Harry of the Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 32 The first day of school

Shaking his head and putting aside the question about the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Harry focused on the plants in front of him.This is the first time they have seen the plants in the third greenhouse. Compared with the first greenhouse, they are more interesting and dangerous.

He stood quietly listening to the question and answer between Professor Sprout and Hermione, staring at the mandrake seedlings in the deep plate with interest - the cry that will kill people, because of what Is it a special magical effect, or is it because the frequency exceeds the level that humans can accept?

"Each person takes a pair of earmuffs." Professor Sprout instructed, "Make sure to cover the ears tightly. When it is safe to take off the earmuffs, I will hold up two fingers."

Harry hesitated, deciding not to test himself against the danger of the sound.He quietly reached into his trouser pocket and fiddled with it a few times, then obediently put on the earmuffs.Professor Sprout had already rolled up his sleeves, grasped a clump of grass blades firmly, and pulled it out with all his might—no sound came through.

These earmuffs are of good quality, thought Harry, looking again at the pale green-skinned baby with leaves on its head that had been plucked out of the earth, and seriously considering getting a mandrake for his father for Christmas. possibility.Oh, and remember to deliver overpaid earmuffs to Dad and Uncle Mike so that the world's number one consulting detective dies from domestic violence or the British government dies from a brother-in-law fight.

The following course went very smoothly. Unlike the mandrakes in other groups who were awkward and gritted their teeth, and seemed to be very dissatisfied with the moving activity, the babies in their group simply hid themselves in the basin quickly. inside.It seems that the saying that magical plants have spirituality is true. Harry glanced at the professor regretfully, and then looked at the flowerpot—he just thought about picking a leaf and taking it back for a closer look while he was moving the pot. Now The target is too obvious to start with.

Hermione and Ron were very familiar with and adapted to Harry's various strange ideas, and calmly held the boy who was still sighing by the flowerpot from left to right.But a curly-haired Hufflepuff boy who was grouped with them was very excited.

"Sure enough." Justin Fletcher repeated in his mouth.Although the students of Hogwarts can be said to be obvious to Harry's strength, it was the first time for him to have such close contact with this group of influential figures.What's more, when Harry was composting the flowerpot just now, Harry called out his name all at once, and it felt great to be able to talk easily when everyone else hadn't finished their work. aroused his desire to talk further.

"Harry," he approached mysteriously, "it's true that you can speak Parseltongue."

Harry frowned slightly, then smiled and admitted generously: "Yes. But this is not surprising." Well, the actions of the sorting ceremony may still be a bit reckless, although it can make people rethink Voldemort's The value of the hole card, but if someone with a heart deliberately passes the news in a vague way, it will not be a good thing for him.

"You know, inheritance has dominant inheritance and recessive inheritance, and recessive inheritance..." Before finding out the facts that his father has always refused to tell him, let's give these wizards a supplementary biological knowledge.

Professor McGonagall's transfiguration class Harry also had a good time. Compared with most people who forgot what they learned last semester after a holiday, he is a boy who loves practice and has Sirius and Remus as extracurricular teachers The child's level has improved instead.Ron stumbled a bit at the beginning, but with the help of his friends, he successfully turned the beetle into a standard button.

However, the experience of countless great figures and various historical events tell us that when you think that everything is going well and you should be relieved, bad luck is coming.First, during lunch, Colin, the gray-haired little boy who had been staring at Harry since the sorting ceremony last night, ran up to him with a camera in his hand and begged for a photo. With the popularization of knowledge about protection, Lockhart came out of nowhere: "Aha, Harry, you are taking pictures, let me tell you how to better show your style in front of the camera..."

Fortunately, Draco came over at this time: "Harry, the dean said he has something to ask you."

Harry immediately showed a sweet smile: "Then, Professor Lockhart, I'll go first." Then he dragged Draco along and disappeared in front of that shining person.

"Draco, you are my savior." Arming his friend's shoulders, Harry let out a deep breath, Lockhart is really obsessed with himself, "If I stay there for a while longer, I will go crazy gone."

"Harry," Draco was not in the slightest pleased with the praise he received, on the contrary, he gave Harry a very serious expression: "Even if it's to save you, I don't dare to use the dean as a raft casually." .”

"Oh, my God." He actually missed Professor Snape's reaction when he planned.Taking a deep breath, Harry couldn't help but worry about his future fate.

"You really didn't think of it, did you?" Draco also sighed, and he ended the "deep heart-to-heart talk" trip with the dean that he got because of his behavior at the Gryffindor table this morning.


"So our great Mr. Potter and his clever guardian decided to put on a show like that at the Sorting Ceremony, huh?" Snape snorted.The reasons for the plan are reasonable, but can this group of guys be more crazy?Do they understand what Parseltongue means to the wizarding world?

"So Professor..." Harry aligned his fingers awkwardly, "Look..."

"Go back and wake up your mind." Snape casually threw him a small bottle, "Luck at the end of last semester will not follow you forever." Then he turned to Draco who had been listening silently. Malfoy said, "Go back and get the prefects to visit me..."

Before he finished speaking, the class bell rang in the afternoon.The boys had to go to class first.

"Ah." Harry stopped suddenly, allowing Draco, who was running behind him, to run straight into him.

"what happened?"

"Defense Against the Dark Arts..." Harry covered his face and groaned, "How about I go back and ask Professor Snape to lock me in his office now?"

That was of course impossible, so he finally moved slowly to Lockhart's classroom, quietly found Ron and Hermione to sit in the last row.This time Lockhart didn't have his eye on him, because he was too busy showing off his splendor.

He holds up a huge photo of himself like a fool, and asks them to fill out a questionnaire about how well he reads books.Harry can already confirm that he is a complete idiot, and the professor who has the experience written in Lockhart's book will ask students to answer his favorite color instead of the correct way to deal with dangerous creatures-wizards who like to travel Take pride in the dangers they've actually overcome, not just their brilliant smirks.What the hell is going on with his book, though, Gunslinger?

After wasting half an hour, Lockhart finally put away the test paper, and immediately flipped through it.Harry's blank paper had undoubtedly scored a zero (he resisted the urge to write something mean on it), while Hermione had scored a perfect.

Lockhart was proud of having such a devout admirer, and Harry looked at Hermione strangely.

"You still like him?" He could analyze the problems Hermione could, but now he still maintains such great enthusiasm for Lockhart?

"Oh, Harry." Hermione couldn't hide a smile in her lowered voice, "You have to understand, it's written all over the face that people who have more money don't get what they get for nothing." Such an insult Anyone who knows and cheats her feelings must not be let go!

Ron rolled his eyes beside them, Hermione, your good habit of respecting teachers has been completely taken away by Harry.Although he also hated Lockhart, he couldn't help expressing sympathy for him being stared at by Harry and Hermione: "Ahem, he's about to release those 'dangerous and evil' Cornish elves !"

These iron-blue elves are extremely lively, and they chattered around with their sharp voices as soon as they were released, and ran rampant in the classroom.Most of the students who couldn't get used to their rocket-like flying speed at first chose to hide under their desks, trying to get past their seemingly doomed class.

But in the end, the teaching effect of this class turned out to be pretty good, although their professor who claimed to be omnipotent didn't help at all-Harry and a few friends got together back to back, each responsible for a direction, to contain Those crazy little elves.Although they don't have enough spells at present, the good cooperation and spell casting rhythm allow them to deal with the elves more easily while watching Lockhart's jokes-others also followed suit later, but Naturally, professors don't need students' help, don't they?With no one to help, Lockhart had to fight the elf alone.Even when he was trying to get under the podium table, a couple of students happened to come forward and block his way.

They finally walked out of the classroom almost out of breath with laughter, and those ingenious elves gave Lockhart a whole new hairstyle-half the hair was lifted up, half was missing two-thirds of the hair, The ones that stay are uneven - if there are any fashion competitions in the wizarding world, the best innovation award must be them.

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