My furries are big guys

Chapter 72 Chapter 123-124

His Royal Highness's face turned dark, he never thought that this stinky phoenix also knew the biggest secret in his heart.

Grass, who told it, could it be Pink Bubble?

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince gritted his teeth, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Fen Paopao must have said it.

After all, Fen Bubble is two-faced and three-pronged. It can form an alliance with Little Phoenix and disintegrate the relationship between each other. It seems that it is not unexpected that Fen Bubble is in an alliance with him, and at the same time secretly hooks up with Little Phoenix to tell the other party his secret. things.

He knew that Pink Bubble was not reliable.

Being able to have an affair with anyone really pissed him off.

Seeing the whole body of the little hamster whimpering, and the fluff on his body fluttering slightly because of the anger, little Phoenix couldn't be happier.

Hahahahahaha, you also have today, it really makes the bird feel comfortable.

The little phoenix was very happy, and began to peck the corn again. Every time he pecked, he would hum a little song about how happy the common people are today. This was a song he had heard when he was in China. mouth, so it remembers it as soon as it hears it.

And when Bai Xi woke up from the coma, the first thing he heard was this song that sounded a bit strange but was pleasant to the ear.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and his vision changed from hazy to clear.

The first thing that catches my eyes is the fiery red color in front of me.

What is it?

Bai Xi struggled to open his eyes, only to see clearly that there was a young bird in front of him, with fiery red feathers and fluttering tails. The whole bird was like the most dazzling sun, with such bright colors that people dare not look directly at it.

However, this beautiful young bird has a fatal flaw.

That is, the other party is young and bald! ! !

For some reason, Baixi feels sorry for him, why is he bald at such a young age?

I don't know if the fluff on the top of its head will grow back when it grows up.

Baldness does make people look years older.

Even as a cub, a bald head would seem odd.

When Little Phoenix saw Bai Xi opened his eyes, he was very happy. He was about to go up to say hello to him, but in his blood-red eyes he saw that the aborigines always stared at his bald head. eyes.

Yes, it is such a wonderful bird, how to be bald at such a young age, it is really a pitiful and regretful look.

In an instant, the little phoenix was about to explode.

It subconsciously touched its own head with its wings. On the pink scalp, there were only a few dots of fluff standing up. From being dragged bald by His Royal Highness to now, the little phoenix, who is growing slowly, doubts whether he will be in this life. Really can only live with this shape?

It was already sensitive to this, but when it saw Bai Xi's undisguised gaze, it vomited blood even more angrily, and it flapped its wings and stepped forward to beat him in the face.

But at least he knew that the other party was seriously injured and it was not easy to toss, so he didn't use the power of the phoenix, but simply slapped him with his wings, without exerting much force at all.

But when the wings slapped Bai Xi's face frantically, he was still stunned.

what's the situation?What happened?

Why is this little bird suddenly so irritable?

Oh, by the way, what kind of bird is this, why is it so petite, exquisite, cute and charming?

Was it raised in captivity?

Also, birds living in the wild have always been extremely aggressive. Such a small young bird usually either follows behind those female birds, or is eaten by natural enemies, and it is impossible to survive.

So where is he now?

Bai Xi was in a trance, looked around, only to find that he was in a bedroom, the bedroom was very simple and elegant, and there was a bowl covered with towels on the desk not far away, and he didn't know what it was for.

"You're still looking around! Do you think I'm not strong enough to hit you?"

The little phoenix flew up angrily, then slammed like a bamboo, took its wings from top to bottom, and gave Baixi another blow.

Bai Xi was stunned, the beating by Little Phoenix didn't hurt, but when the wings slapped down, it still inevitably pulled a few rabbit furs, and he grinned in pain.

It's just that this pain made him realize that he seemed to have survived the serious injury.

At first, he was in pain as if he coughed, and his internal organs were coughed up blood, but now, his chest doesn't seem to hurt so much.

So are you saved?

Baixi was so surprised that he ignored what the young bird said, but he could understand it.

Just when the corners of Baixi's mouth were grinning wider and wider, he suddenly thought, oh no, it seemed that he was threatened by a vicious interstellar thief to become a doctor for Huaxia Planet before he fell into a coma, so he was already on Huaxia Planet?

So he was saved by thieves?

But it didn't seem as scary as he imagined.

Although this room is furnished simply, it is very warm.

There are two lively little pets in front of him.

Not to mention the bald little bird that slapped him wildly with its wings. It was standing opposite him, with its hands and paws behind its back, its chin slightly raised, and its small round eyes looking at him without blinking. Looking down at all beings, the little hamster who looks like a big man patrolling is also extraordinarily cute.

He thought that although the garbage planet was renamed Huaxia Planet, it would not make any substantial changes to the planet. After all, you can't expect a poor person to change his name and become a rich man, right?

However, the facilities in this bedroom do not seem to be impossibly poor.

And if the planet is really poor, why would anyone have pets?

The remote planet he went to before, according to the star network data, is much better than the Huaxia planet. At least the people on this planet do not need to pick up food in the garbage dump like the citizens of the Huaxia planet. Fight with your life.

Despite this, few people on this remote planet keep pets, and only the planet owner can really keep pets.

And the planet owner of that remote planet didn't have the leisure and elegance to keep pets.

After all, being poor and thinking about how to make a fortune every minute, who would have that hobby of raising pets, and even feed the hard-won rations to the pets?

But now he saw two little pets in this room.

Looking at the smooth fur and round body, one can tell that the other party must be well-raised by their master.

It also proves that there is no shortage of food at all.

But no, how could there be no shortage of rations?

We must know that the Chinese planet is so poor, if there is no shortage of rations, the citizens of the planet will not suffer like that.

Is it just because the owner of this planet only cares about his pets, not the citizens under him?

Wait, isn't the owner of Huaxia Planet the Ji Ci who was abandoned by the Ji family?

Bai Xi and Ji Ci don't know each other well, they only meet each other occasionally at gatherings.

Why Ji Ci is not taken seriously, because he is an ordinary human, not a beast.

Not everyone in the family is a beast.

There are some people from aristocratic families who are not valued, and they cannot get a beast-shaped man as a wife, so they will choose a beautiful ordinary person to marry in desperation, and if they marry an ordinary person, there is a half chance of giving birth to a child who will become a beast-shaped People, half the chances are ordinary people.

Ji Ci is the unfortunate half.

His parents didn't pay much attention to Ji's family. When they gave birth to him, they thought that Ji Ci could become a beast-shaped person, so that he could get a piece of the Ji family's pie, but Ji Ci turned out to be an ordinary person. Forgotten in a corner.

Although he won't be abandoned, there won't be any good days for him either.

Every time I look at Ji Ci and compare myself to myself, Bai Xi feels that although he is a white rabbit, he is still a beast. Although his family members are not considered pampered, they depend on him for everything. He wants to be a doctor. Even if he is a doctor, he can travel if he wants to travel, and it will not hinder him.

It's really cool to live like this.

Baixi thought about the 20 years before he was happy in the imperial capital, and now that he was brought to the Huaxia planet, he didn't know when he would be able to go back, and he didn't know if he would die on this Huaxia planet, so he couldn't help crying. .

If he had known this, he wouldn't have gone to any Huaxia flower planters. Wouldn't it be good for him to stay in the capital honestly?

Rich, powerful and powerful, he lives a chic and unrestrained life, and occasionally can take pictures of snacks or flowers from Chinese flower growers. Isn't he fragrant these days?

Why is he having a brain twitch?

The more Bai Xi thought about it, the sadder she became, and the sadder she became, tears flowed down her cheeks.

Soon, the rabbit fur on his cheeks was wet.

When caught by Liwa's team, Bai Xi never had a chance to cry.

Because he was so afraid that he didn't even have time to cry. Moreover, he was beaten to death by the Liwa team, and he didn't dare to cry at all, for fear that he would be caught by them as soon as he was born, and he would be beaten up again.

Now his body has recovered a little bit, and there are only two cuties around him, and he was spoiled and raised, and he has never experienced such pain and suffering. tears.

And after Xiao Fenghuang punched him across the face, he stared angrily at the other party, only to see two small streams flow out of the other party's glowing red eyes suddenly, the frightened little Fenghuang hurriedly backed up a few steps, wondering if the other party was touching porcelain.

Are you kidding me?

It hit so lightly, it didn't use much strength at all, why did it cry, it must have been intentional.

What Little Phoenix saw at Ji Ci was either His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who was fighting with it, or a big tortoise with rough skin and thick flesh, slowing down, and very resistant to blows. The crying little rabbit didn't know how to react at all.

It frowned, at first it thought that the other party was Pengci, but saw that the more he cried, the more sad it became, and the more he cried, his whole body was twitching, as if he was about to pout, and then Little Phoenix realized that something was wrong.

"Damn it, don't cry, if you faint from crying, Ji Ci might think we abused you."

"Come and eat something, and make up for it, your little body still needs some time to recover."

Little Phoenix had a terrible toothache, and with some disgust, he used his wings to push the Dongzao in front of the little rabbit.

Dongzao gurgled and rolled, and came to the little rabbit.

Bai Xi looked at it with tears in his eyes, why did that chubby, cute thing in a green coat look so familiar?

Wait, Dongzao? !

Bai Xi's eyes widened, and the tears stopped immediately, as if someone had turned the switch of the faucet all at once, and the speed made Little Phoenix speechless.

Could it be that the other party is here to cheat?

Winter jujube?This is actually Dongzao?

In disbelief, Bai Xi used his fluffy rabbit paws to grab the Dongzao that rolled down in front of him.

This winter jujube is covered with a thin blue coat, exuding a faint fragrance from the inside out.

Bai Xi was so excited that his paws trembled slightly.

When the fruit was on the shelves, Baixi also tried his best to grab it.

However, he didn't have any share of apples or pears, but he took a few photos of Dongzao.

After taking pictures, he realized that winter jujube is one of the fruits that Chinese flower growers like to eat, so he was looking forward to the taste of winter jujube.

Facts have proved that the fruit that Huaxia flower growers like is really well-deserved.

Dongzao looks not as big as apples and pears, nor is it as juicy as described in online posts, but Dongzao has its unique taste, which is particularly crisp and refreshing when bitten, and the sweetness is bursting.

He ate several times in a row without stopping.

And after eating it, he even discovered that the winter dates contained a special aura, which was of great benefit to the animal-shaped man's body.

Some time ago, Baixi stayed up all night to study the medical efficacy of the flowers produced by Huaxia flower growers. Even with nutrient solution, he couldn't save his body that was about to die suddenly.

But I didn't expect that after eating a few winter jujubes, the fatigue and burnout of the body would be swept away.

He instantly became refreshed, and even felt that it was easy for him to stay up all night.

The food and flowers of the Chinese flower growers also contain this aura, and the aura contained in the fruit seems to be comparable to the aura contained in the grain.

It's no wonder that the things produced by Huaxia flower growers are becoming more and more difficult to grab. They are just like the legendary panacea. Who can grab them?

Especially after tasting the products of Huaxia Flower Planters, it saves even the medical expenses to go to the hospital, who is not happy about this.

However, once the fruit was newly released, it never appeared in the store again.

Baixi knows that the fruit planting period is long, so the wait must be long.

But he never expected that he would see Dongzao again so long after the fruit was offline.

Yes, the second batch of fruit is ripe and will be available in a few days.

And these were picked by Ji Ci alone for Baixi to eat.

"This—this is really Dongzao—"

Bai Xi's lovely three-petal mouth trembled and trembled, and those rabbit eyes like red glaze glistened with tears.

The rabbit's paws tightly held the winter jujube, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed, but he couldn't bear to take a bite.

The exaggerated appearance made His Royal Highness and Xiao Fenghuang both have toothaches.

Isn't it just a jujube? As for the performance that looks like a peerless treasure like a snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain, is it not willing to talk?

Little Phoenix curled her lips in disgust, and pushed another winter jujube over with her fiery red wings.

"Eat, eat, these are all yours. After all, you are from the imperial family, why do you look like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world."

Baixi's rabbit ears moved, and his blood-red eyes looked at the rolling Dongzao without blinking, completely isolating what Little Phoenix said, he stretched out his claws at lightning speed, and firmly held it firmly. Hold the ground in the palm of your hand, as if afraid of being robbed.

At this speed, it didn't show at all that he was seriously injured just now and was dying.

Seeing this, Little Phoenix's mouth twitched.

Bai Xi looked at his left paw, then at his right paw, his eyes were full of piety, and his heart was full of excitement.

He closed his eyes intoxicatedly, then opened his mouth lightly, and there was a crisp sound with a click.

Bai Xi shuddered, and immediately opened his eyes, no, he hasn't finished speaking yet, why did the sound appear?

He lowered his head to look at the winter jujube in his paw, it was indeed a whole one, without any bitten places.

At this moment, clicks and clicks came continuously, and Bai Xi raised his head with a whoosh, and then he was shocked to find that the click sound came from the fat little hamster in front of him.

The little hamster was standing in front of him, with a small and round body, but several sizes smaller than him.

At this time, its pink paws were holding a winter jujube, and its small mouth was nimbly eating it. After a while, there was only one jujube stone left, which was thrown aside by it.

Then the sinful little paw gave birth to another winter jujube, and continued to click and click.

After clicking the two winter dates, it ran over and picked up a red apple that was not much smaller than its body.

That's right, it's Apple.

The unique shape, the pink coat, and the fruity aroma make people salivate, all of which tempt Baixi.

What kind of rich family is this? !

Even if you have winter dates, you can still grab apples.

Just when Baixi gulped down his saliva and was about to eat the winter dates impatiently, his eyes swept away inadvertently, but he saw the young bird next to him pecking at the chubby pear.

pear! ! !

Young birds have no teeth, only beaks, but when eating pears, it doesn't take much effort, the beak pecks a hole.

Bai Xi's eyes widened, and he could clearly see the plump flesh being quickly pecked out by the young bird with its beak.

The spilled juice could even wet the fluff of the young bird.

The seductive fragrance of pears seems to be constantly swaying at the tip of his nose.

God, what kind of human suffering is this? How could he stand such a stimulus?

Baixi looked helplessly at the pear being pecked by the young bird, and at the apple being eaten by the little hamster, and gently bit down the winter jujube in his hand with tears in his eyes.

"Ah, ah, it's so delicious, it's the taste, it's the taste."

Bai Xi buried her head in her mouth and ate it fiercely, her tears of joy swaying wildly.

However, there are only two winter dates, which are smaller than pears and apples. Even Baixi, who is now in the shape of a white rabbit, will eat it up soon no matter how reluctant he is.

After eating, he smacked his three-petal mouth, looking longingly at the little phoenix and little hamster who were still eating.

He licked his lips, and it didn't take long to find that the aura contained in the winter dates was slowly repairing his internal injuries.

Baixi was overjoyed, and while he was happy, he suddenly had another question, that is, it has been so long since the first fruit came online, why are there still so many fruits that look like they have just been picked?

Baixi didn't believe that the owner who bought the fruits could resist eating them immediately and kept them.

It is even more unbelievable that their owner can be so kind and generous that he specially brought these fruits for him to eat.

Oh no, Bai Xi took a few glances at the two cheerful pets that were eating, and thought that maybe they were not for him to eat, but maybe just as snacks for his two pets.

Then this is even more exaggerated.

When the joy in Baixi's heart gradually subsided, and his mind was full of questions, he took a closer look at the food around the two pets, only to find in astonishment that there were not only fruits, but also a lot of vegetables beside them, and even food that he hadn't been able to eat all along. Grab the second sweet potato.

Bai Xi took a deep breath, these things looked fresh and fresh, as if they had just been picked.

What's happening here?

The rabbit who was looking at Baixi was about to fall down in shock when he saw these things. Little Phoenix swallowed the piece of pear meat that was pecked out of the bird's beak, and then wondered, "Your rabbit's reflex arc is also It's been too long, did you just discover these things on the table now? What did you look at just now?"

Unexpectedly, after it said this sentence, the white rabbit looked at itself even more shocked.

The three-petal mouth was trembling and trembling, as if it could follow Parkinson's. Little Phoenix looked suspicious, looked at His Royal Highness again, winked and said: "Did I say something incredible? Look at it, is there something wrong?" What's wrong?"

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince cast a contemptuous glance at it, then looked at the foolish appearance of the white rabbit and animal-shaped man, and said with disgust, "That guy may not have enough IQ, so ignore him."

"That's it."

The little phoenix shook its wings, and looked at the words of His Royal Highness, who was even more shocked by His Highness's words. His eyes widened as if they were going to break through the sky, and he couldn't help but agree with what His Highness said.

This white rabbit and animal-shaped man seems to be a bit silly indeed.

If it is really a fool, should it form an alliance with the other party?

Thinking about it, the little phoenix is ​​the treasure of the phoenix family. Its IQ is not to mention as high as [-], but it is at least above the average.

Thinking of this, Little Phoenix couldn't help sighing, it's too difficult, but he just wanted to find an ally, and didn't want to work so hard, why didn't such a small hope come true?

It sighed faintly, seeing the other party trembling as if petrified, but still unable to say a word, the little phoenix pushed the half-eaten pear in front of him with its wings.

Looking at him with a look of caring for the mentally retarded, he said, "Eat it, you are a beast-shaped man, eating these things is good for you, and I hope these things can save your IQ."

"Although I don't know if it's useful, but it's better to eat it than nothing."

The white rabbit animal-shaped man in front of him moved his three-petal mouth tremblingly, breathing heavily, opened and closed his mouth, and finally squeezed out a word from his dry throat.

Little Phoenix listened expectantly, wondering what he wanted to say to herself.

In the end, the other party's voice almost exploded, "You can talk!!!"

Little Phoenix: ...

Okay, I've confirmed the content, this is a white rabbit animal-shaped man whose IQ is not up to the standard.

say? !

Damn it, it has been talking to this white rabbit animal-shaped man since the very beginning. I don't know how many words it said. Has his reflex arc slowed down enough to realize that it is talking?

Little Phoenix rolled his eyes violently, and slapped his rabbit's face with his wings unceremoniously, "Are you stupid, are you stupid? I told you so many things just now, and you didn't even listen to my feelings." Go in."

"Besides, what's so strange about talking? Which interstellar treaty stipulates that I, a dignified phoenix, cannot speak. Are you looking for a fight?"

The white rabbit animal-shaped man seemed to be frightened by the violent appearance of the little phoenix, and said tremblingly, "But I can't feel the fluctuation of the energy of the animal-shaped man in you. You are not a beast-shaped man, so how can you speak?" ?”

Little Phoenix: ...

It swears and swears, "You are a fairy, because I am an existence that you cannot reach."

Baixi:? ? ?

作者有话要说:感谢在2020-11-0121:07:27 ̄2020-11-0308:28:00期间为我投出霸王票或灌溉营养液的小天使哦 ̄感谢投出地雷的小天使:追光的鱼鱼1个;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of summer; 1 bottle of Qingli;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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