Harry of the Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 68 Picked up the resurrection stone?

The shadow of Voldemort still looms over people's heads tightly, and Regulus Black's funeral can only be held under the witness of a few people.Compared to Harry's indignation at the loss of the hero's reputation, Sirius saw it much more clearly—"It would be a great thing if we could get Rael back. As for Voldemort..." It made countless witches fall in love with him A terrible smile twisted on the endlessly handsome face, and he said hoarsely, "I will definitely make him pay the price!"

As for Bellatrix, the second person with Black blood who fell in that cave, Sirius finally brought her body back to Mr. In the house, her sister Narcissa took care of the funeral—it was not her wand that had released countless terrifying spells, but the one who accompanied the Dark Lord's most loyal "servant" to sleep forever It was an exquisite crystal doll—a doll that my elder sister used to coax her younger sister when she was a child.

The rest of the holiday was a completely different world for Harry.

It was dull at first: because the adults found out that the Harry they wanted to protect had been involved so much without knowing it, and they were determined to keep him out of it as much as possible.But... Harry couldn't help sighing at Hai Bo, who was coiled beside the bed, and his answer to the question of prophecy a thousand years ago was very consistent with Ron's original evaluation of "Slytherin's insidious and cunning viper". They are all used to help Uncle Greg investigate the case. Have the Godfather and the others forgotten who taught them?After thinking about it, he still tried his best to ignore the news about Voldemort's other Horcrux, which was one of the Three Hallows of the Dead, the Resurrection Stone that he "accidentally" knew.After all, it was the kindness of the elders to protect him, and judging from the information revealed in Haierbo's words, letting nature take its course might be the best way to deal with it.

But then life suddenly became tense.Probably because of his son's nagging, in the second half of July, Sherlock did not receive a single case of interest, and the bored detective decided to accompany his son to Diagon Alley to purchase supplies for the new semester.This frightened Harry enough. His father now is not the same as when he first entered the wizarding world with him. After staying in Hogwarts for nearly a semester, the detective knows everything he should know and not know. (Harry has every reason to believe that several professors in Ravenclaw who love research have also told his father the "fellow man" the details of Knockturn Alley, completely ignorant of how dangerous they have done things) this time let him go shopping again, I am afraid the wizarding world will really not, and there is no need to panic about Voldemort.Fortunately, there was no wand on the third grade shopping list that required his presence, so he asked Draco, Hermione, and Ron.Neville and the others each helped him carry some of the equipment.Then, together with my father, I exhausted all means and finally locked my father, who had excess energy, at home.

Before he knew it, Harry's 13th birthday was coming, and this time he would have a small birthday party in Grimmauld Place.The tense and serious Grimmauld Place was finally full of joy again recently, and everyone was busy making arrangements for the party.On the morning when Remus dragged Sirius to discuss the party menu with John, they found that John was staring at the coffee table in a daze with depression, while Harry had a helpless expression.

Remus asked half-kindly and half-jokingly: "What happened? Has Sherlock finally made it to Diagon Alley?"

John shook his head, looked at the text messages on his phone, and rubbed his temples in pain: "Harry is back."

"Harry?" Sirius was puzzled, isn't Harry here all the time?Why talk back?

"My sister, Harrit, we used to call her Harley(1)," John explained.

"You two have a bad relationship?" Remus asked strangely.They have all seen the "bad" relationship between the Holmes brothers, but John, he is not the type who will get along with his family.

"Not really." They did argue in the beginning - about John's enlistment, about Halle's drinking, about her lack of appreciation for Clara's affection.But then, during Sherlock's "death," Harley was a big support.And Harley also quit drinking later and found Clara, which greatly eased the relationship between her and John.And Sherlock, who has always claimed to be "anti-social", is getting along well with Harry now. This is probably because this sister with rich "experience" has made outstanding contributions to promoting the relationship between her and John, but it may also be because She can choke Mycroft (even the British government can't deal with a tough woman who can spit out countless dirty jokes, he still prefers the queen to have afternoon tea with her).

"Aunt Halle is a nice person," Harry winked at his godfather and Remus, "she just asks Dad some weird questions once in a while."

"Harry Potter!" John growled at his son in a low voice, "stay away from your incomprehensible aunt!" There are a few older sisters who care about their younger brother's "happy life" in front of children of?

"Yes, yes." Harry nodded pretendingly, but the gleam in his green eyes still revealed his attitude—Aunt Haley loved him the most, and it was really interesting to hear his aunt tell about the stupid things his father had done .

Knowing that his little devil would not give up like this, John had no choice but to continue explaining something else to distract Sirius and the others: "Harry and her partner Clara have been traveling for several years, and some experiences are quite interesting..."

In this way, amid John's headache, Sherlock's indifference, Harry's excitement, and Sirius' curiosity, Harry brought Clara to Grimmauld Place.

"Is this the wizard's house? It's nothing special..." Although she was no longer young, she still had long golden wavy hair, and the woman in a tight leather jacket looked around and made an evaluation.The woman with short black hair behind her smiled at her master apologetically as usual.

Sirius didn't care, he admired Harry's straightforward style, and specially took them around the old house, asking them to carefully evaluate the differences between wizard and Muggle architecture.

"It's still very interesting." Harry pointed to a candlestick that would automatically ignite, "This...if it's used at night..."

"Harry!" Although he didn't hear clearly, he instinctively told John that what Old Sister John was talking about was definitely not a good topic.

"Huh? Hmm..." Harry glanced at him and continued to discuss with Clara, "What do you think of the chain you saw in the cellar just now?"

"Harry! Change the subject!" Harry's still here!

"Well," Harry pouted, and said mysteriously close to his brother, "Johnny, you will never guess what I saw yesterday?"

"Can't guess... what did you see yesterday?" John looked at his sister feebly, trying to maintain his authority.He didn't want to know that Harley found a few more pairs of car shocks on the side of the street. (He very much doubts that her observation skills are even a notch above Sherlock's in this area.)

"It's really a strange thing." Clara stood up and explained. She also knew a lot about the daily topics between Harry and his brother.

"What's the matter?" Sherlock's eyes lit up. He hasn't received an interesting case for a long time.

John was very calm, and said solemnly: "I'm afraid there is nothing 'strange' for the people in this house." These words definitely came from the heart.Many readers left messages on his blog asking how he described those wonderful adventures.Maybe Sherlock's deductive reasoning is so magical that sometimes people believe he is a fictional character, but for John, it is definitely just everyday life - if your partner is Sherlock Holmes, you will accept reality Everything is "abnormal" in society; and if you have a son named Harry Potter at the same time, congratulations, it is absolutely natural that "weird" things in the wizarding world happen to you.

"Johnny, you are so boring~" Harley waved at her indifferently, and excitedly pulled his sister-in-law (?) to talk, "I'm serious, we came back by car. I saw a small village with some name, and then I saw many strange people standing under a big stone pillar in clothes of unknown age, and we even took photos.” She waved her phone and opened the photo album Wanted to show people, "This isn't a wizard, is it? They're translucent in the sun—huh? What's going on?! Why is it blank? The memory card is broken?"

John felt his stomach sinking suddenly, Harry couldn't help holding his breath, and Sherlock rushed up and grabbed Harry's mobile phone to check it carefully - translucent figures, clothes that didn't match the age, disappeared inexplicably These clues reminded them of the resurrection stone.

But Harley didn't realize what happened, she reached into Clara's pocket very naturally, and took out something to show them: "If it's broken, just break it, and this one, we are at the stone pillar I picked it up next time, how about it, does this symbol have a mysterious feeling? I fell in love with it immediately."

A small black round stone lay quietly in her palm, with a strange symbol engraved on it - it looked like a triangular eye with a vertical line in the middle of the pupil.

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