Harry of the Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 65 Everything Changes

"That old bat...did you call your mother's name just now?" In the upstairs room, the pumpkin juice in Ron's mouth was almost sprayed on Harry's face, and Snape, who hadn't called for a long time, The number also yelled out in shock.Originally, the Weasley family was traveling in Egypt, and they would not be able to return until school started.However, with a strong sense of justice, the loyal Mr. Arthur decided to rush back after receiving Dumbledore's news about the corpse cave, and Ron also came back with him because he was worried about the safety of his friends, and he is now in Grimmauld Square guest.

It's just that the members of the Order of the Phoenix naturally didn't allow their two children to join in the meeting, and even Sirius, who usually compromised unconditionally with his godson, was determined not to allow Harry to participate this time.It's just that Harry was still full of curiosity and worry about this matter, so two ignorant little guys called Klicher, and the unsuspecting adults were not completely messed up by Voldemort and the Big Four under such circumstances. Understand that the magic of the house-elves has been tapped.

"...It seems...yes." Harry was also a little flustered.Compared with Ron, who has a natural aversion to Potions professors, he also has a much deeper understanding of Snape, knowing that he will not say his mother's name for no reason, not to mention that there is no sound coming from below, It is very likely that he really saw his mother...or the image of his mother.He looked at John who was sitting on the side for help: "Dad."

John nodded at him and poked Sherlock, who was still fiddling with his database.Ever since this "unreasonable" detective was told "never get an infernal corpse back for you to play with", he has no interest in that cave anymore. Don't worry, you won't be dragged to Grimmauld Square to watch Harry today.

"Resurrected?" Sherlock, who was just immersed in his own thoughts, immediately lit up his eyes after knowing what happened, and ran downstairs excitedly, completely forgetting about others.John sighed, and led the boys to follow with a look of habit.

The children above were shocked by what they heard, and the adults in the meeting below were no better than them, because Snape was right, and the person who suddenly appeared was indeed Lily Potter, Harry's mother.They were once close students, friends, and comrades-in-arms.

And Dumbledore was more shocked than anyone else. His incomparably rich experience made him see that the Lily in front of him was neither a ghost nor a flesh and blood living person.She was more like the Riddle who escaped from the diary long ago, like a memory that almost became physical.They are not as real as the bodies of living people, but much more real than ghosts. "Resurrection Stone..." While muttering the word, he almost subconsciously stroked the wand in his hand, and couldn't help recalling the figure of a person and the thing that made him regret his whole life.

"What?" Snape glanced at Dumbledore, he also noticed the difference in the "Lily" in front of him, subconsciously decided that this must be someone's trick - if someone wanted to use Lily to interfere with their Sight, he must make them pay.

Dumbledore did not answer him, but stood up and spoke to the visitor, with imperceptible tremors in his voice: "Where did you come back from?"

The red-haired woman replied with a smile: "We never left."

"Did Voldemort use that thing?"


"Did he recognize it?"

"All he knew was that it belonged to the Gaunts."

"So you are not subject to him."

"..." Regarding this question, the other party was just silent.

Dumbledore then changed the subject: "How many of you are there?"

"How many? Oh, there are a lot of people. You know, that bastard is very fond of messing around, and it makes me restless every day."

"You...have those feelings?" Dumbledore asked excitedly.He was already very surprised when he saw Lily smiling—the Resurrection Stone, one of the Three Deathly Hallows, played a very important role in his grand plan when he was young, and Grindelwald wanted to use it to control the army of ghouls , and he wanted to revive his parents and lighten that burden.Until now, he couldn't deny the deep desire for the resurrection stone in his heart.But at the same time, he was afraid of this sacred artifact, because according to legend, when the person who first possessed this stone summoned his lover to him, the young girl who unfortunately died early was indifferent and sad, as if lost The memory of living with him, separated by a layer of painful veil, separated by two worlds.But Lily's behavior was very kind and natural, which was different from the legend.If……

"We remember those." She replied softly, but shook her head again, her green eyes similar to Harry's became extraordinarily deep, "But we don't belong here anymore."

"Who the hell are you?" Snape couldn't help asking sharply.

"Who else could I be? Sev—" the other party winked mischievously at him, then shook his head again, with some sadness in his voice, "I'm sorry about the quarrel in front of the fat lady."

Hearing this sentence, Snape couldn't help taking a step back, and when he spoke again, it was as if a thorn had been pulled out of his body, and he said, "I—" That quarrel!At that time, Lily finally couldn't stand his calling Muggle wizards "Mudblood" and broke with him.After that, they really went the exact opposite way, abandoned by all and abandoned by all, and he never looked back until he realized who the prophecy he told the Dark Lord was leading him to.He's sure no one else knows about it, is this really Lily?

Lily wanted to continue talking to him, but she showed a painful expression, she turned her eyes back to Dumbledore, her voice became cold, and she said mechanically: "Everything has been changed, and there will be no time. "

"Time?" Everyone was confused by her nonsensical words - what did they change?What's the time again?

"Shhh." Lily put her finger on her lips and made a quiet movement, and then her figure became fainter and fainter in the air...

"Mommy?!" Harry yelled at her, rushing towards her, and Lily reached out and made a hugging gesture before disappearing.

"Mom..." Harry felt that he shouldn't be so sad. Most of his impressions of his mother came from photos and other people's descriptions. He didn't even know if that person was Lily Potter.But the moment he saw her disappear, he felt as if he had sensed something.

John asked, "What's going on? What happened."

"Lily has been here." Lupine carefully explained to them what had happened.

"This is too unbelievable, I mean the resurrection of the dead... Could this be—" Horcrux?John couldn't help thinking.He shook Harry's hand reassuringly, and looked to Sherlock for insight.Sherlock just looked down and fiddled with his phone, "Sherlock!"

"I see!" Sherlock jumped up happily.

"What?" Everyone looked at him.Could it be that he understood so quickly what Lily had just said about staying behind?But Sherlock said: "The fat man sent a message, and the content of the monitors around him became blank in an instant."

John froze for a moment, then looked towards the place where Lily disappeared: "Could it be that...their appearance will affect the electronic equipment?"

"John." Sherlock waved the phone at him again with an expression of why you have been with me for so long, and said, "If it affects electronic equipment, how can this thing still work?"

"But the surveillance video is just blank for a while, isn't it? Maybe it's just something like a magnetic field, and it returned to normal after they left."

Sherlock said very positively: "No, the key is not the electronic equipment, but the monitoring. I asked Lestrade to check his written materials, and some of the content was also lost. In addition to what they said, Lily Bo The 'doesn't belong here' mentioned by Te can only be—”

"Cough——" Dumbledore suddenly interrupted Sherlock's reasoning, and said to the people in the hall, "That's all for today, everyone go back first." When he spoke, even though he was full of doubts, everyone knew it was If there is something inconvenient to tell everyone, they all bid farewell and left.For a while, apart from Sirius and Lupine who were already living here, only Snape did not leave.

At this time, Dumbledore signaled to Sherlock: "Excuse me, Mr. Holmes, you mean that their appearance does not conform to the laws of time and space, so all traces will be erased?"

Sherlock curled his lips: "I don't know what rules your wizards have, but if you rule out all the impossible..." So he still prefers pure logical reasoning.

"You know what that is." Snape stared at Dumbledore closely, feeling that he hadn't been so anxious for a long time. "When Lily appeared, you said a word."

Children nowadays are really sharper than each other. Dumbledore took out a piece of candy from his pocket and put it in his mouth to calm himself down. He glanced at Harry who had regained his composure: "If I'm not mistaken, it's the Resurrection Stone." .”

"The Resurrection Stone in the Three Hallows?" Harry exclaimed.

"You know?" Dumbledore was taken aback. He hadn't expected Harry to have any idea of ​​what he said.After all, the legend of the Deathly Hallows comes from "The Tales of Beedle the Bard", which is a fairy tale in the wizarding world, and Harry was not raised by wizards.Moreover, he couldn't help but look towards Sherlock, even if it was a Muggle fairy tale, would this man tell his son?

"At Christmas in the first grade, Ron dug out a book from his house and gave it to me as a present."

"I see," said Dumbledore. "I would have liked to tell you that story later."

"Ah, the three Peverell brothers, I remember Antioch, Cadmus and Ignotus, right? They got the Elder Wand, Resurrection Stone and Invisibility Cloak respectively from Death." Legend has it that John, always intrigued, had seen the book at his son's too.

"That's right." Dumbledore nodded, "It is said that the stone can bring people back to life. Lily seems to have been 'resurrected' by someone."

Sirius said: "James seems to have mentioned to me that the Potter family is actually the descendant of Ignotus Peverell, and Harry's invisibility cloak is the legendary sacred artifact."

"He's right. I've studied that cloak before, at least the invisibility materials we can make so far can't achieve that effect. According to Lily's words today, the Gaunt family should be the second of the three brothers. There is a connection. It is quite possible that Voldemort made the Resurrection Stone into another of his Horcruxes."

"Little Hangleton." Sherlock said, "That's where the abnormal data first appeared."

"So is Lily under his control now?" Snape remembered the question Lily had left unanswered.

Lupine said, "I don't think that's the point."

Everyone else looked at him, and if their loved ones and loved ones were under Voldemort's control and they had to fight them, wouldn't that be the point?

"Have you all forgotten what Lily left behind at the end? She was very calm at first, and she even had time to catch up and joke, but suddenly she seemed to be afraid of something. She must have wanted to convey something to us when she appeared like this, If it's just about Horcruxes, there's no need to mention the last sentence. Even if it's the Horcrux resurrection, there are not no resurrected Horcruxes now."

"Could it be because the Horcrux has self-awareness that she can't wander outside like this?" Sirius objected.

"But what does it mean that everything has changed?" Why did Lily have to speak so unclearly? Is there something watching her?

John frowned, then let go.

"Tell me what you think, John." Sherlock said.Although he often said that John's brain couldn't make a turn, in fact, the doctor could always provide him with some new ideas.

"It's nothing." John patted his son on the shoulder, "I just can't help but think...if we hadn't adopted Harry...would it have changed everything?"

Sherlock paused for a moment, then sneered: "Magic also stimulates your imagination, John, the publisher may consider giving you a raise."

But his ridicule did not dispel the doubts in the hearts of others - what would everything have been like if Harry hadn't been adopted by these two people in the first place?Did Dumbledore's men find Harry who hadn't been ushered in the next morning and find another family for him; or would other well-meaning people find him; died...

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