"Draco, Sif and I are both men. Sif has a cowardly side, and so do I. We don't want each other to see it when we are in pain, and we don't want to deepen each other's pain because of our own pain." .Some wounds heal faster by touching yourself than two people comforting each other. So for the time being...give us some time." Harry said flatly, but a kind of sadness seemed to be able to drip from him.

"Forget it, the two of you have to meet, and the new semester will start in one month." Draco said.

"Oh, yes..." Harry mused.

"I suppose you haven't heard that the Longbottoms and Dumbledore are looking for you?" Draco changed the subject.

"Looking for me? Why?" Harry was puzzled.


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