Rebirth of HP

38 Harry's Guess

Walking into the Potions Professor's office, Harry blinked his green eyes at the platinum nobleman and black-haired professor on the sofa.Although he already knew about Lucius' arrival from the snake girl.But when he saw Malfoy's current Patriarch, even if it wasn't the first time, he still unconsciously compared it with Draco, who had grown into a new generation of Malfoy Patriarch in his memory.

The same platinum blonde hair color, the same gray-blue eyes.But compared to Draco, his father, Lucius Malfoy, seemed more vicissitudes and exhaustion that did not match his age.Perhaps it was because he had assumed the glory of Malfoy at a young age, and had endured the Cruciatus Curse under the Dark Lord for many years.

"Come here, Harry." Snape suddenly and openly showed his intimacy with the boy, making Harry a little dazed.But after all, he was a person who walked through the wind and waves, so he adjusted quickly.Walked over to Snape and sat down.It was only then that I began to formally look at the professor's guest with a little curiosity.

Obviously, this old treacherous Malfoy also started to be a little curious about his friend's latest confinement. After the initial shock, the head of the school management family opened his mouth with an aristocratic aria: "Dear old friend, dear Severus, can you introduce this little gentleman beside you?"

"Hello, Mr. Malfoy, I think you are Draco's father, right? I'm Harry Potter, and you can call me Harry. It's a great honor to meet you for the first time. We are both members of the Twelve Family. I think, Mr. Malfoy should never forget the covenant." Harry didn't need Severus' introduction at all, as the head of the Potter family and the most honorable guardian among the twelve school trustees, he had the right to be a little more noble.

Lucius Malfoy narrowed his eyes and looked at the blue-eyed boy, but after seeing the boy snap his fingers lightly and a new cup of fragrant tea appeared on the table, he smiled slightly and said, "Della Kona kid is being taken care of at school."

"Oh, of course, Draco is my friend, and Slytherins are always loyal to recognized friends."

Harry smiled, and caressed the ring of the Lord of the Potter family with his finger intentionally or unintentionally, "Professor, did you call me over?"

"Ah, it's nothing, it's just that Lucius came to inquire about Draco's grades, and by the way, he mentioned that he wanted to see if my new apprentice fits the flashy Malfoy aesthetic." Snape said slightly sarcastically.

"Professor cares?" Harry smiled. Although he was only 11 years old, it was enough for people to see the immaturity of a handsome boy. Even Draco used to complain about his "godmother" in private. "Adults are equal in ability and appearance.

"Compared with the aesthetics of the flashy Malfoy family, I care more about whether the things around your neck are put in achnatherum." Although Harry's smiling style is a little childish, it vaguely has the demeanor in memory, but because Lucius' presence made Snape a little unhappy.

"Oh, Severus, Harry is really nice, isn't he?" Lucius Malfoy naturally saw his old friend's displeasure, but he still asked tentatively.

Snape didn't answer, and picked up a cup of tea which was replaced by Harry, who forbade him to drink black coffee late at night when there was no night watch.And replace the black coffee with herbal tea from the mysterious east. Of course, Harry has done research in this area, and some neutral potion materials from Prince Potion Garden that are good for magic power and the body are also good. Can be found in herbal tea recipes.When he was in a ghost state, he had read Draco's treatise on magical herbal tea "Those Beneficial Materials" that Draco deliberately placed on the desk and would automatically turn a page every 10 minutes.

Seeing that he couldn't find anything from his old friend, Lucius looked at the boy beside him with calculating eyes.Before the words could be spoken, the cellar master said to the boy in his magnetic voice: "Since you are here, you can go to my bookshelf and pick a book."

"That's right, Professor." Harry snapped his fingers casually, and a book flew out from the bookshelf not far away, which was the latest edition of Potions Weekly.Harry knew that the professor had read it. The professor had the habit of scribbling comments on the book, and he himself published an improved paper on the myopia medicine in this weekly magazine. He mainly wanted to see the professor's opinion.

Lucius Malfoy was relieved from the shock that Harry had just cast the Wandless Silent Flying Curse so easily when he saw Harry directly open the table of contents and directly scrolled to the title of the thesis with the genus "HP". .The eyes he looked at his best friend were also full of deep meaning, but he quickly got up from the chair, walked to the potion cabinet very familiarly, opened the potion cabinet, took the potion he needed, and used Aria said: "Oh, dear Severus, Sissy's body has been feeling a little weak recently, if you are free, can you come to Malfoy Manor?"

"Dear Mr. Malfoy, please allow me to remind you that I am not your Malfoy's exclusive physician." Snape said angrily, "Also, get your noble claws out of my medicine chest, immediately."

"Oh, don't be so unkind, dear Severus." The dazzling platinum aristocrat complained to his best friend while slowly putting several bottles of gleaming potions into his arms.

"If you don't want to eat something not very good in your glory potion next time or taste something that goes against your Malfoy aesthetics, then you'd better not forget the advice of a potion master." Nep said flatly.

"Oh, thank you very much. Then, I'll go first. Mr. Potter, it's a pleasure meeting you today. If you are free, you are welcome to visit Malfoy Manor. I think Sissy will be very happy." Lucius said Just go to the fireplace.

"My pleasure, Uncle Malfoy." Harry got up and gave Lucius a standard old farewell.

Lucius looked at the young Patriarch Potter, and the corners of his eyes twitched twice - why, why, my little dragon can't be so good... 11-year-old wandless silent magic is fine - it can only show that the savior The talents are different.But how can even such an ancient farewell be done so perfectly?So, Lucius, the magnificent head of the Malfoy family, was hit, and his last thought before the Floo system was activated was——

No, my little dragon's heir has been trained twice!

In the Slytherin common room, a certain boy who was chatting with Zabini couldn't help shivering in a very un-noble way, and received a caring greeting from his friend.

Seeing that Lucius was gone, Harry smiled and sat back in his chair, continuing to read the familiar writing on Potions Weekly.Then, I saw Snape's words on the side of a material called Tsing Yi grass - "Why not use the silk of the Hebrew caterpillar?"

"Sev," said Harry, "is the green grass or the Hebrew caterpillar silk cheaper?"

"Of course it's Tsing Yi Cao." Snape agreed, and then he realized it, so he laughed, "Harry, you're right."

"The diary with Lucius is a Horcrux," said Harry, closing the Potions Weekly in his hand.

"What do I need to do?" Snape asked, overhearing his partner's overtones.

"Maybe you can reveal something about Voldemort's soul and life experience to Lucius?" Harry said, "As far as I know, many Death Eaters don't know that the Dark Lord, who advocates pure blood, is a half-blood. Malfoy's previous head, Abraxas Malfoy, knew this as Voldemort's best classmate."

Snape was silent for a while, then said: "But, Harry, as far as I know, Abraxas Malfoy died very young, when Lucius was only three years old, so, Lucius Hughes loves Draco so much."

"I asked Draco, and he told me that his grandfather, Abraxas Malfoy, was the only one in 300 years who left a portrait at Malfoy Manor but never appeared after his death." Harry continued hint.

"You mean..."

"Either, he is still alive, or he was hit by a powerful black magic before his death." Harry said, "Obviously, the first hypothesis is not true."

"Lucius said that his father died when he was on a mission and accidentally protected the Dark Lord." Snape said, frowning slightly.

"Actually, I have studied Death Eaters. I found a fact - none of the original generation of Death Eaters lived long enough for the Dark Lord to come and kill me. If there were, perhaps the Dark Lord would not have been so disastrous after all." Today's stage." Harry sighed slightly.

"You mean..." Snape's face went pale.

"When I left England, I went to the east. There is a very wise people there. They have a saying, 'When the cunning rabbit dies, the running dog cooks; Hounds soon became people's food; when the birds were wiped out, people put away their good bows. It is a metaphor for being used by people and losing their value." Harry said, "But in the end, it's just a It's a very likely guess. It's really hard for us to know what the truth is," Harry said.

"Well, I understand." Snape suppressed his shock, he knew that Harry was no longer a simple child, and the reason why he was willing to share these speculations with himself was because he was the one he loved.

"Then, lend me this first, and return it to you tomorrow." Harry raised the weekly magazine in his hand.

"Well, good." Watching Harry open the door of his office, he was about to go out.

"Good night." Harry's voice reached Snape's ears with the sound of the door closing, making the professor in black startled slightly.

The corners of his lips curved slightly, his boy was always so gentle.Picking up the cup Harry had just used, there was still half a cup of fragrant tea.He couldn't help taking a small sip from the side Harry had just used, and then he was as satisfied as if he was stepping on a cloud.

So, is this what it's like to be in love between soul mates?


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