Harry of the Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 56 Who Is More Suffering

Little Crouch, who represented the power of the diary, ran away, but the Horcrux, Mianguan, was already firmly in his hands, and Sherlock designated it as a breakthrough point, and became a good target for the parents to vent their anger.So Lockhart immediately fell into dire straits.

Many people still don't understand why John, who seems to be easy to get along with at first glance, gets mixed up with Sherlock, a typical anti-social element, while Mycroft keenly evaluates it when they first meet "You miss the war," he says. John admits this, and never considers himself a "nice guy."A high sense of social responsibility allows him to control himself and save others.But the impact of the war on him has been deeply rooted in his bones. If he let go of the restraint on himself, John can actually become quite crazy and terrifying-this military doctor who is praised by everyone and looks quite rational at first glance can do it without any burden. Killing Voldemort, just as Sherlock looked at the calm man in surprise and said "You just killed someone", thinking that he should have a more violent reaction, John could joke with Sherlock and say "That's just a bad boy". It’s just my brother”, and killing a bad guy seems completely fine to him.

John perfectly combined the super high quality of medical students with the tactics of Afghan soldiers, and described various surgical methods for a crown.Sherlock even worked with him to find out the corresponding organs of the crown part and the body part through observation.Under the "experiment" of this intensity, Snape happily acted as an agent of the Defense Against the Dark Arts course at Hogwarts again, while Lockhart was locked in by those who "cared and loved" him because of successive "attacks". the medical wing.

Madam Pomfrey, who received Dumbledore's hint, designated a space for Lockhart, and invited colleagues from the Muggle world to exchange experiences.

"I read the books about anatomy recommended by Harry. They are really detailed. Have Muggle research been so advanced?"

"It's not the most complicated," John explained with a smile, without taking his eyes off Lockhart, who was still twitching. "Our medical and biological research fields have long since developed from organs to tissues, cells and even molecules. If you want to see , I can find some micrographs of specific organs for you, this little guy Harry is just messing around."

"Harry is a good boy. He has brought us many changes, making everyone more willing to accept new knowledge." Madam Pomfrey commented.She then noticed John's gaze and frowned, "He doesn't look like he'll get better for a while, and Severus really does, he knows exactly what level Lockhart's potions are."

Yes, it was not only John's experiments on the diadem that made Lockhart twitch in pain, but also because Snape dug out Lockhart's self-made "master class" potion products from his office The result of going down. (In order not to be suspected, Voldemort did not clean up the original items in his office after being possessed), and the "disguised" potions master vividly performed what is called Slytherin's vengeance.As Lockhart said, the curative effect of those drugs was very satisfactory. Lockhart, who drank them under Dumbledore's watchful eyes, was calm at first, but it didn't take long for him to twitch.

"Isn't his level of potions quite high? His books clearly describe how he saved people with his good potions." John opened his eyes and said nonsense, "Probably It's just that we don't know which potion he is allergic to, didn't Snape take the potion back to study?" Of course, the reason why Snape is willing to do research is because everyone found that Lockhart's twitching seems to be It was caused by the re-merging of the soul, and this ignorant guy probably made a soul potion while messing around.Of course, this reaction may be due to the co-influence of the crown experiment at the same time. In short, everyone thinks that there may be a safe way to pull out the soul piece on Harry's head.

Madam Pomfrey smiled slightly, and continued to discuss Muggle medicine with John, without saying anything about Lockhart's question.Although it was just a few hints, the attitude of the headmaster, several professors and the weird events in the castle made her finally decide to let go of this "patient", she is the school doctor of Hogwarts - the school is in front , if any patient poses a danger to the safety of the school, then she will only choose to leave him alone.

Harry was under strict guard now, and Sirius decided not to patrol with the Aurors at all, but to protect him with him.

"Aha, it's finally here! Christmas!" Sherlock jumped up and spun around a few times.Diary, who used to be in the same room with Diana and ate each other's souls, finally couldn't stand the impact of Lockhart's changes, and reappeared.

The diary is actually very helpless, he is the first Horcrux made by Voldemort, he can be said to be the only young man in the Horcrux, and his understanding of spells, magic and world conditions is far inferior to the others.If he hadn't encountered Mianguan and didn't know the existence of those other Horcruxes, he might have chosen a more publicized method to promote himself and his heir status.But the moment he woke up, he encountered a "strong enemy" that made him realize his own disadvantages. After subduing little Crouch with sweet words, he decided to stay in hibernation for a while, and wait until the other Horcrux fights are over before subduing their subordinates. Fisherman's profit.

But the ideal is plump, but the reality is skinny. No matter how good the plan is, there will always be various accidents in the process of practice—Voldemort in his student days was actually the most patient of all Horcruxes, because that At that time, he hadn't become the Dark Lord that everyone feared, and everything needed to be tolerated.But the diary was made after the first heir event, opening the secret room and seeing the basilisk wanting to "inherit" the ancestor's will to clean up all the mudbloods.That was not the beginning of his path of evil, but the beginning of his clear theory of pure blood in his heart.Therefore, before the end of the Christmas holiday, the diary finally couldn't help attacking Lockhart, and the crown seemed to be full of anger at Lockhart, and did not stop his actions too much.But those movements finally exposed him to the third Horcrux.According to Crouch Jr., the person under him outside almost includes all the Death Eaters who can still move. Although he doesn't look down on those guys at all, he also understands that if the Horcruxes outside send Death Eaters Come on, he may not be able to convince them like Crouch Jr. That time, it was a time difference before anyone knew he had been resurrected. Those who come again now will definitely be warned in advance not to believe anything but "I" Anyone other than claiming to be the master.

The lack of "soul resources" forced the diary to absorb the life force of little Crouch sparingly, because he had to rely on this foolish and loyal subordinate to do some things——Harry Potter, who let him know more than ten years ago The boy whose main soul was traumatized and finally killed him showed his talent of snake language.Soul, there must be a part of the soul attached to him.He was going to grab Harry and devour his life force and the shard.All this can be easily achieved as long as Crouch is controlled to become Snape and bring Harry to the magic circle prepared by him in the Response Room on the 8th floor.Who would have thought that Harry could see through the identity of little Crouch almost immediately, and he still had good fighting ability, so he was not caught before the adults felt it.In the end, Crouch Jr. injured a hand instead and lost his wand.The diary had to squeeze out his remaining life force and then lurked again, but there was something wrong with Mianguan's soul.

Kept together for a while, he and Diadem interacted while regaining consciousness, and devoured each other quite a bit.This is also something that the main soul did not know when he separated the horcruxes - the horcruxes he made can naturally maintain complete consciousness when they are individually preserved, but when they are in the same room, the same soul origin will make the They couldn't help getting closer, and the desire to increase their strength made them fight desperately, let alone without the control of the main soul.

"These two Horcruxes are indeed the most closely connected." Dumbledore touched his beautiful long beard and sighed, "Tom would never have thought of the soul he left behind, which could make him 'fly away from death' The weapons will perish because of the killing of each other."

There was a little coldness in Sherlock's eyes, and he commented impatiently: "Identical things are the most boring." In his opinion, even if the production of Horcruxes does not bring about those emotional and intellectual negative effects, there is no need to kill people. No, he wouldn't do that - of course he is the only one who is the number one consulting detective in the world, and even "I" absolutely don't want to compete with him for this title.It is the most idiotic thing for Voldemort to choose to make Horcruxes. Even ordinary people, who can tolerate the same existence as himself?It's perfectly normal for these Horcruxes to kill each other.

"Then let's grab him now!" Sirius jumped up.It was already late at night, and the students had already slept peacefully. After casting protection and silence spells at the entrances of each public room, they could directly engage in a big battle without any scruples.

"No, wait any longer." Dumbledore said, shaking his head.

"When will we wait?" Sirius couldn't wait, "I kept Lockhart from killing him because I was afraid that killing him would stimulate the other horcruxes, which would be bad for Harry, but even if we keep him, the other horcruxes don't know Will Harry be safe if their existence is seen through? Didn’t they also suffer an attack? If I ask you, we’ll just see one and dismantle one. Now this Horcrux is the diary that Malfoy mentioned. When he finds Loha Special, take the two together."

"I'm not letting you do it," Dumbledore explained.The incident of Harry being attacked in the castle also made the old headmaster very annoyed, thinking whether he should act more decisively - even if all the remaining horcruxes are resurrected, the initiative is still in his own hands Yes, they are considering various factors, and Voldemort, who has almost gone mad, doesn't necessarily think so much.

"The old headmaster you admired so much made you pay attention to the form of that person," Sherlock looked at Te with contempt and then pointed out, "Look at his body, it's translucent, he appears directly in the state of a soul, like this I'm afraid our attack won't have much effect."

"Then what shall we do? Whose body will he occupy like Lockhart?"

"Horcruxes, Horcruxes, their souls are attached to specific containers, which can also be regarded as their bodies. As long as that is destroyed, this soul will no longer exist."

"I just don't know—" Dumbledore pondered, "Where is the body of this Horcrux now?"

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