Brother Hua, come to the pit

Chapter 66 Extra Story: The Malice of the World

"This world comes from Ye Chen's creation. Once he comes to this world, he can have a huge impact on this world. Even if he doesn't do it deliberately, his subconscious will gradually change something."

"Of course, this influence is mutual. Don't underestimate the self-improvement ability of the world, that is to say, how much influence Ye Chen has had on the world, the world will also have much influence on him."

"This kind of influence will greatly amplify his negative emotions. So, if one day...don't be surprised, it will indeed be Ye Chen."

What if one day?

This passage was said by someone before, but Han Mu suddenly couldn't remember part of it.Moreover, Han Mu didn't even remember who said this.It's like sometimes seeing an acquaintance, the name is on the lips, but I can't remember what the other person's name is.

Similarly, Han Mu couldn't remember how he came to this forest.There were trees covering the sky and the sun nearby, which gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

There are many vines hanging from the branches and leaves, not the dark green of the leaves but the color of jasper, which looks strangely soft.Sensing that someone was approaching, the vine twisted a bit, and gorgeous flowers bloomed at the tip.

The petals trembled slightly, as if spreading the quiet fragrance farther.Feeling something was wrong, Han Mu covered her mouth and nose and stepped back. She wanted to relieve the influence of the fragrance of flowers, but found that she couldn't use any exercises.

More precisely, he forgot.The method of judging and the operation of spiritual power were all inexplicably forgotten.

How many things have you forgotten?

The fragrance of flowers is like a thread, passing through the gap between the fingers, and flowing into Han Mu's body unstoppably through the breath.

He wanted to hide, but when he turned around, he found that all the vines hanging from the surrounding trees had bloomed this kind of flowers, and the fragrance of the stacked flowers gradually became stronger.

No matter which direction Han Mu looked at, there were dense trees and flowering vines, and further away was the darkness that seemed to be soaked in thick fog, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

The fragrance was very gentle, and it gradually softened his body. His feet began to be unable to support the standing posture, and he would soon fall down.

Covering Han Mu's eyes with one hand, the other pulled him closer to an embrace behind him.

The temperature in the palm was very warm, at that moment Han Mu knew that he was at ease.Although he can't remember who this person is now, he feels that he should know.

Who is it?The name is on the lips, but I can't say it.

Something touched the lips, and the aroma became more intense.Judging from the shape and smell, it should be the kind of flower that bloomed on the vine before.The petals are not smooth and clean like ordinary flowers, but have a layer of slightly viscous liquid attached, which makes it uncomfortable to stick to the lips.

Han Mu frowned and turned his head away, his current physical strength could only support him to make such small movements, he couldn't even raise his hand.

"You should be familiar with this kind of flower." The person behind him was talking almost against the back of Han Mu's neck, but then he laughed as if mocking himself, "But you definitely don't remember now, right? Choose In order to escape from this world, you have already forgotten everything in this world."

Even I also forgot.

The voice was so familiar that it couldn't be more familiar, but Han Mu still couldn't remember it, but subconsciously felt that this person shouldn't speak in this tone normally.

Escape from this world?Why do you say that?

"It seems that you have even forgotten the choice you made." There was an imperceptible loneliness in the man's words, but then he changed into a kind that made Han Mu's heart startled. Tone, "But it doesn't matter, no matter where you escape, I can bring you back."

"Memory can always be created. Since the past is forgotten, it's fine, as long as I have the memory in the future." The man let go of the hand covering Han Mu's eyes, and looked down. There was a deep light in Han Mu's eyes.

This man is a young man, he has snow-like hair color, and his brows are as cold as if carved from ice and snow. The deep swirls in those eyes almost take away the soul of the person when they look at each other.

"Just looking at me, that's enough." The man slowly squeezed out the liquid from the flower, and then used his fingers covered in this viscous liquid to penetrate into Han Mu's mouth, and patiently and slowly pried it open. Lips and teeth, over a soft tongue.

Han Mu frowned, and immediately bit down.Although he felt that he should be familiar with this man, even if he was an acquaintance, it was too much: "Who the hell are you?"

The teeth scratched blood on the fingers.

The man's eyes sank, but after a while he chuckled again and withdrew his fingers.The mucus and saliva in the flower are mixed together, and a silvery silk thread is pulled out.

"Although you forgot, it's better to remember the name of this flower from now on. After all, it should be used more often in the future." The man looked at Han Mu with gentle eyes, and he didn't look angry. , but hides something that cannot be seen through, "The bone flower that blooms on the ghost banyan can arouse the desire of all living things. For beasts, it is appetite, and for humans... it is actually an 'appetite'."

The strange scorching heat extended from the mouth, penetrated the blood and flesh through the throat, and spread to every blood vessel and every inch of skin along with the beating of the heart.

The breath that the man exhaled when he spoke hit the skin of Han Mu's neck, carrying a damp heat, every blow was like being brushed by a feather, bringing an unbearable itchiness.

The breath spread like fire.

Beads of sweat rolled down Han Mu's forehead, and when it fell into his eyes, there was a stinging pain.With his eyes half open, Han Mu felt his own irregular breathing, and gradually, these breathing speeded up with the heat from all parts of his body.

The vines among the surrounding branches and leaves came alive one after another, tightly twining around the ankles, wrists, waist and abdomen, completely trapping Han Mu.

His hands were tied together and pulled up to the top of his head, and the originally wide sleeves slipped off, revealing his white arms.The slime on the vines slid down the arm, falling into the invisible place in the sleeve.

At this time, Han Mu had been pulled out of the man's arms by the vines, and his entire body weight was attached to the vines. He hung his head weakly, and the medicinal effect of the bone flower left him no room to resist.The vine around his lips even made him speechless, and the sound turned into a soft whimper.

The man caressed Han Mu's cheek, and compared to Han Mu's rising body temperature, his hands carried a comfortable coolness, which Han Mu couldn't help but want to chase after the coolness.

The man induced in a soft tone: "Think about my name, if you remember it, it will make you feel less uncomfortable. You must be able to remember it, right Master?"

Han Mu trembled slightly when he heard the word "Master".The resulting fragments suddenly burst from the depths of memory

——Master, you have taken in a new apprentice behind my back, I am not happy hum!

——Well, Master, I miss you.

——From now on, Master will be protected by me alone.

——It’s actually nothing.I just wanted to be alone with Master, it would be inconvenient if there were too many people.

——Master, it's great to see you at the first sight when I wake up.



——Master has collected all the reward points, should he choose to go back?

——Yeah... Master still can't let go of his relatives and friends over there. Even without me, he must be able to live well.

--I?No, I can't go back now.

——Then, master, goodbye.

Ye Chen waved goodbye to him with a smile on his face, and then he was no longer seen.

"Ye Chen..." Han Mu's voice became slightly hoarse due to the drug, and it sounded more charming than usual.

"So cute." Ye Chen caressed Han Mu's cheeks and neck with his hands, like a normal play between relatives.

Han Mu's hands entangled by vines clenched into fists, suddenly raised his head, his eyes were red: "Why did you become like this! Didn't you agree that you will go back after a while?"

The movements of Ye Chen's hands suddenly stopped, and the corners of his lips curled up mockingly: "That's all lying to you, Master."

"You know, since I came to this world, there is no chance to go back."

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