Rebirth of HP

70 trials, start!

.! "What's going on here? There's no clear news beforehand...!" Harry frowned in his own dormitory in the cellar and looked at the children of the noble families who had already leaned towards him.

"My father said that Sirius had been transferred to St. Mungo's after Peter Pedilou was actually captured. Dumbledore found another friend of your father's——Remus Lupine, who was there Take care," Draco explained.

Harry nodded too, having heard from Severus that Lupine was back.Even Severus had already made wolf juice for him once.Harry had actually expected to start action soon, but he thought the public trial of the Wizengamot would be delayed until at least after Christmas.Because the efficiency of the Ministry of Magic is not flattering, and at the same time, Black's return also involves a lot of vested interests for the nobles.So, which part of this is the problem?

"I heard that Green Douglas got involved." Blaise said.

"Didn't I tell you in advance that you don't care about anything outside of school?" Harry frowned.

"My mother told Mrs. Green Douglas, but obviously, it didn't work at all. The attraction of the Potter family is more powerful for Green Douglas." Pansy said speechlessly.

Since the beginning of school, the little princess Parkinson has not gotten along well with Miss Green Douglas, even worse than the relationship between the two young ladies of Green Glass.Of course Pansy knew why, maybe her mother married into Parkinson's family back then, and her aunt had always complained about it.

Harry smiled, looked around at the Slytherins present for a week, and said, "I think Senior Lestrange's family must be interested in the Green Douglas family's property..."

"Oh, yes, Chief." Lestrange accepted the task with great excitement.

"So, everyone, I need to go out of school to do something this Saturday, so you can cover for me, can you?" Harry said in a deliberative tone.

"Of course, chief. Don't worry." The children of the great noble families will not be too worrying, because they have already lost their qualifications to be willful early.

This is the nobility.

In the evening, after finishing his astronomy class, and one hour before the curfew, Harry didn't go back to the Slytherin common room, but rushed directly to his headmaster's office.He had just stepped into the cellar, and the purpose of entering was that Lucius was correcting the potion homework. Seeing Harry coming in, Lucius smiled wryly at him, and pointed in the direction of the laboratory: "He is making potions."

Harry immediately walked towards the laboratory, and just after he entered, he smelled some powerful wartime special potions such as special blood tonic potion, special magic power potion, special antidote, etc.A special touch came over Harry, knowing what his lover was going to do with the potions.He even had Lucius come over and help him with his homework...

Harry knew that although Severus was extremely impatient with Hogwarts students, he loved this profession extremely. If not, he could have ordered one like Lockhart or some elective professors. An automatic quill instead of sitting at a desk for long hours to read and correct. Harry was allowed to help, but even so, he knew Severus would read it again afterwards. .!

This is his old professor...

However, today he even called Lucius to help him with those homework - obviously, to prepare these potions.Harry didn't think that Dumbledore would arrange for Severus to make these powerful wartime special potions for storage at this time. Obviously, it was self-evident who they were prepared for.

"Here you are, go read your books and make more preparations. I will prepare these for you." Snape, oh, although his surname is Prince now, why don't we call him Snape? , he said as he carefully bottled the completed potion in a crucible.

"Okay." Harry didn't tell him, in fact, he had already prepared these potions.Harry knew that Severus needed to do something to reassure himself, and Harry didn't mind that the potion he had worked so hard to make was useless if using the potion he made would reassure him.

The laboratory became quiet again, only the medicine in the cauldron was bubbling, the sound of Harry flipping the book, and the "hissing" sound of the flame.

Harry stayed at Severus' place all night like this, and at some point he fell asleep on the table from exhaustion, and was carried into the bedroom by Severus.As for Lucius, after correcting homework, he saw that the two of them hadn't come out of the laboratory, so he curled his lips——Severus, I'm afraid you won't be safe at the end of the day...You are really good at such a young child ?However, it seems that I should also go home, Sissy is waiting at home - it is a kind of happiness to have someone waiting... Thinking of this, he immediately returned to Malfoy Manor, and because of this, he missed Severus' embrace. The softest look on Harry's face when he came out.


Harry slept soundly, a sleep so comfortable that he woke up with a hazy stretch.After opening his eyes and finally seeing the surrounding environment clearly, he couldn't help being a little surprised that he was actually on Severus' bed.

Well, that's okay, because one day, this bed will be my own too.

Gently sticking out his tongue and licking his somewhat dry lips, he tasted the taste of the water of life and death unexpectedly, but after thinking about it seriously, he knew what was going on - Severus must have hoped that he could have The perfect state to deal with Yin corpses, so when I fell asleep, I fed myself some water of life and death.But how could he fall asleep last night?Harry didn't believe that his recent study life would make him so tired that he could fall asleep reading a book.So, thinking about it carefully——

Scent... By the way, I was always unprepared in front of Severus, so I didn't pay much attention to the light scent when I came in. The scent is relaxing, and St. Mungo's therapists often use it to treat Some patients who are too nervous are hypnotized-have you bothered him?

Pushing himself up, he realized that he was wearing Severus' pajamas, which were a bit baggy, but warm.After waving his hand, a line of green time appeared in front of Harry's eyes.

It's already 10 o'clock, and the morning classes are coming to an end - why didn't Severus wake me up?Harry grumbled inwardly.

Then, he saw his clothes and wand on the bedside table, and a piece of parchment. He took it and looked at it——

Harry, I asked for leave for you today, you don't have to go to class, the important thing is to recharge your batteries today.

Come on, it seems that being the headmaster's lover is still very convenient, Harry thought with a smile to himself.

After getting up and washing, he walked out of the bedroom, and there was a breakfast kept warm with a heat-retaining spell on the table.Harry looked at it, and found that it was all the food that he usually ate a lot, and he was moved.So he sat down and ate elegantly. After breakfast, Harry thought about it and walked into the laboratory. He might need a perfect aging potion, which he knew Severus must have forgotten.So he began to search for materials and started to cook them. The materials needed for the aging agent were quite troublesome to deal with. It would take a whole day to cook them after everything was processed, but Harry was different. He divided the materials into There are three piles, one is processed first, and then the crucible is set up and ignited, and the first stage of production begins.

Harry is very familiar with aging agents. Of course, this is due to the fact that he was too young in his previous life to be famous, so aging agents are often one of his must-have drugs.A face that is too young when you go shopping in black streets and do black magic transactions will bring a lot of unnecessary troubles.

When the dark-haired Prince opened his office after class, he noticed that the breakfast on the table had disappeared.So it was known that Harry had already eaten.Directing the first and second chiefs of the first year of Slytherin, Mr. Serra and Miss Green Douglas put today's Potions class work on the work shelf.Potions class for first year Slytherins and Gryffindors this morning.

Harry still didn't show up for the potions class of the second grade on Friday afternoon. The potions professor told everyone that Harry had a little accident in making potions yesterday and needed to rest.

Madam Pomfrey knew that to deal with potion accidents, the most professional one was the potion master, so she temporarily forgot her responsibility and didn't even ask - that's Severus' apprentice, isn't it?

At night, Harry, dressed in black, transferred his name to the butler elf of Prince Manor, and then sent him to Slytherin's own bedroom.

"Sev, I'm leaving." After arranging everything, Harry bid farewell to his lover.

"Go, I'll wait for you." Prince raised the corner of his mouth.

Harry nodded, drew his elder wand, poured the Felix Felicia into his mouth, and immediately said softly: Apparate!

Seeing Harry leave, Severus felt very uneasy, but he knew that tonight he needed to overcome not only the uneasiness, but he also needed to prepare the medicine Harry needed when he returned.At the same time, he had to arrange an environment for Harry to heal Regulus.


No matter how many times, Harry felt that he didn't like the way of magical travel with Disapparation.

After spinning, Harry smelled the sea and heard the crashing waves.

He slowly opened his eyes, looking at the moonlit sea and the starry night sky in the distance, a cold breeze blowing his hair.He stood on a high black rock outcropping, and the waves rolled and foamed beneath his feet.Turning his head and looking back, there was a cliff behind him, the steep rock wall fell straight down, and it was so dark that he couldn't see his face clearly.Several large rocks appear to have been dislodged from the face of the cliff at some point in the past.The surroundings are bare and desolate, except for the vast sea and rocks, there is no tree, no grass and sand.

——There is not much difference from the one in memory, it seems that the trip with Dumbledore gave him a very deep image.That's right, after that was Dumbledore's death...unforgettable.

Harry thought as he made the final preparations for himself.

Cast a magnification spell on his clothes, then took out his aging potion and drank it in one go, and felt that the bones, muscles, and meridians were growing rapidly under the effect of the potion. This was the perfect potion developed by Harry in his previous life. Age-increasing potion, this potion is much more expensive than ordinary aging potions, almost five times the cost.Its effect is not just to make people look older, but to actually change in substance.And the amount of medicine Harry gave himself was to turn him into a 35-year-old self, and he could be in this state for 30 hours, because he didn't just want to save Regulus for more than a day.

Then Harry drank the antidote to the magic power inhibitor that he had secretly prepared. For a moment, Harry felt his 35-year-old body filled with magic power, which was really wonderful!Sure enough, if I return to the age of 35, I don't have to worry about my magic power being too large.

Standing under the starry sky, he looked like a wolf who had regained his fangs and claws, and his green eyes looked towards the dark cave...


Trial, start!

St. Mungo's

Lupine stood by the hospital bed, looking at his friend and former lover, Sirius Black, who was sleeping, and even when he was asleep, he did not let go of his brow.

It's been 12 years, Sirius, I thought we'd just cut it off like that.However, two months ago, when I saw you again, I suddenly realized that we have never been separated... 11 years of separation, but your sentence: "Moon face..."

Let's sign a partner contract when you recover. I won't dwell on being a werewolf anymore, and I won't doubt you at all.

Padfoot, I don't want to let you go again.


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