Harry of the Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 47 A Bad Christmas Dinner

Not long after Narcissa took Draco to leave, Kricht also came to inform that the dinner was ready and everyone could sit down.A room full of people showed up at the dinner table with all kinds of ears.

"Have a good afternoon~" Sherlock glanced casually and secretly pushed Mycroft's hand away from him, and Lestrade sat on the chair in an unnatural posture, facing his brother Said with a sarcasm.

"Charlie," Mycroft returned him with an admiring smile, "John won't hate you if you admit you're not that good at some things."

"Shut up, fat man!" shouted, but his eyes turned to John.While the experiment he was doing wasn't boring, John's thick, furry ears and tails must have been fun to touch, and those two parts are usually sensitive spots for animals, and tonight...he squinted... …

"Mike, Charlie." Cloris interrupted the escalating war just in time, and signaled Harry's presence to them—the boy was trying to lower his head, as if he was studying the dishes on the table.

John coughed twice and blushed slightly. Speaking of which, this was not the first time they had been so open-minded in front of Harry.So he decided to start a new topic.

"Can you control one part of the body to deform while the other remains the same?" He looked at Sirius curiously.Whether it was actively wanting to play with Harry, or being forced to satisfy Sherlock's curiosity, this Animagus had transformed many times in front of them.But he has always been a big black dog, instead of only showing two dog ears for the occasion like today.

Sirius was taken aback, scratched his head and replied: "Uh... no. Animagus is not a partial deformation, it may be some kind of body reorganization in your Muggle way. Although in Partial changes will also occur during the learning process, but once the shape is completed, the shape is determined and cannot be changed. So I can't just control the deformation of a certain part of the body. This is because I have cast a spell like you. He pointed to his ear and showed a big and bright smile, "Remus helped to do this, it's very similar to my Animagus form."

Harry turned his head and glanced at the godfather's ears, and sighed secretly that he was really obsessed with the dog's form: "They're very cool." Especially with Sirius' current long-haired hairstyle, it's simply ridiculous.

"I'll just say it, I'll just say it." Sirius cheerfully gestured to Remus, who received a tolerant smile from the other side.

"Speaking of which——" John looked at Remus thoughtfully, "You don't like these things?" Apart from Mrs. Holmes, only Lupine didn't make such things as ears and tails.

Lupine trembled slightly. As a member of the Hijackers, of course he did not object to Mrs. Holmes's slightly funny idea. Looking at Harry's new image and the Holmes brothers who were fighting, he would also feel that interesting.But in the end, he didn't add any animal images to himself. In his heart, he was always timid about his other identity. He didn't want to see the eyes of Harry and others looking at him in fear.

"You don't even know the reason?" Sherlock's surprised voice broke the silence in the room.Mycroft also glanced at John.

"What makes you think I should know? Considering that my IQ has always been the one that is despised." John muttered dissatisfiedly while looking at Lestrade.The other party gave him a look of "Who knows what the two Holmes' heads are made of? I'm also at a loss about this matter."

Sherlock shook his head and said with a regretful tone: "Aren't you better at the field of human emotions? But it turns out that being with me didn't increase your power of observation."

"It's enough that you and I have enhanced your understanding of the 'emotional domain'." John looked at the annoying curly-haired bastard and said word by word, "Now tell me what's going on?"

"Remus is a werewolf." Seeing that his fathers were about to flirt and run away again, Harry had no choice but to explain.This was also the best choice, he understood that if this group of people felt resistance to werewolves, then for Remus, the greatest harm must come from himself.He must let this father's friend, godfather's close partner, and his good elder understand that he and other people here don't care about his status at all. Just do some weird research.

Remus felt his throat dry for a while, and after swallowing desperately a few times, he looked at the boy: "When did you know?"

"It hasn't been long." Harry tilted his head and thought hard, "Remus, your sense of smell was particularly sensitive when we broke the spotted tape case together during the summer vacation, and I saw a few potions in your room The bottle, judging from its color and smell, is most likely the Wolfsbane potion that Professor Snape mentioned."

"That bastard has already taught you the potion of Wolfsbane?" Sirius called out, even though the relationship between him and Snape had eased a little now, he still didn't want to call him by his name properly.And even though his own Potions grades were not that good, he also knew that Wolfsbane Potion was not something that second-year students should be exposed to. Could it be that Snape deliberately gave Harry a hint?That guy really doesn't do anything.

"No, it's just that I read some relevant knowledge in textbooks and asked the professor for advice." Harry replied shyly.His old resentment against the Godfather and the professors was completely exhausted.But judging by Sirius' reaction, could it be that Remus' identity as a werewolf was what intensified the conflict?

"Your identity is easy to see through regardless of the potion." Sherlock tapped on the table and quickly analyzed, "Harry said that the keen sense of smell is a problem; similarly, I found that your ability to adapt to dark environments is also a problem." Very good. You rarely go out when you live in the manor, but you can’t find anyone during the full moon days. What’s more, because Peter went to Hogwarts this time, Sirius Black was accompanying the team as an Auror Yes, can't act at will. Me and John and Lestrade don't know magic, why don't you go? The Black family thing? No, that's not enough to trap you, your hatred for Peter and you should make you have more power of action."

"I just can't go anymore." This long series of analyzes made Lupine heave a sigh of relief. After getting to know Harry's parents' super analytical ability on things, he really shouldn't have found out because of them and Harry. Surprised by his secret and calmly accepted the fact.As for Hogwarts - it's not that he didn't think of going there to protect Harry and fight Peter.However, Peter, who fled abroad, also knew his identity. At that time, he might not be able to protect the safety of the children, but would add chaos to the whole situation.And recently outside...

"Is it related to the group of guys who have been messing around outside recently?" Cloris picked up the wine glass on the table, took a sip lightly, and asked seemingly casually.

"Mummy—" Not only Remus, but even Mycroft was taken aback.Although he also has relevant reports in his hand, it has been a tacit agreement between him and Sherlock for many years not to disturb his mother with his own affairs.

Harry gave Remus a wary look, wondering if there was something they might have missed at school, and then he gasped. "Grandma, are you talking about werewolves?"

Cloures smiled slightly, and waved her finger in front of her two sons, who were engaged in a fierce eye-to-eye battle over "secrecy issues": "I said I wouldn't interfere with anything you do, but I also said Family members should support each other, and some issues should not be kept secret."

"I have received information about the traces of the werewolf. As for the specific issue, please ask Mr. Lupine." Mycroft moved his "ear" and decided to give up the dying struggle.

"Uh... Fenrir Greyback, he was a member of Voldemort's werewolf army, 10 minutes of lover's flesh. I was bitten by him when I was a child." Lupine tried not to let the resentment show in his voice And angry, he continued to explain, "He is a born werewolf, and he is also very high in the werewolf family. Although we have lost news in the past two days, it is still far from the time of the full moon, and it is hard not to remind people of his sudden movements. .”

"That's true." Sirius also became worried, and only he and Remus had real experience with werewolves.But he soon cheered up. "What's the use of us just sitting here and worrying? Greyback will definitely show up again if he's on a mission. It's Christmas, Harry, but Kritch It’s been a long time since I’ve been so obedient, come and try these dishes, how about it?”

"What should come will come." Seemingly dissatisfied with his deductive attitude, Cloris reminded, "You, Sirius, also have problems to solve."

"I—" Sirius didn't know what to say in embarrassment. In the past two days, someone reminded him of his conversation with his mother. Is the matter really that urgent?

"I'm hungry, let's eat first." Harry, who was watching from the side, could only make a noise to save the godfather.Obviously she still had a relaxed and happy attitude before, what did grandma know this afternoon that made her decide to say this to Sirius on this occasion?He studied the unusually rich dishes today, and it seemed that it wasn't all because of Christmas.

"That's right, let's eat first." John greeted, and he also felt a little powerless about the direction of the suddenly heavy topic.To put it bluntly, the members of the Holmes family actually have a desire to control and control, and they know how to exert influence on those facts that do not suit their wishes.Fortunately, most of these effects are positive.

"I will—" Sirius also felt really embarrassed, and finally made up his mind.A silver-white translucent phoenix suddenly flew down from the sky, and Dumbledore's deep and clear voice came from inside: "There are traces of Peter in the castle."

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