Carefully sitting on the old sofa in Snape's living room at No. 19 Spider's End Lane, he was almost thrown onto the sofa by Snape just now.It's actually very close to Knockturn Alley, and it's not comfortable, but Harry used to come and live here for a period of time every year. He is more familiar with this place than Prince's old manor, which is almost at the end of the North Sea and borders Azkaban. .In the days when there was no war, apart from Potter Manor and Hogwarts, the place he visited the most was not the old Black house at 12 Grimmauld Place left to him by Sirius, but here, this eerie mansion black house.

Watching silently, the owner of the house turned off the Floo network, and set up various advanced defense spells and anti-eavesdropping spells.Then Harry was served a glass of milk and himself a black coffee.After Snape took a graceful sip of his coffee, Harry took a sip of his own milk.

"I'm assuming you're not going to waste time with me so that we'll have lunch and dinner together." Finally, after confronting each other for a while, Snape's patience ran out.

"Uh, Professor..." Harry considered carefully before finally calling out what he thought was the most appropriate title.

"I thought, the great gray lord, would be willing to use a more intimate address in private? Considering the degree of a certain person's shamelessness and the marriage contract we have?" Snape curled his lips in dissatisfaction. He seemed to see through Now, I can't let go of this little guy anymore. If that's the case, maybe it's a good idea to label him firmly as myself from the beginning?

Harry was taken aback, and stared straight at the black-haired man for a while before he understood what he meant. He raised his hand to wipe away the tears from his eyes, a contented smile appeared on his lips, and waited for 40 minutes. After years and one death, did this man finally admit to himself?

"Sev!" Harry used the privilege he had just acquired without hesitation.

Looking at the boy's heartfelt smile, Snape also lifted the corners of his mouth and showed a smile - except for mother, no one had ever called him so intimately, not even Lily.He restarted this dusty nickname for this boy, and he knew that this time, someone would use this nickname to call him for the rest of his life.

"Okay, little bastard, are you going to confess something to me? Like our current situation." Snape said.

"Uh, Sev, do you have a Pensieve here? Maybe it's better for you to see for yourself? I can't explain that much for a while." Harry knew that if he continued to pretend to be a child in front of his lover, it would confuse him. Moreover, he didn't want the other party to treat him like a child.

"The Pensieve is coming!" As the head of Prince, how could he not have a Pensieve?

Harry looked at the shallow stone basin with runes and symbols carved on the rim, and there was no memory silver thread in it.Pull out the newly purchased magic wand, point the cold wand tip near the temple, and take out a large number of shining silver memories from his head.Then, he asked Snape, "Is there a potion bottle?"

"The old place, you get it yourself, you should be familiar with this house." Before entering Harry's memory, Snape said.

Harry went to the basement. After discussing with Sifer for a long time, Harry collected a small bottle of its blood and a small bottle of tears, and then exchanged lamb chops and snacks for a bottle of Hai Erbo's venom. The little bottle returned to the living room.Seeing that Snape was sitting on the seat in a daze, after hearing Harry's footsteps, he sighed and said, "Harry, since you had the chance to die like that, why did you come back? You clearly knew that , At that time, Weasley will never let you go."

"I promised Professor McGonagall to go back to be the head of Slytherin, and I can't break my promise. Besides, the magic cycle of Hogwarts needs me. If I don't go back, you will disappear. Sev, you Me, turn myself into a ghost, there's only so much I can do for you." Harry stood behind Snape, and changed the subject with a smile, "Oh, tell me, you ended up burying me Where?"

"I heard from Draco that he planned to bury you next to me. But on the day you were buried, I felt tired, then lost consciousness, and woke up again, and it was in Malfoy Manor, 1986." Snape said, "Why don't you come to me, why do you always look at me from a distance? Don't say you didn't, I can feel it! Since three years ago, I have felt the change in Hogwarts. You Where's the bloody Gryffindor courage? Where's your stupid Potter tradition?"

When Harry heard about 1986, he felt like strangling himself.But even so, he didn't want to be blamed by this man all the time.

"Sev, I've never been a pure Gryffindor, I thought you knew?" Harry said, "You also understand that when I become an adult, I will go to the Oak Forest to deal with the Infernal, and I need to plan a lot."

"Well, Master HP? Given that your latest paper has had those old pedants arguing at the Potions convention for a whole month, I wonder if you should give me a little compensation for the damage my poor ears have suffered. ?” Snape was very interested in Harry's later research, he never doubted Harry's achievements at that time, he understood that this little green-eyed troll was never stupid.

Harry smiled slyly, and said, "Perhaps, I can take another 'HP' with me when I go to the secret room? To satisfy those four people's teaching desire?"

Facing Harry's suggestion, we have reason to believe that even Dumbledore might find it difficult to refuse.

"So, you shouldn't let me be an uninvited guest?" Snape's eyes sparkled, and he suddenly felt that it was not a bad thing for him to have a partner who was 20 years younger than him.In fact, after careful calculation, Harry is now much older than himself.After all, ghosts cannot be counted as age.

"Sev, how about Dumbledore? Has Quirrell confirmed his appointment?" Harry asked.

Snape picked up the coffee and continued to take a sip, then said calmly: "Quirrell has indeed arrived, I saw it at yesterday's freshman welcome meeting. There is one thing I want to tell you, I have quit the Order of the Phoenix. "

After hearing this, Harry blinked and smiled slightly: "Well, the Patriarch of the Prince family is indeed not suitable for staying in the Order of the Phoenix."

"You don't need a spy?" Snape asked.

"Yes, but I'm even more reluctant for you to take risks..." Harry could get information about the Order of the Phoenix through other means, "Your safety is the most important thing."

"Harry..." Snape felt that it was a good thing to be nervous for the first time, "I'll take you to something to eat, let's go. There's nothing to eat here today."

Harry frowned, he knew that Severus was just a bottle of nutritional potion most of the time, including himself sometimes, so he was not in a position to say anything.

"Well, yes." Harry laughed. "By the way, these are for you. Fresh phoenix tears, blood and basilisk venom."

"The basilisk? You subdued the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets? And you still brought it with you?" Snape was surprised, and at the same time felt helpless for the audacity of this brainless little troll.

"Don't worry, Haierbo won't use gaze at will. Sev, you know, the basilisk only obeys the words of Parseltongue without a master. The reason why so many people were petrified back then was because of Voldemort. Now I have With Salazar's Snake Kiss Bracelet, Herbo is already my contract pet. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to let Kelly go back to Potter Manor and go to Knockturn Alley by herself." Harry said.

At this time, as if suddenly remembering something, Snape stretched out his hand to push away Harry's left hand, and when he saw the still existing lightning-shaped scar, he suddenly trembled - it was his fault... although he knew Leigh has already solved the soul piece, but...

"Sev, I'm hungry." Seeing Snape's distressed look, Harry had to use other topics to divert. He knew how strong snakes had pride.

Woke up by Harry's voice shouting hunger, he carefully covered Harry's scar with his brow again, and his thin lips parted slightly: "I assume, the great Huixia wouldn't want to be surrounded by people's attention?"

"Yes, sir, I won't draw anyone's attention." Harry changed his words naturally.

Seeing Harry's interest, Snape nodded, camouflaging himself and Harry a bit.Then he took Harry out.

Following the man in black, Harry was in a good mood, knowing that he was already Severus Snape's approved partner.

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