When the children heard this, expressions of excitement and anticipation appeared on their faces.

Qi Rou smiled slightly, said no more, turned around and led a few children into the place where the disciples of Waifeng lived.

Shen Canglang followed behind them, but he was thinking about what Qi Rou said just now... If he is lucky enough to be spotted by the masters of the five inner peaks of the Yunmeng Sect, he can enter the inner peak. As easy as an understatement?The outer peak disciples and the inner peak disciples said that they are all disciples of Yunmeng Sect, but the truth is absolutely not the case.The difference between the outer peak and the inner peak is definitely more than just a word.

Although the disciples of the Outer Peak distribute elixirs every month, they are naturally far inferior to the disciples of the Inner Peak. Moreover, although the Outer Peak is located in the second world of the lower three heavens, the aura is not like the first world where ordinary people live. The first level world is so scarce, but it is far less dense than Neifeng's aura.Although the Outer Peak and the Inner Peak are in the second level of the world, the thickness of the aura is different. How can the Outer Peak, which is only slightly thicker than the aura in the mortal world, be compared with the Inner Peak, which occupies the entire Yunmeng Mountain's aura? ?

Of course, there is also a very important point that the masters and elders of the Yunmeng Sect are all in the inner peak. If they can enter the inner peak and become their direct disciples, with a little advice from them, it will not be so difficult to practice. Although it is said that the master guides you into the door on the way of cultivation, and the practice is up to you, but if you don't have the master's advice at the beginning, you won't even be able to enter the door.

And those monks who have been stationed in the outer peak for many years to teach the disciples of the outer peak, the highest cultivation level is nothing more than a pill formation. After all, who is a monk with a strong cultivation base and strength who wants to stay in such an outer peak where there is not enough spiritual energy and magic pills?Most of the monks stranded in the Outer Peak were monks who encountered bottlenecks in their cultivation and could no longer make progress, or who were not talented enough to continue their cultivation.

The five inner peaks occupy the right time, place and people. It is no wonder that the disciples of the outer peaks want to enter the inner peak. It's just that these children who are just getting started don't understand this. How about leisurely?

While Shen Canglang was wandering, Qi Rou had already stopped in front of a row of room doors, and said softly, "Here we are."

Shen Canglang raised his head, just in time to see a dark brown wooden sign hanging on the wooden door of the room in front of him, with two lowercase names written vertically on it—Shen Canglang and Meng Kunlun.

"Your names have been written in the room here, you find your own room and stay first, and the assigned things have been placed in your room," Qi Rou said with a smile, "You guys rest for a night first, and tomorrow morning you will follow your brother The senior sisters went to Wuyuan to attend classes together, and after that, someone came to assign errands to you."

Seeing that Qi Rou turned around and was about to leave, the little fat man quickly asked, "I'm hungry, where should I go for dinner?"

Qi Rou was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly, and said: "Yunmengzong will distribute Bigu Pill to you once a month, and one Bigu Pill can save you from eating whole grains for a month... until you form the pill, you will be given a bigu pill every month. You will be allocated a bigu pill every month, so don't worry. In addition, there is a gluttonous building on Ziyao Peak, where you can satisfy your appetite... However, the delicacies there are all boiled with elixir The spirit stones needed are far beyond what you can afford."

Seeing the children staring at her eagerly, Qi Rou stretched out her hand to stroke her temples, and continued: "Of course, although the delicious food in the Taotie Building requires a lot of spirit stones, it is of great benefit to monks, if you really want to go Just go and earn enough spirit stones... But don't blame me for not reminding you in advance, it is better for new disciples to spend more time on exercises and magic weapons."

After Qi Rou finished speaking, she smiled slightly, turned and left.

Her graceful figure was like a gust of wind blowing by, and she disappeared from everyone's sight in a short while.

The Taotie Building on the Ziyao Peak sells all kinds of delicacies. The meat is made from the meat of immortals, birds, spirits and animals, supplemented by various elixir herbs, and the vegetarian dishes are also made from elixir plants and elixir. It is made of plants unique to the cultivation world.Every delicacy contains ample aura, unlike a cultivator who slowly absorbs aura outside the body, eating delicacies in the gluttonous building can directly absorb aura, and different delicacies have different magical effects, even after bigu Senior monks who no longer need to eat whole grains also like to go to the gluttonous building to taste delicious food, which can not only satisfy their appetite, but also improve their cultivation.

Not only the monks in the Yunmeng Sect like to go to the Taotie Tower to eat, but also many monks from outside the Yunmeng Sect come here admiringly.Although generally speaking, it is reasonable for different sects not to enter the place of other sects casually, but the location of Ziyao Peak is very special. It is opened on the edge of Yunmeng Mountain, the location is impartial, just on the barrier between Yunmengzong and the outside world, the gate is outside, and the inside is Yunmengzong.

If it is not for those who are plotting evil, even casual cultivators who have no background or sect can enter the Taotie Tower to feast on it.

It's fascinating.

Shen Canglang is also somewhat fascinated by the Taotie Tower. In the Taotie Tower he described, every dish is delicious. Unfortunately, each dish needs a lot of spirit stones, because those dishes are not ordinary dishes, and each dish uses elixir Every dish made from fairy grass has a magical effect, but it is not something that a rookie like him can afford.

In Yunmengzong, although you can do some errands to earn some spirit stones after training, as Qi Rou said, it is better for new disciples to focus on things like exercises and treasures.Although Waifeng has monks to teach the way of cultivation, what they can teach is only the most basic knowledge of cultivation. Although every Waifeng disciple will have a copy of Yunmengzong's introductory spells, those exercises are quite basic. If you want to learn more powerful spells, you have to spend your own money to buy the cheats.

In the same way, you have to buy magic weapons and weapons yourself. If you are determined to enter the Tao with swords, although you can use the ordinary wooden swords that Yunmengzong equips beginners at the beginning, those wooden swords are equivalent to novice equipment in the game. , can neither be upgraded nor strengthened. When the sword repair reaches a certain level, it is necessary to find another magic weapon, and this is especially true for other people. From the natal magic weapon to the auxiliary magic weapon, you have to buy it yourself.

Of course, a good magic weapon is hard to come by, it depends on chance.

Shen Canglang couldn't help turning his head to look at Meng Kunlun beside him.

Meng Kunlun looked up at him, a trace of bewilderment appeared in his dark eyes.

Shen Canglang forced the corners of his mouth to smile, and said, "It's okay, let's go in and clean up first."

Meng Kunlun nodded. He looked very cute. His hair was short and messy. It looked fluffy, but it should be soft and not prickly to the touch. It was completely different from Wei Junze next to him. Although Jun Ze is young, his hair is tied back, and the little fat man is just like him... It should be said that among the nine new Yunmeng Sect disciples present, except for Jiang Bixin and the other one who was wearing blue clothes Except for the little girl, all the other boys have long hair tied up, even Shen Canglang's current body is no exception, only Meng Kunlun is different.

... It's no wonder that from just now, the little girl in blue has been staring at Meng Kunlun, and even Jiang Bixin has looked at Meng Kunlun strangely from time to time.

However, although Meng Kunlun's short hair is cut in a mess, his hair looks soft, and occasionally there are a few hairs flying up, but it is generally docile, which makes his face more beautiful, especially His pair of clear eyes added color to him even more.

Jiang Bixin and the little girl in blue clothes are just ignorant girls after all, and they are not in love with Meng Kunlun, but most of the boys at Meng Kunlun's age have not grown up yet, such as Wei Junze and Meng Kunlun. That little fat man, especially that little fat man, his facial features were almost squeezed together by the flesh. With this comparison, the two girls couldn't help being attracted by Meng Kunlun, not to mention that girls are born unable to Resist pretty things.

Yes, pretty.

Meng Kunlun, who will be all-powerful in the future, is just a cute young lady now.

The little girl in the blue dress glanced at Meng Kunlun, then at the little fat man, paused for a while, and suddenly smiled sweetly and said to Meng Kunlun, "You look so good-looking."

Meng Kunlun was taken aback, a blush appeared on his fair face.

"Hmph, she doesn't look very good, just like a girl." The little fat man snorted loudly, and sneered at the girl in blue's words.Children of this age already like to be competitive, especially after seeing that the two girls seem to pay more attention to Meng Kunlun, this is not a relationship between men and women, it is purely a child's competitive psychology.

The girl in blue glared at the little fat man and said, "So what if you look like a girl, you are ugly! You fat man!"

The little fat man was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly grinned and began to cry.

The girl in blue seemed to be taken aback by the little fat man. She was taken aback, pursed her lips, ignored the others, stomped back to her room, and pushed the door open.

Most children of this age have strong self-esteem. After howling a few times, the little fat man wiped his face with his chubby hands, gave Meng Kunlun a hard look, turned around and ran back to his room.Then with a bang, the door closed.

Meng Kunlun still didn't understand what happened, his eyes were blank.

Shen Canglang, who knew all this was the trigger for the little fat man to bully Meng Kunlun in the future, took a sympathetic look at Meng Kunlun and sighed.

...It is also your fault that you are cute, who made you the protagonist.

The author has something to say: Xiao Gong can only show off his cuteness when he was young (obviously stupid)...

Before, a girl said that Xiao Shou was too mature...Tiantian felt that Xiao Shou's maturity was necessary, after all, he was old mentally, and if he was simpler than Xiao Gong, he would live longer and go back...

As for Xiao Gong, now he is just an ordinary seven-year-old child, and it is only natural that he is a little bit stupid. This article is an upgrade-style article, and Xiao Gong and Xiao Shou will grow up slowly. Of course, Xiao Gong will not stay stupid forever of……

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