
Fang Han opened his eyes, let out a breath of turbid air slowly, and pressed his chest, the uncomfortable feeling accumulated in his heart still hasn't completely disappeared.Even though he had safely passed the calamity of the inner demon, Fang Han didn't feel the slightest joy in his heart.Even though he knew that the pictures that made him uncomfortable were just illusions fabricated based on his own weaknesses, Fang Han still felt heartbroken and uncontrollably uncomfortable.

Li Mochen looked worried and concerned about other people, even if it was him who was going through a catastrophe, he still felt unacceptable.Even though he knew that he was unknowingly getting into a dead end again, he also knew that the nostalgia for the family relationship in the past and present life still made people feel guilty for the union with Li Mochen involuntarily in his heart.The reality before us is that no matter how deep the relationship between Fang Han and Li Mochen is, because of the combination of the two, both he and Li Mochen are destined to be the unworthy descendants of the Fang family and the Li family.

Because the relationship between the two is still happy and sweet together, such a sense of guilt was deeply buried in the bottom of my heart, until it broke out all at once when I crossed the catastrophe, people were caught off guard and almost fell into it. The degree of danger cannot be understood without personal experience.

The guilt towards Li Mochen's family and Fang Suwen, as well as the guilt towards Li Mochen himself, all together were enough to overwhelm Fang Han, who was bound to be trapped to death.But unexpectedly, because of this feeling of guilt, there was a turn for the better. Only the deepest love will take the responsibility.When you really care about a person, you will put yourself in his shoes and think a lot about him, and because feelings do not tolerate other people's footsteps, even if this person is what he imagined himself to be at that time, he will feel jealous and heartache unknowingly.

From the moment the situation was broken because of the much deeper relationship between the two than imagined, Fang Han knew that he would never be able to let go of this person.Even if the two of them cut off their bloodline, they still would not repent.I owe you a lifetime, so I will stay with you forever, okay?So you can't blame me, because I think you can also experience my desperate selfishness.

The corners of Fang Han's lips twitched when he settled down, but a seductive smile appeared on his handsome face, which directly dazzled the eyes of Lingyin who came to pass on the message. , has changed a lot.If it wasn't for the soul contract and there was no problem at all, Lingyin couldn't help but wonder if Fang Han was possessed by something at this moment.

Fang Han also saw Lingyin approaching. He smiled at Lingyin, waved his hands and strode towards the water source in the space.Promoted again, at this moment the Nascent Soul in the body is happily rolling in the dantian holding his natal magic weapon.There was a big smile on Fang Han's small face, which looked very cute. Even though he knew it was just a part of his body, Fang Han was still attracted by his cute appearance.As if sensing Fang Han's probing, Yuan Ying waved his chubby hand decently, causing Fang Han to smile.

Looking at his image of being in a mess because of being promoted here, Fang Han curled his lips in disgust, and walked towards the distant water flow. His half of the space is not as hot spring spirit as Li Mochen's. pool.However, since becoming a cultivator, Fang Han has never been afraid of the cold, and if he wants hot water, it's just a skill of the spirit fire technique, which is fine.

Going out of the clothes, subconsciously lowered his eyes to look at his chest, as expected, did not see that monster snow lotus, thinking of the situation he had experienced after being surrounded by red light in the Guixu territory of the East China Sea...

Fang Han attached the location of the snow lotus with some nostalgia, and seemed to be able to faintly feel the breath that had not yet dissipated. Most of the credit for being able to conceive so quickly this time was due to the fact that the original owner of the flower disappeared. Snowdrop logo.Even under the circumstances at that time, the promotion of this realm was just an additional effect of the snow lotus brand.

"I have accepted your love again this time." Fang Han murmured, his gratitude to the original owner could no longer be expressed in words.Even though a large part of the reason for the previous rebirth through time travel was due to the existence of Fang Suwen, this time it is also the same. I am in debt.Even if he is lucky enough to ascend to the upper realm in the future, he may not be able to repay the original owner's efforts...

All he can do now is to live well under his current status, with his mother Fang Suwen, with Li Mochen... such a cultivation of immortality is meaningful.Without these, what is the use of longevity?The road ahead is still vague, not to mention the palpitating powerful aura faintly felt before being enveloped by the red halo, Fang Han was even more worried about it...

"Now the outside is in a mess, you should go out and have a look."Lingyin said so, interrupting Fang Han's thoughts.

"Senior, how long have I been in seclusion in this space?" Fang Han asked. After repeated changes, Fang Han did not carefully calculate how many years he had experienced.In fact, those years of retreat are really unclear. No wonder it is always said that "there is no time to cultivate immortals". Only after you really entered the Taoist school did you know that this is not a lie.

"Hehe, you'll know when you go out." Seemingly aware of Fang Han's mentality of fearing that his retreat would cause some trouble, Lingyin played tricks out of spite, but didn't reveal the specific situation outside.

"..." Fang Han had no choice but to leave the space by himself.

As soon as he stepped out of the space, Fang Han was startled by the continuous thunderclouds coming from a distance. The dark and thick black thunderclouds came from all directions, endlessly, and the appearance of covering the sky and the sun made people feel dizzy. .The same is true for Fang Han. After passing through the inner demon tribulation in the space, Fang Han, who has no promotion experience, forgot about the thunder tribulation, and Lingyin didn't remind him much, probably as if he was not afraid that Fang Han would fail.

He didn't expect the thunder disaster to come so quickly, so he checked his storage in a panic at this moment.All kinds of magic treasures and talismans purchased before, as well as the rewards he asked for from Lingyin after he was promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, it is not a big problem to survive this thunder disaster.Only then did Fang Han, who was nervous and panicked, feel relieved. The preparation work that he did not neglect on weekdays really came in handy now.

After Fang Han relaxed, Fang Han thought about other plans for a while. It just so happened that the natal magic weapon "Amber River" that had been kept in his dantian had always lacked such a trace of aura. Dao Tianlei's training is the most suitable...

Thinking about the various benefits of Tianlei training for the natal magic weapon that he had seen in the classics, Fang Han's mind turned even faster.

While thinking about it, the huge thunder and lightning with the billowing power of heaven had already attacked Fang Han head and face.With a thought of the person facing the thunder calamity, Fang Han's natal spirit sword in Fang Han's dantian rushed towards the lightning that fell from the thunder cloud directly above without hesitation with an indomitable momentum.Violent lightning struck the blade, and Fang Han, who was connected with the spirit sword, was also shocked by this power.

However, Fang Han's spirit was slightly better than ordinary monks because of time travel, but he was able to restrain his mind very quickly.And the eagerness to try from the spirit sword let Fang Han know that "Amber River" had obviously benefited from the previous small test, and looked at the second flash that followed the first lightning strike. Dao Tianlei greeted him again without the slightest hesitation.

However, Fang Han could no longer underestimate the might of the Heavenly Tribulation with this mighty dismount. He calmly held his breath and focused on activating the Spirit Sword. The dangers that may ensue...

Because someone from Xianyunzong once again crossed the catastrophe, after the left-behind elders in Xianyunzong sensed the aura of this catastrophe, they also came to the place where Fang Han crossed the catastrophe.Fang Suwen's Feilai Peak is the closest to Fang Han's Crossing Tribulation.

"This is? Ah Han!" Li Mochen and Fang Suwen, who happened to be discussing things on the Feilai Peak, both looked happy, ignoring what they were discussing, waved their flying swords and flew towards Fang Han's cave.When he walked ten miles away from Xiaozhu Peak, he was already gradually approaching the center of crossing the catastrophe.Even Fang Suwen and Li Mochen, who had already been promoted to Nascent Soul, did not dare to move forward.

On the nearby mountain peaks, both of them stopped and stood on the top of the mountain, looking in the direction of Xiaozhufeng with serious expressions.The thunderclouds that rolled from time to time did not stop at all because of the actions of the two of them, but became more violent and violent. Not long after the two arrived, the first wave of thunder had already slashed towards the person who crossed the tribulation.

From Fang Suwen's and Li Mochen's point of view, they could only see that the Transcending Tribulation Center was surrounded by raging and violent lightning, and there was no sign of the Transcending Tribulation's person at all.The closest relatives are passing through the catastrophe not far away, and they are still advanced to the fourth-nine thunder catastrophe of the Nascent Soul Stage. Even though they know that Fang Han has many magic weapons, it should not be difficult to resist the catastrophe. The tribulation thunder that became more and more powerful became dignified.

And at this moment, if the two of them could see Fang Han's situation of crossing the catastrophe, I wonder if they would loudly reprimand Fang Han for his willful behavior.Ignorance is the most terrifying weapon, and vague understanding is even more likely to push people to a desperate situation.Li Mochen and Fang Suwen were a little bit caught off guard for a monster like Fang Han who had advanced to the Nascent Soul stage after less than a hundred years of practice.

Fang Han himself never expected that his practice speed would reach such a level. His improvement in cultivation was not due to his own plan or the like, but came from an accident. He didn't know enough about the precautions for advancing to the Nascent Soul Stage thorough.Otherwise, after dealing with the first round of Heavenly Tribulation, "Amber River", who was as excited as him and couldn't stop the car, would not be so excited to face the second wave of Heavenly Thunder again.

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