Watching Shen Canglang eat a Bigu Pill, Meng Kunlun followed his example and poured a Bigu Pill out of a small green porcelain bottle, studied it carefully for a while before raising his head and putting the Bigu Pill into his mouth. Then he frowned, showing a "not tasty" expression on his face.

Shen Canglang looked at Meng Kunlun's frown and smiled. He stuffed all the things he took out of his Qiankun bag back, then sat cross-legged on the bed, looked at Meng Kunlun with his chin propped up and asked: " Since we are in the same sect now, we will practice together, eat and live together in the future, why don't we get to know each other?"

According to Shen Canglang's previous experience in raising cats, the first step in developing a cat is to let the kitten get familiar with your breath.

Hearing this, Meng Kunlun raised his head and tilted his head to look at Shen Canglang.

Shen Canglang tried to show a friendly smile at him, and Meng Kunlun trembled slightly.

Shen Canglang was silent, could it be that his expression was terrifying?He stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and said slowly: "You know my name, my name is Shen Canglang, I used to live in Gousheng Village...but then there was a terrible thunderstorm, the village was destroyed, and my parents also died. Dead..." As he spoke, his eyes dimmed in due course, and the corners of his eyes slowly turned red.

Gousheng Village is the name of the small village where Meng Kunlun and Shen Canglang lived before.

Meng Kunlun paused, and a hint of joy flashed in his eyes: "You are also from Gousheng Village?"

"You too?" Shen Canglang looked surprised, "But I don't seem to have seen you before."

Meng Kunlun was stunned, lowered his head and said slowly: "I have always lived with my grandfather at the end of the village, but I seldom go to the village. Apart from staying at home to help my grandfather cook medicine, I only go out to collect herbs in the mountains..." Gou Sheng The village is like all small farm villages, with simple folk customs. The villagers in Gousheng Village feel sympathetic to Meng Kunlun who was picked up by his grandfather since he was a child without father and mother. But the children in Gousheng Village are not like that. He would always laugh at him for having no father or mother. Over time, Meng Kunlun also became very withdrawn, and never went out except to go to the mountains to collect herbs.

"Are you Grandpa Zhang's grandson?" Shen Canglang tried hard to think of the name of the village doctor who picked up Meng Kunlun, but he managed to remember only one surname.

Meng Kunlun nodded blankly.

"The village was destroyed, and grandpa went too..."

He seemed to be still immersed in the sadness of the death of his only relative, and a layer of mist floated in his clear eyes like a deer.

Shen Canglang was silent for a while, and then said: "Death cannot be brought back to life, your grandpa... and my parents are unlikely to come back again, but we should live on..."

"No," Meng Kunlun shook his head, he raised his head to look at Shen Canglang, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, "If we become as powerful as those gods, we can revive them."

Shen Canglang really couldn't bear to tell Meng Kunlun that even cultivators could only be wiped out under the lightning calamity. It is impossible for a mortal soul like his grandfather to survive, unless Meng Kunlun can continue to practice and reach the cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian after his ascension. In order to have the method of concentrating the soul.But even if Meng Kunlun can really reach the cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian, the world has already changed, and tens of thousands of years have passed, where else can he find his grandfather's soul fragment?

If a cultivator falls under the lightning calamity, he will only be wiped out and will not enter reincarnation.The same is true of Meng Kunlun's grandfather. He can't even enter the cycle of reincarnation, and he can't be reincarnated. His soul will be turned into fragments of dust under the thunder and calamity. After hundreds of thousands of years, he will be completely annihilated and return to heaven and earth.

Shen Canglang nodded silently, and then said against his will: "We will definitely find a way to revive them."

The corners of Meng Kunlun's eyes turned red and he nodded. It was for this reason that he wanted to join Yunmengzong. As long as he joined Yunmengzong, he would be able to find a way to revive his grandfather.

Shen Canglang looked at the top of Meng Kunlun's furry head, stretched out his hand to rub it, and said, "Then let's rest now, we will start practicing tomorrow."

Meng Kunlun nodded obediently, then turned back to his own bed and lay down.

Shen Canglang also sat back on his own bed, looking at the Ye Mingzhu at the top of the room, feeling a little insomnia.

...That's right, it's Ye Mingzhu.Although this night pearl is worth tens of thousands of gold in the world, but in Yunmengzong, it is only used for lighting the room, and it can be regarded as fulfilling its original value.

Shen Canglang suffered from insomnia.He didn't recognize the bed, but he was in a different world at this time, no matter how nervous he was, he couldn't get used to it right away, so he would sleep soundly after covering himself with a quilt.Although he was exhausted, his nerves were highly excited.

Shen Canglang sighed, and was about to count sheep to fall asleep, but suddenly heard a faint cold hum.


Shen Canglang's nerves tensed up immediately, and he immediately jumped up from the bed.The plank bed was very hard when he slept on it, which was completely different from the Simmons he slept on at home, and it made him feel uncomfortable all over.

"BOSS?" Shen Canglang called out cautiously in a low voice.He wasn't sure if Meng Kunlun was asleep, so he dared to whisper back.

"It's okay, just speak with your spiritual sense." The boss's voice was always deserted.

Shen Canglang heaved a sigh of relief, and finally gained a little favor from Meng Kunlun as the brother next door. What if Meng Kunlun found out that he was actually a pervert who stayed up late at night and talked to himself?

But what is the operation method of speaking with spiritual consciousness?

Shen Canglang held back for a long time, and squeezed out a sentence in his heart: "Hey, hello, did you hear me?"

The boss is silent.

"Hey, hello, can't you hear me?" Shen Canglang was a little puzzled.

"The boss you called just now...what is it?" The boss finally spoke.

"As for your address, you see we have the same name. If I call you Shen Canglang, I will get confused." Shen Canglang struggled for a while, and said slowly.

"Then why are you calling me BOSS?" BOSS persisted.

…How should I explain that this is actually an imported word? Boss probably wouldn’t know that English will be popular all over the world thousands of years from now. Although a quarter of the world’s population speaks Chinese, learning English well is also a must He is not afraid to travel all over the world after learning English well...Wait, why is he so passionate about speaking English? His university major is history.

Pulling away, Shen Canglang said cautiously: "Then, boss? Boss?"

"It's up to you." The boss's voice returned to indifference, although there was still a trace of inaudible doubt.

"Okay, BOSS, what's the matter?" Shen Canglang sat cross-legged on the bed, always ready to listen to the BOSS's instructions.It's not that he's too spineless, but because the BOSS is too powerful.

"After the thunder catastrophe, my primordial spirit was greatly damaged, and my cultivation base was greatly reduced. On weekdays, I want to cultivate in your sea of ​​consciousness. If you are not in danger, I will not wake up, so you must cultivate hard." The boss said coldly.

The soul of the boss is in his sea of ​​consciousness?

"You don't need me to help you find a body with good qualifications?" Shen Canglang was a little puzzled, didn't the boss always dislike his body before.

"Hmph," the BOSS snorted coldly, "Do you think I haven't tried it? I wanted to make do with the one who took the gold-type single spirit root..." Gold-type pill spirit root?Isn't that Jiang Bixin, the boss is so hungry that he would rather take away a girl!How much does this dislike his body?

"And then it failed?" Seeing that the boss didn't continue, Shen Canglang accepted it subconsciously.

"Hmph, I don't know why, it seems that I can no longer take away other bodies except your body," the boss's voice was cold, but a bit tired, "Even that miscellaneous spirit root over there , I can't take it away."

Even the miscellaneous spiritual roots have to be taken away, it is really hungry.

However, the current state of the BOSS and him, isn't it a win?The specific situation of seizing a house should be that a soul that is stronger than the original body occupies the magpie's nest, drives away or eliminates the soul of the original body, and occupies the body of the original body alone, this is called seizing the house, right? .How could it be possible that after the seizure, the soul of the seizure and the soul of the original body could coexist happily and harmoniously?

Even if it is a split personality, can the master personality and the sub-personality coexist so harmoniously?

"Can you use my body?" Shen Canglang thought about it, and asked a question he wanted to ask the most.

"Okay," the boss said coldly, "but it will consume a lot of spiritual power and damage your cultivation you'd better not get into trouble casually."

Shen Canglang understood, it was not because the boss didn't want to monopolize his body, but because he couldn't. Once the boss uses his body, he will have to pay a considerable price, and even damage his cultivation.However, if he encounters danger, the boss will face the same problem... Because the boss cannot take away the homes of other bodies, once Shen Canglang dies, the soul of the boss may also be annihilated, so when Shen Canglang encounters danger, the boss Also had to help him.

It seems that he is not so sad. With this knowledge, he no longer has to worry about when the boss will occupy the magpie's nest and destroy his soul.

Still, he couldn't be complacent.

"Yunmengzong has a treasure called Nine-turn Xisui Pill, which can dispel my demonic energy without compromising my cultivation. Go and get it for me." The boss's tone was relaxed, as if saying that there is a flower on the side of the road. The wild flowers are blooming beautifully, go and pick one for me.

"...I don't even have the Qi refining period now, how do you want me to get it for you?" Shen Canglang looked at the night pearl above his head.

"Besides, where is that thing and how to get it, do you know?" Although Shen Canglang knew it, but without the strength to get it, what would he do if he knew it?

The boss was silent again.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and said: "There are many secret books of exercises, magic weapons, magic tools, and panacea in the Xumi Precepts."

"..." Shen Canglang was also silent.

Boss, do you still remember that he is just an eight-year-old kid who hasn't even had a Qi refining period?

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