Rebirth of HP

46 Responsibility · Centaur's Prophecy · Unicorn

"I must tell my dad what happened today, that nasty old bee actually made us do this..." Draco started to mutter as he walked after he and Hagrid separated, "There is nothing better than letting that There are far more dangerous things for an old madman to run Hogwarts... stupid janitor, I thought he had some brains... my father won't let them go..."

Harry was a little helpless, he asked Draco to lead Fang to walk behind, Harry himself walked in front, and Harry arranged for Hermione to walk in the middle.At the beginning, Draco also said that Harry should walk in the middle, but Harry stopped Draco from complaining by saying only one sentence: "Draco, don't forget, we are Slytherin, Slytherin Six of the Code of Conduct: Respect women and always remember chivalry."

"Oh, yes, anyway, it's a woman." Draco dragged his aristocratic accent and let Hermione walk in the middle.

After listening to the conversation between the two, Hermione suddenly had a strange feeling that none of them, non-Slytherins, had really understood the evil and mysterious academy.

Harry walked ahead and asked his two companions to light their wands, Draco did so immediately, but Hermione was a little puzzled.

"Miss Granger, I think as a wizard, in such a place where there may be danger at any moment, it is necessary to hold your most powerful weapon and partner in your hand, not in your pocket." , Harry took out his most suitable elder wand, which had been with him for 6 years.

In such a situation that may require fighting, it is more comfortable for Wen Yu to hold the handle in his hand.

The three of Harry walked along the path following the bloodstains, while carefully guarding against possible dangers.Along the way, Harry even found some potion materials. Harry turned some branches into gathering tools, which shocked Hermione.

"Oh, this is something you can only learn in the third grade." Hermione never knew that Harry, who usually seemed to have better grades in potions than himself, and his homework grades in other subjects were not far behind her, had such a skill. Powerful practice.

"Draco, please come and give me a hand." Harry was digging a zinnia plant, put away his wand, and asked Draco to light it.

"What's this?" Hermione asked.

"Zenia, a kind of potion material. The roots, stems and leaves can be used as medicine." Harry immediately cast a fresh-keeping spell as he dug it out, and then took out a small black bag from his arms and put the zom in it. bag.

The three little wizards and Fang Fang were walking in the forest. The moonlight passed through the branches above their heads and left mottled spots on the path in the Forbidden Forest.Harry consciously led the two classmates around in circles.As the heir of the Big Four, he could feel the power of the curse not far away. Yes, a unicorn in the Forbidden Forest was cursing the wizard who drank his blood.


A sudden scream of fear made Harry feel bad.

"Call God to guard!" Harry summoned his Patronus.

A giant black mandala snake glowed silver under the moon, and its black eyes were strong.Draco was completely stunned, and looked at his friend adoringly - this is the truly powerful patron saint of sex.

"Draco, take Miss Granger and follow my Patronus back to the castle, find Principal Dumbledore, and ask him to bring someone here." Harry said, and then reached out to touch the giant snake, "My dear, please .”

"What about you?" Draco asked.

"I have to check it out. That's my responsibility. As the head of the family of guardians among the twelve school trustee families, Hogwarts is the responsibility. Don't worry, I'm a Slytherin." Harry said to The place where the scream came from went quickly.

"Miss Granger, let's go quickly and find the headmaster to rescue the soldiers." Draco immediately made a Slytherin judgment.

"But..." Hermione was taken aback, and accused, "Malfoy, that's your friend."

"Hmph, stupid Gryffindor!" Draco quickly stepped up and walked behind Harry's Patronus, "The sooner we find the professor, the sooner Harry will be out of danger. Let Leigh get in trouble and let him be distracted from protecting us."

Hermione looked hesitantly at the direction Harry left, gritted her teeth, and immediately caught up with Draco.The platinum boy looked at the girl who was following up, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips—it wasn't too stupid.

The words were divided into two parts. Harry followed the call and came to a tree. The moonlight passed through the gaps between the branches above his head, illuminating the silver marks left on the fallen leaves. The whimpering of the boy who came, Harry regretted it - he was too careless to underestimate the curiosity of the Gryffindors.

There was a clearing ahead, and there was a bright white thing lying on the ground, shining—a unicorn, its slender legs remained in the fallen position, and its silvery white mane shone with a pearly luster. , spread out on the ground, glowing with moving sadness and beauty.Quirrell, wearing a black cloak, was sucking blood from the arteries in the unicorn's neck, and the unicorn's body was still trembling slightly.

Harry saw the three Gryffindor boys lying on their sides, apparently under attack, and didn't see Hagrid.Harry flashed out of the tree, cast a knockback spell, and ducked left behind another tree.Then there are several high-end classical attack magic.Harry's powerful magic made Quirrell dare not continue to suck blood, and left the scene immediately.Harry was hidden in the shadow behind the tree, saw Quirrell flash by the path, and disappeared quickly, and then the Forbidden Forest returned to calm.After confirming that Quirrell would not go and return, Harry immediately stepped forward to check the three Gryffindors. In any case, these three little wizards were all students of Hogwarts.

After a dozen testing spells and confirming that it was only the Stunning Curse, Harry breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Voldemort would use the Torture Curse—one of the three Unforgivable Curses—on these three little wizards who had no resistance. You know, he doesn't have a soothing agent on him right now.

At this moment, a sound of hooves made Harry stand up.

"Dear Guardian, nice to meet you." An old centaur wearing a crown appeared in front of Harry, followed by three centaur.Harry knew them all - Firenze, Bane, Ronan.

"Hello, Saji Talias, the king of the Forbidden Forest centaurs." Harry saluted the old centaurs.

"You are too polite." Saji Talias returned a salute.

"Your classmates may need some help. Firenze, Baine, and Ronan, the three of you take a comatose child out. After sending it, go back to the tribe." Sagitarias said.

So the three centaur picked up the three Gryffindors from the ground and left.Before leaving, Firenze gave Harry a strange look, moved his lips, seemed hesitant to speak, but finally said nothing.

Next to Harry's dying unicorn, he found that this time the unicorn was still alive.

"Save it, this kid is just being playful." Sagitarias said.

"Saji Talias, you know me?" Harry asked.

"The centaurs are guided by starlight, and I am no exception." Sagitarias said mysteriously.

"Saji Talias, since that's the case, you should know what I want to know." Harry smiled under the moonlight.

"Yes, Firenze wants to tell you some boring things, but, that's just the kid's misinterpretation. The war won't start, because those four are about to show up, won't it? Mars is bright, but more foreshadowing It's another war of Battle Stars... that war is too far away to reach Hogwarts, but Battle Star itself came from here, and the great sages of the elves should have heard the news." Sagitarias said , "All magic comes from elves, Battle Star will be favored by the elves, and awaken the oldest magic power in the blood."

"I see. Thank you for your explanation." Harry nodded.

Sagitarias took out a bag of things and handed it to Harry, saying, "These are enough for your new pet to eat for a month. I will give them to Haierbo in the future. He used to always get this."

Harry took it and looked at it. There was a bag of dark blue beads. Harry knew that it was a prophecy ball, which was a ration for Griffin.Gryphons prefer horse-like creatures for food, but they prefer this one.Harry knew that this was an agreement between Godric Gryffindor and the centaurs, but since the death of Gryffindor's griffin, there was nothing that could help the centaurs eat these invalid prophecy balls. People are also troubled by this problem.Ever since Harry entered the centaur land when he was young, even if the centaur smashed nearly a thousand of them every day, there was no way to stop the accumulation of prophecy balls.

Harry put the things in his arms, looked at the unicorn's injuries, and began a long, comforting chant.This is a kind of white magic, called the blessing of life magic power, and the price is the magic power of the caster for one day after the operation.Harry knew what this meant to a wizard, and in times of war, it would have cost him his life for this blessing.Harry had done this for Snape before, but unfortunately Nagini's venom was too powerful, and it had been three months since Professor Snape had been poisoned by the time he found the spell.

The unicorn recovered quickly, got up off the ground, nudged Harry with its head, and stuck out its tongue to lick Harry's face.

"Okay, don't run around in the future, go back." Harry patted the unicorn's neck.

But the unicorn stopped there and did not leave. Harry looked at the centaur Sagitarias puzzledly, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"This child wants to be yours, because you saved it." Sagitarias knew that Harry had no evil intentions, and his behavior of not asking for anything in return was approved by the unicorn.

"You know I have Griffin, and Griffin won't be happy if I take you back." Harry petted the unicorn and said to it.

"Honorable heir, belongings are different from contracted pets." The centaur laughed.

"Okay, but I won't restrict your freedom." Harry knew that if he didn't agree, the unicorn would become negative and die, so it would be pointless for him to spend so much effort to save it, "You Maybe some blood and tears, and hair?"

The unicorn nodded, happily circling Harry.

"Okay, I should go back. You can continue to live in the Forbidden Forest..."

Edge of the Forbidden Forest

Hagrid looked at Dumbledore with some embarrassment. The three comatose little Gryffindors were sent by the centaur because of his negligence.Dumbledore was accompanied by the deans of the four colleges, Draco, and Hermione.

"Harry hasn't come back yet, Severus..." Just as Dumbledore was about to enter the Forbidden Forest to search, a sound of horseshoes from far to near attracted everyone, and after a while, the eight conscious people present saw him The scene they will never forget--

A snow-white unicorn exuding a faint white light came from the forest carrying a young man with black hair and green eyes. The boy's body was also stained with the faint white light of the unicorn.That young man was like a prince in a fairy tale, his long black hair fluttered in the night wind, and he smiled reassuringly towards everyone.

Such a perfect picture is enough to make people unforgettable, even Dumbledore finds it unbelievable.

Harry turned over from the unicorn at a distance of about 50 meters from the crowd, and his chic figure amazed the people present. Harry patted the unicorn's head, and the unicorn kissed Harry's face affectionately He licked it, then turned and ran towards the Forbidden Forest.

"Harry, are you okay?" Draco immediately stepped forward to check with concern, and asked nervously.

"It's okay." Harry smiled to comfort his friend, then turned his head and gave Snape a consoling smile.

"In that case, then, Professor Dumbledore, I thought I would be able to take my students away? Given that it's been a long time since the curfew time... lest some people who have been eroded by sweets lose their sense of weighing the importance It's going to disturb my students again..." Seeing that Harry was fine, Snape couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, suppressing his strong desire to hug Harry, he satirized the instigator with a silky voice.

"Okay." Dumbledore replied with a wry smile.

Then he looked at the backs of the three Slytherins leaving, his blue eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking...

The author has something to say: the second

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