In the blink of an eye, it is the winter solstice. On the day of the winter solstice, the emperor of Daqin and the princes and city chiefs of various countries hold wax sacrifices to comfort the gods and ancestors of the world.The scale of the wax sacrifice is the most solemn among the sacrifices.This sacrifice is not only a sacrifice to the gods, but also a sacrifice to the ancestors.Before participating in the sacrificial ceremony, all participants are required to perform cleansing and vegetarianism, which symbolizes cleanliness and piety.
It was not yet bright on the day of the winter solstice, Zheng Yuming and Chu Chaohui rushed to Dacheng early with Wei Qing and Huo Sizhong.The wax festival is different from the moon festival, which has the nature of carnival for the whole people.But only the aristocrats are eligible to participate in the wax sacrifice, and ordinary people can only watch the ceremony.
Prince Ulsan is wearing black jacquard clothes from Nanbu, a high crown on his head, a jade belt around his waist, a long sword and jade ornaments around his waist, and a pair of sheepskin cotton boots under his feet. His face is full of spring breeze and radiant.He looked at his ancestor's tablet through the green smoke on the sacrificial altar, and took a long breath.Thanks to the blessing of the ancestors, Yi Ji's plot to marry Chu State was shattered.
The envoy from the state of Wu to the state of Chu to propose marriage met the king of Chu and just told his intention, but the king of Chu smiled and refused, because there was no unmarried concubine girl in the state of Chu.The youngest daughter of the king of Chu was promised by him to the lord of Ba, a subsidiary state, as a successor half a month ago.The envoy Wu came back from Chu without any results. After Yiji received the report from the envoy Wu, she contracted a cold the next day and was bedridden.
The news of Yi Ji's failed wish reached Ulsan Junfu, and the son Kwang and the officials in the mansion were very excited.Because Wu Wang refused to listen to the dissuasion of the ministers of the royal court and insisted on sending envoys to Chu to ask for marriage, the shadow that had been hanging over the Ulsan monarchy was swept away.Young Master Guang worshiped his ancestors devoutly, praying for their blessings again, so that Ji Ji would not recover from her serious illness, and it would be best to die.
At the following celebration banquet, the nobles of Dacheng drank to their heart's content, and even Wei Shen, who has always been restrained, got drunk.Zheng Yuming and Chu Chaohui were at the banquet, listening to the nobles of Dacheng ridiculing Yiji, and wisely refusing to discuss the king of Chu, the two couldn't help but smile at each other.
After participating in the Wax Festival, Zheng Yuming and Chu Chaohui also had a rare vacation.In a few days, the Chinese New Year will be celebrated, and several factories and workshops in Nanbu and the valley are on holiday one after another.The villagers in Nanbu are busy celebrating the New Year, and the slaves in the valley are also busy celebrating the festival.
Villagers who plant japonica rice, except for their own food, the surplus grain is only allowed to be sold to the governor's office. Zheng and Chu will promote high-yield crops in the Dacheng area, but they will not spread these high-yield grain varieties to other places. Go to the princes.They are now only tied to the same boat with Mr. Ulsan. If the high-yield food crops are spread and the strength of other places is improved, Zheng Yuming and Chu Chaohui feel that it is not appropriate.The principle that big fish eat small fish told them that when Nanbu was still a small tadpole, it would be better if the surrounding princes were not big fish.If the neighboring country is made stronger, the state of Wu will be in danger, and once the state of Wu is in danger, Nanbu will be unstable.Nanbu needs time to develop, and Chu Chaohui's armed forces need time to train.The later the high-yield grain in the valley spreads, the better it will be for Nanbu.
The purchase price offered by the governor’s office is very high, and the villagers have no objection to the regulation that the japonica rice is not allowed to be sold to outsiders. Some villagers even think that it is very cost-effective to sell all the japonica rice to the governor’s office and use the money from the sale of grain to buy corn and wheat. But it is half higher than corn and wheat.Villagers sell all the japonica rice and buy back other grains as rations. They can get a lot of gold coins in their hands. These gold coins are enough for them to have a prosperous Spring Festival.
Workers in all factories and workshops in Nanbu received New Year's goods from the factories and workshops before the annual holiday.The New Year’s goods are procured manually by Wu Da’s organization, including meat and fish, and ordinary cotton cloth from the textile factory is also distributed as New Year’s goods. Each worker can get enough cotton cloth to make a whole suit of clothes.Villagers who do not work in factories and workshops can buy ordinary cotton cloth from textile factories at half the price, and refugees from other places can also enjoy half-price cotton cloth.
Most of the refugees living in Nanbu came from the Tang Dynasty. Zheng Yuming ordered Wu Da to break up their relatives and build temporary houses around the village separately.Zheng Yuming didn't want a big clan to emerge in Nanbu Village, because it was too easy for people with the same surname and the same place to form gangs.Zheng Yuming and Chu Chaohui hope that the villagers and refugees will only have the concept of 'I am from Nanbu' in their hearts, and they do not want to have clan concepts such as 'I am from Wu, Peng, and X'.
In the burnt-down area of Nanbu, houses are being built. The houses are all brick houses with a two-story structure. The brick walls are flat. After the economic development, these houses will add floors. Be sure to be sturdy.
The pier is getting more and more busy, and the original pier facilities have become crude. After the autumn harvest, Zheng Yuming also repaired the pier. The refurbished pier can berth more ships and make loading and unloading more convenient.
The large boat of twenty materials made by the woodware factory has already been launched, and it has already made a trial voyage in the long river. After the trial voyage was successful, the boat was snatched by Wu Mu.Wu Mu didn't plan to go out at the end of the year, and had to wait until after the Spring Festival to go to Chu to do business. This big boat of twenty materials, which cost him [-] gold coins, was mooring quietly at the pier, attracting passers-by to stop and watch.
The first wooden ship of the woodware factory was successfully manufactured. Zheng Yuming plans to separate a shipyard from the woodware factory to manufacture large ships. After the Spring Festival, this new shipyard will build a large ship of [-] materials. After the large ship of [-] materials is built, Build a big boat of [-] materials, and then another [-] materials, but there is not much wood that has been dried in the shade for three years, and the wood that can be used for shipbuilding nearby is almost bought by Nanbu. If you want to build a large ship with hundreds of materials, you have to wait for it to be felled in the valley. The wood can be dried in the shade for three years.In this sad era, the traffic is mainly based on natural dirt roads. There is a big ship, and the goods in Nanbu pass through the waterway, which can be more conveniently sold to distant places.
The number of slaves in the valley has reached more than 1000 and more than two hundred.After the winter solstice, the slaves had a holiday to prepare for the Spring Festival. The slaves who worked were paid wages, the slaves who worked in agriculture received work points and dividends, and each slave received a cotton cloth for making new clothes.The slaves had money in their hands, but they could not go out of the valley to buy things. In order to meet the purchase needs of the slaves, a cheap store was opened in the valley. The store was full of daily necessities for the slaves in need to buy.
The domesticated pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks in the valley were slaughtered, the fish in the valley rivers were caught with fishing nets, and the fish that could not be eaten were disposed of and hung under the eaves to dry.The slave soldiers who stopped training took other slaves on vacation to hunt around, and the game they caught enriched the dining table.
The canteen system in the valley began to change. It was a bit similar to the rationed supply of the Celestial Dynasty. It stipulated the monthly amount of food for each slave. You could eat in the canteen, or you could take rice from the canteen and go back to your residence to start a small stove.Some mud huts where slaves with families lived began to build mud stoves. As long as there were some conditions, people still liked to live their own little days.
For single slaves, they still find the canteen convenient. After all, when it’s time to eat, they can eat ready-made food with the bowl and chopsticks. The food in the valley is much better than what they used to eat. The food is very serious, not cooking pig food like later generations. The slaves have no complaints about the food. Although some slaves cook in their mud huts, most of them still like to eat in the cafeteria.
After the winter solstice, the first wedding banquet was held in the valley.Dear Teacher Fan Jin, at the age of 23, he married the 17-year-old eldest daughter of Carpenter Ge's family.Fan Jin's wedding ceremony was nondescript.
This space-time marriage system followed the three principles of the Western Zhou Dynasty, namely monogamy, non-marriage with the same surname, and the order of parents.Monogamy means that there is only one legal wife, who can have concubines and maidservants.The non-marriage of the same surname has not only the reasons of consanguinity ethics, but also the reasons of reproductive inheritance, as well as the reasons of patriarchal politics.The ruling class ruled the world with the patriarchal system, hoping to use the bond of marriage to achieve the purpose of uniting nobles with different surnames to strengthen their ruling power.Under the patriarchal system, the marriage of children must be decided by the parents and completed through the intermediary of a matchmaker. Otherwise, it is illegal and indecent, called "fornication", which will not be recognized by the clan and society.
The establishment of a marriage relationship is very cumbersome and must go through the procedures of the six rituals.When the marriage relationship is dissolved, there are seven times when a woman goes, and three times she doesn't.These restrictive conditions reflect the humane side of ancient etiquette.
According to normal thinking, Fan Jin's wedding should be completed according to the customs of the time, but this Fan Jin's thinking became a little more active, he went to see Zheng Yuming and Chu Chaohui, and asked to get married according to the customs of Bermuda.Fan Jin's reason is that his master is from Bermuda, and he should also be a citizen of Bermuda.
After hearing Fan Jin's request, Zheng Yuming was shocked.Let’s not say that there is no such country as Bermuda, even if there is, Fan Jin’s statement has far-reaching implications. Fan Jin is from Wu, but he does not want to be from Wu, but to be from Bermuda, which shows that he only recognizes Zheng and Chu. , When it rises to politics, it is blatant treason.At this time, people's national concept is not strong, but there are still some.
"Why do you want to be a Bermudian?" Chu Zhaohui touched his chin with a smile on his face.
"My lord, Jin thinks being a Bermudian is more like a human being!" Fan Jin has experienced this personally. The original career of an artist, not to mention dignity, is more humiliating, and his life is not guaranteed.After coming to the valley, Zheng Chu and Zheng Chu only made the rules and regulations, and everything was done according to the rules and regulations. The slaves violated the law and were punished according to the rules and regulations.The two never treated them according to their own likes and dislikes. Fan Jin vaguely felt that what Zheng and Chu did might be the way Bermuda treats its people. Living under such a system with rules and regulations, Fan Jin felt safe. ,comfortable.
"More like a human?" Zheng Yuming looked at this half-toned teacher again. Fan Jin said this, could it be that when the two of them were giving guests at night, they subtly influenced Fan Jin's ideological consciousness?
"Since he was 12 years old, Jin has been selling art with master artists to earn a living. At the beginning, he was not good at learning art, and his life was difficult. After he became a master of art, he often performed for noble adults. There were many rewards, but he lost his life protection." Fan Jin said. Eyes are red. "I am a younger brother who stepped on the sky. I accidentally fell from a high ladder during a performance. The host of the banquet became angry on the spot, thinking that my younger brother had lost face, and ordered the servants to beat my younger brother to death. The poor boy was only 16 years old. , After a day and a night of pain, I died."
Zheng Yuming and Chu Chaohui glanced at each other, and they remained silent.
"Jin was exiled, and he was very innocent. The nobleman died because of the wind and cold, but the nobleman's family insisted that it was Jin's crime." At that time, Fan Jin felt like an ant, who could be pinched by the nobleman at will. .
"Fan Jin, it is impossible for us to go back to Bermuda. If you want to be a Bermuda, you can only do it in your heart." Zheng Yuming warned Fan Jin. Fan Jin's words should be known by the nobles of Dacheng. Wei Shen immediately Will suspect that they have ulterior motives.
"The villain knows!" Fan Jin wiped his eyes, happy that he was truly accepted by the master. "Please invite the two adults to hold a wedding for the villain according to the customs of Bermuda."
"Our wedding customs are very different from here. Does your husband, Carpenter Ge, have any objections?"
"No, the villain came to ask after discussing it with his father-in-law."
"In the evening, we will write out the steps to get married in Bermuda. If you think it is suitable, you can follow this step." Zheng Yuming scratched his head. Is this step written in Western style or Chinese style?
Zheng Yuming and Chu Chaohui had never been married before. That night, the two discussed for a long time. The 21st century Western and Chinese wedding styles were blended. An imported wedding style was born in this continent, and this wedding style will become the mainstream in the future.Many years later, archaeological experts were puzzled by the sudden and drastic change in the form of weddings in the last years of the Qin Dynasty. There were various opinions and endless debates. This topic has supported a large number of scholars and experts.
It was not yet bright on the day of the winter solstice, Zheng Yuming and Chu Chaohui rushed to Dacheng early with Wei Qing and Huo Sizhong.The wax festival is different from the moon festival, which has the nature of carnival for the whole people.But only the aristocrats are eligible to participate in the wax sacrifice, and ordinary people can only watch the ceremony.
Prince Ulsan is wearing black jacquard clothes from Nanbu, a high crown on his head, a jade belt around his waist, a long sword and jade ornaments around his waist, and a pair of sheepskin cotton boots under his feet. His face is full of spring breeze and radiant.He looked at his ancestor's tablet through the green smoke on the sacrificial altar, and took a long breath.Thanks to the blessing of the ancestors, Yi Ji's plot to marry Chu State was shattered.
The envoy from the state of Wu to the state of Chu to propose marriage met the king of Chu and just told his intention, but the king of Chu smiled and refused, because there was no unmarried concubine girl in the state of Chu.The youngest daughter of the king of Chu was promised by him to the lord of Ba, a subsidiary state, as a successor half a month ago.The envoy Wu came back from Chu without any results. After Yiji received the report from the envoy Wu, she contracted a cold the next day and was bedridden.
The news of Yi Ji's failed wish reached Ulsan Junfu, and the son Kwang and the officials in the mansion were very excited.Because Wu Wang refused to listen to the dissuasion of the ministers of the royal court and insisted on sending envoys to Chu to ask for marriage, the shadow that had been hanging over the Ulsan monarchy was swept away.Young Master Guang worshiped his ancestors devoutly, praying for their blessings again, so that Ji Ji would not recover from her serious illness, and it would be best to die.
At the following celebration banquet, the nobles of Dacheng drank to their heart's content, and even Wei Shen, who has always been restrained, got drunk.Zheng Yuming and Chu Chaohui were at the banquet, listening to the nobles of Dacheng ridiculing Yiji, and wisely refusing to discuss the king of Chu, the two couldn't help but smile at each other.
After participating in the Wax Festival, Zheng Yuming and Chu Chaohui also had a rare vacation.In a few days, the Chinese New Year will be celebrated, and several factories and workshops in Nanbu and the valley are on holiday one after another.The villagers in Nanbu are busy celebrating the New Year, and the slaves in the valley are also busy celebrating the festival.
Villagers who plant japonica rice, except for their own food, the surplus grain is only allowed to be sold to the governor's office. Zheng and Chu will promote high-yield crops in the Dacheng area, but they will not spread these high-yield grain varieties to other places. Go to the princes.They are now only tied to the same boat with Mr. Ulsan. If the high-yield food crops are spread and the strength of other places is improved, Zheng Yuming and Chu Chaohui feel that it is not appropriate.The principle that big fish eat small fish told them that when Nanbu was still a small tadpole, it would be better if the surrounding princes were not big fish.If the neighboring country is made stronger, the state of Wu will be in danger, and once the state of Wu is in danger, Nanbu will be unstable.Nanbu needs time to develop, and Chu Chaohui's armed forces need time to train.The later the high-yield grain in the valley spreads, the better it will be for Nanbu.
The purchase price offered by the governor’s office is very high, and the villagers have no objection to the regulation that the japonica rice is not allowed to be sold to outsiders. Some villagers even think that it is very cost-effective to sell all the japonica rice to the governor’s office and use the money from the sale of grain to buy corn and wheat. But it is half higher than corn and wheat.Villagers sell all the japonica rice and buy back other grains as rations. They can get a lot of gold coins in their hands. These gold coins are enough for them to have a prosperous Spring Festival.
Workers in all factories and workshops in Nanbu received New Year's goods from the factories and workshops before the annual holiday.The New Year’s goods are procured manually by Wu Da’s organization, including meat and fish, and ordinary cotton cloth from the textile factory is also distributed as New Year’s goods. Each worker can get enough cotton cloth to make a whole suit of clothes.Villagers who do not work in factories and workshops can buy ordinary cotton cloth from textile factories at half the price, and refugees from other places can also enjoy half-price cotton cloth.
Most of the refugees living in Nanbu came from the Tang Dynasty. Zheng Yuming ordered Wu Da to break up their relatives and build temporary houses around the village separately.Zheng Yuming didn't want a big clan to emerge in Nanbu Village, because it was too easy for people with the same surname and the same place to form gangs.Zheng Yuming and Chu Chaohui hope that the villagers and refugees will only have the concept of 'I am from Nanbu' in their hearts, and they do not want to have clan concepts such as 'I am from Wu, Peng, and X'.
In the burnt-down area of Nanbu, houses are being built. The houses are all brick houses with a two-story structure. The brick walls are flat. After the economic development, these houses will add floors. Be sure to be sturdy.
The pier is getting more and more busy, and the original pier facilities have become crude. After the autumn harvest, Zheng Yuming also repaired the pier. The refurbished pier can berth more ships and make loading and unloading more convenient.
The large boat of twenty materials made by the woodware factory has already been launched, and it has already made a trial voyage in the long river. After the trial voyage was successful, the boat was snatched by Wu Mu.Wu Mu didn't plan to go out at the end of the year, and had to wait until after the Spring Festival to go to Chu to do business. This big boat of twenty materials, which cost him [-] gold coins, was mooring quietly at the pier, attracting passers-by to stop and watch.
The first wooden ship of the woodware factory was successfully manufactured. Zheng Yuming plans to separate a shipyard from the woodware factory to manufacture large ships. After the Spring Festival, this new shipyard will build a large ship of [-] materials. After the large ship of [-] materials is built, Build a big boat of [-] materials, and then another [-] materials, but there is not much wood that has been dried in the shade for three years, and the wood that can be used for shipbuilding nearby is almost bought by Nanbu. If you want to build a large ship with hundreds of materials, you have to wait for it to be felled in the valley. The wood can be dried in the shade for three years.In this sad era, the traffic is mainly based on natural dirt roads. There is a big ship, and the goods in Nanbu pass through the waterway, which can be more conveniently sold to distant places.
The number of slaves in the valley has reached more than 1000 and more than two hundred.After the winter solstice, the slaves had a holiday to prepare for the Spring Festival. The slaves who worked were paid wages, the slaves who worked in agriculture received work points and dividends, and each slave received a cotton cloth for making new clothes.The slaves had money in their hands, but they could not go out of the valley to buy things. In order to meet the purchase needs of the slaves, a cheap store was opened in the valley. The store was full of daily necessities for the slaves in need to buy.
The domesticated pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks in the valley were slaughtered, the fish in the valley rivers were caught with fishing nets, and the fish that could not be eaten were disposed of and hung under the eaves to dry.The slave soldiers who stopped training took other slaves on vacation to hunt around, and the game they caught enriched the dining table.
The canteen system in the valley began to change. It was a bit similar to the rationed supply of the Celestial Dynasty. It stipulated the monthly amount of food for each slave. You could eat in the canteen, or you could take rice from the canteen and go back to your residence to start a small stove.Some mud huts where slaves with families lived began to build mud stoves. As long as there were some conditions, people still liked to live their own little days.
For single slaves, they still find the canteen convenient. After all, when it’s time to eat, they can eat ready-made food with the bowl and chopsticks. The food in the valley is much better than what they used to eat. The food is very serious, not cooking pig food like later generations. The slaves have no complaints about the food. Although some slaves cook in their mud huts, most of them still like to eat in the cafeteria.
After the winter solstice, the first wedding banquet was held in the valley.Dear Teacher Fan Jin, at the age of 23, he married the 17-year-old eldest daughter of Carpenter Ge's family.Fan Jin's wedding ceremony was nondescript.
This space-time marriage system followed the three principles of the Western Zhou Dynasty, namely monogamy, non-marriage with the same surname, and the order of parents.Monogamy means that there is only one legal wife, who can have concubines and maidservants.The non-marriage of the same surname has not only the reasons of consanguinity ethics, but also the reasons of reproductive inheritance, as well as the reasons of patriarchal politics.The ruling class ruled the world with the patriarchal system, hoping to use the bond of marriage to achieve the purpose of uniting nobles with different surnames to strengthen their ruling power.Under the patriarchal system, the marriage of children must be decided by the parents and completed through the intermediary of a matchmaker. Otherwise, it is illegal and indecent, called "fornication", which will not be recognized by the clan and society.
The establishment of a marriage relationship is very cumbersome and must go through the procedures of the six rituals.When the marriage relationship is dissolved, there are seven times when a woman goes, and three times she doesn't.These restrictive conditions reflect the humane side of ancient etiquette.
According to normal thinking, Fan Jin's wedding should be completed according to the customs of the time, but this Fan Jin's thinking became a little more active, he went to see Zheng Yuming and Chu Chaohui, and asked to get married according to the customs of Bermuda.Fan Jin's reason is that his master is from Bermuda, and he should also be a citizen of Bermuda.
After hearing Fan Jin's request, Zheng Yuming was shocked.Let’s not say that there is no such country as Bermuda, even if there is, Fan Jin’s statement has far-reaching implications. Fan Jin is from Wu, but he does not want to be from Wu, but to be from Bermuda, which shows that he only recognizes Zheng and Chu. , When it rises to politics, it is blatant treason.At this time, people's national concept is not strong, but there are still some.
"Why do you want to be a Bermudian?" Chu Zhaohui touched his chin with a smile on his face.
"My lord, Jin thinks being a Bermudian is more like a human being!" Fan Jin has experienced this personally. The original career of an artist, not to mention dignity, is more humiliating, and his life is not guaranteed.After coming to the valley, Zheng Chu and Zheng Chu only made the rules and regulations, and everything was done according to the rules and regulations. The slaves violated the law and were punished according to the rules and regulations.The two never treated them according to their own likes and dislikes. Fan Jin vaguely felt that what Zheng and Chu did might be the way Bermuda treats its people. Living under such a system with rules and regulations, Fan Jin felt safe. ,comfortable.
"More like a human?" Zheng Yuming looked at this half-toned teacher again. Fan Jin said this, could it be that when the two of them were giving guests at night, they subtly influenced Fan Jin's ideological consciousness?
"Since he was 12 years old, Jin has been selling art with master artists to earn a living. At the beginning, he was not good at learning art, and his life was difficult. After he became a master of art, he often performed for noble adults. There were many rewards, but he lost his life protection." Fan Jin said. Eyes are red. "I am a younger brother who stepped on the sky. I accidentally fell from a high ladder during a performance. The host of the banquet became angry on the spot, thinking that my younger brother had lost face, and ordered the servants to beat my younger brother to death. The poor boy was only 16 years old. , After a day and a night of pain, I died."
Zheng Yuming and Chu Chaohui glanced at each other, and they remained silent.
"Jin was exiled, and he was very innocent. The nobleman died because of the wind and cold, but the nobleman's family insisted that it was Jin's crime." At that time, Fan Jin felt like an ant, who could be pinched by the nobleman at will. .
"Fan Jin, it is impossible for us to go back to Bermuda. If you want to be a Bermuda, you can only do it in your heart." Zheng Yuming warned Fan Jin. Fan Jin's words should be known by the nobles of Dacheng. Wei Shen immediately Will suspect that they have ulterior motives.
"The villain knows!" Fan Jin wiped his eyes, happy that he was truly accepted by the master. "Please invite the two adults to hold a wedding for the villain according to the customs of Bermuda."
"Our wedding customs are very different from here. Does your husband, Carpenter Ge, have any objections?"
"No, the villain came to ask after discussing it with his father-in-law."
"In the evening, we will write out the steps to get married in Bermuda. If you think it is suitable, you can follow this step." Zheng Yuming scratched his head. Is this step written in Western style or Chinese style?
Zheng Yuming and Chu Chaohui had never been married before. That night, the two discussed for a long time. The 21st century Western and Chinese wedding styles were blended. An imported wedding style was born in this continent, and this wedding style will become the mainstream in the future.Many years later, archaeological experts were puzzled by the sudden and drastic change in the form of weddings in the last years of the Qin Dynasty. There were various opinions and endless debates. This topic has supported a large number of scholars and experts.
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