My furries are big guys

Chapter 84 Chapter 147-148

Listening to what Little Phoenix said, Bai Xi felt extremely anxious.

When Little Phoenix himself came to him for an alliance, Bai Xi was already tempted, but he was afraid of the strength of the little hamster, afraid that he would be beaten by the little hamster before he could make an alliance with Little Phoenix. Get down.

In addition, he felt that it was impossible for the little hamster to cling to Ji Ci all the time, and his own appearance was cute enough and soft enough, so Ji Ci would definitely not forget him, so he hesitated, and didn't want to accept the little hamster right away. Phoenix's words.

But now he felt that Xiao Fenghuang's words were not without reason, and every word stuck in his heart.

During this period of time, Bai Xi has a deep understanding of how domineering this hamster animal-shaped man is.

When it was punished for farming, Ji Ci wanted to kiss him. He could be kicked to the floor by the little hamster dozens of times. Under such a heavy labor force, he could still find the time to kick him, let alone the punishment now It's over, and opportunities abound.

Seeing Baixi's eyes flicker, as if he was convinced by it, little phoenix added fire, "Little hamster and I are mortal enemies. I just can't see him being good, but my love for Ji Ci is nothing." Great feeling, you don't need to worry that I will steal Ji Ci's favor."

"Look at how we got along for so long, when did you see me let Ji Ci kiss and hold me up high, when did you see Ji Ci rua my fluff every day, no!"

Bai Xi nodded the rabbit's head, but he really didn't see it, but he asked hesitantly, "Ji Ci doesn't rua your fluff, isn't it because you are too small to rua anything? And you were still bald at that time, so Ji Ci didn't even want to touch it."

"Look at your current shape. In addition to the back of the body, the fluff on the abdomen and the tail are still there. Your head is bald, and your wings are also bald. Just give me this shape for nothing, and I don't want to touch it."

Little Phoenix: ...! ! !

"I love you, uncle!!!"

As the little phoenix shouted violently, its bare wings slapped Baixi's rabbit's head in minutes.

This time, it was really too angry, its bald head and bald wings were its reverse scales, and Bai Xi mentioned again and again that it did not control itself, but used part of the power of the phoenix.

That one fell, and directly knocked Bai Xi down.

Baixi was beaten by little phoenix before, and he could feel that little phoenix's wings were limp. Although it hurt a little, it wouldn't cause any substantial damage to his body.

So this time, although he could sense that Little Phoenix wanted to hit him, he didn't hide.

However, he never expected that this time, he thought that Little Phoenix would just twitch casually as usual, but the force of the flapping wings almost knocked his head off.

His rabbit's head was hit hard on the dining table by that strange force, and the originally hard and solid dining table burst into gaps like spider webs in an instant.

Bai Xi grinned even more in pain, hugged his head with his short rabbit paws, and sobbed.

It hurts, it hurts!

What the hell is this little phoenix? Why is this power comparable to that of a beast-shaped man?

No wonder he was able to fight alone with the hamster beastman before.

The movements of Little Phoenix and the White Rabbit Beastman quickly attracted the attention of Ji Ci and Little Hamster.

No way, don't pay attention.

One of them was eating well, the other was feeding well, but suddenly the dining table was inexplicably cracked.

What interstellar jokes are you making? This is an interstellar standard dining table made of high-quality materials. You can chop it with a knife or burn it without any problems. Why did it suddenly crack?

Looking closely again, I saw the little rabbit lying on the dining table with his head in his arms, looking like he was in pain and rolling around on the spot, which frightened Ji Ci.

"What's the matter, what's the matter, what happened again?"

Ji Ci hurriedly left the little hamster and ran over. He lightly picked up the little rabbit that was rolling there, and the tears wet his fur again, feeling panicked.

Little Phoenix shrunk his bald wings guiltily, pretending nothing happened.

The little hamster was also unhappy. Before the happy feeding activity was finished, Ji Ci was distracted by this guy again. Will this stinky bird die if it doesn't cause trouble?

Don't think that he didn't hear the words it encouraged Bai Xi just now, he just didn't want to answer.

Every time this stinky bird comes to a pet, it will think of forming an alliance with the other party to suppress him. Why doesn't it have to think about it, how can his majestic prince be suppressed by an alliance with two pets.

IQ is not enough, what's the use of teammates to join in?

Pink Bubble has been watching silently, it knows that no matter whether it is feeding or plucking, it has no part.

Firstly, it does not have an esophagus, allowing the owner to enjoy the joy of feeding. Secondly, its body is not fluffy at all, and it feels cold to the touch, and it is not the owner's food.

So, it's better to stay on the sidelines and observe wisely, listen to six directions, and see all directions, then everything that happens can't escape its pair of metal eyes.

Therefore, when Ji Ci was extremely anxious, Fen Paopao stepped forward and explained the matter clearly in a few words.

"Little Phoenix didn't know what he was talking to Bai Xi just now, the two guys chattered for a while, then Little Phoenix seemed to get angry suddenly, and slapped Bai Xi with his wings, hitting Bai Xi dizzy. "

"Although the little phoenix is ​​not a beast-shaped man, its strength is no less than that of a beast-shaped man. When Bai Xi was thrown on the table, the table cracked."

Jici:? ? ?

Although he knew that the little phoenix he raised was not an ordinary bird, after all, seeing that it was able to fight a little hamster with explosive force value, he knew that the opponent must not be a fuel-efficient lamp.

But it's too much now, playing around with people, how can they beat people's heads like this.

And even the table was cracked into spider webs, which was enough to show how ruthless it was.

Ji Ci said angrily, "Little Phoenix, you are really going too far. Do you know that beating someone can't start with the head, what if there is something wrong with Baixi's head and concussion? What should I do? He But the only doctor on our Chinese planet, the knowledge in this head is very precious."

"He has an accident, do you want you to be a doctor?"

"Let's talk about it again, what kind of grudge is it that made you hit him so hard?"

"When you provoked the relationship between the little hamster and Baixi and let the little hamster catch him and beat him, I told you that you can't do such bad things. Why don't you always listen?"

"You are really becoming more and more disobedient, and it makes me sad more and more."

Xiao Fenghuang moved her beak and looked at Ji Ci's particularly serious and angry face, feeling very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

It's not actually intentional.

It was only because what Baixi said just now was too angry that it subconsciously used the power of the phoenix.

It also didn't expect Baixi to be so weak as a beast-shaped man, and he was beaten like this so casually.

In fact, when it was fighting that stinky hamster, it used 100% of the power of the Phoenix. It thought that Baixi was also a beast-shaped person. Although it was not as powerful as the little hamster, it was not so weak anyway.

Little Phoenix felt a little unhappy, it felt that since the arrival of the white rabbit and beast-shaped man, its life has become more and more difficult.

It's weird and depressing.

Obviously it has been trying to win over its allies to boycott Little Hamster, why didn't the allies get it, and Little Hamster failed to boycott it, instead it was rejected by Ji Ci.

Seeing the little hamster standing on the sidelines proudly, looking on with cold eyes, and then seeing the white rabbit and animal-shaped man nestled in Ji Ci's arms, with a dying and pitiful look, and then looking at Ji Ci's eyes Furious, seeing how it hates iron but not steel, Little Phoenix began to drop golden beans aggrieved.

This is not the first time Ji Ci has seen it shed tears.

Little Phoenix pretended to be pitiful, and Ji Ci had seen it many times, and every time there were tears in the bird's eyes, but there was never a time when it was like the faucet couldn't be turned off like now, rushing straight.

Ji Ci looked at it and sighed, "Why are you crying? Look at the little white rabbit being beaten like this by you, not as much as you cry."

"Little Phoenix, you can't be so rude, you know? Now we are all from a big family. I didn't let you love each other, but at least the superficial harmony must be achieved."

"And haven't you noticed that every time you come to new friends, you always jump up and down here to provoke their relationship with the little hamster?"

"What good does it do you to make them an enemy of the little hamster?"

This is the conclusion Ji Ci reached after many observations.

This little phoenix looked at the little one, but it was actually the one with the most eyes.

Ji Ci also really couldn't figure it out, in his place, there is no shortage of food for the little phoenix, no shortage of clothes for the little phoenix, no place for it to live, no shortage of love for it, how can it be so up and down What about tossing?

"Think about where you went wrong."

Speaking of Ji Ci, he stretched out his hand and touched its bald head, "I have never disliked you because you are bald, and you have bald wings. But you can't be proud of being favored, whether it's a little hamster, you or a big turtle , or Baixi who turned into a little rabbit, they are all cuties that I like very much. I will not spread my love for you because of who comes, and your position in my heart will never change of."

"So think about it here, face the wall and think about your past!"

After saying these words, Ji Ci picked up Bai Xi, and planned to feed him a few bottles of healing liquid first.

Watching Ji Ci and the others walk away, Little Phoenix stood there in despair, with his head slightly lowered, tears falling on the dining table.

The voice was weak, "Ji Ci, I didn't mean it."

It was born as a unique existence of the Phoenix family, with a proud personality and a very small mind. When confronted with a little hamster, there is no competition to win or lose, so naturally it will not compromise.

But now it looks like it's actually doing something wrong.

But what that fellow Baixi said was really annoying.

Little Phoenix thought angrily, when he came back, it would apologize, but Baixi was also responsible for what he said.

It is the most beautiful phoenix in the world, so it is not so ugly that it is terribly ugly, and Ji Ci will not dislike it just because it is bald.


The soft little rabbit was held in Ji Ci's arms, and it put its little head on Ji Ci's arm. Its blood-colored glass-like rabbit eyes were looking at everything in front of it in a daze. Time to react to what happened.

Ji Ci hugged it and ran outside quickly, the little rabbit just looked at the little phoenix with its head slightly lowered, and shed tears in great disappointment.

In just a few seconds, the figure of the little phoenix disappeared from its eyes.

Bai Xi stretched out the rabbit's paw and touched his head. The pain was really painful, just like a concussion.

He's still a little nauseous right now.

But also because of this, Baixi felt more and more that the alliance might be something to consider, but he still had to think twice about making an alliance with Little Phoenix.

Everyone has also seen what kind of dog temper Little Phoenix is, and when he gets angry, he can beat his head to pieces.

This is what will happen if they don't get along well in the future and die in the wilderness every minute.

The most important thing is that Xiao Fenghuang is now making Ji Ci angry, so if he forms an alliance with Xiao Fenghuang, it will not do him any good at all. On the contrary, Xiao Fenghuang forms an alliance with himself, and now Ji Ci likes it His enthusiasm may turn around.

It seems that he is at a loss.

In this way, Baixi pondered in his heart and expelled Little Phoenix from the scope of the alliance.

But apart from Little Phoenix, who else can form an alliance?

Bai Xi was dizzy, glanced casually, and saw the little hamster standing on Ji Ci's shoulder looking at him.

There was neither sympathy nor sarcasm, just so peaceful and quiet.

But the pressure on Baixi was indeed enormous.

Bai Xi subconsciously moved his eyes away, and arched himself into Ji Ci's arms.

Ji Ci thought it was Baixi who was feeling uncomfortable, and felt both distressed and sad, "Don't be afraid, we will get the recuperating liquid soon, after drinking the recuperating liquid, eat more sweet potatoes and rice, and you will soon OK."

"I apologize for you on behalf of Xiaofenghuang. It is because I didn't discipline him well that I caused you to suffer such injuries."

Ji Ci was actually a little angry in his heart, obviously even the little hamster has gradually learned, why is little Phoenix still so ignorant?

On weekdays, Ji Ci didn't care about the noisy fights and fights with the little hamsters. The main reason was that he knew that the two little guys were actually somewhat modest. Fighting back and forth would never hurt their lives. Of course, Ji Ci also felt that It is more serious for Xiao Fenghuang to be bald than to let him die.

How could it be so serious today?

It's just that after Ji Ci calmed down, he also thought that maybe Xiao Fenghuang was used to beating little hamsters, thinking that all animals are as resistant to beatings as little hamsters, so he couldn't control his emotions as soon as he got up.

Of course, this is not the reason for Little Phoenix to beat Baixi violently.

From the beginning to the end, it was because Xiao Fenghuang was too unruly that he would beat people at will.

If it had firmly remembered what he had said, it would not have beaten Bai Xi in a fit of anger, resulting in such a result.

Speaking of which, his master still hasn't taught him well.

Listening to Ji Ci's words, Bai Xi shook his head slightly, but he felt a little nauseous when he shook his head, and couldn't help retching.

Seeing the worried expression on Ji Ci's face intensified again, Fen Bubble immediately scanned Bai Xi's whole body, and quickly came to a conclusion: "Master, Bai Xi is fine, but his head was severely injured, he may have some concussion. After drinking the healing liquid, it will return to normal soon, so the owner doesn't have to worry."

Ji Ci was a little relieved when he heard the words.

To be honest, Little Phoenix was his pet, and Ji Ci felt very sorry for Baixi who suffered such a crime because of Little Phoenix.

Furthermore, Baixi is a beast after all, although he can turn into a bunny, he is still a human being, so it is impossible for Ji Ci to treat him as a pet.

After all, there is still a layer of separation from Baixi, so we must be cautious when dealing with him.

It's good that Baixi is fine, if something really happened, Ji Ci doesn't even know how to solve it.

Taking Baixi to the place where the recuperating liquid is stored, Ji Ci asked Fen Bubble to take out a targeted recuperating liquid for Bai Xi to drink.

Bai Xi suppressed his nausea and swallowed the healing liquid. After a few minutes, his chaotic brain gradually became clear, and the nausea in his chest gradually dissipated.

The eyes of the two rabbits also became embarrassing and lively.

Looking at Ji Ci's worried expression, Bai Xi turned into a human form and told Ji Ci that he was fine.

Even so, his face was quite pale, and he looked at people crumbling, and he still needed to rest.

So Ji Ci asked Baixi to go back to the dormitory to have a good rest, and also asked him to bring some fruits and vegetables back, so that he could eat more when he was hungry.

And said that Xiaofenghuang will give him an explanation.

Bai Xi hurriedly said, "No, no, Little Phoenix was just playing with me at the time. It may be because I didn't speak through the brain, so I made it angry, and it couldn't control itself because it was emotional for a while."

Baixi felt that if he forgave Little Phoenix as a victim, he would be able to get a different view from himself, and he would only think that Tumei had a kind heart.

Standing on Ji Ci's shoulder, the little hamster, listening to Bai Xi's words, somehow remembered the green tea talk he, Xiao Fenghuang, and Fen Paopao had experienced before when they were fighting for favor.

It sounds like there is no problem with this, but why does it make people feel so different?

The little hamster looked at Fen Bubble, Fen Bubble seemed to have sensed His Royal Highness's gaze, twisted pink's head, looked at it with a pair of big mechanical eyes, and then smiled sweetly.

His Royal Highness curled his lips and looked away.

Ji Ci slowly put a question mark on his forehead and asked, "What did you say?"

It seems that something is wrong.

Bai Xi scratched his head in embarrassment, "Little Phoenix said, it doesn't care about your pampering, but I said it's because you are bald, your wings are bald, and there is only a little hair left on your body. , Ji Ci didn't want to touch it either. I didn't mean it, I just thought it was a little funny for Xiao Fenghuang to say that, but I didn't expect that Xiao Fenghuang seemed to have a particularly strong reaction to this matter."

As soon as these words came out, His Royal Highness narrowed his eyes, always feeling that.

Fen Bubble's mechanical eyes scanned Baixi up and down, and wondered in her heart, isn't this Baixi pure like a peerless white lotus?Why do these words seem to be sowing discord?

There is nothing in the preface, just say that the little phoenix does not care about the love of the master, and now the master is angry with the little phoenix. Doesn't Bai Xi's words aggravate the conflict between the master and the little phoenix?

Fen Paopao looked at the master with some optimism, and saw Ji Ci's face was slightly condensed, as if because of what Bai Xi said, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Immediately afterwards he opened his mouth, "Baixi, didn't you say that although you are a beast-shaped man, the beast-shaped man does not understand animal language and cannot communicate with small animals? Why do you know that Little Phoenix said that it doesn't care about me?" Doting on him? Can you still communicate with Little Phoenix about its baldness and baldness?"

Ji Ci looked at him suspiciously, moved his shoulders again, held the little hamster in his palm, let the little hamster squeak a few times, pointed at it and said, "Do you understand what the little hamster is saying?"

Holding Ji Ci in his palm, the little hamster who inexplicably squeaked a few times froze.

Fuck!How could he have forgotten that Ji Ci had no idea that they could communicate with each other.

What can this pig teammate do? No. 1.

Pink Bubble: ...


Bai Xi felt guilty for a moment, feeling as if he had broken the basket, he scratched his head and stammered, "Yes, yes, I don't understand animal language, but after I become a white rabbit, I can understand the language of little animals." What the Phoenix said, but when I transform into a human form, I will lose this skill. I forgot to tell you before, because in fact, this is also the secret of the beast-shaped people."

Bai Xi stammered and babbled nonsense, and finally got the words back in a tactful way, cold sweat broke out all over his back.

"Is that so?"

In front of Bai Xi, Ji Ci took out his optical brain and began to search for knowledge in this area.

I have searched and searched, but I can't find any information showing that the beast-shaped man has this talent.

Bai Xi shivered as the little hamster stared at him like a man-eating man. He swallowed, and said bravely, "Not all beast-shaped people have this ability. I have low force value, and I don't fight like those brave beast-shaped people." So powerful, my talent lies in being able to understand the words of those animals when I transform into a beast shape."

"And not all animals, but some intelligent animals, I can understand what they say. For example, those bees and butterflies outside the villa area, they are buzzing, I don't know."

"But the little phoenix is ​​smarter than ordinary animals, so when it chirps, I can probably understand what it means."

"That's it."

Ji Ci squinted his eyes, moved his hands on the optical brain, and paused for a moment when he saw the sentence that animal-shaped people have different talents.

He turned off the optical brain, and then showed a gentle smile, "Okay, I understand, so the beast-shaped man is so amazing."

But Bai Xi couldn't tell whether Ji Ci believed it or not.

Sweat dripped from his face, he kept licking his lips that had suddenly become a little dry, and his small eyes were erratic.

It was the first time he lied to someone, and it was his idol, the Huaxia Flower Planter. He was under a lot of psychological pressure, and he only hoped that he could pass the test.

But from the point of view of Little Hamster and Fen Paopao, they can see the guilty look of the other party at a glance, and they are convinced, and they don't know how to calm down when they tell lies. Isn't this obvious for Ji Ci to see through?

"Okay, go back and rest. Although the healing liquid is very effective, you still have a pale face and look so weak. You still need to cultivate well."

"Okay, I know, then I'll go back and rest first."

Originally, Baixi wanted to take advantage of his injury to cling to Ji Ci for a while, but seeing how guilty he was when he lied just now, he was not sure if he really believed Ji Ci. Don't dare to have any more contact with Ji Ci.

Bai Xi fluttered out of the door, wishing she could slap herself.

Why is his mouth so short?

Ji Ci was so entangled that he would die, if he knew it earlier, he wouldn't be superfluous.

If he had known that Ji Ci said that, he would have just shut up, so angry!

Bai Xi was dejected, with tears in his eyes, for fear that Ji Ci would see through his deception and drive him out of Huaxia Planet.

He likes this place so much that he is not willing to leave at all. If he leaves Huaxia Planet, he will be like a salted fish without dreams, and he will lose the meaning of life at all.

With a sad face, Bai Xi decided to go back to rest first. If Ji Ci really planned to drive him out, he would, he would—he would knelt down hugging Ji Ci's thigh, crying and begging him to stay.

I hope Ji Ci can give him another chance for his sake.

作者有话要说:感谢在2020-11-1310:42:05 ̄2020-11-1410:42:19期间为我投出霸王票或灌溉营养液的小天使哦 ̄感谢灌溉营养液的小天使:雅居4瓶;稻米1瓶;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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