"Harry!" Sirius almost screamed and threw himself on the godson.

But his actions were immediately stopped by Sherlock. The gray-green eyes of the curly-haired man had a layer of frost, and he stretched out a hand to stop him: "You go to Peter's side."

"It's useless to stay here, you stupid dog who can only yell." Snape was checking Harry's wound bitten by the basilisk, and found that there was no sign of bleeding or blackening. Even within a short period of time, there was already a tendency to heal, so he calmed down and satirized Sirius.


"Sirius, let's go. You are the one who knows Peter the most among all of us, and we need you." Dumbledore patted Sirius on the shoulder, "As for Harry—" He looked at it and had regained his composure Phoenix, who stopped flapping his wings, glanced at the other two parents present and nodded, "Sherlock and Mr. John won't let him have anything to do."


Sighing, Dumbledore grabbed Sirius who was still struggling: "Fox!" A flash of brilliance flashed, and the two of them had disappeared.

"Sherlock, is this your and Harry's plan?" Snape checked the wound and there was no problem. John carried Harry to the bed in the hospital wing and listened to his son's heartbeat. Although it was a little fast, it was still normal. Within the control range, I finally had the mood to ask.Although the behavior of the basilisk biting his son was really shocking and frightening, but among all the people who participated in the thrilling battle just now, he knew the bold father and son best - although it was only for a few moments, he also I saw that Sherlock and Harry should have spoken a few words before the basilisk acted.

"Not exactly." The detective sneered, like a robot in a horror movie expressing his admiration and contempt for a dead body, one can't help but think of him saying coldly to the consulting criminal with an Irish accent, "I was told "He has no heart" that night; and the Moriarty Group, which once ruled the criminal world but was wiped out in the end, will let you know what will happen if you move the heart of "people without heart".

"So...Helbo?" John remembered why Sherlock had insisted on bringing Harry with him.

Grabbing seven inches of the basilisk coiled at his feet, Sherlock said to it expressionlessly: "Whether you understand English or not, Harry must be fine." Then he threw it aside .

Sherlock was actually very annoyed in his heart, the diary and the crown's soul activities were becoming more and more intense, but Harry was basically unaffected, and even when facing Lockhart, he didn't even feel the headache he would feel for Quirrell and Harry also said that he slept better when Harper was by his side.All this led him to deduce that the basilisk left by Slytherin had the effect of suppressing the Horcrux, but those data were far from enough to get rid of the soul piece on Harry as soon as possible.So he decided to take Harry with him, to see how the basilisk reacted to the other Horcruxes, it was a little risky, but that wasn't a problem, Sherlock didn't think that mindless Voldemort could really escape from this group of people go out.But no matter how clever the detective is, he can't really understand the complicated contracts and mysterious creatures in the wizarding world. When Harry asked the basilisk to bite the diary, he suddenly told him "don't rush to trouble Hai Erbo for a while." The ever-changing forms Sherlock didn't have time to further analyze the meaning of these words, but the next move of the basilisk was about to provoke his real anger-even if Harry agreed, this form of use half-forced his son to make a choice His behavior was enough for him to take Haierbo to Barts to do three-beat whipping experiment.Of course, if Mrs. Holmes had been around, she would have told her maddened young son that Harry would never be the one being forced - this kind of "I'm so clear-headed, what am I doing on my own, mom (dad) you guys Don't worry about it"'s own way of doing things is really the tradition of the Holmes family.Whether or not they had trouble with the people who directed their sons to those "voluntary programs" in the first place, though, is another story.

"Okay, Sherlock, sit down and don't stare at that basilisk." John sighed and shouted at Sherlock, it's useless to get angry at Hai Erbo now.He carefully checked his son's condition again: "There is nothing serious about Harry's physical condition, but we don't know how long he will sleep like this, and we don't know what to do at this time."

Snape also frowned. Even though he did have outstanding talent in potions, he was the same as John, not daring to make a diagnosis and take countermeasures without knowing anything about the situation.

Several people were thinking about it, when they saw Harry's breathing suddenly became rapid, and his face began to flush.Haierbo, who had just been thrown aside by Sherlock, jumped onto the bed and put his whole body on Harry's body. Snake Xinzi licked the half-healed wound, and pulled out some slender, translucent gossamer-like things from it. , Swallowed into the stomach.

"Could these filaments be—Voldemort's soul?"


Several parents on Harry's side were worried about whether the Horcrux on his head could be resolved, and what impact it would have on him.Sirius, who was forced to go to the other side by Dumbledore, also tried to suppress his mind after seeing Peter's traces, and concentrated on catching the mouse——after solving the diary and the crown, the one who controlled Peter Voldemort is the biggest threat right now. He failed to protect Harry well, so he must do something now.

"Did you only see Peter?" Dumbledore was asking McGonagall for more details.

"No. When he first appeared, there were a few hooded figures beside him, but after being discovered, they all disappeared." The strict witch helped her square mirror frame down, while scanning the surroundings. While moving, he replied, "Additional manpower has been deployed near the passages of the Screaming Shack and the Duke of Bee's candy store, but nothing has been found yet."

"The night, the night that devours everything." Dumbledore sighed looking at the deep night.At this time, midnight had just passed, and the few people who liked nocturnal activities had already received the danger warning from the Aurors. We must make good use of this time." The Death Eaters chose to act stealthily instead of attacking with great fanfare, and they left the Dark Mark, which shows that they also have scruples.And once the darkness receded, they lost cover.Of course Dumbledore was not afraid of these followers and believers of Voldemort, but in Hogsmeade, a prosperous magical village, it was no longer possible to control the flow of people in the daytime.From now to dawn is the time that both of them must seize.

Sirius clenched his wand tightly, paced back and forth, showing a cold and crazy smile: "They better show up quickly"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a flash of light not far away, and Sirius rushed out like a taut arrow.

"Sirius!" McGonagall wanted to warn the student to be more careful, when a spell suddenly came from the side, as if stimulated by Dumbledore's appearance, the Death Eaters who had been hiding for a long time finally showed their ferocious faces.

"Armor protection!" "All petrified!" After a few rounds, the Death Eater who was not high enough in front of her was brought down. Just as McGonagall wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, she saw Dumbledore surrounded by four Death Eaters. , hurried over to help.

Dumbledore's title of "The Greatest White Wizard" is by no means in vain. Even though he had already fought against the diary, he still did not lose the wind in the face of attacks from several people.After Mag joined, they responded more easily.Then he knocked off the hood of one of them, and Bellatrix's mad face could be made out in the darkness.

"Bella, what are you doing?" Dumbledore tried to persuade Sirius' cousin.

His answer was a more violent attack.

"Why on earth are you following Voldemort? The pure-blood Lord Voldemort you are following is actually a bastard—"

"Dumbledore, sooner or later you will become my gift to the master!" Bellatrix couldn't hear what others were saying at all, just laughed, cast a death curse and then apparated with other Death Eaters Appearance is gone.

"What do you think these Death Eaters are here for today, Albus?" McGonagall asked while binding the downed Death Eaters with a binding spell and handing them over to the Aurors who just rushed over, "Is it a rush?" Did you come after you? These actions... are not in line with their previous way of doing things." The usual actions of the Death Eaters are more cruel and lawless, and although this time's action is also huge, the damage caused is huge. It is not as exaggerated as before, is it because Voldemort is weak and they are fully prepared?

"I don't know yet." Dumbledore joked, "Maybe Tom misses me?" But he also felt that something was wrong. The Death Eaters attacked after he came over, but instead of Saying that he wanted to kill him, it would be better to say that he was dragging him to ensure that he would stay nearby.The recent events at Hogwarts were enough to spur Voldemort into a major attack.But if it's all over the place, who else can he mobilize now?

In such worry, an ominous voice sounded over Hogsmeade.

"Is this... howling wolves?" The Auror captain asked in disbelief.

"Tell your men to assemble quickly and prepare for battle!" Dumbledore said seriously.The full moon is only a few days away.

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