Harry of the Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 38 Conspiracy

Halloween is here, and the hall of Hogwarts is decorated with live bats as usual, some magical characters and pictures flash in the air, and Hagrid also carved pumpkins that can accommodate three people sitting inside into lanterns, There is a joyful and lively atmosphere everywhere.But the children didn't feel a bit of regret for agreeing to attend Nick's Deathday party-after all, the school's party over the years is generally the same, and few living people can attend the ghost party, let alone their love for Harry's father. I'm so curious about what can happen ("Nick is the ghost of Hogwoods, it's not their turn to bully." Even a few little snakes awkwardly expressed their support for Gryffindor ghosts. )

Only Fred and George remained in the auditorium. Their new products have been adjusted and put into use. The performance of the skeleton dance troupe invited by Dumbledore tonight will be performed against the background of those small screens.

"Actually, in this case, the effect of using our machine is not better than directly using magic to arrange the background. But the principal is right, we need more practice before we can find inspiration for further improvement," the twins explained to them, " And Gloria's picture is really good!" Gloria Jones, the usually inconspicuous 4th year Ravenclaw girl was born in an artistic family, and did not receive Hoag Woz's dream before the admission letter has always been to become a painter.Now, the invention of the twins can be said to have inspired all her creative enthusiasm.

"Our classmates are full of geniuses." Qiu Zhang, who is in the same college as Gloria, said with a smile.

"Well said. And we have created the best platform for ourselves." Cedric had a happy look in his eyes.The speech activities have unearthed the talents of many students. Now no one dares to say that those students who do not perform well in class will surely live a mediocre life in the future.He was really happy about this: Although the most prominent college conflicts were in Gryffindor and Slytherin, which college would be willing to be evaluated as "all idiots"?

So, at seven o'clock, a group of them walked through the doorway in a mighty manner and walked towards the underground classroom.

"It's a lot more fun than a horror movie," John said to the dark, thin candles in the aisle that glowed cold blue as they burned.

Sherlock curled his lip and remained silent. If Harry was a wizard, he was troubled by the fact that he couldn't laugh at John's fascination with fantasy novels or movies anymore.

With the sound of a thousand fingernails scratching on a huge blackboard, they saw Nearly Headless Nick standing at the door waiting to greet them, draped in a black velvet curtain.He bowed politely and invited them in.

"Does the taste get worse after becoming a ghost?" Draco murmured to Blaise in a low voice. The basement was filled with hundreds of milky white and translucent ghosts, trembling with the horror of thirty music saws. They waltzed to the sound of voices, but most of their dances were unflattering.At the other end of the classroom was a long table with an unbearable smell coming from the black velvet tablecloth.Rotting meat, burnt cakes, maggot-infested haggis, and cheese covered with green hairs were stacked on trays.John was glad that he hadn't seen anything like it in the kitchen of 221B for a long time—"Oh no, Sherlock, you don't want to touch any of them with me here."

"I didn't want to try them, I just wanted to be more sure." Sherlock pointed to a fat ghost not far away who tried to eat a stinky salmon but was directly pierced through his body, "They ..."

"I know, they let the food rot, it's supposed to make the food taste stronger, right?" Hermione asked excitedly for affirmation.

"That's right." Sherlock gave the little witch an appreciative look.

They also saw Moaning Myrtle, a ghostly girl who was always melancholy, greeted Harry with difficulty and floated away immediately.Ever since she saw the basilisk in her "home", she never dared to approach him again.

"Ah, Harry. How's that basilisk doing now?" Draco whispered.A boy who abandons his friends to explore alone ends up being interrogated harshly and shares his story.However, the news about Hai Erbo is still only circulated among his very close circle of friends.

"It's gone to forage in the Forbidden Forest with the belt now." Harry said uncertainly.Regardless of whether it was because of consideration for Slytherin pets or for the sustainable development of resources, in short, Sherlock and Snape finally let go of the poor basilisk for the time being.Haierbo hid in the Forbidden Forest immediately, and probably won't come out for a while.

Just then, the band suddenly stopped playing.Everyone in the dungeon fell silent and looked around excitedly when a horn blew.

"Oh, here they are." Nearly Headless Nick cheered up. "Mr. Holmes, please help me. I will definitely repay you."

If I were you, I wouldn't make such promises lightly, Harry said silently in his heart, father would not have let them go anyway.Now that Nick had put himself in it, Harry knew how much his father was interested in the ghost's neck.I don't know what method my father and uncle used to prevent him from directly attacking Hogwarts, although the psychological impact is almost the same.

From the basement walls suddenly rushed twelve ghostly horses, each with a headless rider.A huge ghost jumped off the front horse, held his bearded head high in the air, and strode towards Nick, shouting, "Nick! Are you all right? The head is still hanging there." Is it?" He let out a wild laugh and patted Nearly Headless Nick on the shoulder.

Before Nick could reply unhappily, Sherlock jumped forward and stared at him carefully. "A robber, interesting."

The ghost jumped in shock, and the head that had just been stuffed around the neck fell off again: "Live! Nick! What are you doing?"

"They're my guests, Patrick," said Nick stiffly.

"Oh, you're still bitter about us not letting you in. Be open-minded, Nick. You know—" Patrick turned to greet the rest of the Hunters.

"A bandit, and a bandit with very poor skills." Sherlock interrupted him in a worthy manner. "You have the kind of whistle that bandits call each other to their companions."

"That's what we use for hockey practice!" Phantom yelled, but got no response.

"And the tattoo on your left shoulder, that was the emblem branded in Wales on the heinous criminals."

The ghosts are in a commotion, most of them dying from less plausible causes, including Nick, who was punished for letting Ms. Griffin grow fangs in the process of straightening her teeth. Punishment, no one is a truly brutal criminal yet.


They walked out of the dinner laughing, having to say that the heads of the riders were useless as weapons, they went straight through the body.It's a pity that Sherlock can't catch one and take it back to continue researching because of this.

"Isn't there a box to put them in?" he said dissatisfied. "They can wear clothes!"

"Oh, Sherlock, you can't—" John didn't finish his sentence, and he looked down the corridor in astonishment.On the wall one foot above the ground in front of the two windows, there are some dazzling bright red characters——

The chamber of secrets is open.

Those who are enemies of the heir, be vigilant.

There was a large puddle of water on the ground.Mrs. Norris, the janitor's cat, was crouching stiffly, her eyes wide open.

"It's petrification." The little wizards came to the result after repeated inspections. "What's the matter?"

"Come on." Harry took a deep breath to calm himself down.Haibo said that as long as it does not harm Hogwarts, it will not attack any creature in the castle.But it still can't tell where the other Parseltongue that released it is, and by now, that person should have discovered the disappearance of the basilisk.He chose to simulate the petrification effect of the basilisk and forced Hai Erbo to show up - the proud magical creature would not allow others to use its name to make trouble.

"Isolate this place first." Lestrade's occupation made him immediately think of the protection of the scene. "We may miss some clues when there are too many people in a while."

However, it was too late.Without complicated reasoning, they waited for the muffled din and growing footsteps and conversations in the distance to realize that the feast in the castle had just ended.It wasn't long before they saw students jostling down the aisle.Then the sound suddenly disappeared, and the students held their breath watching the terrible scene in front of them.

Fear spread like a plague: "Heir! Who is that horrible heir?"


The tense atmosphere filled the empty room with pale lights, until the man's deep laughter broke the silence: "I think the choice is obvious, ma'am. We are all smart people."

"You know this is not a child's play. It's not just a matter of magic, but also other aspects." The woman's voice was haughty with a little hesitation.

"I've never underestimated this matter." The man replied, "But... some people... should have been warned a long time ago. You think the same, don't you?"

"Then." With a gesture of compromise, she finally replied, "I will do my best to support you."

"Happy cooperation." He raised his glass to signal to the other party, and then the man drank the wine contentedly.

"Happy cooperation." Hmph, she wants to see what kind of tricks this boastful man has.

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