Rebirth of HP

94 unfortunately


Harry entered the Forbidden Forest under the leadership of Berclair, and seeing the huge magic circle emerging from the land of the Forbidden Forest, he couldn't help but secretly stunned. Looking at the ghosts around him, he couldn't help feeling a little admiration in his heart.The magic circle that fills the entire Forbidden Forest and seals the Holy Spirit for thousands of years, how much talent and how much time is required to complete this?At least Harry didn't think he could.

"Oh, it seems that the four of them have also strengthened a lot of seals." The ghost saw the dark golden magic lines all over the place and said.

Speeding through the forest, the magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest have all escaped, so the entire Forbidden Forest is much quieter than ever.Finally, when Harry heard the child's soft cry, he lightened his steps slightly, bowed his back, and walked towards the place where the cry came from.

One person and one ghost are hiding in a bush in the forest, and they need to determine the situation at this time.

Through the gaps in the bushes, they saw that the place where the cry came from was not far from them, and it was a flat land.There was a white shadow glowing with golden light in the field, and Harry wasn't sure if that shadow had any substance.

Then, Harry took a look at the situation in the small field.Lockhart fell under a tree on one side, with a very peaceful expression, he was not sure what kind of holy spell this professor had.Then, he saw a gorgeous cage made of holy power.Inside the cage were four terrified little wizards embracing and crying - all Harry's old acquaintances - what Snape called "the new Gryffindor foursome" - Ron, Neville, Seamus and Andy.

"Oh, it looks like it's really crazy." Specter looked at the scene in the field and sneered softly, "He used the holy power without completely escaping the seal. It seems that he has survived for 1000 years. It's on the slug—it hasn't become smarter at all." The ghost's eyes were still poisonous, and he could see the state of the holy spirit at a glance.

Harry didn't answer, just watched the situation quietly, he wasn't sure if he could rescue the four little wizards and Lockhart.Even because of the secret art of the Artus Stefan family, he has temporarily transformed into the owner of the oldest bloodline of the Potter family.But he really wasn't sure if he could compare with this holy spirit who had lived for an unknown amount of time.

At this moment, a gentle voice of a man and a woman came out from the white light and shadow: "Hehe, it's really good. Someone sent a pillow when I wanted to take a nap. I was still in distress. An underage wizard How can the magic power of the cub be enough? Now...hehe, then, please hand over all your magic power, being an ordinary person is better than being a wizard..."

Hearing the meaning of this weird light and shadow's words was to turn them into squibs, the four little wizards cried louder, and Ron shouted hysterically: "What kind of monster are you?! Are you Are you not afraid of the principal, Professor Albus Dumbledore? Even the Mysterious Man is afraid of him and hurt us, Professor Dumbledore will never let you go..."

"Huh? Dumbledore?" Bai Guangying was a little hesitant, he didn't remember the name among the famous magicians thousands of years ago.

"Hehe, these Gryffindors are really interesting... Scoop out Gordy's 15rd successor to say something... Oh, I have to say, very...talented. I don't know what Gordy heard Taste. At least I believe that the current Slytherin will still say "Slytherin will not let you go". Well, for it, the five of us still have a certain deterrent effect on it, especially Slytherin. La... oh, talented, really...talented." Berclair spit out the last two words playfully, "Don't make a move for now, let it consume more holy power."

Harry had mixed feelings. He knew that in the eyes of the Holy Spirit, the ghost in front of him, and the Big Four, Dumbledore might not even be his successor.But he also knew that there was no room for loss, so he suppressed his own complexity and slowly observed the light and shadow, calculating his certainty of victory step by step in his brain.

"Hmph, it's just an old wizard... It's a pity, if he comes, I will also turn him into an ordinary person." Holy Spirit snorted coldly, he had already read part of the little wizard's memory, "If you are talking about Sa For Racha Slytherin, I may still have some scruples. Oh, I really feel worthless for Mr. Slytherin..." As he said, the holy power that made up the cage lit up a little.

Ron and the four of them felt that their magic power was losing a lot, and then their eyes went dark, and they didn't know anything...

Edge of the Forbidden Forest

The magical creatures and Hogwarts professors all saw a layer of faint blue magic shield separating the Forbidden Forest, the horsemen were a little at a loss, Ye Qi and the unicorns were a little annoyed The hooves scratched the ground, and the other creatures expressed a certain degree of irritability.The professors were also shocked by the large magic barrier that covered the entire Forbidden Forest. In the face of such powerful magic, no one would feel a little worship for it.

Saji Talias did not speak, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes. Looking at the forest where the horse people lived for more than 1000 years, he felt a little helpless in his heart.

"I hope that what I saw won't happen. Master Zhanxing has already experienced the childhood of losing his parents and parents, the hatred of parting ways from close friends, and the bitterness of being unable to save the life of his lover. I hope that he will not..." The centaur king Sagitaria prayed secretly in his heart.


deep in the forbidden forest

Harry looked at the holy spirit in front of him who had turned some magic power into holy power and condensed it into a handsome adult. He felt an instinctive disgust for the holy power emanating from the holy spirit.But since his appearance directly interrupted the Holy Spirit's ability to absorb magic power, a fierce battle was unavoidable.

Looking at the four Gryffindors and Lockhart, he said to Berclaire beside him, "Baker, I will send these guys outside the Forbidden Forest. Well, go to Peeves and wait for the four of them. You have no room to play here."

"Okay, be careful yourself, I will bring them here as soon as possible." Saying that, the ghost floated away.

With a wave of his hand, Harry sent away all the irrelevant people. Perhaps, after this blow, the future of these little wizards might be mediocre, but it's not bad to be able to save one life.

"Then, what should I call you? This young demon spirit?" The Holy Spirit didn't stop Harry from sending him away, and didn't even stop Berclaire from leaving, because it knew this the moment it saw Harry. It is the life he hates the most.

"Potter." There was no wavering in Harry's eyes.

After hearing this, the Holy Spirit just smiled at Harry, and then said indifferently and arrogantly: "Anything that stands in my way has only one end, and that is—death."

After hearing this, Harry just smiled calmly, he didn't want to die at all...

Edge of the Forbidden Forest

Dumbledore looked at the four unconscious Gryffindors and the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor with some bitterness.He didn't know what was going on, didn't it mean that only one Neville Longbottom disappeared with Professor Lockhart?How could there be three more little wizards?What can I do now?What happened recently?Everything is going against his plan...

Madam Pomfrey performed a simple examination on the five unconscious people, her face was extremely solemn.After casting a few more spells, he immediately turned pale with shock.

"How is it? Poppy..." Professor McGonagall asked with concern, these little wizards were students of her academy after all.

"Professor Lockhart has suffered from an unknown spell, and I'm afraid he will never wake up again." Madam Pomfrey said solemnly, "As for Mr. Weasley, Mr. Finnigan and Mr. Thomas, their magic power has been overdrawn and they are already seriously ill. Affecting the core of magic power, no matter how well it is adjusted in the future, it may not be a great tool... Moreover, the body may also be affected to a certain extent."

As soon as these words came out, the professors all turned pale. They all knew what this diagnosis represented.

"Then..." Professor McGonagall asked hesitantly with a dignified face, "Where's Little Longbottom?"

Only then did Dumbledore break free from his chaotic thoughts, and he immediately heard Madam Pomfrey's frustrated words: "I'm sorry, Minerva... I'm afraid you have to tell Augusta some sad news ..."

"" Professor McGonagall frowned.

"Mr. Longbottom's magic power core has been shattered...I'm afraid that even the capital of St. Mungo's three courts can't restore him...I'm sorry..." Madam Pomfrey looked regretful.

"This... this... what should I do? Albus... Albus... this... how should I explain to Augusta? And... the savior... what should I do?" said Professor McGonagall incoherently.

Dumbledore was also completely unprepared now, and was caught off guard.But before he could react, there was a huge explosion of magic colliding in the Forbidden Forest, making everyone look in the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

"Finally, is it still fighting?" Sagitaria felt the tide of magic power and the flow of holy power spreading from the depths of the Forbidden Forest, and thought to himself, "It seems that Battle Star should have some upper hand, So why does the star indicate that Zhan Xing will suffer the loss of his son?"

Statue of the one-eyed old woman at Hogwarts

"Oh, finally in..." Sirius appeared under the statue's hunched back, with Lupine at his side.

Sirius immediately asked the nearest portrait for the whereabouts of the Snotlite.Seeing his impatient look, Lupine couldn't help but feel a little worried. He felt that this was very inappropriate... However, seeing Sirius no longer acting abnormally, he couldn't bear it.

Many years later, when Lupine thought of his thoughts at this time, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful. If it hadn't been for... Harry's eldest son would have been safe.Harry is also not going to leave everyone, secretly going to Germany for over a year.After he came back, he would sit alone for half a day for a long time until he had a child again...

The author has something to say: I know these chapters may be a bit abusive...


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