Collect the scattered routes of these rubies, and then gather them together along the more and more dense rubies.

Rubies almost covered the ground instead of sand and gravel. Although the wind was extremely strong, the sound of the wind was particularly distant because there were no buildings around.It's like being alone in a spacious opera house, with the singing voice coming from an unknown door, heavy and strange, but carrying an unusual sense of beauty.

Except for the sound of the wind, the place is unbelievably quiet, with a radius of about one kilometer, there are no other moving targets except reptiles.Usually the more such a place is, the more dangerous it is, and the instinct of animals to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages keeps them away from this place.Or those who are not smart enough, have become unjust souls early on.

Such traces are not absent, the beautiful gemstones unintentionally adorn the bones, and in the dark night, there is another kind of strange and open-minded beauty.

When the sun was about to rise, the sky was only slightly paler, and the rubies on the ground used this light to dye the sky and the earth red.This color is not deep, but the light color is warm and bright, which makes it seem that it is not very harmonious.

On the horizon, a huge shadow came slowly with heavy steps.It must want to domineering and dominate one side, brewing a full aura of domineering, but in the eyes of a group of monks, it is not very impressive.

It's just that Ye Yiqing is still willing to wait, since the gift is willing to walk towards him with long legs.

With a length of more than 40 meters, Xiao Lanlan has always been very confident in her animal shape. Although there is no bigger spirit beast in the Mangtian Realm, it is not very easy to meet.

But the closer the heavy object was, the more ugly Xiao Lanlan's face became.

Hello!Big guy, you hold your head up too high!

The cloud forest couldn't see the sun rising, and they all relied on the changing sky to judge the time. By the time Ye Yiqing and the others could see the appearance of the comer clearly, the big monster was no more than a hundred meters away from Ye Yiqing and the others.

It seemed that with a little surprise and confusion, the big monster stopped a hundred meters away.It seems to be observing these tiny living creatures in front of them.This posture can show that the eyesight of the big monster is pretty good.

After all, its height alone is comparable to the stretched little blue, and its length is like a little monster in Ultraman, and can be compared with tall buildings.No wonder our uncle Lan's face is turning green!

Roughly speaking, the big monster looks a bit like a brachiosaurus, with a long neck and a small head. The tail behind it is different from that of a brachiosaurus. It is extremely thick, long and powerful. It slapped the ground, and some innocent rubies were thrown away. Jumping three feet high, there is a sense of being too anxious.

The whole body of the monster is dark red to black, with blurred patterns like marble. From this distance, the skin can only be seen as dry and rough.Maybe he also thought of this, Xiao Lanlan's face looks a little better with both humanoid and beast bodies smooth.

The sky is so cold, there is no chance for people to sweat, so there is no way to know whether this dinosaur-like monster is the legendary Zhenlong, but whether it is or not, Ye Yiqing is very interested in it.Catching a dinosaur as a pet or something sounds so exciting.

Therefore, he prevented Xiao Lanlan's wish to transform into a cruel beast.

"I'll do it." The confident man was the most handsome.Ye Yiqing, a confident man, went up alone.

Dressed in brocade clothes, stepping on rubies all over the ground, in the bluish morning light, the clothes are fluttering.The man's back is chic and slender, and the man's steps are vigorous.

...It's a pity that using ruby ​​as a carpet is really quite fancy but not useful. Soon, Ye Yiqing turned left and right, and made embarrassments one after another, almost exhausting his spirit within a few steps.

It took a few steps like this before Ye Yiqing realized that it really didn't have to be like this.He flew up with the sword, and quickly flew in front of the suspected Zhenlong as if fleeing.

Behind, Wei Xieyang kept looking at Yancheng with a pair of eyes full of doubt and disbelief, and the subtext was: How can you fall in love with someone like this? !Can't you? !

It's a pity that Yancheng's eyes were glued to Ye Yiqing's body, he was more focused than the old duck who took his young duck into the water for the first time, and ignored Wei Xieyang at all.

Ye Yiqing first mistook the behemoth for a horse.Yu Jian flew to the top of his head, wanting to touch his huge head to increase his favorability.

It's just that the big guy unexpectedly had a violent temper and yelled at Ye Yiqing at such a close distance.

Not to mention how deafening the sound is, just the exhaled breath can send ordinary people far away.

It's just that Ye Yiqing is still an ordinary person? The life of 50-year Mang Tianjie was both short and long.It made him feel that he was still him, but made him feel that he was very strange.

For example, a face that will not age for 30 to [-] years, such as flying freely in the sky.

Another example is now, where can I get clothes that have been sprayed by big monsters!Ye Yiqing, who had been prepared for a long time, put on protection, and also dodged to Ye Yiqing's long neck, avoiding the unsanitary gas attack.

It's just that the monster's neck is also extremely flexible and powerful. Sensing that Ye Yiqing is behind him, it seems that Zhenlong is using her neck as a whip to keep shaking.

Knowing that it was just a rough physical attack, but the neck of the big monster was as thick as Ye Yiqing's waist, and it was not fun to get hit, so Ye Yiqing flew to a high altitude where the monster could not catch up.

I thought it would further irritate it, but who would have thought that the monster seemed to be very good at dealing with opponents like birds, so it ignored Ye Yiqing, bowed its head and opened the ruby, and when the gravel ground was exposed, it mouthed eat up.

At first it was because this monster didn't eat meat or grass, and it was surprising that it only ate sand and gravel. Then, when Ye Yiqing was already bored, he thought it was better not to play Huairou. Wouldn't it be great?

It's just that the monster has a pretty good memory, and I don't know if it took advantage of Ye Yiqing's lack of concentration, or just a coincidence, it suddenly raised its head, and when Ye Yiqing realized that it was going to retreat, the overwhelming sand sprayed out. out.

Fortunately, Ye Yiqing was not a real bird, he waved a dirt wall, and took a direct shot with the monster.Then he has a shield but the big monster doesn't.

Stupid?Let's see who is fascinated!

Although the irritated suspected Zhenlong's sight was blocked, under Ye Yiqing's deliberate action, it did not lose Ye Yiqing's position.

Ye Yiqing "fleeed" slowly with Yujian, and behind him was a big monster chasing furiously.

When the sky was completely bright, the sunlight was constantly jumping and refracting on the ruby, and the temperature in the air gradually increased. The big monster kept chasing Ye Yiqing who was not much bigger than a fly in his eyes.Under the feet, an unknown number of clear rubies were trampled into useless red powder.

As the temperature rises, the patterns on the big monster's body begin to change.

Seeing this change, Ye Yiqing ran more joyfully, and he even slapped a few dirt walls on the head of the big monster.

The big monster is huge in size, how can it survive the increasingly hot weather, maybe it also needs to be short of breath. Gradually, as the huge monster runs around, something seems to move around like a hidden weapon splash.It's just that if it's a hidden weapon, it's really inaccurate, some smashed hard on the ruby ​​on the ground, and some rebounded and hit big guys.Seeing his rough skin and thick flesh, he probably doesn't care.

As if he had answered a very difficult math problem correctly, Ye Yiqing excitedly abducted the big monster, Zhenlong who was basically confirmed, and started running towards the "audience".

Under Ye Yiqing's guidance, Zhenlong began to run in a big circle with the "audience" as the center.From time to time a ruby ​​was thrown off and flew towards them.Everyone present was a monk, and even Xie Er's forelimbs that were not split apart could grab the flying ruby.

The thought of sweat is unavoidably disgusting, so Xiao Lanlan resolutely refuses to touch it, flying to him is just playing dodge ball.

But this newly born ruby ​​is indeed beautiful, although its shape is extremely irregular, but its bright red is clear and its color is excellent, and it is cool to hold in the hand without extra warmth.

Although for monks, it is almost meaningless to talk about gems containing spiritual power, but what this beast eats is sand and what comes out is ore, which is very puzzling.It’s fine if it’s the Mount Tian Realm, there’s nothing weird about it, and the evolution of species is relatively simple, and there are very few mortals and creatures enough to enter Taoism or cultivate immortality, so it’s really worthy of the word strange beast.

Tired of playing dodgeball, Xiao Lanlan threatened Ye Yiqing that if he didn't take the idiot away immediately, he would decapitate it on his behalf, just to see if the blood that flowed out would also turn into rubies.

Intuition told Ye Yiqing that Xiao Lanlan was really not joking.

When she thinks that in the future, she and a big fool in the mortal world of Zhenlong's level will sign the same contract, follow the same fool, and maybe have a similar ending (being killed by the fool's stupidity), Xiao Lanlan feels that Every scale on my body was about to explode.But he still endured it patiently, who told Ye Yiqing to sign a beast in the realm of mortals?

But it took so long to slap her unconscious, as if the opponent was so difficult to deal with, this was something Xiao Lanlan couldn't bear.At the beginning, he was stunned quickly and lost his body (lost his personal freedom) when he woke up. He was so powerful that he didn't show up to the last boss. Why should he be this stupid!Varied!what!It must be killed in seconds to show the ups and downs!


In fact, Ye Yiqing was not so violent in the end.He just took out the mocking wind sword that he didn't use very much at ordinary times.

It was just a light swipe at the feet of the giant monster Zhenlong, and the gushing out of the earth-type spiritual power made Zhenlong's feet, which had always been stable, swayed unevenly.The giant beast started to panic, but the earthquake didn't stop. It shook until the Zhenlong beast couldn't move, and finally even fell into it on its back.

Beasts have the arrogance of wild beasts, but there are also rules that wild beasts abide by.They are naturally more afraid of nature, which makes them much more sensitive than other humans, and can seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

What the Laughing Wind Sword can use is completely natural power like a natural disaster.

The power that can bring and drive nature, even if it is a bug, is transformed by a god.

Zhenlong may not know how to say this, but it basically thinks so.

Ye Yiqing, who approached Zhenlong's head again this time, did not harm it with his hands, and quickly completed the signing.Even though Zhenlong was still awake, she didn't see the slightest struggle.

All the spirit beasts in the Mangtian Realm are of a slightly higher level, and they all vaguely know about the contract.Some of them may be quite happy, and some may fight to the death, but there is always a certain choice.

For example, Xie Er is happy, and Xiao Lanlan is the one who is knocked out and directly puts on the sedan chair.The shadow warrior was bullying him because he was not intelligent enough at the time, and he didn't know the difference between signing Ye Yiqing and signing Yancheng.Gould's signing is the most orthodox, we have a good fight, you win, okay, I'll go with you.The state of Youhui is basically stupid and virtuous, that is to say, "I don't know what you want to do, but what you want to do, I will do whatever you want me to do", just like a child bride in feudal society.

And Zhenlong didn't understand.

Even if he dominates one side, he will live a long time.The cloud forest is a paradise for it, and no one will target it and put its life in danger.But when he is bored, he will frighten and play with other animals (all moving objects).

So now what this horrible animal is doing, it has no idea.

The reason why the blood needs to be knocked out is because people on the road have tenacious spiritual power. Generally speaking, the higher the strength, the stronger the mental power.

The same is true for spirit beasts. Ye Yiqing handed Xiao Lanlan over to Yancheng to deal with without even trying, because with Ye Yiqing's cultivation level at that time, it was absolutely impossible for her spiritual power to compete with Xiao Lanlan. permanent damage will be left.So you must beat it!Once the spiritual power is absorbed, it will drop down all at once, and the success rate and safety of the signing will be guaranteed.

It's just that Yancheng was too considerate and knocked out directly, changing from reducing mental power to turning off mental power, which is why Xiao Lanlan was particularly awkward at first.Because compared to losing, its senses are more like being plotted against.

And the spiritual power of a mortal beast is far from being comparable to that of a spirit beast, no matter what legends it once had.

Zhenlong may have infinite strength, but his skin and blood are thick enough to resist spells to a certain extent, and he can fight with third- and fourth-level spirit beasts with all his strength.But in terms of mental power, maybe the first-level embroidered white bird is stronger than it!

Therefore, Zhenlong didn't suffer any crimes, and Ye Yiqing didn't make much effort, the master-slave contract was formed.Favorability is zero egg that seems familiar again.I really should be thankful that the encyclopedia system does not have a negative favorability value.

Xiao Lanlan used to let Ye Yiqing hold eggs all the time, but fortunately Ye Yiqing didn't care much about this point.It’s just that this matter has to be covered up so that Xiao Lanlan can’t know about it. If he finds out, there is some kind of favorability calculation system. The 59 points that have been piled up little by little with food after so much difficulty will return to zero again. trend.Who told my uncle Lan to be so arrogant ╮(╯_╰)╭.

With the conclusion of the signing, Ye Yiqing quickly brought Zhenlong into the black card field.This Zhenlong was not only really a strange beast, he was satisfied with the new page, and even the collection chapter rewarded him with a lot of points.

Without that "one skyscraper" in the huge ruby ​​desert, it looks even more empty, but since Zhenlong is going to leave with her, the land that lost its owner must soon become lively.

Ye Yiqing turned around and followed the advancing team.

Unexpectedly, things went so smoothly, and they were found within a few days.

Also, the size of a mortal's land is limited. In terms of the daily travel speed of monks who have cultivated above the foundation stage, the size here is simply not worthy of the mystery here.

Both Ye Yiqing and Ren Sen are very interested in the plants here.Ren Sen naturally comes from the nature of a doctor, while Ye Yiqing also has a slightly secret purpose of collecting points.

So they turned around and wanted to go back to the part of the tropical rainforest.It is not to say that there is no plant growth in the desert, but after all, the selectivity is not strong enough.

After walking a few steps, Ren Sen who fell behind Ye Yiqing suddenly said, "You Daoist Ye, why is there something following you all the time?"

These words were really scary, Ye Yiqing was about to turn his head to give Ren Sen who could not speak, but found that something was indeed following him.Not only that, but more and more.

A few golden leaves painted with dark patterns followed behind him, and then quietly submerged into his body. Afterwards, more and more golden leaves floated from afar. Looking at the destination, it was indeed Ye Yiqing.

Although he had heard it mentioned twice, this was the first time Ye Yiqing saw such a situation with his own eyes.He was surprisingly calm, thinking that this is the legendary Sen Luo.The problem is that he has no enemies to attack now, why does he activate his passive skills.

After clicking on the platform, the button representing Sen Luo was indeed lit up.

Yancheng is not as calm as Ye Yiqing.Although he couldn't see it with his own eyes the second time, Ye Yiqing passed out for no reason when he was surrounded by gold leaves twice. The leaves formed by these energies can be said to be the last thing he wants to see in his life. Yes, we'll see you a third time.Ye Yiqing once half-jokingly said that the golden leaf may be a benefit for him, and every time this phenomenon is triggered, his strength will increase greatly.But Yancheng subconsciously hates this kind of increase, and always feels a cold, extremely annoying feeling.Compared with his perception of the real world after being immersed in the sky, it is a hundred times colder, with a more thorough sense of rejection.

Yancheng went crazy almost immediately.He suddenly wanted to rush to Ye Yiqing, but Ye Yiqing, who sensed his intention, signaled him to stay where he was.

"Brother, don't worry, I'm fine." More and more leaves penetrated into the body, but Ye Yiqing didn't feel any obvious pain.He just opened his mouth to speak like this, but he found that he heard his own voice as if it was separated by something.Maybe it's a thin layer of walls, you can hear clearly, but you don't feel close to your eyes.

The answer from the senior brother is also the same.Obviously every word and sentence is very clear, but there is a sense of distance that violates harmony.

He should be in the crowd, but he seems to have been kidnapped to a place where he is alone.

What the eyes see and what the ears hear, why don't they count?The feeling sent shivers down his spine, but gave him a calm emotion he had never felt before.

Gradually, he couldn't hear what they were saying.Obviously seeing familiar faces opening and closing their mouths, they entered their own world.

He began to be able to feel the leaves entering his body, to feel what they brought.Some esoteric, mysterious, complicated.Maybe it's reason or maybe it's knowledge.It is both like a tool for energy formation and a spell for breaking down energy.

The energy contained in the gold leaves combed his body, guided his spiritual power, and made his spirit and body enter a comfortable state. Only by digging to the deepest point can he find a trace of inexplicable anxiety.

He knew that now was not the time to exhale and perform exercises, but he was out of control both physically and mentally.

I don't want to be controlled.They yearn for what the gold leaf gives, as if this is the most important thing, this is the truth in the world.

The world... the truth... shouldn't be more important than his senior brother.Ye Yiqing didn't understand, there were too many things he didn't understand.It's better to say that you don't understand everything!But the objection is invalid.The resistance he can have is too small, so small that it can't be called a resistance.

It's like a small piece of impurity called resentment.

Ah, what a black and white thing this is.

The last trace of sobriety also left him.

In the eyes of Yanchengwei Xieyang and the others outside, although Ye Yiqing was surrounded by UFOs at first, Ye Yiqing was still normal.

Later, he stopped talking back.

Later, the eyes gradually became foggy, erratic, and dull, and then lost their spirit.

Only Yancheng felt it, leaving only a trace of Ye Yiqing's struggle and effort.

He finally closed his eyes and fell over, Yancheng embraced Ye Yiqing like this again.Recalling his struggle, Yancheng was squeezed by huge and violent anger and heartache.His eyes were so dry that he could barely open them.

He chewed on the extremely bitter hatred.This hatred was intensified because there was no definite object.

☆、Chapter 86 is forced to retreat

The man's hair, which is too long for modern people, scans the documents on the desktop from time to time. This common scene, because the owner of the hair tip is so outstanding, inevitably gives rise to some charming feelings.

It was the time for the employees to clock in for work, and the man, as their boss, had already started today's working hours early.

Young, hardworking and ambitious.The president who has just taken office has injected vitality and hope into the entire company, and even the number of late employees in the company is almost zero.

Especially unmarried young girls, they wish they could stay in the company every day and not get off work, just to get another glimpse of the CEO's handsome face, which is comparable to a first-line red star.

"Well... I don't know if the president is here..."

In the tea room, a secretary lady who just entered the company this year held her mug full of coffee and kept looking down, but the floor she was on was the 22nd floor, and she couldn't even see the trolley clearly, let alone people.

"Don't look! The president has a dedicated underground garage and elevator. We will never see the president during normal commute!" Another slightly older beautiful ol also made coffee at this time, and stopped it casually Stupid behavior of colleagues.

"This is the first time for our company to get involved in online games, so I don't know who we will invite to speak for you?" A tall beauty sat next to Meiyan ol and asked casually.

"Well... if only the president would go to battle in person! There is no man in this world who is more handsome than our president! That handsome face like a Greek beauty god! That height! Those big! Long! Legs! Unfortunately, I have never seen it before. The president took off his clothes, he must be full of flesh (﹃)."

Li Huatou, who wears a pair of big black-rimmed glasses, is one of the artists in charge of this online.I just fought all night without washing my face, so I squeezed into the tea room after picking up the takeaway and ate wildly.When it comes to the president's unique appearance, the artist has a bit of an occupational disease, and becomes obsessed with chopsticks.

The beautiful ol thought that she was a senior, so it was necessary to reprimand such an outspoken YY, but seeing the women in the tea room began to hold their chins and fell into Huaichun's deep thought.Shaking his head, two fists are no match for four hands.

She just got up and cleaned her cup, turned around and left the tea room, and entered the state of preparation that a strong woman should have.

It's not that she is so high-minded that she doesn't care about the CEO. The CEO is handsome, but it's a pity that she is too facial paralyzed and serious like an old man, which is not her style at all.Although people often complain that she doesn't look at men's eyes and men have bad luck, she still likes to have a sunny and cheerful personality.He is full of vigor, can talk, and has such a handsome guy who is a little foolish.Um... well, she confessed that she was a bit of a control girl, but it's not against the law, is it?

Compared with the president, the young master is more in line with her taste...


"Come in." The man's movements did not stop at all, and there was no emotion in his calm voice.

"President, the young master is here."

The man has four male secretaries, among them, the one with the more colorful eyes than the woman is the first CP candidate assigned to the president by the corrupt women in the company.It's just that he is as cold as ice, even more serious than the president. I heard that no matter a man or a woman, as long as a company employee confesses to him, the words of rejection are even colder than Yan Dong. He is completely treated as a class enemy!

Secretary Bingshuang was followed by a young man, wearing a casual suit with a t-shirt with a low neckline, tight jeans, short chestnut hair and gentle and delicate facial features, but his temperament was loose and lively as expected at this age, which was difficult. The annoying type.

"Brother!" The young man stepped forward a few steps, and hugged the man's neck from behind through the back of the chair.Such a bold and intimate act, only young people dare to do so.

"Brother, I'll come to see you as soon as I'm on vacation, okay!" The young man's short chestnut hair kept rubbing against the man's long, smooth black hair, asking for credit, while blocking the man from left to right to prevent him from continuing to work.

The man squinted at the young man's neckline: "It's okay, don't hang out with Wu. Since it's a holiday, why not come to the company for an internship."

"Hey!!! You are my step-brother! Step-brother! In short, it is definitely not my brother! I am finally looking forward to the holiday, why would my brother ask me to come to work!" The young man let go of the man abruptly, his tone fierce Exaggerated, but the expression is easy to handle, it can be seen that he is really not afraid of this brother.

"The first shareholder of the company is the uncle. Although I am willing to act as the president now, but in the future—"

"Stop!" The young man made an extremely exaggerated gesture of refusal: "You don't think of me, do you?! Brother Emma, ​​please let me go! For the company, you should work harder for the old man! Until now You are too old-fashioned, bro, who is still thinking about equity issues! How about I give you my 5.00%! Don’t trick me into selling myself to the company!"

"Nonsense!" The man's expression suddenly became extremely serious.

The young man who also realized that he had said something wrong hurriedly tried to fix it and put the small head back near the man's black hair.

"Brother, don't be angry..."


At this time, the beautiful secretary at the secretary's desk stepped on 11cm high-heeled shoes and hired Ting, put two cups of coffee on the small coffee table in the office, and closed the door to leave.

The company's male secretary doesn't do such work as serving tea and water, so the male secretary Bingshuang brought people in, turned around and left the office.

This secretary was rock-paper-scissors and beat all the female secretaries at the secretary's desk, and only then did he bring coffee back to the CEO's office for benefits.

Normally, it wasn't so intense, but when the young master came to find the president, the whole secretarial desk was boiling with blood.

Their president is simply a machine made for work, and only when the young master comes over will he turn into a human for a short time.

Although the female secretary also came here with hopes, but the young master is too much to live up to expectations, daring to cling to their president or something... and acting like a baby... The secretary who originally wanted to stay for two more seconds had no choice but to act like a wind left the president's office.

President, I really didn't see or hear anything!

Let's change my makeup tomorrow!

How about changing it every day?Try to make the president never remember my face!

"Pfft." The female secretary's stealthy escape failed to escape the young man's eyes, and he tightened his grip on the man's hands even more, and his cheeks stretched forward, touching the man's cool cheeks.

"Brother..." The young man's voice was small and light, full of intoxication, but also full of grievances.

After probing for a while and seeing no resistance, the young man intensified. His lips gently kissed the man's cheek and neck, which was only itchy, but with a heavy sense of nostalgia.

"Shuo Ran." The man suddenly grabbed the young man's arm and pulled him into his arms.

As if he hadn't expected it, the young man successfully plunged into the man's arms, wrapping his arms around the man's strong waist instead.

The man let out a long sigh, as if helpless, but also as if admitting defeat, with a dejected and resolute look on his face.

Then, he hugged the young man back, as if he was cherishing something that he wanted so much but was destined not to belong to him. Every second like this was a countdown to happiness and pain.

Young people are much more heartless, he just feels very happy, and there are some small prides in his success.One corner of the mouth is slightly hooked, and the appearance is quite naughty, like a kitten whose paws have not yet grown hard but is eager to scratch people, making people want to pamper and love it, put it in their arms forever, and serve it in time Shelter from the elements.

The kitten's paws became more and more dishonest, groping and groping, it actually touched the key parts of the CEO through the suit pants.

"Brother~, let's do it..."



stop! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Although my lord, I have been silent!But from just now to now, what are these things! ! !

When Ye Yiqing woke up, she somehow "returned" to modern times. This scene was very familiar, and it was the office building of Li's company.

His first reaction was that he was wearing it back again!Not knowing whether to be happy or angry in his heart, Ye Yiqing pushed open a door in a daze.It turned out that the person sitting at the huge boss's table was not his eldest cousin, nor his second cousin or any other cousin. Why did that person look so similar... Well, let's talk about Yancheng.

A head of long hair is slightly shorter, and it only crosses the collarbone not far away.It was originally tingling and purple, but at the moment it was just pure black.

His senior brother's figure in a suit is really beautiful like a murder weapon, and his appearance of sitting there proficient in office work is not unsuitable, but Ye Yiqing just wants to laugh.

Yancheng was sitting in Li's president's office, which confused Ye Yiqing.Is this really Yancheng?If it was Yancheng, he was so close to him, even if he didn't activate his divine sense, Yancheng would definitely find him, right?

But he didn't.Yancheng, who was dressed in modern clothes, was completely immersed in the documents, and didn't feel that there was anyone else in the room besides himself.

This is not Yancheng.Ye Yiqing quickly came to a conclusion.

One of the most convincing reasons is that Yancheng without power-saving mode is not really Yancheng!

Soon after, Ye Yiqing discovered that he hadn't time traveled again.Poking back and forth on the bookshelf with one hand, he realized that he was incorporeal.He turned into a ghost.

This is, the door was opened from the outside, and two people walked out from the inside.

The first one is quite eye-catching.

The short-haired suit version of Chisato is really great!The buttons of the shirt are all buttoned up properly, coupled with the expression of indifference, seriousness and seriousness, even Ye Yiqing, a good brother who grew up together, is a little moved, thinking whether to push him down!

It's just that this man who looks like Qianli is not Qianli himself.He is working as President Yancheng's loyal secretary, and even though he doesn't show it on his face, he can still see his admiration and appreciation for President Yancheng.

It's not that Ye Yiqing is too confident, the real Qianli has never worshiped Yancheng.Although Yancheng is indeed the idol of the young generation of cultivators in the Mangtian Realm, Qianli is not a sword cultivator, and his personality is full of arrogance and conceit.He never flattered Yancheng or treated him differently just because his cultivation level was much higher than his or there was a gap in talent. Instead, he always acted like an evil mother-in-law, picking on Yancheng.

A Piao Ye Yiqing was even more astonished by the person behind Qianli in the suit.

This... This is himself in his previous life.

Ah no, that's not quite right either.

From the point of view of hairstyle and clothing taste, it is indeed Li Shuoran, but this face basically belongs to Ye Yiqing.

If Li Shuoran had such a face, maybe it would be another life encounter.

Seeing the "brothers" in the room swaying, Ye Yiqing gradually had a guess in his heart.

It might just be a dream of his.

Between Mount Tianjie and China Modern, he chose China Modern.

Between Li Shuoran and Ye Yiqing, he chose Ye Yiqing.

And he is already as frightened as a bird in fear of those relatives who might turn their backs and eat people, so in his heart, his relatives are Yancheng.

Yes, it would be great if Li Shuoran also had a Yancheng.

Thinking about it this way, some things that were suppressed and didn't want to recall more frequently came up, A Piaoqing subconsciously pinched her forehead, but fortunately A Piao couldn't penetrate herself.

Originally, the mood was quite serious, but seeing Li Shuoran in the "dream" actually hooked up in the president's office, causing Yancheng to do that, she immediately ordered A Piaoqing to blow up!

He's not in the mood to watch a hot little movie right now!What's more, actors are still their own Taoist companions!

Even if it is a dream!Is it necessary to have such a clear spring dream!

In anger, A Piaoqing turned around and drifted away from the shooting scene of the small film.


After passing through the wall of Li's Building, Ye Yiqing's whole world turned into pure white, where there is no shadow of modernity!

He sat on the snow-white ground blankly, wondering if he was locked up somewhere again.

Or if this is the so-called inner world that is so popular here, is he such an empty-headed person?

He touched his heart subconsciously.The brother's Dao heart is still lying here intact, but it is too quiet, maybe he is isolated here just like him.

The boring blank time didn't last long, and before he knew it, he fell into a deep sleep again.

After that, a blank space was swept away by the golden storm countless times. It was huge but silent. Ye Yiqing was submerged and sank at the bottom of the golden river.His chest rose and fell, but he still slept soundly.It seems that the golden turbidity is just a quilt covering his body.

Above the golden river, almost at the top of the space, a small ball of light was swayed here and there by the momentum of the golden turbid flow. Keep yourself safe from harm.

When I opened my eyes again, the roof of the shed was made of simple but interesting wood.

Ye Yiqing, who was obviously lying on his side on the snow-white space, was already lying flat on his front.

Not to mention lying flat, his body was extremely stiff.It seemed that he had already died once. Although he had returned to his soul, it was not so easy to manipulate the dead body once. It was like a machine that hadn't been oiled for a long time, and it was rattling everywhere.

"Hey... yo..." After standing up for a while, he realized that there was also a dull pain in the back of his head.He is very familiar with this pain. After sleeping all night, he fell asleep for a day. After that, he probably experienced this kind of pain. He had a lot of experience in this in his previous life.

"Cough." His throat was also a little dry, and Ye Yiqing seemed to be blindfolded by sleep.

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